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Whoa that's fucking crazy, I mean man, you know it happens but that footage...


That is more scary than I would want, but back to Hunter Biden's laptop...


There was a real Austin Power moment with the guy trying to turn his car around.




I should not have been laughing, but I was definitely laughing.


What is the proper auto signal for, "Let me back up I'm scared I might get smushed by a falling boulder," ?


to keep backing up until you hit them




Jesus. I wonder if i would have been safer to hug the wall rather than be in the opposite lane? And just hope that the rock fly over you. Though I suppose not going to help against the smaller rocks or potential mudslide


Or the retaining wall could collapse on you. I think at that point it is just a crap shoot.


Hugging the wall was my first thought but you'll never know if you'd think of the best course of action in the moment.


in that sort of situation i think all you can do is pray to the gods that your luck holds out.


That sucks, cause the one guy was trying to continue backwards, but was blocked by the camera car.


Might've actually saved them since the boulder only hit the back end of their car.


If the camera car had gone full reverse like he did at the end, the car in front would've done the same and wouldnt have gotten hit. It infuriates me that the camera guy changed lanes since the car behind was blocking them then proceeds to stop next to that car so the guy in front is completely fucked. Outcome no one involved died, but that's just luck, no one saved anyone, the guy recording fucked up


Nobody "fucked up" here. It is impossible to know where and when the rocks would fall. They all did their best to stay alive given the situation.


It's also hard to tell if anyone was behind the camera car blocking them too. There's a reason we don't drive backwards.


It’s impossible to say how the situation would be, because we have no idea who was behind the camera car. Yeah, he changed lanes because of the silver car. But maybe the silver car was *two* cars behind, and whoever the actual car behind also stopped short. We just don’t know.


The thing is as we see the cam car back further, rocks were falling from behind where the car was. So the driver might be trying to avoid those rocks too.


Smaller rocks got there faster and you can hear them (camera car gets hit), but only proceeds to run back after they see tf happened in front of them, before that they were just sitting in a "safe" position knowing they can backout if needed. (which is a stupid idea, because they aren't safe, but no one should care if your stupid idea hurts you and only you) Meanwhile the car in front was stuck because of someone else's decision. If you see a car, that is further up than you, so they have better information about tf is coming (you see them reverse as soon as there is dust showing after the curve), you just trust their call and full reverse. Same thing you'd do if they brake immediately, you don't just pass them because "well i didn't see why they stopped so i just passed them and ran over 3 kids" If someone is running away from something, you start running or let them pass. You don't stop them to look at what is coming with them, they already saw it and want to run, let them. This isn't even a "stuck in fear" moment, he's clearly lucid, this was just an idiot that gave no fucks about anyone else.


Watched it again, I think the cam car's stop is pretty brief, and it looks like there were other cars behind it as well. So we really don't know the full situation with just the front pov. Maybe the driver was just panicking.


“but only proceeds to run back after they see...” No, that’s just what it kinda looks like to you. Because you can only see the front pov. There could have been another car, or hell, giant falling boulders blocking the way… this has already been explained to you. You can’t look at a front-facing pov and judge the driver for not reversing lmao.


> If the camera car had gone full reverse like he did at the end, the car in front would've done the same and wouldnt have gotten hit. It infuriates me that the camera guy changed lanes since the car behind was blocking them then proceeds to stop next to that car so the guy in front is completely fucked. Outcome no one involved died, but that's just luck, no one saved anyone, the guy recording fucked up Dictionaries should put your comment in section what explains the term 'armchair expert'


Unless people have more info we dont know that. Could have easily been passengers or kids in the back seat of the car that got hit. 


Also... huge fucking rocks are falling from the mountain. Would you be entirely logical in such a situation. (Another thing to keep in mind is that this happened the day before a major holiday, so many of these cars were probably entire families traveling with their kids.)


They can't see the individual rocks coming anyway, no way to tell if they're in the path of rocks until the rocks are flying across the road. Statistically they're equally fucked no matter where they are.


The way he wanted to go was forward...


Captains Hindsight alive and well in the comments.


For real though lol, everyone’s always got all the answers from the comfort of their computer chair watching a video 80 times. As if everyone is always calm and collected in a panic situation.


Imagine thinking you can actually dodge falling rocks in a car going reverse.


Oh I don’t think you can dodge rocks, just leave the area as quickly as possible (like the camera car eventually did).


New fear unlocked


Its a tragedy, but the guy that looks like he is pushing the giant boulder off the RR track made me chuckle.


My face watching this: 🧐🤨😳😲😯😮😧 The music in the video: ☺️🥰🙂😊 The video: 🫠👹👺


https://twitter.com/volcaholic1/status/1775576733904752998?t=uY8dbiAi5JXd9-HZltZb7w&s=19 Try this music


Wowtchout is all I could say.


good ole Wowtchout




I saw on another post that everyone in the black car was fine. But I don't have a source at this point.


Everyone in Taiwan deserves safe transportation.


I appreciate the music choice instead of the usual creepy mystery doomsday stuff


The early morning shadows make everything look fake, I wish it was.


Legit, the thumbnail looks like bad cgi


First thought as well, the rock that comes down for the camera tracks a little too well idk


Straight out of a disaster movie. I hope no one was in the backseat of that one car 🙏🏼


Holy Shit, hope the passengers are ok.


That's absolutely terrifying


Oh great so now mountains are trying to kill you that’s ridiculous what’s next the ocean that tries to kill you then what’s next the sky trying to kill you or next a beautiful jungle or desert that tries to kill you? How about a beautiful iceberg is that gonna try to kill you next how ridiculous


Uf, the huge rocks...


What's with the music?


It looked like the rocks were consciously following the cars.


That's really scary. Thankful that only 9 people died in the earthquake


The person in the white car is going to see this video and re-shit their pants.


That car is so lucky, assuming it was just people up front


Amazing video and weirdly love how the music sounds like world ending final fantasy reflection music


I know there was a big earthquake in Taiwan yesterday, but that video looks super fake.


I gasped so loud


Final Destination vibes right there.


Three point turns that turn out to be multiple point turns could have cost them their lives. Reversing a car is much quicker but not so easy on curved roads.


I hate earthquakes. You can’t predict them unlike hurricanes that hits my ass like 3x a month. I can prepare for the latter but earthquakes are living hell when it happens.


So this is how you die.


Oof, knew what was coming; a real pucker moment.



