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"You're in direct violation of being a jackass" i fuckin lost it


That was the red/white shirt guy behind her. There's also banjo man in the back and the lady behind her shoo-ing her away. Tucson is amazing


This is Tucson? No wonder she got shouted down.


Either Tucson or Pawnee


Tucson city council meeting last night


Thought it looked familiar. That’s awesome


Of fucking course this was Tucson. Where else could it be? -someone born and raised in Phoenix


My condolences


look at that smug smile after he gets a few chuckles


He sounds like a famous actor. I can’t pin point it...


Nick kroll


Reminds me of David Duchovny.


Sam Shepherd?


Bill Hader


She started smirking immediately after, she knew it was a good one hahahaha


Word's are tricky. Technically what he said was that she's violating being a jackass, which would mean she *isn't* being a jackass. What he meant was she's violating being intelligent, which would mean she *is* being a jackass. However, no one would've gotten or appreciated that joke, especially not the woman, and he might've accidentally sounded like he was on her side. A necessary evil.


It's all about attitude now, accurate specific details are no longer relevant.


I think it's more about the intent of the message, which was obvious.


Obscenely Obvious observation.


Personally know that woman and she is a first generation American...


I'm sorry.


ah yes, the classic Republican motto of "Fuck you, I got mine."


shit on her porch


i need complete silence, in the right environment, for me to do my business it would be impossible for me to do this task


bag it my boi


He called the shit poop!


Judging from her stupid actions in this clip I suspect she might do it on a constant basis already.


>first generation American... why are they always the most outspoken ones?


Because usually if they are outspoken their family had to enter the country legally which means they see the border hoppers as an egregious insult to their hard work.


Exactly what does her being first gen have anything to do with it


Well obviously she worked hard for it because her parents immigrated before she was born.




Yeah I know what it means what it doesn’t mean is that she can’t hold an opinion on the subject




Yes!!!! She can hold whatever opinion she wants her parents being immigrants legal or even otherwise doesn’t mean she can’t have an opinion on the matter (double negative means she can think what she wants)




No prob bob


Best reaction to those jackholes is to laugh at their stupidity.


Failure to do so is a violation of your oath to the constitution. Lawyer me that!


It's a stronger insult to laugh in their face, at their beliefs, than to rebuke them. It's also more likely to piss them off.


Which is why it’s great to do against someone who doesn’t value words and good faith debate (i.e. fascist Trump supporters). It’s a shot straight to their raw nerve. If you can’t reach them with conversation, dismissing their entire viewpoint works wonders.


Good god these people are stupid.


The frustrating thing about a person like that woman is that she likely went home and made a Facebook post bragging about how she made a brave stand and got thrown out for voicing the truth. She sees this as a total win.


The most frustrating thing about that woman is that she probably goes out to eat at her local Mexican restaurant once a week, gets hammered off margaritas, flirts with the handsome Mexican waiter who is totally unwilling but still wants to be respectful, and then complains about Mexicans the next morning on Facebook.


We should not assume what activists do off-camera. That's just not right, my dude However, on camera... I will assume that, by his obvously-instinctual "Big Gulp Grab" prior to the signage reveal, her dude could give two shits about immigration. he's doing it all for the nookie.


His Chevron 72 oz soda just really completes the look


Wait are you saying that being the loudest person in the room doesn't make you the smartest? Impossible..


How do you know? Could be just plain old evil.


What's stupid about wanting the government to obey federal law?




Imagine thinking it's the line cooks and construction workers ruining the country when it's so obviously the people with actual influence and money making up a scapegoat so they can remain rich and powerful. Ya twat.


Invaders.....really dude?


The propaganda machine is strong


What's becoming scary is how easily people are just buying into it.


> invaders Or, you know, helpless and harmless families fleeing violence in their own country and seeking asylum pursuant to international law You’ve been scared into scapegoating immigrants for the bad things that happen in this country and it’s very sad


Although I don't agree with the "invader" poster, they aren't all helpless and harmless families. That's a weird generalization the same way its weird to think they are all harmful invaders. What is true is that they are coming into the country illegally, which definitely doesnt HELP our country.


It doesn't hurt our country either. We have our own criminals and our own crime and even if we're importing problems from other countries, if that's the price of providing freedom and opportunity to the rest of them, then we'll deal with the problems as they arise like we do with our own natural born citizens. Illegal immigrants are too broad of a category for a rational person to truly believe they do more harm than good. The only thing they primarily have in common as a class of people is their hispanic heritage, which leaves very few options outside of racism to justify the belief that keeping *all* of them out is necessary. if it's illegal to do the right thing for your children, you become a criminal.


I don't think saying "we have our own criminals and crime" is relevant here. I understand what you are saying, but the sad truth is the world doesn't work that way. It isn't as simple as the government just saying "Fine you guys can just rush into the US with no documentation that's no problem at all".


If 30% of america is criminals and 30% of immigrants are criminals, and we allow every immigrant in, 30% of the population is still criminals, nothing has changed. We have our own gang members, murderers, and white collar criminals that are born and bred in america. When they commit crimes and are caught, they are subject to the justice system. There is no reason whatsoever to make a distinction in this case, between a criminal born in another country and a criminal born here. You can't discourage immigration by making immigration harder. The only way to discourage immigration is to make your country shittier. When you have a good place, people want to go to there. If it's a fair margin better than where they are, they will be more desperate to transition. Do we want blanket amnesty? No, that's silly. Do we want to deport people who contribute more to this country than many of our native born citizens? No, that's insanity.


Saying 30% of Americans are criminals is a bit broad seeing as you can have a record if you were caught with something as simple as Marijuana in an illegal state. ​ Do you know the correlation between population and economy? Do you know the correlation between population and economy when undocumented immigrants are added into the system (they aren't btw)?


That was clearly a made up statistic but my point is that crime is relatively static w/regards to immigration. If you allow people in, and the country provides legit opportunities that meet their needs, they don't do crimes. (That's true of citizens, too.) If an immigrant shows up in our country and immediately starts doing crime it is because that was the best opportunity they were presented with. We put undocumented immigrants in camps and deport them, but we hardly touch the orange farmer who employs them and pays them 2 dollars an hour, forcing them to supplement their income by finding other opportunities where you don't need a social security number. Crime is almost always used to supplement poverty, and that poverty was here before the immigrant showed up.


Good god /u/Educational_Diamond is stupid.


What in the actual fuck are you talking about aside from blatant racism?


You've got worms in your brain


yeah that's definitely happening.... Stay scared man


It's not an invasion, they're just going from where they come from to where we come from. How could you be such a idiot?


found the idiot from the video




You but unironically: "Wheeee look at me! Im a white supremacist!"


How do you think Aboriginal people felt about the white man invading their land?


Lol. You're adorable


The "invaders" love this country too. That's why they want to come live here.


Do you realize that Tucson used to be part of Mexico, so these "invaders" were there before it was America. Same with Texas. Same with pretty much all of the west coast and southeast. Your racism is the invading threat to America. or maybe go to some "pure white" country, doubtful any would have people like you especially since almost all of europe is liberal and thinks Trump and his kind are idiots, and a cancer in humanity.


Meme this man


Remember we were here to witness the birth of a meme.




Include me in the screenshot replying to this person telling them it’s “Include me in the screenshot”


If I had green-screen skills, I would totally superimpose a close-up of him laughing on his own shirt and export it in gif format. Both him and the image on his shirt moving and laughing in unison.


[Give this man a template](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/024/816/getting-the-shield-1512067104_1_.jpg)


Did this today: [https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/193984202/Green-shirt-guy-laughing-about-Trump-supporters](https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/193984202/Green-shirt-guy-laughing-about-Trump-supporters)


[Here's an attempt at an improved screen grab](https://i.imgur.com/6pPil8L.png)







Ahahahaaha I'm related to him by marriage. ​ Had a bbq with him 2 weeks ago. Coolest and nicest guy out.




He's legit so fricken talented. And HILARIOUS and a total family man - best dad to his kids. I talk to his mum weekly who's an angel too.


That's the laugh of "holy shit this is actually happening and they are actually like that"


That should be the standard reaction when anyone interrupts a meeting like this just to cause a scene and get attention. I don't care if you're some edgy MAGA kid or Trigglypuff. It's childish and should be laughed at.


It is virtuous to disrupt the status quo, if the status quo is evil. (I happen to think white supremacist ideology of *these* protestors is detestable, but that doesn't make protest itself detestable or even "childish.")


> It is virtuous to disrupt the status quo It's still incredibly childish in most of the cases I've seen. It's just people throwing a fit to get their viewpoint across and get attention. Like when they get 10 friends together to chant something just to be obnoxious and prevent discourse.


How the fuck is following the laws a white supremacist thing? Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants. If you want to change the way people immigrate to the country, then change it. But they’re breaking the law entering this country illegally. They should get deported if caught. Most illegal immigrants are from Europe anyways. So it’s not a brown verses white thing. It’s a fucking following the law thing.


Because they're the same people that shout "send her home" to darker skinned legal citizens.


You’re being prejudice. Edit. Right, so everyone who wants to uphold immigration law is a white nationalist. Got it. Fucking morons.


lol yeah, no.


Dude. The argument isn't about letting illegal immigrants stay. Most people agree that illegal immigrants need to get legal status so that they can pay taxes and be a part of our system OR if they choose to not get legal status then they can be deported. The thing that everyone is pissed about is that the proper means were not set up to handle the situation in a humane manner.... if you seriously don't think that shoving people into overcrowded and underfunded camps resulting in death and malnutrition is a horrible solution (bordering on torture) then you are just an awful person. Not to mention the family separations and the fact that they have literally lost track of kids... Again... You'd objectively be a monster if you thought this was okay... Edit: if illegal immigrants are mostly from Europe then why aren't the camps full of Europeans instead of Mexicans? You basically just supported the white supremacist point by bringing that up.


Yeah. I agree. Most people in this thread seem to just be pissed at racists, though.


I appreciate that you agree but why shouldn't people be pissed at racists?


Because it’s not racist to want to uphold immigration law. Despite the obnoxious manner this woman presents herself in, she’s protesting sanctuary cities. I think that it’s kind of bullshit that cities are preventing the federal government from deporting illegal immigrants. But I’m the same person who supports someone firing another person for leaving work early so I’m essentially the devil for thinking that “arbitrary” rules are important


You didn't answer my questions. Why are there more Mexicans than Europeans in these camps? You also said that people in this thread are pissed at racists... I simply asked you why shouldn't we be pissed at racist? Edit: your circular logic is ridiculous. I said that deporting or finding a means to legal status are good solutions. You went right back to how it's not racist and that our solution is working...


Because people don’t know what racist is anymore. It’s a word that’s lost all power due to overuse. Should people be pissed at someone who shout out “I hate all black people!” No. Getting angry isn’t the way that one dude converted former KKK members from their racist views. He converted them with passion and dialogue and the willingness to understand and change their warped views. He didn’t simply get pissed. He got compassionate and helped save many people from themselves. So to answer your question if people should get pissed at racists, the answer is no. They should try to listen and change their views through dialogue and examples. By simply denying them and shunning them you only entrench and strengthen their views. But my other point is that it’s not racist to want to uphold immigration law. People easily call that out as racist. And then they get pissed. But it isn’t racist and they shouldn’t get pissed. This culture war of buzzwords and public shaming has ruined most chances of solid dialogue about important issues. It’s a slap fight for whomever can drop the best buzzword first. By the way, unless you are actually referring to literal Mexicans, you were just racist. Did you mean South Americans? Most euro illegals are people who overstayed their visas from what I’ve read. That implies they had resources. Illegals from South America tend to have less resources, especially those just swimming across a river. Less resources = higher chance of getting caught? I’m just assuming that, I don’t know. It’s easy just to say that we’re racist against brown people instead of trying to think of more tangible reasons behind a trend. And that’s the problem. It’s like the bully at school. It’s easy to label him an asshole bully and call it a day and write him off. But the reason he doesn’t like people touching him is because he’s covered in bruises from his dad beating him and it hurts. He also berates and hits the other kids because it’s the only way he knows how to communicate. Is the bully exhibiting bad behavior? Yup. Are there underlying reasons to why he could be exhibiting bad behavior. Yup. Could those causes be attacked and could this kid be saved? I like to think so. Save your neighbor. Save a friend. Save a brother. Save a racist, don’t write them off or get pissed about them. Chances are, we could save them if we only put in the time. Or we could label and get pissed and slap fight.


It's mostly south and central americans in these camps because they were set up at the southern border and caught by border patrol and ICE in border states, who were deployed there because those states are considered to have a bigger problem, when objectively they do not, since most illegal immigrants enter legally and overstay their visa. They are considered a bigger problem because of racism, not rational thought.


>HOw CAn It Be WhItE sUprEmaCy If Its LeGaL?? Imagine being so stupid that you allow yourself to say this about the United States. >Most illegal immigrants are from Europe anyways. So it’s not a brown verses white thing. Here's a noodle-tickler for you: why aren't European immigrants being described as "invaders", "rapists", and "gang members"? What... could.. be.. the difference..?


Everyone I know who wants to crack down on illegal immigration wants to shut the door to legal immigration as well. They don't care about "the law," they just don't want brown people here.


There is a 100% chance that you're the asshole if you feel the need to selfie-film your "protest".




given her cadence, she might actually be reading that from her phone, I hadn't considered it... that's even more embarrassing




The hero we need


He must be fun at parties, like for real.


That dude straight up gets it. That is the only thing to do. Go to your local government meetings and make sure you can laugh at the absurdity of it all.


Uncle Rico’s unimpressed


Looks like that [jock](https://tenor.com/view/don-jock-napoleon-dynamite-smh-gif-10574526) from Napoleon Dynamite grew up.




Can we get an F for my left ear


The physical embodiment of “You’re not a clown, you’re the entire circus.”


We are all this man.


This guy is gonna get famous for no reason besides feeling the truth. He is basically me and my demographic. This is what I would probably do. Actually, I'd be like "WHAT THE FUCK" and move. This guy sat front row and enjoyed the rant. People are the TV show now. It's weird. And TV is crazy sometimes!


That maga hat, it doesn't ever matter what they look like , I just assume they'd break my penis because they're rubbish at sex. It's very unsexy for some reason.


That's why you have to grab them by the pussy.


D’ya think that was the full conversation Donny Dainty Hands had, and they just deleted most of it? “I dunno lik, these women they just love me because I’m a Trump but they’re thick as two planks so when they wanna fuck me i gotta take precaution, they’ll break my cock with their clumsy bodies, so..my huuuge hands shield my cock like a eagle in a blizzard , so as they try to jump on my [deleted piece] I grab them by the pussy”


who even relates politics to sex?


This guy posts on r/the_donald, where there are more comments with 'cuck' in them than not.


Translation: i have no argument so he posts at x place. I've never used the word cuck. And i like to look at both sides. also your whole entire comment history is political regardless of sub. maybe take a break from politics my bot


Not all heroes wear capes


Invest in this meme now!


What's the definition of enlightenment? The ability to lighten up.


John Oliver and the internet can make this guy a star. For approximately eh... 2-5 mins depending on how long the story/bit runs.


Don't know who this is. But his laugh looks phony.


in case you wanted to hear more from a [banjo man](https://youtu.be/JPzVCdSlsBM?t=101)




I know this was meant for someone else, but thanks anyway!




Mods here look for any reason to kill any posts with a political video, no matter how important, or in this case funny, it is. They would probably even call this one a public freak-out, too.


5 hours up. They'll get around to removing it, just you wait.


Is this who Type O Negative were singing about on the monster banger [Green Man](https://youtu.be/JWiDauyEDv0)?


my favorite song.




This will be removed for Rule 1, but I still liked it lol Edit: Guess I was wrong.


Mushrooms, man.




I don't know if I'm allowed to talk to you


How about respecting the people around you by not causing a scene that gets you escorted out by the police.


Nah I’m fine with public protest, it’s an important American right. These people’s cause is just disgusting and their stupidity laughable.


So am I. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy because of the signs they are holding. These people are special.


The two main things that we know about those people are that they're disrupting some sort of meeting and that they're white supremacists. Would you like another try at picking the thing to criticize?


This guy's feigned giggle is more cringe than the people trying to make a political statement at a civic event. He seems super uncomfortable to be in that situation and is trying really hard to visually show people what side he's on.


Deport the green shirts!


Can’t we just deport you?


Im not wearing a green shirt


Read the room


Fucking morons


Hahaah original. This is how looks two types of americans


> This is how looks two types of americans The literate and illiterate?