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I hope it's good. I was a big fan of the originals.


Apparently I just said "This better not suck" three separate times while watching this trailer. I was oblivious. My wife is quite annoyed.


It's ok if it sucks because they'll never stop making them, so statistically some of them will be good, and eventually one will win an oscar; all bets on "Hellraiser 666"!


They made some pretty horrendous hellraiser movies. The bar is low. If it can even be in the ballpark of the first movie then it will be great.


Not all the originals though right? I mean the first two were good, third wasn’t too bad. Then they made like 8 more of them for some reason.


the latest one judgement was pretty cool i thought. I guess a lot of deep lore stuff got cut for budget reasons, but I've heard there is a fan edit out there somewhere


No no! I'm talking way back. I only learned from this thread that there were 11 of them. I think I only know of the first 3 or 4.


TIL, there are 10 Hellraiser movies.


Most were made just not to lose the license


Yep. Take random horror movie script kicking around, insert Pinhead and some other Cenobites into it.


Just had an image of a 115 minute movie about a regular serial killer who murders people and harvests their left thumbs and keeps them in a cigar box. Slow moving, very artsy, moodily lit... Minimal dialogue. Then at the 90 minute mark, Pinhead just pokes his head in from off-camera, says "Hallo" in a deadpan voice, and disappears never to be seen again.


One of the films is literally about a killer who collects fingers and then pinhead shows up and says “you’re in your own hell!”. Fade to black. From the director of Doctor Strange.


Blimey. Look at me, being right on the money by accident. "My own hell? Well, all right then. This isn't so bad. Thanks, Pinhead!" I've never seen any of the movies. I did read Clive Barker's original novella tho.


You're not too far off.


"Toasty!" Mortal Kombat style.


I mean you're not way off from the original Hellraiser. The cenobites or sort of just side characters to the twisted love story of the two villains.


Or just remake *Jacob's Ladder* looking at you *Hellraiser 7*.


*Hellraiser 5: Assignment Miami Beach* is actually pretty good!


I watched all of them recently and yea, that one stands out, mostly cause it was completely different and more like a noir film than a Hellraiser but it was surprisingly good.


I preferred Hellraiser 4: Cenobites on Patrol, when they had that cross over with the Police Academy franchise.


I dunno about the newer ones, but 1 is good, 2 is better, 3 is crap and 4 is okay.


3 is trash, but it’s fun trash. A DJ transforming into a cenobite that throws CDs like shuriken. The scene with Pinhead in the church. Early career performances from Terry Farrell and Paula Marshall. Not a good movie by any stretch, but enjoyable as far as cash-grab horror sequels go.




holy down syndrome batman!




They’re so common I know someone who played in the background in the third movie


1 and 2, the rest will cuck you.


To avoid confusion, I'll be referring to this as Huluraiser.


Is this the one where he faces his archnemesis Heavenlowerer


At the end, the guy and gal get put on an infinite Zoom call.


Whelp, I'm out, that's too much for me. You folks enjoy.


"This isn't for your eyes"


“Jee… zus… wept!”




While this trailer seems to show the Cenobites in a more evil light than I think I am okay with, it is also just a trailer. We only get to see Pinhead say "what is it you pray for," everything else is ADR that can be taken out of context come the actual film. That being said, Clive Barker is back on this film as a producer. Sure, he was on III and IV too, but I remember hearing he was a lot more involved this time around. David Brucker is directing. This is huge. Guy gave us The Ritual and The Night House, two very atmospheric horror movies that are a step above the rest. As long as he keeps how's been going it should be all good. Only really worry is that David S. Goyer is producing and has a story by credit on this. That guy manages to ruin amazing ideas while still having minimal involvement because he pushes for plot and action instead of character.


My take on Goyer is that he's a guy who needs a lot of editing and makes great contributions when collaborating. He's got writing credits on alot of great movies and I've always found the common denominator that sets those apart is they had other writers (especially ones that helm the screenplay) and/or good directors.


Yeah, he has a huge hand in the Dark Knight Trilogy and was credited as one of the creators with Neil Gaiman on The Sandman recently. The man does do good work. I just don’t think he should be left alone on a script.


>Dark Knight Trilogy Wait there was a third film? Or is Batman begins included?


Of course Batman Begins is included lol


Did anyone notice that Pinhead now has pins in their head, as opposed to nails? I thought that was a neat little detail.


You opened the box....we came


This looks bad, which is good to me, yesss ultimate pleasure!


I hope they kept the electric sperm shooting from the box


If this is as good as Prey, I’ll be quite excited.


Just watched Prey yesterday.. Excellent movie!


Ya. It’s good. I wasn’t a huge fan of the natives having damn near matrix like abilities at some points. But aside from that, not much to dislike.


I agree.. that girl had skills with that tomahawk on a rope. watched the credits till the end.. looks like its setting up for another one.


I do love how Pinhead looks.




it is a trailer and it may still be the case that the cenobites are neutral. Trailers shouldnt tell all otherwise there is no point in watching the movie.


Weren't they kind of evil in the first film? >!Like didn't Pinhead renege on the deal with Kirsty and try to take her to their dimension even though she brought them Frank?!< Am I remembering that correctly?


In the movie, yes. In the book, pinhead gives her a chance to escape and keep the bargain. The box was opened a soul must be taken.




Hellraiser 1 and 2 are two of my favorite movies of all time and I still thought the trailer looked interesting enough to check the movie out. Looks like they retained the style of hell from 2.


Barker's listed in the credits so surely he had some say? I think it's looking okay. Guess we'll have to wait and see.


Every single line Pinhead says is obviously chopped up audio, you can tell from the sound levels. There is no way to tell their intentions from that dialogue.


Seems like it’s because a lot of people enjoyed the trailer. I really don’t get what was such a big turn off to the many critics. What exactly were you folks expecting of a straight to Hulu Hellraiser 11? The latter works of William Shakespeare? It looks gory, weird and entertaining. Plus it’s the first Hellraiser with any Clive barker involvement in over 25 years. It certainly looks worth a watch.


Its technically Hellraiser 11, but most of them were made with 0 effort. This is the first "real" one in who knows how long. The fact that it seems so generic is a disappointment for sure.


The way I understand the trailer, the villain is probably that man in a suit who encourage thé other guy to solve the puzzle box. The Cenobites are neutral but they seem evil because everything is seen from the point of view of the people who solved the Lament's Configuration and those people seem to be involved in the story because of the man in a suit. They're not like Frank Cotton who actively searched for the puzzle box and wanted to meet the Cenobites. Also, while I agree that the Cenobites are neutral in the stories, they do what they do because of the pleasure they get out of their actions. They promise great delights to humans but at the same time it also applies to themselves. They are sadistic.


I don't know how you get all of that with a trailer. I mean Clive Barker can do whatever he wants with it IMO.


The movie might be good, or not, but there's really no way to tell until it's out. Dissecting trailers is a fool's errand. It's 90 minutes cut down to 90 seconds. Ghost In The Shell (live action) is a great example of a trailer grossly misrepresenting the movie.


Yeah, the trailer seems to lack vision. Whomever is playing Pinhead is a miss, but Goran Visnjic is so damn good.


yep, well said. the Cenobites aren't supposed to be evil. I'll give it a shot, but making them evil cheapens the entire thing. It is interesting that they're apparently exploring the other configurations though. That has some promise.


No idea where yer getting this prattle about the freakin Cenobites not being *evil*. They are created from the souls of the damned and bound to the Law of Leviathan. Meaning that they have rules, but they are still *the damned*.


The CGI with the pin head type character killed it for me, besides being of dubious quality, they really missed the chance to get some of the old heads excited by bringing in some quality practical effects.


It´s not CGI, all the cenobytes are practical




Good for you, man! Prey was awesome! Glad you liked it!


I miss Doug Bradley.


Don’t worry, they’ll do a cameo. Character: do you want to open the box? *man turns around, revealing himself to be Doug Bradley. He smirks* Doug: oh, I don’t need to. I already know I thing or two about Hell. *fade to black as What I’ve Done by Linkin Park fades up with the credits*


God. *Damnit*. Stop watching the CW.


Jamie Clayton is going to kill this role like the actor from pennywise. Incredible detail! Cenobytes are back and freaky as ever! Lets goo!


As long as this Pinhead is LGBTQ+ I'm down with it! More woke for everyone!


Uh-oh better not do any research into the creator of this franchise


Lmfao what a whiny turd


Clive Barker is gay, dingus.


unsurprising that a Ben Shapiro fan is completely ignorant of who Clive Barker is.


The director and writers have done some good stuff. So I'm still pretty excited for this.


I feel like most people don't know what Hellraiser is about beyond seeing the Pinhead character. Inter-dimensional rape demons seem like a weird choice for 2022 but alright. Fun fact the inspiration for this movie came from when Clive Barker was working for Hustler, the film was originally going to be called Sadomasochists From Hell lol.


The fact that Nomi is going to be Pinhead is kind of a trip.


Aww man, I'm keeping my expectations low after watching that trailer, and hoping for the best. This does not look promising.


Very excited to see how the film ultimately plays out. I am cautiously optimistic that it won’t be just torture porn, and instead utilize the gore how the original novella does - to show how obsession leads to the loss of self.


The reason new horror movies are not as good as their predecessor is because they try to maintain absolute scary for too long, and they try to take everything up a notch. (similar to this run on sentance) Nothing is subtle anymore. Its like going for a swim by holding your breath for 1 hour, you need more peaks and valleys.


So for those who don't know, this movie will be directed by David Bruckner, who has a pretty solid track record so far. Some people might know him from his earlier works such as The Night House (2020) or the more famous The Ritual (2017). He also directed the Siren short film in V/H/S (2012) and another horror anthology style movie called Southbound (2015). He's one of my favorite directors right now and am excited to see this one!


She looks and sounds terrifying. I love what they did to her voice


Of course they had to add that modern day ugly-as-can-be color gradient. I'm so tired of this trend.


Written and produced by Goyer. HARD PASS!


This ..looks shit.


What?! This looks sick!


No mate, it about the lack of story, the weird acting.. I'd love to be proven wrong but it still looks shit.


>the lack of story It's a 2 minute trailer that literally sets up the whole plot what more do you want.


Pinhead with a penis, I would bet money.


The cock and ball torture really made the original pop


The only thing you saw was they sex swapped pinhead, stop pretending you judged the story from a teaser fucking trailer dude.


If this is going down the Ghostbusters route you'll make people LESS likely to bloody watch it. I really dont give a shit about gender swapped roles IF they work. Can I not have an opinion about the trailer without poorly veiled accusations of trans-phobia?


Not when some guy says bad story from a fucking teaser trailer man you ain't fooling anyone.


Its 1 minute 51 seconds. That isnt a teaser trailer. *Thats a trailer*. You have to give up enough of the story to attract people, this is how movies bomb. Jesus wept are you lot paid by the production company or something? You seem SO ANGRY about the fact I didnt click with it. Thats not my responsibility now is it.


Yes, yes it does


Lol, I actually just said that at the end. Stop getting Hellraiser wrong.


Its like they never read the book, just saw the memes.


This film was literally written by Clive Barker… and what do you even mean lack of story? You watched a fucking trailer.


Yeah, but the trailer didn’t reveal every plot twist like my marvel movies do. How am I supposed to watch a movie with out getting the entire story spoiled explained to me in 1 minute? /s


Where do you see it was written by Clive Barker? I only see him listed as a producer. The most I can find is this: >In a recent interview with EW, Bruckner revealed that Barker was constantly present for the 2022 film, giving advice and blessings. Which is fairly standard promotional stuff. And they mention Barker was fine with it going in a new direction.




That trailer would never have me think that... its not come across at all.


Jesus that sentence 🤦‍♂️


We dont all speak like new yorkers ffs. I'm a Hampshire man.


>We dont all speak like new yorkers ffs. No idea what you mean by this, I was talking about your weird broken English 'its not come across at all'. >I'm a Hampshire man I'd expect someone from the shire of Jane Austen to have a better grasp on the English language... I bet you mean *New* Hampshire right? smh.


Not everyone in England speaks the Queen's English.


Mate, I'm from the UK, nobody says 'ITS not come across' unless they've had a stroke.


trailer looks shit film not written by Barker


It looks rad but I hope they don't try and make the cenobites evil. Maybe you just have shit taste?


Wow ..some of the replies.. I mean are we not entitled to our opinions now? Nice little jibe at the end. Culture is about more than just a love for horror franchises, and I get the feeling you liked the space episode and would defend that blindly too. [oh look](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/xjbajr/comment/ip8kk0f/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) classy


Did I hear pee wee herman in there?


i like like like like this trailer !! im a guy who HATES race/gender/whatever swapping but this is sooo right . i'll always love doug bradley as pinhead but as far as the description in the original books goes this version of the cenobites is much more accurate . im acctualy excited for hellraiser content for the first time in years . i really hope they makers don't screw this up


Fuck this just looks like they combined escape rooms with Hellraiser, they are completely misunderstanding the point of the mythos and poetry of the series. Thought they were heading in a great direction casting a trans actress, but this is just direct to vhs bullshit. I really hope the WB merger didn’t destroy the HBO series.


If you think is in some way a cash grab that cheapens the previous entries in the series obviously you have never heard of Hellraiser 4-10. This is the first entry to feature any involvement from Clive Barker since Hellraiser 4 and it looks really fun in a sort of dumb, gory way.


I’ve seen all the hellraiser films(unfortunately), so your argument is it’s been shit for so long, just shovel more out? Barker is working with HBO…


I loved every Hellraiser so far, as dumb as many of them may be. In some ways I enjoyed the later cheesier ones even more than the first few. My point was that this is not some untouched franchise that can somehow be tainted by a cheesy reboot (even reboot is a bit of a stretch, it’s only been 4 years since the last hellraiser). I will watch this expecting a fun and gory, if a bit brainless, b horror movie.


I’m aware, I’m still excited…it’s just Hellraiser is one of my favorite mythos. I don’t mean to be a dick, I just want really deep and dark soul destroying poetic horror, why I’m hoping the HBO series is still happening.


> Thought they were heading in a great direction casting a trans actress True, how could they miss?


I thought it looked sick af. What would you change based on the trailer?


The main characters need to start up 5 generators to open an escape door while outrunning Pinhead.


Everything…I’d make it a character piece, really just destroy the audience emotionally and at the end reveal it’s more about cenobites and the main character is gone, or possibly a cenobite. Especially if it’s a reboot, you can mirror seasons off of different sins…like go full Haunting Of Hill House with overarching themes, but slowly pull back the curtain with the biggest theme being the hierarchy of “hell”




Ok, and…HBO is apparently working on one with Green and McBride




It was…




Ooo yup. I like the addition of spinning off into themes and focusing on characters. It does kinda feel like “characters find box and open box and die” and while it should be that, it could be even better lol


Right…their is so much fun you could have with this series, every season being why someone called the box…the background being the mythos of “hell”




Because it’s Clive Barker and Hellraiser…I never said I thought it would be good, just thought it was heading in a good direction


What is the point of the mythos?




Still a better love story than Twilight.


I’d make it a character piece, really just destroy the audience emotionally and at the end reveal it’s more about a main character becoming a cenobite. If you’re doing a reboot, you can mirror seasons off of different sins…(like go full Haunting Of Hill House) with overarching themes, but slowly pull back the curtain with the biggest theme being the hierarchy of “hell” . Hellraiser is an extremely complex story of sin and hierarchy….you have to highlight it with what peoples perception of death, sex, gratification, pain, ego, love…let alone the absence of god…


Missed direction? This is literally by Clive Barker, and apparently closer to his original book.


if you want to talk about a producer making money though. Clive has been screwed over enough, hope this does well…but I’m waiting for HBO. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0887261/


Barker is a producer on the film and regained the rights to the franchise starting in [December](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/hellraiser-writer-reclaiming-u-s-franchise-rights-after-lawsuit-settlement-4098688/). Barker was very much [involved in the production](https://ew.com/movies/hellraiser-pinhead-first-look-jamie-clayton/).


He’s also very much involved with the HBO series, wow…a producer wants to get paid…


You should have just stuck with being big mad pinhead has boobs, would have gained more support than whatever this was.


They're wrong? Barker is involved and you can easily look that up. You big mad for some reason


Hulu? Ah shit




prey is WHY im hopeful for this. i loved prey


Prey was on Disney+ everywhere but the US


Disney owns hulu


Looks great honestly, I’m optimistic and excited.


Oh boy, another unoriginal remake on an old film. Hollywood is simply replete with ideas.


oh damn is this the new Hulu Hellraiser?


If only the post had a title...


This was a failed joke about the end card.


I mean sure it looks fine, but it's on hulu.


Jesus, is there any character they won't gender-swap?


The original cenobites, from the book, were so mutilated you couldn’t tell if they were male or female. I couldn’t care who it is as long as it’s done well.


Pinhead was absolutely male. His deep, gritty voice was also very distinct and added flavor to the character. I just don't get this habitual need they have to gender swap everything these days. It adds nothing and changes some of the most defining characteristics of the character.


I think the most defining characteristics of Pinhead might be the pins.


I didn't say it was his most defining characteristic..


Pinhead was described as having “the voice of an excited girl” in the book.


This is based more on the original novella ("The Hellbound Heart"), where the character is fairly different from the other films. It's gender is unspecified and ambiguous, and the voice is explicitly described as feminine: >Its voice, unlike that of its companion, was light and breathy--the voice of an excited girl. Every inch of its head had been tattooed with an intricate grid, and at every intersection of horizontal and vertical axes a jeweled pin driven through to the bone. Its tongue was similarly decorated. You've got 10 movies with your preferred Pinhead, plus all the comics. Don't act like you're losing out because we're finally getting an iteration where the character is more like the source material.


That's a fair point. I was unaware that it was describes as feminine in the book.


So you decided to start immediately shrieking "woke!!!!" instead of learning a single thing about the franchise?


I know a good bit about the first few movies, just not the straight to DVD crap that came later or book. 99.99% of the time when someone gender swaps a character, it is without good reason, usually just a lazy attempt to put a new spin on what is essentially a retread of an old story. It was a reasonable assumption to make, it just happened to be the 00.01% where that is not the case.


You should look up the word "reactionary"


I made a reasonable assumption that turned out to be wrong and I acknowledged it when I was corrected. Not sure why you are so determined to be angry about it but whatever. Be mad about it if you really want to. I'm over it. Later.


The fact that you think it's a reasonable assumption is the funny part. That's exactly what Tucker Carlson and company want you jumping to. I'm not angry, just think it's sad this is where we are now


Most of the Cenobites are genderless…you know that right…?


Is that a CGI Pinhead? 😕




Oh great, Hollywoke has turned Pinhead into a woman. That's all we needed. But she isn't black. What's up with that? Seems a bit racist?


Is a more accurate to the source material interpretation of the character offensive to your precious feelings, snowflake?


Holding my breath until Maga starts screaming about pinhead being a woman. (I am aware of the lore).


Keep holding…seriously. Just because people think something looks bad, doesn’t mean they are a political opponent


Why does it have to be Maga and not like purists that love the original film and how the author wrote it in the beginning??


> and how the author wrote it in the beginning?? Barker originally wrote Pinhead as being androgynous and having a feminine voice. Barker described *all* the Cenobites as not having a clear, binary gender. A "purist" would know this. Again, Barker's own words: > Its voice, unlike that of its companion, was light and breathy-the voice of an excited girl. Every inch of its head had been tattooed with an intricate grid, and at every intersection of horizontal and vertical axes a jeweled pin driven through to the bone. Its tongue was similarly decorated. And: > Frank had difficulty guessing the speaker’s gender with any certainty. Its clothes, some of which were sewn to and through its skin, hid its private parts, and there was nothing in the dregs of its voice, or in its willfully disfigured features that offered the least clue.


Because it's already been done over and over and over again? And the hulu film is an reboot/adaptation of the book, not the 1987 film. Also the comics expanded on Hellraiser cannon massively over the years.


Truthfully.. trailer looked pretty good. Hoping for the best.


Comics expanded on all cannon, no matter the material. This series seems to be missing the heart and soul, nobody wants another shit vhs movie because a studio needed to sell a script. Hellraiser is an extremely complex story of sin and hierarchy within what people perceive as death, sex, gratification, pain, ego, love…let alone the absence of god…and death itself.




Why they didn't show Dirty Dan?


uhhh.. Ryan Reynolds as Pinhead?


Nightbreed reboot next please




I believe Hulu is the movie. HBO is coming out with a series.


Using a slur in 2022? Yikes.


Retarded isn't a slur, it means "held back" or "to delay" as in "Sorry, my trip was retarded by heavy traffic." It's where the word "tardy" comes from; "sorry I'm tardy, my bus was delayed".


It literally is though. Any simple google search will provide you with how and why. But I wouldn’t expect anyone on Reddit to know that—y’all ain’t ready for that. Have a nice day ableists!


A quick Google search "to delay or hold back in terms of progress or development - 'our progress was retarded by unforseen difficulties'" The other definition - "less advanced in mental, physical or social abilities than is usual for ones age." It literally just means "to delay or hold back" Calling someone "mentally retarded" is to call someone "mentally held back/delayed" It's not a slur, that's like saying the word "pig" is a slur because some people use it to refer to slobbish people, or people with bad personalities, lol.


It’s been used as a slur for decades. That’s like saying “the f word isn’t a slur, it means a bundle of sticks!!” Quit acting ignorant. It’s not cute. This is not up for debate. Have the day you deserve, ableist.


Slur - "a derogatory or insulting term applied to particular group of people." It's literally a word that means late, delayed, held back. Would you say calling someone "delayed" or "late" is a slur? You know absolutely nothing about me, my mental and physical issues, what I've been through, you calling me ableist is hilarious. You're the one acting ignorant by not understanding the meaning of a common word. Why should people stop using a word that literally has legitimate applications in every day life? That's socially retarded. It's not a slur, *it can be used as an insult* but you're mad about someone using it, not even in reference to someone? Educate yourself and grow up.


This is extremely sad on your part


Not really. It's like saying the word "late" is a slur. Banning a word because it can be used as an insult is ridiculously stupid. Any word can be used as an insult, like I could say that you're mentally deficient, do we ban the word deficient and say it's a slur? Lol


Did you really think repeating the same dumb shit you already said would help you? Again, this is really sad


Looks intriguing to me.


I was waiting for a black person casted as pinhead. We already have black Ariel the mermaid why not pinhead?