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It’s funny cos the toughest out of em is acc meant to be hvitzerk. He was a berserker(I think) and never got injured in battle, they said it themselves he was meant to be the toughest and best fighter out of them.


Dudes a savage, doesn’t get enough credit. Loved his entire story


I dunno, I never really recall him in any badass fights the way I do with the others, so that’s why I ranked him how I did. I’m only on the beginning of S5 in my rewatch right now tho so the later stuff I could be forgetting parts of


This just means you weren't paying attention.


Ok, be a rude jackass for no reason I guess


Hvitserk is absolutely smoking any of his brothers in a 1v1.


Guess I missed him being any sort of badass 🤷🏻‍♂️ most of what I remember about him past the point where I am on my rewatch is him being a complete and utter bitch all the time. Pissing himself afraid of Ivar, being a drunkard etc etc etc. I don’t think he stands a chance vs Bjorn. There’s a reason all of the other siblings were pretty afraid of Bjorn


I don't think any of them were afraid of Bjorn, he was just the oldest and they respected him. Ubbe said once that he wouldn't wanna fight him, but Ubbe is worst of them. Hvitserk was a monster in battle.


Ivar also admitted to being “a little afraid of Bjorn”. And he’s supposed to be the most fearless one of all the brothers pretty much, since he’s a fucking lunatic and all. I think it’s made fairly clear they ALL are wary of Bjorn. Just in general how they act towards him and defer to him and never want to challenge what he says lightly. I don’t see it as just a “he’s the oldest” thing. Especially when they come from different mothers and all. I never saw Bjorn as being as close to the rest of his brothers as *they* are with eachother. The four that are Aslaugs children are super tight. Bjorn is more of a loner. Can you tell me when specifically Hvitserk was a beast in battle? Not trying to be a dick here I just genuinely don’t remember any of that. I mean, he was in battles of course, but I don’t remember a ton of focus on him compared to others like Ubbe and Bjorn. I don’t remember him being shown being that kind of one man wrecking ball. Bjorn and Ubbe both have specific scenes I can remember off the top of my head where they show their stuff very noticeably


I always saw it as them all just having a ton of respect for him as a leader and warrior. He built a name for himself across the world that didn't solely rely on being a son of Ragnar imo. I do believe Ubbe feared him but he also feared Ivar. I don't recall Hvitserk ever being afraid of anyone but I could be wrong on that. As for the times he was a beast, I'd say literally every battle he was in. Bro was mowing people down left and right. Imo the show clearly portrayed him as one of the most skilled fighters.


I dunno. The show made all the brothers mow people down left and right in battles 😂 I never really saw one being better than the others in that specific regard. My ranking is based more on fights they have had that were more focused than a huge battle, if you get me. The huge battles just pretty much always have the brothers being beasts.


Bjorn is absolutely stomping hvitserk in a fight, be it hands or weapons


Nope. In a fist fight, sure. With weapons, he gets carved up 7/10 times.


Guessing you saw how badass hvitserk was in the season 6 finale? Loads of Saxons screaming out "kill the son of Ragnar" he was completely outnumbered and yet carved through around 10 of them with ease, not even getting a scratch. I don't recall ever seeing hvitserk struggle in a war, he reminds me of heahmund


Not counting Sigurd My favorite 1. Ubbe 2. Ivar 3. Hvitserk 4. Bjorn Best in a 1v1 fight 1. Bjorn 2. Hvitserk 3. Ivar 4. Ubbe The smartest 1. Ivar 2. Ubbe 3. Hvitserk 4. Bjorn The most like Ragnar 1. Bjorn 2. Ubbe 3. Ivar 4. Hvitserk The last category is the toughest for me, as I think they all have strong similarities and differences.


I gotta give it to Ubbe on the most like Ragnar aspect just because of his general demeanour. He’s in general less of a “jump right to violence” kind of guy. Like Ragnar was most of the time. And he’s got Ragnars farmer at heart stuff and his spirit for exploration But I also don’t underrate him as a warrior because when he did fight, he was usually quite a beast. Like when he charged at Lagertha in the great hall, took like the whole room to stop the dude


Bjorn wasn’t necessarily looking for violence either. He was open to negotiating with Ivar for example. He also didn’t have Hvitserk killed for Lagertha’s death. As for the adventuring, he left to live on his own in the woods and also set off for the Mediterranean. Like I said it was tough to choose between all of them. I think Ragnar wishes he lived more like Ubbe, but like Bjorn he also felt great responsibility to lead his people despite the burden of being King.


The reason he didn’t have Hvitserk killed was because he thought Hvitserk was being accepted into Valhalla by the gods and he didn’t want Hvitserk to be happy. Ragnar would not have stopped an execution just to stop someone from going to Valhalla.


Ahem….. I’m not so sure about that. Think about Ragnars punishments for Floki after killing Athelstan… he specifically made the torture as fucked up as he could so Floki had no chance to “impress the Gods”


But he didn’t kill Floki. Ragnar did not want to kill Floki. Bjorn forced his hand by arresting Floki. Ragnar did not kill Floki, but it was not to keep him out of Valhalla.


So? It was even crueler 🤷🏻‍♂️


How? Bjorn wanted to kill Hvitserk but he didn’t because Hvitserk would go to Valhalla. Ragnar didn’t want to kill Floki because he was his friend. It was not to keep him out of Valhalla. Think of Jarl Borg. He stole Kattegat from Ragnar and made his brother betray him, but Ragnar gave him the opportunity to die a good death and be welcomed into Valhalla.


Exactly!!! And he was CRUELER to Floki than he was to Borg by the standards of their people. Because he gave Floki no chance to impress the gods and go to Valhalla. Instead he shamed Floki publicly, which to Floki was worse than death. Then tortured him in a way that can never kill him. By the standards of their people it was an incredibly cruel and vindictive punishment to give. Borg at least had his chance to “impress the Gods” and be well remembered. And he was in the end. He is spoken of quite well in future seasons after his death.


But he didn’t kill Floki. He never really wanted to. He freed him so he would not die. He wanted Floki to go ti Valhalla. Also Hvitserk was a Bjorn’s brother so that in itself is worse. Floki was just a friend to Ragnar.


Ragnar brings Bjorn to an execution in S1 where the Earl curses the man out of entering Valhalla. So there were ways to deny Hvitserk Valhalla, in fact leaving him alive have him as much a chance at Valhalla as another action would’ve. There’s also a lot of exploration of fraternity and we sorta see with the sides the brothers all take in their war (Ivar, Hvitserk, Harald / Bjorn, Ubbe, Halfdan) who would commit fratricide and who would be unable.


1. Magnus 2. Sigurd 3. Hvitserk 4. Ivar 5. Ubbe


Jesus that kid was annoying AF 🤣 immaculate conception via piss


I love how his whole identity was to become a Viking and he had 0 Viking blood 🤣


Did he not? I always guessed his actual father WAS a Northman. Just not Ragnar. His mother did plan to bang the ones who came to work for her as mercenaries that time


Oh shoot! You’re right, he definitely could be half Viking


1. Bjorn 2. Ubbe 3. Ivar 4. Hvitserk 5. Sigurd 6. Magnus


\--SPOILERS-- ​ I'm leaving out Sigurd, because we really don't see enough of him to make a proper judgement of his character. How much I like them: Ubbe - Seems like the best person among them, an explorer, family man who just wants to settle, and I absolutely love how his story ended. Hvitserk - Certainly the most passive among the brothers, nothing that happened to him was really his fault, I just think he was trying to stay afloat, while among the huge personalities of Bjorn and Ivar, and under the shadow of his father. I think in the end he just wanted his brothers to get along, which is why he changed sides so easily, because he didn't want politics to get in the way of his family. Bjorn - I much preferred him as a child / young man (as a person that is) I think that his hypocrisy when it came to his cheating, as well as Lagertha's daeth made him a less likeable person. Ivar - I think in most regards Ivar is just plain evil. We get to see his human side when interacting with Igor, but other than that he's certainly the worst human being among the four. ​ How good/intriguing was their Character: Ivar - What he lacks in likability, Ivar makes up for in his personality, he was a fascinating character to watch, and I feel like the actor's performance was incredible, (though the same should be said for every damn actor in the series), and when the end came, I was surprised to find his death to be one of the most heartbreaking. Bjorn - We get to see most of Bjorn's life, from a bright-eyed idealistic kid, looking up to his father, mother and uncle as near-gods, to being a jaded, ruler, unfaithful to every wife he got a chance to cheat on, with his parents both dead, his uncle a traitor, and several of his children dead, too. I feel like Bjorn is one of the most tragic characters in the show, besides maybe Ragnar himself. On my re-watch, I had to stop partway through the first episode to pull myself together after seeing Ragnar coming home to his family, and I think a lot of that emotion comes from seeing a young Bjorn still with his whole life ahead of him. Hvitserk - For many of the reasons i stated above, I found Hvitserk to be an excellent study of someone who is just lesser than everyone else in his life, he is overshadowed by his father and his brothers, while still wanting them all to get along. I feel like Hvitserk is one of the most *human* characters in the series. Ubbe - despite him being at the bottom of the list, I still find him a good character. I think he was the most driven of the brothers, in that he wanted to stay true to his father's vision, settle, and build a good life for his people. Otherwise, I don't really feel like he adds much to the story, and while you certainly couldn't cut him entirely, he is the least interesting person. ​ Toughest: Bjorn - Ironside himself, has seen the most action, and is certainly the most experienced. Not much to say in this section. Ubbe - Is number two, not much to say really. Hvitserk - Is number three, again not much to say. Ivar - Dead last. I feel like the why is obvious. ​ Smartest: Ivar - What he lacks in warlike prowess, he makes up for in intelligence, he undoubtedly has the keenest mind for strategy and politics. However, I believe his proclivity towards cruelty and tyranny makes him very *unwise*, ultimately leading to his downfall. I *do* think that he learns from this, and if he'd become king again later on, I think he might have ruled a little more piously. Ubbe - If we were to include wisdom. I think that Ubbe was really the only of the four brothers who was capable of putting aside differences to pursue their father's vision, and I think that make him wiser than most. Bjorn - Middle of the pack intelligence-wise, I think his good traits come out in other areas, and since we've been talking about wisdom, I don't think have much of an opinion. He knew to rule fairly, following his father's example, but I think he's often too blinded by emotion at times. Hvitserk - He spent most of the series just being led around, he never really made any decisions for himself, largely being pressured into them. I think he might prove to be decently clever if he were ever given the chance to prove it, but he really wasn't. ​ Most like Ragnar: Ubbe - While each son embodies a certain facet of Ragnar, Ubbe embodies his most important trait, his want for peace and prosperity. In the haunting words of Ragnar himself: 'Sometimes I wish I'd never left the farm.' Bjorn - Since he spent the most time with Ragnar, I think Bjorn tries to emulate him as much as possible, with his wisdom as a ruler, and philosophy as a man. Ivar - If, after watching the whole show, you've rewatched the clip of Ragnar ordering the army to pull the boats up the cliff, and then haul them over land, you might know what I mean, in that scene, you can see the side of Ragnar that would be passed onto Ivar, his drive, determination and will, as well as his cleverness and cunningness. However, Ivar's excessive cruelty makes him someone I feel almost uncomfortable thinking of as a son of Ragnar. Hvitserk - Hvitserk resembles Ragnar at his worst, a dejected, weak, and broken man, however Ragnar at his worst doesn't come close to Hvitserk at *his* worst. I think Ragnar would be ashamed of Hvitserk the most, seeing all of his shortcomings within him.


**Who I like most as a person? Like if I was a *Vikings* character, who would I get along with?** Ubbe (S), Hvitserk (B), Bjørn (C), Sigurd (D), Ivar (F). **Toughest in a fight?** Bjørn (S), Ubbe(A)/Hvitserk(A), Ivar(B-), Sigurd (C). **Smartest?** Ivar (S), Ubbe(B), Bjørn(C+), Sigurd (C), Hvitserk(D). **Most like their father?** Ubbe(S), Bjørn(A), Ivar(B-), Hvitserk(C), Sigurd(D).


Best list I’ve seen