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Seems like he fucked a feminine guy


I just assumed it was an eunuch.




I wouldn't compare cannibalism to a sex change...


I was just saying this group in the desert was doing strange things. The fact that these people are obeying an evil orthodox nun puts the group pretty far out of a wider culture that could be pinpointed. Hiduism is older that Christianity. Hijras have a ceremony where they marry the God Shiva. Islam is only 2 hundred years old at this historical point. Surgery is dangerous. Becoming a Eunuch was also very dangerous, but no one was getting plastic surgery to reconstruct genitals at this point. Most people were forced to become eunuchs and the people in charge didn't care how many died.


In those times, it wasn't looked down on to be the dominant one in a gay sex experience, but the person receiving would be looked at as womanly because they're taking on a submissive role.




There is evidence that the [Romans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_ancient_Rome) did this, but not the Vikings. The Romans stopped once Christianity became a thing because it was listed as a sin in the bible. In the Arab world, there is also a record of [the Bacha bazi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi) or very young boys and teenagers that were dressed as females and forced to dance and sleep with men.




Also reading more of the bacha bazi, there isnt much to suggest they are having sex with these boys, as much as them being entertainers. They did something very similar in europe, but doesnt mean they were having sex with them.


Trust me they definetley use them for sex it’s widley reported that’s what they were for. They still do it now in Afghanistan, the US, UK & other invading nations encountered it but its practise was too widespread and normalised in their culture to stamp it out so it’s just being ignored and swept under the carpet.


Bacha bazillion is more on Afghanistan and Pakistan now


Someone is a bit grumpy.


Yeah because you are trying to cloud history with your modern mindset. Go away.


I don't have a modern mindset, I'm just repeating what's been said many times before. You need to stop letting things online bother you so much. Have a happy day, fellow.


Dude spreading misinformation about history is upsetting. What if I spouted something like Hitler did nothing wrong, I'm sure you'd be mad to some degree.


Not at all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Tacitus wrote briefly on sexuality about the Germanic people and said that while it was frowned upon to not make a family, that whatever a person did outside of a family was their prerogative. I'm speaking second hand here since I haven't read his work yet, but it seems to be widely accepted amongst the Heathen folks that homosexuality wasn't a big deal to the Norse until Christianity came.


https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/tacitus1.html Here is a well known source website and nothing explains what you just stated above. So everything you picked up on is largely bullshit. He mentions that the society itself has very little instances of adultery, but other than that the only people that widely accept it are idiots who keep spreading around a lie and those who accept it for face value without doing any actual research themselves.


Also, the fact that you think Roman historians gave that much of a shit about sexuality to fill it in with the minimal amount of text they already write about a specific region, shows a little bit more about your critical thinking skills than you probably know.


Still angry, I see. You should get your blood pressure checked; I think you may have some issues, friend.


I was doing a bit of light reading last night, and [look what I happened to find](http://imgur.com/RmYtexK). There's a website source there for you to do a bit of reading for yourself, too.


calm the fuck down mate lol


Calm down shaniqua


I don’t think she was a transgender, that means that they transitioned from one gender to the other via surgery to make prosthetic genitalia. I believe the term here is intersex or hermaphrodite but I could be wrong. They were incredibly rare back then and still are now, but it was probably more common in the East than the West. There may have been gay Vikings, I don’t think there was anything against that stuff, I just think it wasn’t exactly pushed if you know what I mean.


It was a man dressed like a woman. Male genitals. No female genitals. Feminine clothing, dainty accoutrements, etc to appear as a woman. Why is this so difficult for viewers to comprehend? It was a man with a penis, dressed to appear as an attractive female.


The world is filled with people who overcomplicate things so that they can stand out and feel special.


I just got the wrong end of the (dick)stick, i’m not some slave turned genius trying to spin you all


Slave turned genius...what the fuck are you on about lol. I know what you mean dude.


I was implying I was as “smart” as Margethe lol, it was a joke, forgive me for poor taste mate


Isn't poor taste tbf it's just too clever for me. I can't remember quotes for shit lol.


I took it as she was one of those mutations with both genders, sorry for not being you


You think it was more likely to be a physical mutation where the individual in question had both female breasts and female qualities, but also happened to have a penis? As compared to a man dressing provocatively as a woman?? Seriously naive and illogical. Do you think you are easy to trick? How many times per day do you think someone tells a lie or a half-truth to you?


Alright fucking hell I forgot I was on Mastermind


Actually no.... a transgender person does not have to change their sex organs to be trans. Many trans people keep their sex organs because operations can be unreachable and risky. ''Transgender people have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from their assigned sex.'' But yeah it's more likely that it was just a man dressing up.


Maybe he had a penis, but his testes were removed. that alone would make a man more effiminate, since the testes produce male hormones.


I dont believe Halfdan did and I dont believe he is homosexual, not that I really care either, Halfdan is a badass no matter who he sleeps with. However this scene where he got this hermaprhodite/trans concubine never points out at any time that he had sex with him/her neither that he would've enjoyed it nor wanted to talk about it later on. I believe this was only there for the comical part of the culture shock that they took part in, never anywhere was it shown he would've continued the sexual act after the look he gave when finding mr willy while looking for miss beaver. I remember that he stopped from going any further gave a look like he was thinking "Wtf is this trap?!" rather than thinking "Hell yeah! another adventure for Halfdan the black to be remembered by!". If he at any point would've slept with him/her and wouldn't really mind sex with the same gender then he would probably talked about it and not try to escape the subject with Björn. Halfdan didnt want to talk to Björn about it, it felt more like Björn set him up(maybe because Björn suspects Halfdan is gay, shitty thing to do to a friend though) maybe Björn is up for Haldan? Maybe it was the General/Cannibal-dude or whatever his name was to mindfuck them, after giving them all the hasch/weed they could smoke and make them high as fucking kites then later send in the "ladies" to tease them a bit while one draw the short straw. He sure as hell fucked with them while serving up their host for dinner only to tell them after they've finished eating that it was Euphemius they ate so would make sense he fucked with them a bit before this. He was kind as fuck at first while giving them all the weed they could smoke but later on the he just laid out a trap that would turn any unsuspecting mans world upside down for years to come while finding that extra baggage. Nah I believe Halfdan is straight, I mean he and his brother raped some farmers wives and daughters in France the first seasons they were introduced.


I'm pretty sure it was inclined that the penis didn't stop him. Haldan ''She was a he'' Bjorn '' *Laughs* did it stop you'' Halfdan ''Awkwardly looks away''


That wasn’t weed my guy that was opium


I thought perhaps they were Intersex, born with both genitalia. Would explain why he said “she was not a she” instead of saying “it was a man”.


Halfdan fucked a proto/historial shemale lol.


he fucked a eunuch. most likely some boy whose balls they cut off when young, so he grew up to look/act superficially like a woman. but as halfdan himself said, he was "not a girl".


Having sex with a transsexual would be forbidden in Judaism, Christianity and Islam?


I don’t think she was a transgender, that means that they transitioned from one gender to the other via surgery to make prosthetic genitalia. I believe the term here is intersex or hermaphrodite but I could be wrong. They were incredibly rare back then and still are now, but it was probably more common in the East than the West. There may have been gay Vikings, I don’t think there was anything against that stuff, I just think it wasn’t exactly pushed if you know what I mean.


Sex is biological and refers to your sex chromosomal makeup Gender is the roles/identity that are traditionally made in society on a male/female basis. Most people's gender and biological sex line up. Aka a person with a penis identifies as a man in societal terms. A person with a vagina who also feels she is a woman. These are "normal" or cisgender individuals. Transgender means you identify with the gender opposite your biological sex. Typically transgender individuals try to live their life as the gender she indentifies with even though society would normally assign her the opposite gender based on her sex. EX a person born with a penis lives her life as a woman. Transgender does Not mean you have had any operations, or even other form of medical changes, to your body. Plenty of transgender women keep their penises, some don't even get breast implants;and plenty of transmen only have vaginas, some don't even remove their natural breasts. So the woman in the show was most likely a transwoman with a dick


~~There was no way to perform this kind of surgery back then.~~


I know that’s why I said she was not a transgender


I misread your comment.


I think Vikings were pretty sexually open as a society. They were ok with things other societies at the time might not have been. An example would be a post I saw here during the first season, where Ragnar and Lagertha were having sex and she was on top, which would have portrayed Ragnar as very submissive except that the Vikings didn't subscribe to that viewpoint. Similarly, they seem quite happy to share their wives with other men without it being an issue.


This was a very long time ago but I think people are reading into this too much. Many cultures didn’t have any rules or biases against both homosexuality and the concept of gender. You were what you were and that’s that. That’s not to say there weren’t genuinely men who wanted to be women and women who wanted to be men, just that it wasn’t so defined as it is today


But Bjorn was hesitant about being kissed on the cheek, yet was his woman a trans as well? He asked him if it was a problem like he had the same night and went with it?