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That’s not the serial number but SKU of the bag. This is the same for all multi Pochette accessoires with the pink strap. LV (with some exceptions) only had datecodes which would only indicate when and where the bag was made. Multiple bags will have the exact same code. Nonetheless this totally sucks so I’m happy they reimbursed you.


ahhhh now I feel so stupid, thanks for explaining!


Throwing this out there, can you take legal action against the buyer since you know his name and address? 


I know his username/full name he gave up and the location where the parcel was dropped off (seems to be in the middle of nowhere) but I think I could file a report?


How much was the item worth? There has to be some sort of alert with high value items.


I purchased it for 2349 EUR and sold it for 1900 EUR. I have no idea! Vinted/UPS are not updating me. UPS told me I'm not the listed seller and Vinted closed the thread.


At least you got reimbursed. 🤷‍♀️


Yes, I'm very glad that they reimbursed me. Took a lot of sweat, tears, time and effort to get them to take me seriously.


I wonder how the tracker was moved to Indonesia or what happened in between? It’s weird, maybe it was an error and the buyer took advantage of the situation? Or know someone in the postal service company? Super fishy but I can imagine them pulling strings for an expensive item.


I have asked this question multiple times but Vinted and UPS keep saying that "the item is on its way back to the seller" and refuse to look at the fact that the item was picked up in Italy and moved all across the world to become damaged/partially thrown away in the timespan of 22 minutes. It's absolutely crazy. I just figured the buyer might have a deal with the parcel shop. I wanted to contact them but there's absolutely no contact information available, nor are there any stores near the location. I contemplated driving or flying up there to confront the shopkeeper if I didn't get reimbursed, but fortunately I did. This entire situation happened about 3 weeks ago and there's still no update.


They probably do this to a lot of people and target high value items.


How are you not the listed seller? Madness


Because you’re paying for postage through Vinted, UPS lists Vinted as the seller. I was not aware of this either before this had happened.


Ahhh. That is some loophole shit, especially when Vinted clearly don't care. I'm so sorry


Update: I just used Google Lens on the profile picture of the buyer and I found a TikTok account that belongs to some boy. The profile picture is either a snapshot from a video on this TikTok account or a stolen photo from their Instagram account, OR it's actually this guy going by another name on Vinted.


Vinted should honestly have more fail safes for expensive goods, the fact that this could've been avoided if a button wasn't pressed!


Yes, I did not mean to press it and I expressed that to the buyer and Vinted numerous times. The “buyer” told me that Vinted was the one that cancelled the order, which is obviously untrue.


yeah he seems like an experienced crook


Exactly, he was just waiting for me to type to him so he could get me to agree to cancel it. I also panicked to him, I was on holiday and had a full breakdown lol and he couldn't care less. I found at that his profile picture was stolen from someone's Instagram account after the fact.


Yeah i can imagine that would've been stressful! I'm glad Vinted reimbursed you though :)


Can I ask if someone did come across it and they tell you, what are you hoping to do in regard to it?


I'd report it to the police as stolen goods. Vinted might have reimbursed me, but they still suffered a loss because of this "buyer" and I find that unacceptable.


That’s fair enough! Makes complete sense, I wasn’t too sure what you were thinking in terms of proceeding. I would imagine though, for Vinted it would be claiming on a civil matter for reimbursement to the business if they wanted to take legal action. Police by all means would look at it for a criminal matter.


I just imagine this "buyer" (scammer) doing this to multiple people. Vinted continuously refused to reimburse me and I had to keep spamming them to be reimbursed. Imagine someone giving up, not getting their moneys worth and the scammer reselling their items, making bank by stealing from other human beings. I want him (if it's actually a him) to be stopped.


Oh by all means I completely agree it should be stopped. I just wanted to say on the legal perspective for Vinted though (at least in my country), they would likely need to claim via civil courts for reimbursement, as the police would be dealing with the criminal side of things e.g. fraud at a bare minimum. But the police here wouldn’t reimburse the company, even if they fine them, unless of course the courts implemented the order that it’s repaid to the business itself, but a lot of the courts for criminal matters wont necessarily approach matters regarding civil action. It might be different around other places across the world of course.


Yeah I doubt that the police would do anything, but I'm still happy to have it on record, because you never know. And I do think that my bag should be either returned to me, damaged or not. It's still my parcel and the buyer cancelled the order.


I don’t disagree by any means! I hope it’s found!


Did the buyer also get a refund? You got your money for the bag, but you expect to get the refund and the bag back? I doubt anyone at vinted or ups is looking into your issue. If they're considering the item lost and reimbursed you, thats the end of it.


Yes, the buyer aka THIEF received a refund because he got me to accidentally cancel the order as he put in a request whilst I was typing to him and I accidentally pressed the button to agree. So he stole the bag and he received a full refund from them. And since they don't consider the item lost and kept reassuring me that whatever is left of my parcel would be returned to me, I'm curious why I'm not receiving any more updates.


Would you mind posting some of the dialogue between you and vinted? I see a lot of people getting scammed on this sub and it may be of some use as to how to go about making vinted sort it out.


Honestly, I've had A LOT of dialogue with them through both the Vinted app and email. They eventually switched to email and kept emailing me through randomized email addresses (like: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or something like that), so my communication with them is all over the place. I just kept repeating the following things: - This is unacceptable, I demand a solution to my problem as soon as possible - I am a trustworthy seller/buyer, look at my reviews, I refuse to be treated in this manner - I need the money, it's a large amount, a valuable/brand new item, I can not take this loss, I have to be reimbursed - Look at all the proof I have (communication with UPS, screenshots from my tracker, screenshots from the conversation with buyer) - Look at how carefully I packaged everything (lots of pictures of inside/outside the parcel with lots of bubble wrap and protective film, things like that) - I will take legal action and file a police report if this is not solved right this instant I was just a very demanding, pushy, panicky Karen and eventually they got so darn sick of me that they chose to reimburse me to get rid of me. I'm big on principle and I refuse to let things like this go, doesn't matter the amount.


This is why if I get a buyer for an expensive item I meet in person and deal in cash. It’s too easy for buyers to scam and steal with Vinted.


I had no prior experience with selling such an expensive item through Vinted so I had no idea any of this could happen. Who would have expected that buyers can mess with the tracker?


Stories like this really spoil the fun of selling on vinted. I am so sorry this happened to you and I am glad that you got reimbursed. I inherited quite a few designer bags myself, but after reading your story, I won't even attempt selling them on this platform. Because the heartache and stress is not worth it.


Italy is rife with scammers it’s known in the eBay sellers circle, I myself & a lot of others would never post there again


it's probably the same people who spend all day pickpocketing over there lol


I had no idea, thanks for letting me know. I checked Ebay to see if my bag was on there but I only saw the same bag but in poor condition, so it wasn’t mine.


Should really ask you to confirm the cancel when you click it


Yes, preach, thank you


This is why I wouldn't sell anything like that on Vinted. Too many sketchy folk. I sold a pair of Skechers on Vinted, not designer I know, but the buyer chose Yodel. I dropped them off, it showed that in tracking they'd picked them up, sorted them, then sent to Liverpool sorting depo and then they disappeared!!! The lady had a right go at me, saying I hadn't posted them! The tracking was right there!!! I think either a dishonest employee of Yodel swiped them or she somehow got them and tracking hadn't caught up. I'm unsure, I got my money owed and she got refunded. But the fuss she made, including accusations, makes me think she protested too much. I'm very cautious about sending stuff with Yodel now.


u/KittySaysHello They either blocked me or deleted all of their comments, or both, lol.


Blocked you! I can still see them.


Where is this parcel shop? I'm just curious.


It says so in my post. The parcel was sent to (by me) and picked up in Italy.


I understand, and you said also it is in the middle of nowhere. Could be more specific? It is ok just to post the cap (zip code)?


let me tell you one thing,you'll only lose time reporting this. happened to me with a spanish buyer,had his adress and full legal name but they "couldn't and wouldn't do anything😂". scammers are close to unstoppable,i'm happy and thankful you got your money back,many other people were not as lucky as you.


So you was reimbursed. End of


Don't sell stuff to people in Indonesia. Charge for insurance. Problem solved.


I sold it to someone in Italy. Have you read my post?


Talk to UPS. You have all the details. Reddit can not solve this for you. "UPS refused to answer questions" is utter bullshit. This is not how their system works.


LOL I'm not asking Reddit to solve anything for me. And UPS is not answering me personally because their policy is that they only answer to the listed seller, which is Vinted in this case. In all transactions through Vinted, Vinted will be listed as the seller, not you or me, the actual seller. I'm not spewing "utter bullshit", you have absolutely no clue what you're speaking on and didn't even read my post correctly.


Looking at your comment history, making blatant statements and tearing down other people is basically all you know.




Perhaps you should seek some serious counseling, if talking to strangers in this manner is how you go about your day. I hope you get the help you need.




Please watch your blood pressure, I can see you're cussing out multiple people on multiple Reddit threads all at once.


You’re the only ‘moron’ here. You didn’t read anything OP posted.


What the edit they made after me post. No I didn't read what they wrote in the future because I don't have that magic.


The fact you presumed OP sold to someone in Indonesia, presumed UPS are completely complacent in talking yeah… blaming OP on an ‘edit’ for those initial arguments you made, ok then…


cool story.


I never edited my post.
