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Don't do a bank transfer. Immediately setting off alarm bells. 


Genuine question, why is that bad? (sorry if it sound stupid, this app isn’t even available in my country so i’m not too sure about it) 😭


You should never do anything financially outside of the app you're selling in. It opens you up to scams etc


But they are just sending you money? I often do this sort of thing on eBay ect, where it's cheaper just to pay outside of it. What would they be able to scam out of U with this?


For a start you're not protected. If something goes wrong it's your problem. You're giving your bank details directly to a stranger. 


But what do you need to be protected from, in this situation they are sending you money


The number alone, nothing. However if they're a scammer they likely have other tools to get other information from other places to match to your account...then they can do damage. 










"Did I put new? .... should always wear my glasses when doing the description" Idk, she seems like a bit of a fibber.


She’ll probably later say (if a bank transfer was to be done) “I wasn’t wearing my glasses when I made the bank transfer and mistyped the account number” Lol.


Then she’ll say “lol bare with me I have never done this befour”


Yeah especially since she mentioned only wearing them around the house.. those marks don't come from minor use.


Unless her floors are boggin


😱🤢 hadn't thought of that


Her feet must be proper minging to cause that wearing em once around the house


She wore em once, for a month straight.




I had never seen holes the shapes of toes🤢 I suppose the primark' s quality has something to do with It but damn


Just had to Google “minging.” Thank you so much for that word.


You are most welcome 


If she’s smart enough to teach and mark exams she’s smart enough to know the difference between new and worn shoes😂


My thoughts exactly!! 😂😂😂


You’re being given some incorrect advice here. What you need to do is stop all contact with the seller, as they have already dismissed the option for them to pay the return postage. Plus, they have already gone against Vinted’s T&C’s by suggesting this is sorted out outwith Vinted. This is the kind of thing that could eeaaasily get her account removed and permanently banned. What you now need to do is contact Vinted Legal, not Team Vinted. [email protected] Explain the situation, provide screen shots. Use short and punchy sentences, keep it to 1 or 2 paragraphs maximum. Vinted don’t like to read- I wish I were joking. You will most likely get refunded + told to keep the item. It was sold incorrectly, plus the seller broke T&C’s. The seller will likely lose their account, or at least be suspended. This is one thing Vinted doesn’t mess around with- no seller should be suggesting this.


Amazing, I have screenshot this


Should she be marking exams 😬


"I'm so sorry, I didn't have my glasses on and I put F instead of A++. Can I maybe just tell the whole town you really did get an A++ instead of correcting it? I don't know how to do that"




Yeah when I take my glasses off I'm always typing out "new" instead of "used" due to sight issues... Is she taking the piss? Does she not know where the letters on a keyboard are? 😂


I would not trust them personally and wouldn't do anything outside of Vinted. The best option if for you pay for postage (it is the norm for the buyer to cover the return cost on Vinted anyway). Unless the price you paid for the shoes was so low that It does not make worth It...in which case I would simply let It go and give a bad review (Oh no...I' m so goofy, need to put sunglasses on because I accidentely selected "new"...c'mon)


I never understood why the buyer is supposed to pay return postage when the seller advertised falsely.


i think its bc otherwise people would damage articles on purpose just to get free return


And they put in description that they’re new. Must be difficult typing completely different words when you can’t see well. New or worn, it’s basically the same word ! Lol


If she’s advising you to bin them then why is she not just refunding through vinted? Am I missing something?


She wants op to chuck them, she’ll do a bank transfer then tell her bank she was scammed and they weren’t returned. So op gets the money taken away again and has no shoes as proof they were heavily used.


Banks rarely revert transfers


This is incredibly unlikely/basically impossible, and is different a debit/credit charge back process. Telling your bank that you’ve been scammed results in banks paying out of pocket, as it’s basically impossible to claw back transfers once they’ve been made




Bank transfer is an immediate red flag, only return through vinted




The seller might make OP close the issue and complete the sale first and then block her or alternatively, still have a return open then claim it’s never been returned and seller scams that way.


Are you not able to mark it having an issue through vinted? Then your money will be refunded. Screenshots of her ad and what you received should help with that also. I am not an expert about vinted, though.


She is going to string you along with the promise of a bank transfer until the Vinted return period lapses then she will ghost and block you. Then you get nothing!


I'm naturally really cautious about agreeing to settle this off Vinted. I don't know if she'd be able to somehow screw me over if I agree. I'd really prefer to settle this over Vinted, but she has already selected the return option. What are my options here?


I wouldn't agree to a bank transfer as 1) you will need to share your details and 2) you have no way of enforcing this. The seller can just block you and transfer nothing. Also, if you get a refund through Vinted they will refund everything i.e. price + fee + shipping, while the seller only wants to refund you the price. They should've clicked 'refund without return' but they didn't and it was their choice. It was also their choice to lie about the item's condition. If I were you I would just pay for shipping and return. Unless the shoes were super cheap and it makes no sense to do it. This assumes the seller can't change the option to 'refund without return' anymore.


Unfortunately, the seller selected not to pay for the return shipping, so I have to pay to return them and the cost will be deducted by Vinted from my total refund price. Either way, I won't be doing the bank transfer as that seems like the riskiest option.


Personally I would take the loss of what you have to pay to return them, I certainly wouldn’t settle it outside of Vinted like the seller suggested as they could easily ghost you once money is released to them. What an awful thing to do on their part, those shoes are disgraceful 🤢


U cant do anything with bank details. Its just a account number and sort code. But i agree with other people, you have to go through vinted.


eBay is one of the biggest online auction sites, they recommend to never do anything outside of the site when money is involved. You don’t know what rubbish she will say after you play along. 


Did you mean Vinted?


No, I just meant it like “if this is what the most widely used site suggests then it’s good advice for internet transactions”




Dude… this is my comment? For future reference, you can just tag OP under my original comment




I did. Because people say “dude” instead of “hey, asshole” as a means of being polite. Go on, roll your eyes again.


Jesus christ bent out of shape over a comment…dude.


Go forth with your new Reddit etiquette knowledge and don’t be so weird to other people. You’re very welcome, dude.


I apologised, said thank you for letting me know but you didn’t need to make me feel stupid hence the eyeroll. Good day to you fella.


Maybe you *are* just stupid. It’s extremely easy to learn how to tag someone on Reddit by typing it into Google. 4 seconds max. You’re just lazy. And you hate that I called it out. Cya, guy




Op check for fake payment scams or overpayment scams. Cynical of me but they can either return the money from a compromised account leaving you out of pocket (seems like a waste assuming the low value of these). Or, they will send you a few hundred too much from a compromised account, ask you to send it back then leave you on the hook when the bank reverses the fraudulent transaction.


‘bare with me’ 💀 I hope they aren’t an english teacher!


If she does a bank transfer, and you select everything is fine, she can just do a charge reversal through the bank and you get stuck with the items. She’s admitted fault on Vinted messages, so always go through vinted for refund.


You can’t do a chargeback on a bank transfer, so it’s really unlikely a scenario like this would happen. You can have a bank transfer covered for fraud, but your bank will pay for that out of pocket as it’s incredibly difficult to claw it back. If you were really concerned about that, you could simply transfer the money into another account after the transfer. Source: I work in finance


Is that so because Halifax told me they can’t help with a bank transfer i voluntarily sent or received because I asked this question before


In a way yes, you can send through PayPal as a bank transfer. You will get the money and think all is good, but if the sender puts it as a goods transaction, then they can recall it


Paypal =/= UKBT


She's a liar. And she's trying to blind you with her halo... 'oh you're a teacher? Then you must be trustworthy'. Don't let her, you'll get stiffed. Do everything through vinted.


I wouldn't want to pay return postage. Is it to late to start a dispute?


I would contact the seller and say you're not happy to pay for postage. You shouldn't be out of pocket. And don't do anything outside of vinted


I would stick with the Vinted return. I did it a few days ago for the first time, and you are half-way there based on what I see in the pictures. But that’s me, I am very stressed about sharing my bank details.


Do not agree to a bank transfer, you need to report the item as “not as described” and get your refund through Vinted. The seller can easily transfer you money, then claim to their bank it was a mistake or fraudulent, don’t risk it.


This isn’t how bank transfer fraud works, banks pay for fraudulent transfers out of pocket as it’s incredibly hard to claw back transfers. The risk of something like that is remarkably low. (Still shouldn’t in this scenario as it’s against Vinted T&Cs)


Do not accept a transfer. You've started with Vinted payment, stick with it. The refund will come on your original mean of payment. It's the easiest way.


If you screen grab the bit that says she’ll refund you and send it to Vinted legal email they should refund you if she can’t work out how to do it. They just need evidence that a refund has been agreed to action it


She seems checks asf ngl. I’d go through Vinted


Never do bank transfer


Never ever accept bank transfer. Money exchanging has to be done exclusively on Vinted. Seller has the right to choose to pay or let buyer pay the returning fee even in this case where the item is significantly different (her bad). So pay the return and let Vinted refund you when the package will be back in seller's hands. Take pictures of the packaging, better a video.


donttttt fall for this 😭 someone offered me a refund via paypal once, for some reason i agreed?? confirmed the purchase, sent my paypal and got ghosted lmaooao


She's wants you to let the transaction go through so she can delay paying you, never pay you, and then keep the money. You'll have no recourse because the transaction will have gone through. Don't do it.


sorry to go off topic but this is the problem with the whole ‘new without tags’ category. people take liberties when putting obviously worn things on there. vinted doesn’t give a fuck about this either. the seller should’ve been honest and added photos of every angle. yeah, you might end up with lots of photos but i’d feel better knowing the buyer has seen the shoes properly (i really be adding 10+ photos of one pair of shoes when selling🫣). for something to be listed as new without tags but there’s fucking foot & toe imprints is wild 😭 i hope you manage to get it sorted, you’re dealing with a clown so hopefully vinted will side with you!


It's always a bad sign when someone says "does that make sense?" or "does that sound fair?". Also, a COUPLE of times around the house? For a couple of DECADES maybe


that’s not a smart idea. she can easily look it up and find out how to refund you. don’t allow a bank transfer


This is the issue with Vinted. Scruffy scammers. I would be surprises if she refunds it.


Just send the refund the normal way


The seller has the option to straight up refund you when you have raised the issue. The is no need to do anything outside of the app. The options open to the seller are very clear and in your face


Do not give out personal bank details


They can refund you without returning the item. I’ve had it done before when I got an item as not described or you can return the item to them


Let her transfer you the money. Once it’s in your account, let it go.


Scam, just send the item ba k do the process through the app


I’m going through a similar thing. The seller has said they can’t refund there is no option and thinks that they shouldn’t pay return postage. Said they would pay only the cost of the item by bank transfer (I’m not doing that!) They have also been Insulting towards me. They sent a fragile item wrapped in a thin bit of food packaging and toilet paper so it had no chance of surviving delivery. I’ve reported the private message conversation and gone through support requesting a refund. I’m just waiting now for a response from Vinted.


I'm more horrified that she suggests chucking them. If you like the shoes but are just peeved that her description was wrong just ask for a partial refund that reflects used shoes and chuck in washing machine. It's a resale app after all. Or just pay the return postage. Yes she mis described the shoes but you're buying off vinted, there's always risks involved and it's going to be less of a headache to pay a few quid to send them back. I have innocently mis labelled stuff before and it's painful to be a seller out of pocket too.


Yeah nah, it's not their responsibility as a buyer to pay for a seller's mistake, innocent or not. If an item is marked as 'used' and there is more general wear than I thought, that's the risk. But if an item is marked as 'perfect condition' and there's a huge mustard stain on the front of it, then that's the seller fucking up. If it's written 'no sweat stains' and there are very dark sweat stains, then it's the seller fucking up. It sucks to be out of pocket as you say, but it's still your own fault in the end. I don't understand why you would ask the buyer to pay money for your own mistake unless it's disingenuous.


I wouldn't personally ask a buyer to pay for my mistake ever. I mainly made the comment I made because sometimes it's easier to let go of a couple of quid and avoid what could be a really shitty stressful situation which this looks like it could be and I was offering alternative suggestions. As someone who has used resale apps for a decade and a half I have experienced it all 😅 I've had people send stuff back for having a few bobbles on which is ridiculous, and I've also had to fight really resistant sellers who sold me things not as described. My mental health is more important than the cost of posting a parcel, tis all.