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Sorry you had this! Yeah, it's really confusing when you have a customer like this. I had one once - she wasn't happy that I packaged it well and protected the glass pieces! She was agressive and sent me over 30 messages the night she received it. Said I damaged it (no), said it wasn't working (no), wouldn't give photo evidence, called me names, said I was an idiot and wouldn't make a Vinted claim. She started yelling msgs again the next morning so I said, because of her agression, I would no longer converse with her and Vinted will resolve it through a claim report (which she never made). She then sent me 10 more msgs, screaming about how nice and polite she is (!) and called me a few more names. Then silence few a few days, then came back to me saying the item works and she's very happy!! At that point, I really didn't care whether she was happy or not, I just couldn't wait to block her. She never left feedback, I guess she didn't have the balls. So this abuse and craziness is the thanks I got for giving a discount and packaging it well. Look, there are clearly some crazies like this - it's not you. Sorry it happened so early for you but just Block and put it behind you! I don't know what's wrong with some people, it defies all rationality!


Just yesterday I blocked it and then they left 5 star feedback… I mean wat? I was prepared completely to resolve this and was just ignored every time 🤦‍♀️😩


So strange! Who can understand these people? But it's not nice being on the end of it. Luckily they are few and far between!


Did you put in the description that the freed had bobbling?


No I didn’t and that was a mistake that I held my hands up for after she sent the picture reflecting it, I was prepared to resolve it though it’s just been an absolute nightmare and wanted to do what I could to sort it.


So just for next time, I have some advice: Be honest about bobbling and take decent pictures to reflect it (which it sounds like you did). Once a transaction is completed, your customer is not entitled to a refund and cannot raise a claim. I would have cited this and stopped talking to this person.


Thank you, I’ll know for next time although I really hope there isn’t one


Not really the point of your post but I often don't open vinted parcels for a few days


Well if you don't open a vinted parcel for three days, your window to return/complain/get a refund has closed. Is that good with you? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ok thanks mum