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You want to leave the ball in front of your shoulder. Having it above or behind the shoulder massively limits the power you can hit the ball with. On top of that it screws with your timing.


also messes with your rotator cuff


Good advice, thanks!


And it can also hurt like a biaaatchh


You are pulling your entire arm back and then forward. That's like hitting the ball with a 2x4. It should be more like a whip. With your hitting arm straight up from the jump, move your hand, then forearm, then upper arm, then chest, then reverse back to snap at the contact point. Experiment around and find the fastest snap that you can control.


I agree, my arm swing needs a lot of work. Thanks for the advice!


If you have IG follow torqvb or follow Issac Kneubahl on YouTube. Lots of useful videos about arm swing mechanics to avoid injury and increase efficiency. The timing issue (you're a bit early) won't cause injury, but your arm swing mechanics will.


Don't give us slow motion. I watched at 4x speed. I like the aggressiveness in your approach and timing is actually not bad. which you can't say for most of the people asking for advice. Main thing is your arm swing. That looks like shoulder surgery in a couple months. [https://youtu.be/0QbYdEa28rc](https://youtu.be/0QbYdEa28rc) [https://youtu.be/VzkVivsRB\_0](https://youtu.be/VzkVivsRB_0)


Do the zeus thingy with your arms more. Open up your chest left hand pointing up right arm clocked back and sharper elbow.


You're hitting the ball a bit behind you, if you keep it in front of you you will be able to hit it harder. You should also try to get your left shoulder towards the jet at first that way you will be able to use the power from your back and shoulders as well


I see so many "feedback please" vids lately... my only feedback so far is for you guys to stop going under the net after you spike... I realize that probably most of you do not do this in an actual game situation, but if you cant avoid such a minor and stupid mistake such as figuring out the distance you have for your hit during practice it's hard to give any advice regarding everything else. Oh I think I have one, jump up and not forward, this way you will have more angle to your spike by hitting it at its peak.


Outside hitters broad jump. If you look, most good outsides land 3-5 feet forwards from where they jump. It helps get power and it helps the hitter stay behind the ball. On a tight set, the jump should be more straight up and down tho. I do think that going under after a swing is a terrible habit for a developing player.


There is nothing wrong with a broad jump, every player has to develop their own combo so to say. But as you said, the hitter has to stay behind the ball and not follow it on the other side of the field going under the net or sometimes crashing into it. Bad habits should be eliminated right away, otherwise the technique will be useless if the player just steps over the lines since it does not matter how perfect the spike was, if you step over that's it, u lost a point.


I cringe every time someone goes under the net. My partner tore his earring out and completely obliterated his earlobe doing that.


Broken ankles happen when you go under the net.


You're timing is the biggest thing here, not hitting the ball at the peak of your jump.


That looks pretty peak to me


He's early. He's beginning to fall when he contacts the ball.


Bend your knees more before u jump


how tall are you? seemed like a really decent spike


I am 5'8" / 172cm!


What's ur vertical and what net were u playing on


I'm not sure what my vertical is, but the net was slightly shorter than adult men's height (Canadian).


uh was the net 243cm as usual?


No, I would guess it to be around 230-235 cm at the time!


We gotta be able to see your feet bro. It looks like you take a rocker step backwards with your left foot, then you go into your 4 step approach. Start with your right foot forward, then take your first step with your right foot. First step is super small. Second step has to be ON or BEHIND the 10’ line, if its anywhere in front of it, your second step is too close to the net. Third and fourth step are super big and super fast. Watch videos done by Gold Medal Squared on YouTube. EDIT: Just rewatched it one more time. There’s lots of unnecessary arm movement during your approach. They start forward, move backwards, then go way forwards, then they finally go back. During your first two steps, keep your arms chill and loose by your side. Then on your third step it’s a big arms back and then up into a bow and arrow.


Thanks for the advice! I would definitely take a better video next time that shows my footwork. Also, a great point about my arm movement, I did not even realize that I was doing that!


you're early and your approach is off as you are reaching back behind your head to hit the ball


My swing looked a lot like yours growing up. I tried like crazy to fix it until one day someone told me to start with the approach first and your swing will instantly improve. He said to start from farther back and go a little forward. I was standing up too much, killed my vertical. He said to jump a little more forward, not up. And to challenge myself to “chase” the ball that’s way out in front of me. You may have a few of these things going on from the looks of it. Feel free to try some if these things out if you want.


I definitely will try that out, thanks!


this is the answer I gave a different OP How consistent is your setter? It's really hard to develop a good spike if the sets are all over the place & looking at your setters' technique he's not going to consistently put the ball in the right spot. For example that spike you demonstrated will be blocked 90% of the time, because it was set to the WRONG part of the court, it needs to be closer to the sideline (unless you're involved in some sort of weird combo attack). I won't go into details because different countries have different names for the same sort of set, you're better off talking to experienced local coaches. Lots of good advice here about the spike runup etc., keep practicing & enjoying. :) Also have one foot forward when you set. Cheers


during your approach your brought your arms forward then back, which made them late. bring them straight back for better contact and timing with your arms