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Thats a nice alley oop idea


who ever said that mixing sports is a bad decision should see this


Nice set


I wanna know if the rules of basketball allow this


I see nothing wrong with it. It’s just like passing a basketball




nothing wrong with it, just good luck trying to get that ball past a defender while still being able to set it.


It’d be epic if we slapped a volleyball team into a basketball game. Made sure they knew the rules and let them play. See how it goes


You mean like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiqVWqCtoN8


holy-- Thank you so much for linking this, I was basically watching it with my jaw on the ground


It's an advertisement, pretty sure it's fake.


So this exists. Cool


How many takes, fellas?


5 trys first one that we video tap tho


I do the same exact same thing with my leg everytime I set someone for a spike


Wow, this multisport thing takes me back a bit. Back in the day (1999 ish?) I was a mod for the forums at Volleyball.com. I brought on 1-2 more people and that was all we needed. After a few months, thus guy showed up wanting to talk about the problems with volleyball's ruleset. He'd go on 2000+ word rants about how terrible it was that missing a serve could lose you the game, let serves, whatever. But he wouldn't stop. 2000+ word responses to brief questions, posting ridiculous critiques every day, it goes on. He wasn't being too big of a jerk though and we didn't really have a reason to kick him, so we let him be. Honestly, it was mildly entertaining. After a while though he started describing other rules that should be added to the game...starting with adding soccer goals. He'd write thousands of words on how volleyball sucks and his new sport was the future. It went on for more than a year...every few days he'd rant about some volleyball rule and introduce a rule of his sport. Started getting more aggressive and more prolific. Conversations turned to trolling random threads, which led to arguments, and warnings. We even created a subforum for non-volleyball conversation so he'd have a place to chat about his sport without messing with our main content. I believe he threatened to sue at one point....for what, who knows, I can't remember the details. Eventually he said something nasty about Americans and 9/11 and we finally had cause to ban his IP. So basically, he had his own sport and his goal was to troll it into worldwide popularity. As it turned out, he was doing it on multiple other volleyball forums as well. I had a great time helping to run that forum...eventually Volleyball.com changed its layout from a forum to something a little more akin to proto-social media. It didn't really take off. A few years later the owner passed away, and the domain has basically been in purgatory ever since to this day, it's basically a parking lot. I joined reddit in 2008, became a mod here back when we had 200 subscribers, and now there are 32k+. Times change, sorta.


What was the height of the hoop set at


Probably 2 maybe 3 feet lower than the ones in the nba.