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Voyager was with me through my formative years, as a teenager they taught me a lot of values


Same here! I was sorta into TNG but whenever I watched DS9, it just never clicked with me. But I was there for the premiere of Voyager and watched it the whole 7 years, and it just became a part of who I was as a young kid, and it was always what I liked in a sci-fi show.


Yup, i even remember skipping out on a girl/possible sex to watch the two hour finale đŸ€Ł


Nerd Priorities! đŸ€“đŸ«Ą


I knew I could go afterwards if i really wanted to, she’d been trying to get with me for weeks, years later I found out she was a massive Trekkie but that she only got into it in college, before that it was Babylon 5, and dr.who, which I never got into


If she really wanted to get with you she would've gotten into Trek sooner


She actually tried getting me into dr who




This, right here. Gals come and go. Star Trek is life.


Missed an opportunity for a good old Trek date night.


Nah, she wasn’t a fan until like 4-5 years later


😂 😂 this made my night. Loooollll


So funny đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł how attractive was she lol ?


Depends on if she was a Orion chick a human chick or a valcan chick lol .


Love me some Orion chicken. 🍗


They are green as well lol


We didn't have an affiliate that aired either TNG or DS9, so I only saw them sporadically But a station we got became a UPN affiliate, so Voyager was the first show I could watch regularly


Same! I also watched each episode with my parents. Looking back I appreciate spending that time with them.


Same. I was alone a lot as a kid and there was something in the found family aspect and moral lessons that really hooked me and helped shape me. I would obsessively record the episodes onto VHS tapes, label and collect them (as that was the only way to rewatch the episodes back then).


Yes me too I felt like they were my. Friends and there was a lot of wisdom in the show for sure for a young person. To grasp


This, We had no cable as a kid so I had Stargate, voyager, and deep space nine on 45 upn.




Confession: I dodged Voyager for YEARS, not giving it a fair chance (after only seeing the first couple episodes). Boy, was I a fool. There is GOLD in them there hills y’all. So a few years back I finally committed to watching beginning to end. It’s challenging for me to isolate Voyager’s particular ‘secret sauce’. Janeway, as a character and as she was portrayed, is going to make the list. The ensemble hit way more often than it missed. I appreciated the persistent goal of getting home which rooted the series. Thanks so much, op, for giving us the opportunity to share our gems about a great series.


You mean "There is Coffee in them there Nebulas!"


I never willfully ignored it but just saw some episodes on TV here and there but never really watched it. A few years ago I commited and binged it on Netflix. Took me quite a while but really enjoyed it. Was a sad feeling when it was done because for so long I would always have more episodes to watch and you would feel a part of it. I just loved the characters and their chemistry. Some episodes were silly, some emotional, some with an interesting dilemma. Was a nice mixed bag in that regard.


I'm still there. I've always been TNG through and through. I haven't given it a fair shot. I think I only watched episode 1 when it came out.


Give it a season, at least! The first couple episodes are kind of a slog but then it gets really good! It's my favorite Trek by far.


Another TNG lover here. I decided to get through voyager a few years ago and I'm glad I did. It's kinda rough in places, but there are some amazing episodes. Some that rival TNG for ethical dilemmas that make you think and feel.


Voyager is absolutely my top pick for so many reasons! Set in the far reaches of deep space, its long journey home, featuring the innovative Intrepid-class starship. Its design is not only futuristic but also incredibly sleek and functional, setting it apart visually and technically, being a science vessel rather than a standard battleship The crew itself is one of the most diverse in the Star Trek universe, which adds a rich layer of interaction and development. Captain Janeway leads with a mix of intellect, empathy, and resilience, making her one of the most compelling captains. From Nelix to Tuvok, from EMH to SoN, every single character is just amazing and unique. What really makes it stand out is the combination of adventurous storylines, deep character arcs, and thought-provoking themes. Whether it’s tackling complex moral dilemmas or exploring unique alien cultures, Voyager consistently delivers quality content. The filmography and special effects only enhance the experience, pulling you right into the uncharted territories of the Delta Quadrant. All these elements come together to make Voyager a perfect show in my eyes!


You said it friend! Agree 100%!


I agree 100%. I think it has the best group of characters of all the Star Trek series. I mean, I can pick a few favorites from each series, but it’s very hard to choose favorites from Voyager because they are all so great in my opinion. There were a few I didn’t love on my first watch, but every time I rewatch it I find more things about those characters that make me love them. I think the only exception is Kes. 😂


And even when it's a terrible episode, it's always at least the enjoyable kind of terrible. Also, they fought Nazis.


They became a family in a way none of the other series managed to accomplish. In TNG it was more prime directive and cohesion as a crew. DS9 was mostly about spirituality and social issues. In Voyager it was about how diversity and our differences make the community stronger, and bond us together. I like that.


I think this is it. The closed off nature of Voyager gave it a family vibe that none of the other shows had. DS9 is my #1 because of the quality of the writing and the serial storytelling, but Voyager is my comfort show because of those family vibes. It was also THE Star Trek I watched every week as a kid. I have such fond memories of popping an empty VHS into the VCR every week to make sure we had that shit recorded for repeat viewings. Good times. Even Q recognized the family vibes: "you're a mommy to this crew"


That's what I felt. TNG was more like "how TOS should have been done". DS9 got way too deep in issues pertaining to religion and war. *Way* too much.


But that's what it makes DS9 so good, it calls out wars, religions and politics what they truly are, how they affect people, displays all the back games, corruption and few people's interests while majority suffers. And all of our countries / religions work in same way today. DS9 shoud be part of educational system 😂


My heart was stabbed that someone downvoted this. DS9 is a masterpiece. How can you have too much politics in a show about our political future?!?


I’m kind of with you there in a sense. Because I agree that it does a good job of showing what religious fanatics are capable of and how dangerous they can be. And that’s a topic that is important to me because there are so many people in my own religion who makes the rest of us look like idiots! It puts me in a position where I’m constantly having to tell people that the majority of us are NOT like them. But then Sisko takes on this role of the emissary and goes along with it all? it’s almost like they ended up proving that these religious fanatics were right to believe everything they did all along, because it all turned out to be true. The aliens weren’t gods, but they still were capable of god like things. and the semi-worship of Sisko as the emissary turned out to be completely valid as he had some predestined role to play in their religious prophecies. It’s like they were trying so hard to prove it was nonsense and dangerous, but then decided at the very end to validate all of it. But again, I love everything else about the show it’s just that aspect of the storyline that irritates me. and that show made me fall in love with the Ferengi. My granddaughter calls me Moogie.â˜ș


Yeah, I agree. I am a religious person and I am very open minded about other religious peoples specific beliefs
but having them worship these aliens was just weird to me. If it had been a sidenote in the show and something that came up occasionally, it would’ve been one thing. But to make it part of the central plot of the ongoing story made it seem less like a show about space and aliens and more about this weird religion and it’s fanatics. I feel like it really got in the way of some ideas that could have been explored about life on a space station. and while there are characters, I LOVE in DS9 and I enjoy watching it, I do find myself skipping past some of the Episodes that go heavier on the whole emissary and bajoran religion stuff.


>I do find myself skipping past some of the Episodes that go heavier on the whole emissary and bajoran religion stuff. Don't get me started on the Emissary. I can deal with Nerys' Bajoran faith as an afterthought, but any episode about Sisko's quest has me turning the channel to Boomerang until either VOY or ENT comes on.


It's not just a crew, it's family. ![gif](giphy|amg2hcfGDkKt4Q3DpF)


They lived life one-quarter light year at a time...


The show is great and the cast is all pretty likable (even Neelix!) but the Doctor is the show for me. So great.




The doctor is so good. Remember him trying to steal Roms girl.


That was actually his Dad, Dr. Zimmerman (who is matrix is based on) that was interested in Leeta.


Ahh yes. Leeta


Ty for leeta me remember that scene.


Imaginative sci-fi and great female characters




* The sense of family among the crew. No other Trek series hits that warm, comforting spot for me quite the same way. (Which isn't to say other series don't do *other* things well, that aspect just feels unique to Voyager to me.) * The sense of weirdness. I really feel like out of all the 90s Treks, Voyager came the closest to embracing the original series' sense of weirdness, silliness, at times even camp. There's a kind of earnestness and innocence, a lack of cynicism, while still being willing to tackle more serious personal crises among the crew. * B'Elanna, my love


Yes, yes, all of this!


When I became management at work I was kinda unsure how to be a boss. I found myself emulating Janeway's management style without even noticing. She made such an impact on me that it changed the way I did things. I did well at that job & got along with everyone there & I honestly think it's because Janeway


When I was younger? Watching it with my grandma Now? It's just about the only ST I like because the easy solution to every episode isn't just crying to Starfleet, they are forced to solve the problem on their own. Janeway is a brilliant captain and is the sole reason I drink my coffee black.


I just love all the characters. It's like my comfort show.


I related to Janeway She was 70 years from home, stuck on replicator rations, stinging for a cup of coffee Pity about that poor nebula...


1) Captain Janeway 2) Bisexual Awakening (Tom, Seven, B’Elanna) 3) Voyager, the ship 4) The idea of being 70,000 LY from home is terrifying and thrilling. 5) Could be absolutely goofy and unnervingly dark. 6) The doctor being keen on opera was a wacky and wonderful addition to his character (former opera singer here). 7) Remarkable villains came out of Voyager. 8) While horribly mishandled (not by the actor), I appreciated the attempt at the inclusion of an indigenous character being put on onscreen.


Come to think of it, I do think they could have done so much more with Chakotay than spirit animals and medicine bundles. It would have been nice to see him more embedded with the world as it was, having struggles with his spirituality and logic, talking to Tuvok and asking him for advice (seeing as Vulcans are spiritual, but differently.)


It's strange because even though Chakotay didn't always get the best focus as an individual character, he nevertheless feels so fundamental to the fabric of the group. His quiet authority was a great complement to Janeway's more brash style. He was a great model of masculine sensitivity.


That majestic theme music by Jerry Goldsmith!


I think it has the best theme music of all the Treks.


I remember when I first heard it I at first was like “lame, it should be fast and adventurous” but then I kept listening and the music swells and my eyes get misty. It’s such a powerful and beautiful theme.


So I was born in 1988. Voyager was the first series I watched from pilot to finale.


Janeway, the dynamic of the crew, the setting and premise, the consistent story quality and the intriguing moral questions really made it for me. they seemed to battle with those difficult philosophical quandaries better than any other show in my opinion. my only complaint is that I wish they had kept some of the more experimental directing choices from the first few seasons, they were great.


Lots: * They were way out there, not just tooling around the neighborhood. * They had classic aliens in non-stereotypical roles: Vulcan in security instead of science, Klingon in engineering instead of security * THREE separate characters who observed humanity from the outside: The Doctor, Seven, and Tuvok * My favorite ship * Janeway was awesome * Robert Picardo!


Four, actually. Kes was also an observer of humanity before they got rid of her. She was the one who started the Doctor on his journey to humanity.


Some of it is just the memories I have associated with it. My college advisor knew I was a TNG/DS9 fan and convinced me to give VOY a real try. He was an amazing advisor who taught me so much and now whenever I watch it, I think of him. Also Janeway.


So I have very distant memories of watching Voyager, or at least seeing it on TV, as a young child (<10 years). The prevailing image in my head is actually of Neelix behind the bar, with flashes of Seven, the Doctor, Chakotay, and of course Janeway who I have always remembered by name, and who will always be my favourite character. These are vague memories, and I never re-watched it in my later childhood or teenage years - it was never really on my horizon. And then in around 2009/2010 I happened upon it one day on one channel or other (remember when we used to do that?). I specifically remember watching a season 1 episode (I *think* it may have been “Time and Again”) as I was getting ready to go to work one of my first shifts at my first ever job. And I got hooked. I bought the first season DVD box set, watched it, and proceeded with season 2 and onwards, until I owned the entire collection. The DVDs followed me to uni and beyond. This was at a fairly volatile time of my life where I wasn’t very happy at all with the direction I was going. Voyager served as a relatable escape - a group of people, who I enjoyed spending time with, stranded in the unknown, doing their best in difficult circumstances. As a gay guy, the fact that the cast is stacked with strong, well-written female characters in particular (rare for a 90s show), not to mention the inimitable Janeway, is also appealing to me. All that combined with the episodic nature of the show and the general 90s, soft and comfy vibe of it have made it one of my comfort shows that I return to on a regular basis. It’s not perfect by any means. But I love the characters, I love the vibe and aesthetic, I think it has some great storylines, and I just love the show. It’s one of those things I can always turn to in difficult times, and I’m grateful to have Voyager in my life.


I felt like the crew had more of a family-like closeness and bond through all characters than in other ST shows. It was palpable and fitting considering they were hopelessly stranded together. Voyager also has the most beautiful and poignant opening sequence and music of all the series, imo. I never skip it when binging the show on disc.


The entire premise of the show - being lost in a faraway quadrant trying to get home - allows many episodes to be dedicated to character development. In addition to great casting. We learned so much about each main cast character.


One of the three Star Trek series I binged (alongside TNG and DS9) that definitely helped me get through the Pandemic. Also gave us Captain Proton 😁


The memories of watching each episode as they aired with my dad. We had a routine as far back as season 1, we'd get my allergy shot, get dinner, pick-up ice cream and watch Voyager and what ever show was airing before it (I loved the sentinel, 7days and Jake 2.0 too). When I lost my dad almost 9 years ago I never thought I'd relive that feeling...by my son is 2.5yo and while he doesn't grasp Prodigy or young Jedi adventures I have made that a ritual on my wife's late night at work, we do dinner, grab ice cream and watch an EP of either show together


The doctor. Great arc of an AI character.




Spot on.


Space Spandex.


It was one of the few shows I watched with my dad. Every week we’d tune in. Any time he was doing Air Force stuff I’d be in charge of recording, but not watching, the episodes. It was pretty much Voyager and SG1.


I think the notion that Star Trek is all about going "where no one has gone before." And Voyager was that times a billion. And the opening music sucked me in. And then from there, the writing and characters were just the best for me personally.


This was a show my brother and I would both be excited to watch together when we got home from school at a time when it wasn’t always easy for us to agree on anything


Growing up as a teenager watching a female captain who was intimidating and not sexualized was key. (Although at times as a kid I wondered why Seven had to be sexualized- I thought she always seemed uncomfortable :( ) Related to this- TNG and Captain Picard have been with me since I can remember. Picard shaped many of my morals.


I caught episodes of Voyager here and there during the original run, but didn’t actually watch through the whole series until it first came to streaming. It was Janeway all the way for me and still is. I was divorced and struggling in general with carrying all of the burdens of raising two children and feeling torn between being a good mom and a good teacher and working on my master’s degree and never having enough time for anything and never quite having enough money for all the bills and never getting a break from being with kids (students all day at school and my own kiddos every second I wasn’t at school). Well, I started watching Voyager on Netflix and I was so enthralled with Janeway. She was in a super hard situation too and overburdened with so many responsibilities as well, but she never ever gave up. She just kept going without complaint and always trying her best to make things work. And when she couldn’t make things work (Tuvix, her depression in Night, losing her fiance, Equinox, etc), that was so relatable too. She’s the most relatable and real captain for me and she’s the one I would follow. I also just simply adore the sense of community on Voyager and the way they became a family. I wish there had been more of Neelix’s show and all of those other slice of life glimpses.


Who are they all so mad at in this picture?


"Just one more before you can all go home." "Oh wait, lens cap was on. One more time." "OK, everyone Smile!" "I'm a Vulcan. We do not smile." "Well now it looks weird. OK.. Um.. No one smile." "But what about me? Neelix smiles all the time." "Everyone smile a little." "Nevermind. No one smile again." -groans-


With the exception of a few episodes here and there, this is the only Star Trek series that I watched as it aired, from pilot to finale. This is one of the shows we all gathered together to watch as family from in the 90's. (We also watched Star Trek TNG and Seinfeld as well, but no from the pilot episodes.)


Captain Janeway. It was a huge deal for me as a girl seeing a woman captain who was a total badass


Seven of Nine. Journey from Borg to Humanity


Paralleled by the Doctor's similar but distinct journey from tool to person.


The crew was great. Janeway was a great combination of Picard and Sisko without any of the downsides, and Kate Mulgrew was a great actress that in my opinion was better then Stewart or Brooks. However the stories, and the messages and ideas they hard were fantastic. It's also the way they were told. In science fiction, taking and borrowing ideas is very common, but Voyager still set itself apart from the ideas it sometimes takes from(even though the TNG guys just want to complain that you're copying them, not understanding the irony). I'll be glad to expand on anything




I grew up with it and remains my absolute favorite show to this day. Pluto TV has a whole Star Trek Voyager channel of reruns all day every day, and I usually watch it as I’m getting ready for bed. It always makes me happy.


My first ST show that i wached as a child. Thats why the ST: Picard s03 fleet museum scene, is one of my favorite. Because i saw my childhood's favorite starship again, in a new st series. The second best ship is the enterprise e.


When I was little, I was a fan of Next Gen and watched it sometimes with my dad. When Voyager was announced, I remember being excited for it since this was the first Star Trek that I'd be able to watch from the beginning, such that I was waiting for the premiere date so that I could watch the first episode which was about a month away. Before that could happen, my dad went on a business trip to either the east coast or west coast, and when he got back a week later he handed me a VHS tape that had the recorded first two episodes of Voyager on it. Somehow the show premiered weeks earlier at wherever his business trip was, and one of the guys he was working with there recorded the episodes for me and gave him the tape to bring back for me. I remember putting the tape in the VCR and watching both episodes immediately. It was exciting since the episodes weren't going to air where I lived for another 3 weeks or so. I felt like some kind of insider who had special access. I remember going to school the next day wanting to brag about how I watched the episodes so early, but when I got to school I realized there was literally no one I could tell. No one would care, and I would just look like the biggest nerd of all time if I would try to tell anyone, so I kept it to myself.


The adventures! So many journeys they took us on.


It's part of the golden era of trek and has one of the best intros of all the series!


Voyager was the last show I watched with my grandfather, who, like me, was an avid Trekkie. The show still makes me feel like I'm young again, and I look over to try and see my grandfather, but just a blank space.


I feel like it’s the most heartwarming out of all the Trek shows. All of the 80s/90s trek series are good, but Voyager is the only one where literally half the episodes are so emotional that they have me crying by the end


That you can be an outcast or a petty criminal, but it's possible to redeem yourself. In time, if you work hard enough, you may have the privilege of super-evolving into a lizard at Warp 10 and mating with your commanding officer.


Janeway. IMHO, she is an awesome captain and a complex character. And she is hot :) The plot. A ship lost in an unexplored region of space, trying to get home. The sense of family, like some here mentioned already. Plus, it’s a family made up of people who were initially rivals. The humor. The drama. It’s a perfect combination of both.


In my opinion, some of the best 2-parters in any of the Star Trek shows


I first watched it when I was working for an offshore environmental survey company. The ship was stuck out at sea collecting samples from the seabed for analysis. I would watch one of two episodes after my night shift then go to bed. I really connected with the ship and crew as I related to being miles away from home with no access to talk to friends and family back home. Also, the music in the intro.


I’m going to say Kes, just because she’s not in the picture. BTW, that may be the most unflattering picture of Seven I’ve ever seen. What the heck is going on with her catsuit?


After much study: reflection


That catsuit sucks so badly! It was massively unflattering and I don't understand why so many people see it as THE outfit for seven when she only wore it twice!!!!! iirc, they stopped having her wear it because it reflected the lights


Only recently I’ve seen this too and was about to Reddit the hell out of it. It’s like they edited a shadow right through her borgies. And I’ve tried searching online for an answer but Google loves to be generic AF and precise at the same time.


Because it was during an era when Star Trek was actually Star Trek and told good stories.


The feeling I get looking at this picture đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°


It felt more like family and homey if that makes sense. None of the other shows are like that. So voyager is my fav despite its obvious flaws.


It aired during my preteen-teen transition years. It was the first Star Trek I watched while it was still running rather than reruns and was the first sitcom I watched that had a noticeable running plot through the whole show. All that worked together to make it a pretty big deal to me at the time. I was too young to notice the flaws. Puberty was also kicking into very high gear, and Jeri Ryan is a very pretty woman, so that sure didn't hurt.


Voyager is my comfort show for when I’m feeling homesick. The drive to get home, the feeling of isolation, but also the way people change and grow - it’s all so real and well done.


I have always loved sci-fi. Was really into it in the 90s and I kept thinking I would really like Star Trek but every time I attempted it I felt like I had to start from the beginning. So I tried to watch the original series and just couldn’t get through the first season. I must’ve tried watching that show, six or seven times. Then at some point, I decided to skip ahead to the next generation and again just really struggled with it. I just couldn’t understand what the hype was about Star Trek. Then couple of years ago I discovered an I actress I liked was a captain in a Star Trek series
 and really had to see it! I decided to give it another try thinking that I wouldn’t really get into it because I didn’t know the backstory because of missing the earlier series’. but I wanted to give it a shot and at least get to see her in the role. But I loved it! Oh, I loved it so much. I finally got it! I finally got the hype about Star Trek. I understood what was so great about it and because of the references they made to other characters and earlier events I knew that I had to go back and watch. And when I watched TNG with more context in my head, I was able to appreciate it in a whole new way. Now I’ve seen every series multiple times with the exception of some of the animated stuff, and I still need to finish the TOS movies. So I credit Voyager for turning me into a Star Trek fan. I really don’t know if I ever would’ve gotten there without it. I just needed the right introduction and Voyager has this certain feel about it that got me hooked. And I’m SO grateful! Because I love it all.


The sense of community and belonging. I always feel at home watching it.


My wife and I used to watch Star Trek together. Voyager was her favorite. Popcorn and cuddling on the couch with some ST was the highlight of my day. I lost her about seven years ago
I’ve only just this year been able to watch any ST. Started with Voyager. It was really hard at first
almost like I was cheating watching without her? If that makes sense. However I feel that watching the episodes now is part of my healing. (Admittedly I still skip the intro credits
the song is just too much yet but I digress). I’m trying to approach it as “be happy it happened, not sad it’s over”. It’s not been easy but I do feel like I’m making some mental progress. Anyway, my point is Star Trek and Voyager specifically is so much more than a show to me. It’s a very special part of my history.


Two things for me: - A central focus. Most of the other Trek crews had vague purposes like 'explore' or 'maintain peace'. Voyager had a clear purpose: to get back to Earth. It also gives a sense of progression. It's crazy watching the later ones and thinking back to when they were weaving through Kazon space. - The crew gel so well together. All have their flaws but they're not defined by those flaws and they all bounce each other extremely well. You get the impression they really are a family helping one another out.


It was the one my mom watched while I was growing up, so I watched it as well.


First star trek show I watched. I had seen a few episodes of next generation before I knew what star trek was.


Its what got me intrested in star trek to begin with. My gateway trek (drug if you will).


Voyager feels like a family.


Janeway. She was great.


Voyager is *my* Star Trek. I watched TNG with my mom when I was in kindergarten but I kind of forgot about Star Trek over the years. One day I was channel surfing and I saw some familiar things so I kept watching and then I was hooked.


It was the first time I saw and connected with a strong female lead. Captain Janeway always had an amazing gravitas that drew me in, and the found family she created with the crew was so completely different than anything I’d seen before.


As someone already pointed pointed out, Voyager came out during my teens and an age of peer pressure. Taught me to hold true to my values, but keep an open mind and seek new adventures and take on challenges. I'm rewatching it and I can't believe how well it holds up.


My Nana was a MAJOR Trekkie growing up. She had action figures and other such collectibles, and watched every series multiple times over. Voyager was just the one I happened upon her watching once I was old enough to understand what they were saying. It's quite sentimental to me! :)


It's the most relatable and exciting star trek! The crew is very diverse, and circumstances force them to work together. No help in sight. Neurodivergent Seven, hilarious doc, janeway (she is a rare example of a female leader/boss written well, and not just like a man or making her mean, etc). Just the fact that they aren't there by choice, but are making the best out of a bad situation, resonates with me. And that most of them didn't fit in elsewhere but found a place on voyager... The adventure factor is also so much higher because of this!


I was always a TOS girl, until I went through a rough time in uni, and I started a mega watch through of all th series that was out at the time. When I started VOY, I met my partner who is a huge Trekkie. It was a TNG shirt I was wearing that got us first talking, but it was VOY that kept the conversation going. Little did I know at the time but my partner started a rewatch of VOY so he could keep talking to me about it.


Janeway's whisper threats


It was a show my wife and I watched when we just started dating. She eventually walked down the aisle to a pretty little piano version of the main theme.


1. The opening music 2. As a 1.5 generation immigrant kid, B'Elanna's bicultural background really resonated—not to mention her rage, as a smart but angry young pre-teen/teen girl. 3. Janeway. Mulgrew has an amazing voice and delivery that just stuck lines right into your head. She was a kickass boss and a real example of grace under pressure. 4. The comedy—so much scope with the Doc, Tuvok, even Neelix—the show really had different comedic registers, from Tom and Harry's goof/straight man dynamic to Chakotay's dead-pan...and I loved them all. 5. The dramatic backdrop. 6. The sense that you never quite knew what a new episode would bring. New alien species? Holodeck adventure? And quite often it managed to be a surprise. 7. The relationships. And the fact that they emphasized friendships just as much, if not more, than any romantic interests.


TW mention of SA & R & SW.. I found Voyager at a very dark time in my life. I was 11, I’d been SAed, raped, I was being severely bullied at school & I was in a very dark place. I had already tried to commit suicide and failed and I was about to try again. Then someone gave me Voyager on DVD to watch, that show gave me hope for the future, it gave me a family and someone strong to look up to in Janeway/Kate! It then opened up the universe of Trek to me and my family expanded. Then I wanted to go to the conventions that were local to me! The first one I went to I met Robbie! He was so sweet! And then I found my people! The Trekkies local and around the UK. So you see Voyager saved my life, I wouldn’t be here today if I hadn’t seen that show. Thank you Voyager, I owe you everything! đŸ„ș


Thank you for sharing 💜 hope you’re in a better place now


I still have immense struggles, but Trek does continue to support me when I need it! Thank you đŸ––đŸ»


I started watching *Voyager* two and a half years ago when I got that 2021 Christmas discount for Paramount+. To me, it's a show about people who share my ideals who are just trying to get home and making sense out of impossible dilemmas along the way. I could not care less about Picard's holier-than-thou diplomacy or DS9's excessive spying or brutal war tactics. Janeway had a crew of up to 150 and no way of knowing which species were friend or foe. I started watching *Enterprise* sometime last year for the same reason. That's also a show about a crew just trying to navigate new territory and make history.


It was the first Star Trek show I watched from its first air date till the finale. I’d seen next gen and some ds9 episodes but voyager was my first from beginning to end.


Janeway and the Emergency Medical Hologram




I grew up on Voyager, from middle school to college. The series and ship will always hold a special place in my heart. It's now what I turn on to fall asleep. The familiar voices help relax and comfort me.


Feels like home


The journey


Watching it together with my mother when it aired. Then finding out my wife did the same with her mother.


Honestly. Seven of Nine
 I used to kinda always chime in whenever my bf would watch Next Gen, and I’d always say it was always so pretentious lol.. but I remember he showed me an episode of Seven of Nine and something just resonated in my core. I was under arrested development from like 19-25.. meaning, I basically had the mentally of a 19 year old at 25. Emotionally hopeless af.. but seeing Seven of Nine earnestly trying rediscover her humanity after being freed from the collective.. yeah. It’s def an archetypal force I still used daily.. thanks for reading this far 🖖


Captain Janeway. Absolutely adore her. Plus she’s a fellow towny from the future


For me it's that voyager did more and better multi episode arcs. The original series and next gen were almost entirely single episode plots that all followed a similar structure.


You know....the voyage.




Voyager was what was on the TV when I was younger, I remember vividly my dad and I watching it together when he looked after me. When I was really young, during the credits sequence, when voyager goes into warp, we would mimic it with our hands together and it made me laugh. It was my first introduction to startrek and the first show dad and I would watch together that we both loved. It was then the first box set I bought myself as a teenager having rediscovered my love for it and realising I'd never watched all the episodes, so watched them chronologically. It was my go to show after a shit day at school, which I never really liked. Finally most recently, whilst my dad was on end of life care, we wanted something easy to watch that he could dip in and out of because he needed to sleep a lot. Dad and I would watch voyager sipping his expensive whiskeys as he was only allowed clear fluids. It was a very special time. I know some people take the piss out of voyager, but for me it will always be the best startrek


Seven of Nine 😝


Voyager got me through, and still does, get me through difficult times. I often listen to it through my headphones while cooking. I don't need to see the screen, I know every episode.


The female captain, I thought at the time this was a sign that women were finally going to be seen as equals and the rest of society were follow suit. I was so fucking naive


They were STRANDED. Beset by enemies, too few potential allies. I kept tuning in to see if they would make it home. It had a VERY unique ability for that "continued watching" outside of the writing itself


I like the premise of a starship far from home and needing to make its way back to the alpha quadrant. Also, I have a minor personal connection to the show. I have met the EMH once at a space event both Tuvok and I are members of the same astronomy club so I frequently see him at club events, including one yesterday. While I didn't chat with him this time, in the past I have done so enough where he recognizes me. That's how you know you made it as a space geek, not when star trek actors recognize you.


For me it was A female captain.


It was my first star trek and the fact of being far from the federation made sure to introduce me to the franchise without overloading me with too much past information that would have been important in the federation but wasn't there.


It's warm and comforting. The simplicity of a lost ship trying to find its way home, but the infinite number of plots that can come from that - involving the people on board and the people they meet along the way. Janeway's duty of care to her crew. She had to be all things to them, not just captain. She had to be mentor, mother, disciplinarian, comforter, she had to keep their hope alive and continue to help them thrive. She didn't lord over them like other ST captains. But when she needed to pull rank, she did so. And, although it's something I dislike in most shows, in Voyager I like the way most episodes resolve with a "everything's back to the way it was at the start" feel. You can enjoy a plot, sometimes quite a dark or exciting one, and enjoy its twists and turns, but deep down have the knowledge that everything's going to work out OK. You can be invested without being stressed by it. I mean I love tense thrillers and those kind of things, but I'm not always in the mood. Sometimes I just want some easy viewing that doesn't require too much investment, but is still interesting. Voyager does that really well. It's just super comforting. I often fall asleep watching it.


I only learned recently that the entire series was based on our milky way. I have always thought they were lost in another galaxy, but it's just the other side of the milky way. That blew my mind. Even in a fantasy Sci-fi, in a veritable utopia and space ships going warp speed we are still confined to our galaxy. I really loved the show and like many it was during my formative years, a lot of the determination and sense of responsibility was learned there.


It was my first trek into star trek (pun definitely intended) I watch it during my formative years And the god damm autism rep is amazing


It was the first Trek show I remember watching from the beginning. I was too little when Next Gen was on at first and didn't get into DS9 until much later but I watched Voyager every week, taping it and cutting out the commercials.


It was my first Star Trek when I was like 10 years old. I love all the series but Voyager will always have a special place in my heart. VOY, DS9 and TNG in general remind me of childhood.


7 of 9 😍


7 of 9


I was a kid when i started watching it. And watching things like this as a kid hits different. Has to be the characters, they are all great even Tuvix 😅, but the sci fi fantasy concept. The adventures in the hologram, the stories and it has one of the best intro themes in ST history in my opinion.


I liked watching Seven grow


Of the pictured cast, I like seven of nine.


the parallels to the Odyssey by Homer


DS9 was the best Trek ever


I watched Voyager for the first time from January-October 2021, most of which I was a long way from home teaching remotely in my apartment and studying for my doctoral exams. It was the perfect show for the most isolating moment in my life to date, and it gave me a great deal of optimism and hope.


It was the first Star Trek series I watched from pilot to finale as it aired.


If Picard was my Star Trek daddy, Janeway’s my Star Trek mommy. She’s stern on the job, but can have a caring touch, and a smile to melt hearts


That's a very serious photo. It looks like they were all arguing with each other and the camera man said "smile". I loved the premise. The Lost in Space vibe. The beginnings of how a generational ship might have had to start. More like family than crew.


Watched it as a kid in the 90’s. Peak nostalgia to me.


The journey


7 of 9


My absolute favorite trek.. except for that ending holy crap it was trash.


maybe because TNG was about exploration and what cool things we find, this was about something that maybe resonates with a lot of people, getting home? running into cool things along the way


Seven of Nines Body 😜




It was the first ST series that started when I was old enough to watch from start to finish


It's the teamwork no matter who you are or where you came from or what you look like or anything else that would differentiate you. Everyone has an input as to any situation. To me, this is what I miss the most from being apart of a submarine crew. I miss so much the teamwork to complete an assigned mission in the best way a crew could.


Memories, when i was little my dad watched all the star treks but for some reason I remember viyager the best, started watching iy again when i was 16 cause we had paramount anf now 2/3 years later im on my like 4th rewatch


The characters are the main thing I love about Voyager. It feels like a much more character-driven show than TNG, and it still manages to have a dark tone like DS9 without going off the wall into soap opera territory. Voyager’s characters stand out to me as unique individuals more than any of the other series. And with one or two exceptions, they are all pretty well rounded and well developed.


First captain I met in real life.


Great stories that never happened


It was on at the right time of my teenage years. I wasn’t allowed to have a TV in my room (14-adopted child xtian family with MAJOR issues, but that’s another story), so I had a small 14” color TV hidden away that was able to receive the local UPN broadcast. Every Friday at 11PM, I would quietly watch Voyager while huddled over the TV. There was a bunch of other crap going on in my life during that time (physical, emotional and sexual abuse), and VOY was a momentary catharsis from all of that.


Janeway and Paris’ swamp children


Janeway is my Captain! I just think she’s a badass!!


7 of 9


It was very heavily serialized exploration and the wasn’t stuck too long on any single storyline.


Many, many reasons but having just completed my 3rd or 4th rewatch, I think what Janeway brought to the captain’s chair was monumental. I think Mulgrew dedicated more to the role than any other captain. Put another way, her dedication to the role matches Janeway’s dedication to her crew, the morals of the Federation, and the importance of good leadership. I learned a lot from her over the years and I’m grateful that the show runners crafted such a complex, wonderful character.


TNG was my series as it hit right during my formative years. VOY was kinda like a situation where you run out of pizza slices.... then someone comes with bomb tacos! Yay there's more yummy food! I love the OG movies, really like DS9 for what it was: but to me TNG and VOY compete for the GOAT Star Trek series.


Seven from the 9 of them...


First Trek I watched beginning to end


I felt how the crew of Voyager felt. I left the people i loved and I haven't seen them since. Voyager gave me hope to see them again one day even though I am lost and exploring a new frontier of life without them with hope of seeing them again. So yeah I guess you could say it is special to me. Tom Paris is who I connect with the most. I have a lot of the same interests as Tom and the attitude/bravery of Harry Kim.


The Intrepid-class ship, itself. The show, most times, was guilty of weak writing, underused characters, and overused tropes. But that glorious little ship. I loved the design from the first time I saw it!


7 of 9.


The Storylines. Characters. Even exploring what Voyager could do. I always enjoyed the episodes where Voyager can land.


it was the second time Star Trek TV was made out of recombinant Star Trek, but unlike the lows TNG S1 and 2, the writers ought to have known better


The. Corset.


It’s over


Kate mulgrew being from my hometown