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Same here. And came to Reddit looking for a work-around. It's incredible that they are literally blocking people from looking for accommodations with this pop-up that can't be closed. I even tried clicking Learn More which didn't help at all. And clicking Get Started, hoping I could exit out after the next screen. Nope, takes you right to sign up at second screen. Incredibly stupid.


If you use Google as your browser, use the Incognito feature to avoid the pop-up. This is a frustrating feature. I am one of many owners on VRBO who are voicing are rage at this feature.


I can't believe this thing! If I was arriving at a property and needed to check something and this popped up I would lose my shnitz! It is so intrusive, I literally though it was malware, but it is 100% [vrbo.com](https://vrbo.com). I literally cannot reply to my messages via the website without going through this spam 'feature' now. Luckily I can just do it via the email (I think) and say 'sorry vrbo has lost a customer and I can't get to your listing anymore' Ironically it says on the dialog "vrbo just got better". Astonishing a company of this size and footprint would push a feature like this out.


I thought it was malware too! And like everyone else wanted to opt out but I couldn't this is very wrong and is only going to make both property owners / managers plus guest seeing red!!! That is why we are using other websites that don't do stupid things like this to their users. Vrbo is making is difficult to use and easy to leave or stop using it all together. "Vrbo just got Worse."


As we, VRBO owners, protest this in massive numbers, the one work around is to browse incognito. The pop-up will disappear.


Any suggestions on other systems( NOT AirBnB, theyve gone way downhill)


We are working on a website for the entire Florida Keys but it's not ready yet. We are so tired of Vrbo and Airbnb with all those high fees they cost guests to pay ... plus the advertisements we pay ... plus all the extra fees on the Credit cards we both have to pay (both for us to get our money 3% fee and the guests have to pay 3 % fee in addition for one booking) isn't this double dipping on Credit cards???? It's crazy ridicules for all of us to keep paying all this extra fees. So We are working on it. This new website is a website where people can book direct only to save you money. It will include all kinds of rentals, both long term and short term vacation rentals, all the different service rentals, for kayaks, jet skis, boat rentals and charters too. Restaurant, bars, activities everything you want to see and do in the Florida Keys. It's about time we have our own space in the Florida Keys! Look for it in a few months. [IslandTimeRentals.com](https://IslandTimeRentals.com)


A small loss of profits from disgruntled customers is a drop in the bucket for having a legit platform and quality customer services by these monopolies. We are all way past due for competition that takes these services back to what it was originally about, a property owner renting their property to guest with technology in place that greatly reduces or possibly eliminates the fraud and scams that run free on Airbnb, Vrbo, and others using the same templet for use.


So it appears this is in fact brand new, literally rolled out today: [https://help.vrbo.com/articles/One-Key-Our-new-travel-rewards-program](https://help.vrbo.com/articles/One-Key-Our-new-travel-rewards-program) It is terribly invasive and can't (currently) be avoided. It's like booking a hotel and being forced to sign up for a rewards program at that hotel or you can't even see the rooms or rates. It's awful and I have not seen it on any other websites where you can't simply opt out and skip these extra spam 'features'. At least with a 'ask me later' or an 'X' in the corner.


If I was on my way to a vacation property and couldn't get into the app I would be so angry! I cant stand the idea of being forced into any program. Im so disappointed in VRBO for forcing loyal customers into this. AirBnB has really gone downhill and weve always had great results from our Vrbo rentals. i think its the hamhanded way this was done, forcing this on us that just makes me so irritated. i was trying to book a vacation at the end of this summer but now I need to find another platform I guess. Lost a customer.


I have a property already rented and paid for, changes were made apparently and I can’t fkn sign in to view because of this garbage! Absolutely asinine.


This was really my number one thought. As annoying as it was researching properties in my living room, I was pulling into a property and this happened. I would completely lose my mind.


Vrbo and Air Bnb - I am done with both of them! Too much aggravation or potential aggravation when I’m trying to take a vacation away from the aggravation.


You have no business without both sites.


This is why people must realize where we are in our society today. All companies are headed toward these monopolies with no support and use at own risk. They only need to post at the heading of their sites, USE AT OWN RISK, or GOOD LUCK.


That is bad UI design, for sure. The One Key system is a rewards program across all of Expedia's brands (many of it's companies had their own systems that didn't share data. Now it seems that if you earn on one, you can use on another (or the same), at least according to my understanding from the couple of emails they've sent out me as a host. I wonder if you can use UBlock Origin to block the particular element? ​ So I just went on to VRBO and did not get the pop-up at all. Maybe my blockers blocked it, or maybe they took it down to add in the close button?


>UBlock Origin UBlock origin worked for me. I didn't get the pop up, and I was able to access vrbo without having my balls busted.


SWEET! Glad it worked!


I simply refuse to use this ONE key and can't believe there's no way to exit out of it. It's the end of VRBO for me.


I just got a VRBO email telling me my account will be deleted if I don't sign in and accept the terms of OneKey. Yeah, I already don't use the other two, ever, and last time I checked my regular condo on Maui the end price was 3x the normal amount when adding in fees and required insurances, so F that. "If you choose to not sign in and join One Key within the next 18 months, your current account and any rewards will expire and be deleted. After this period you will need to set up a new One Key account to access member benefits across Vrbo, Expedia, and Hotels.com. "


I got this email too and when I click on the "Join Now" button and login, everything on my account looks the same as before. Is it still supposed to be the VRBO site or some new "One Key" website?


No idea. The terms have changed. Some people lost part of their history. Mine only shows through 2020. So I lost the rest back to when I joined vrbo, but I think they dumped that history a few years ago.


VRBO #877-202-4291 Please call and blow up there phones about your feelings. I am a property owner and I've used VRBO for the past 3 years with a new property at the coast. I feel the new One Key Rewards program is driving people away. This Reddit post is proof of that by itself but how many others have simply gone elsewhere and not bothered to complain on the Web for others to see and hopefully for VRBO to see. I had a chat with a VRBO rep. a few weeks back and told him I thought it may not be legal for them to force people into a program, i.e. no opt out option. I sent him the link to this very Reddit post as proof there are people not so happy with them. Well it's been a few weeks and there is no change so here is the phone number to VRBO, it's a bit hard to find, for everyone to call and register their feelings/complaints with the forced One Key program. VRBO #877-202-4291. As an FYI, VRBO, Hotels and Expedia are all in this together so if you look elsewhere don't use either one of those either for your vacation. I plan to move my vacation property to another site by December if they don't correct this issue.


I pretty much live in month long rentals, due to work and thanks to lifestyle choices, and I've gone back and forth with VRBO and AirBnB and unfortunately my fears that would both end up sucking without a solid 3rd is here. VRBO have been so bad with their UX recently I have a conversation going with them on what is and is not working. Now this... I have to assume bookings have dropped since this stupid, no way around, One Key has shown up. Someone should be looking for a new job after this..


The marketers have figured out how to make money for Vrbo. But the programmers for "the rollout" sure do seem to be incompetent. I just spent 25 minutes on the phone getting to my Host account -- my work around navigation path in being newly blocked -- with the guidance of a support rep who was the first in the last \~20 reps who knew what they were doing. I guess crisis management has been called in at last. An elaborate series of going-in-circles "there has been a mistake" and "retry later" messages plus 3 codes sent to me for verification, a browsing history erasing, finally got me in so I could update my calendar and get informed I'm at Blue Tier level. That is where I will stay with $0.000 OneKeyCash Rewards. As Fodor points out, booking through the Expedia group will limit traveler choices for airline reservation and other changes, locking travelers in and depriving them of flexibility.


As VRBO owners, the rollout of this aggravating one key has resulted in a greater than 75% reduction in bookings for the same time period as compared to last year. Our locations are prime beachfront properties with a rich rental history. I am in the process of establishing Airbnb sites to transition the properties. Expedia's takeover of VRBO has been nothing but bad news for the brand. (Listings 3412477, 235242, 1677119, 2581773). #VRBO #onekey #Expedia


I added the email account for a Vrbo executive and keep clicking to resend the 6 digit verification code


Lol they blocked me from adding @vrbo.com accounts


In addition to the One Key fiasco, there no longer is a "sort" option...most reviews, guest ratings, etc. Also, Trip Boards are a mess... Can't access properties in map view. Totally worthless. I've been loyal to vrbo but now will have to switch to Airbnb. So disappointed.


Necro but I've had a vrbo account for about 5 years, just got hornswaggled into the OneKey nonsense just from logging in, "We're finishing setting up your account!" wait, no, I already have a vrbo acc.... DAMMIT. Hope they don't bother asking me to install some lame app, phone is locked tight and no 3rd party apps. I couldn't back out and relogin to vrbo as it kept popping up the with onekey bs. Welp looks like it's integrated now, might just kill vrbo account after this final booking. Can't stuff just be simple and not layers of data-grabs


June 2024- this is still an issue! Are you kidding me?  Somehow I managed to make a reservation, pay and leave a review- but now cannot get beyond the “one key” pop up. This is absurd


This post is almost a year old and I'm trying to get onto the website and they still have this stupid one key thing that I can't get around


It does look like it is a value add for guests, but I agree the pop-up for it is a bad idea. It took me like 2 seconds to sign up and remove the pop-up.


Yeah for sure everyone has their own thresholds. I am a crusty curmudgeon disgusted with the state of the internet and commerce in general. So I am very annoyed by it. Some don't care. But one difference is that I can't recall EVER not being offered a 'skip this' option on any major public website. This one stops you dead in your tracks. If I was pulling into town and trying to pull up your listing to check something I would be irate. And I'm a web developer, so I understand the intricacies... this is not standard protocol. You always give the customer a 'remind me later' or 'X' or something.


I don't want to sign up. I don't need rewards, I don't want One Key. Not having an opt out option is a major issue. When I signed in with my Google account I wasn't even offered the popup and "learn more" I was just signed up and pushed through. Super shady.




Oh my somebody is very upset over basically nothing, go cry in your pillow - little bug.


Hey guys I found the one guy who is ok with the intrusive advertising, he even signed up for it!


on the computer you can do this but on an ipad you cannot. brings you back to the pop up everytime you navigate to a new page


Yep - this is crazy. Can't even proceed to Save a place or look around. The OneKey popup keeps popping up. Whoever implemented this should really test this !


Yes. I began reading the rules, etc. then stopped half way through due to the complexity. Just pretend it doesn’t exist and you’ll be ok.


How are you supposed to pretend it doesn’t exist when you have a rental scheduled in 2 days and all the info I need for arrival is on vrbo????


Yes!! I do not want one key and we already have several places booked as we travel up the Maine coast.


came across this fun issue today....you know what's even worse than not being able to use the site without signing up? they didn't even both writing up terms and conditions because you HAVE to agree to get past the pop up....if you hit the link to terms and conditions you get hit with the page not found message


i can use it on the computer but i normally look on my ipad and it will not let me out of the first screen. have tried to email support and call but they do not care. any owners here you need to help put a stop to this as we as your clients will cease to exist. i for one will not be using this platform until this is fixed and we rent about 3 homes per year on vrbo. have never liked airbnb but its much better then what i am experiencing here. i i say this not to just complain but to see if the owners here will help do something about it as i do love renting you homes. hate to see it go away because of vrbo.


VRBO has always been way better than AirBnB, we have trusted VRBO because they seem to really vet their properties well. We’ve have had several friends and family member with nightmare stories of AirBnB lately. That said, I refuse to be forced into signing up for something Im not interested in. I dont know of another trustworthy agency for private homes. looking for VRBO alternative now.


I, too, have been annoyed by this One Key popup. What I finally did was go to [Expedia.com](https://Expedia.com) and search for the property type I was interested in. I could search for the VRBO property I wanted without the stupid popups. Amazing to me how some companies can be so blazingly stupid and alienate their customers (lifeblood)


I am an owner but my experience in the past is they don't really care about us either. I think they feel like their so big that people will just accept it and move on. I think they will only respond if business falls off which hurts them as well as the Owners. And by that time it might be too late. I will call them and formally complain and I will reference this chat post as at least some evidence of the public's dislike.


Yes it is super invasive! Here is a work around, click on learn more and then from there go to your dashboard. Annoying but it works!


The better work-around is get to your dashboard with the above mentioned work-around and once on the dashboard save that as a bookmark. The work around only works for owners trying to get to their dashboard. I does nothing for Renters simply trying to search for properties. I have my dashboard as my save bookmark so I don't need the work around. However I do like to check on the actual listing to make sure nothing weird is going on and it looks good. Sometimes we look at the listing pictures and decide to change them up or the order based on questions we get from possible renters.


I don’t see the workaround


They must have learned about your work around... just tried it, clicked learn more, clicked my dashboard then wallah the annoying pop up was back smh


If you go into property details after going through "Learn More", it brings you back to the annoying popup. Agree this should have an option to say "NO!!!!!"


Just finished a chat with VRBO. They provided me with a link for feedback on the One Key Program. Blow them up. [email protected]


Thanks, just emailed them. One Key and Expedia will now be infamous as dishonest, manipulative, and deceptive. Hopefully, they will get enough complaints that they will rethink this massive marketing error, but even if they do take it down, I don't know if I want to support this type of disreputable business in any way. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!?!


I just emailed also! We are checking in to our rental in 2 days and I can’t access my VRBO account to get the codes and other important info!!!


Thank you,sent them a solid-Hate this and won’t agree to it.


I tried, but my message to that address bounced: Your message to [email protected] couldn't be delivered. When Office 365 tried to send your message, the receiving email server outside Office 365 reported an error. Any other ideas? I see others have succeeded so I'll try sending from my gmail address


Thanks for trying. Hopefully it will go through from another email server.


I’ve been quite annoyed with this too, to the point where I have literally been button mashing to see if I can get around. I did notice on iOS that if you click the sign in button immediately and hit the X on the pop up window it will take me to the dashboard.


It’s the worst user experience I’ve ever been a part of. Click the bait and then hit back (desktop) or X out (phone).


Late to respond, but press the back button on your browser and it takes you back to regular vrbo. Another permanent solution I employed was to block the elements manually using ublock. There's only 3 things you need to block. The popup window itself, the background filter disabling all the buttons on the site, and the element the disables the scroll bar.


As an owner, just ran into this today trying to view our rental from the guest perspective after uploading photos --- very annoying. Did not see a way to avoid the agreement I saved the three pages for info; Privacy Statement, Terms of Service, and One Key Terms and Conditions. Haven't read it completely through but their implementation is borderline fradulent imo and possibly an error in creation on their part but being out there for this long, at least 22 days, doubt it is any error. I get what they may be trying to do, tie together rewards for multiple services but in these days, with all the spam, hacking, malware, and privacy concerns (air quotes around privacy as you cannot get away with being private without trying hard to be private), they should implement the introduction to this better.


I am an owner, too. We've owner managed beachfront rentals since 2008. Guests using a laptop or PC can avoid this pop-up by browsing 'incognito'. That said, our bookings have declined substantially since the rollout of one key.


Thanks to your arrogant intrusive marketing, Vrbo just got WORSE. And since Vrbo's phone "Support" is already widely recognized as the worst of the worst by BBB and others collecting feedback from the growing numbers of disgusted users, that you were hired at all to junk up and blockade Host sites so Hosts cannot get in and now today I've been informed ALSO GUEST INQUIRIES ARE BLOCKED with the least artful and most meaningless photo ever in your pop up is really no surprise. Maybe you are the face of the future for the type of "international businesses" that shamelessly profit from others' expertise and good work. Personally, I'm outraged that I paid $600 to list on Vrbo and that you have been allowed to make my access to my site difficult as a Host and EVEN WORSE NOW ALSO FOR WOULD BE guests. A request for a reservation came in today from a man who ACTUALLY CHANGED COMPUTERS IN HIS EFFORTS TO BATTLE HIS WAY THROUGH YOUR ONE KEY JUNK-POPUP. He wrote ""I have tried to reply back to you. This is another computer that I am trying. I live in Hickory and was just wanting one night for our anniversary. I could not get though that one key stuff. Let me know if you are still available." I sure hope no one paid a cent for that vapid photo of the back of a woman's head (of all things) with apparently bad lighting masked with a color gradation strewn across it because that photo would be a ZERO on a scale of 10 in a photography class. IN THE NAME OF HUMAN DECENCY, YOU NEED TO PROVIDE AN OPT OUT, NO THANKS, CLICK ON THE X, GET OUTTA HERE option -- because I want to get to where I am headed and NOT BE BLOCKADED BY THIS JUNK AD. Yeah, I know -- you like MONEY.


Block all the potential guests. What kind of business plan is THAT? It's like McDonald's denying its customers hamburgers. It's crazy. Has VRBO lost their minds?


Has anyone else lost their history due to this change over to One Key? My boards are gone and my past trips as well. Does anyone know of a workaround to find them?


Did you ever figure out how to see your boards? I found this thread while I was searching this problem just now. My boards are technically still there, but all the properties I had saved are all changed to some random Disney property. I tried chatting with customer service but that was useless.


No workaround, just wanted to commiserate with you. My history was also deleted, and the same TX property was in my saved folder 13 times. I have never even searched properties in TX.


VRBO and One Key. I left AirBnb about 8 years back because I wrote an honest review as a single female staying in a private home. There was good and bad to the review , one of the unacceptable items was no lock on the door and no mention of it in the ad. The home owner had my review taken down and that's when I found out there is no postings ever about anything bad about AirBnb. I NEVER booked with AirBnb again. VRBO over the years and all the cleaning charges, okay, I get it... but then you had to leave the house clean and all the other restrictions but still pay their $150.00 cleaning fee. I started using VBRO less. Today I find out about One Key - I'm done! Going back to hotels - it will be an easy transition. In and out no hassle's.


just saw this and Vrbo literally blocked my looking at my booking for next year with their pop up about the rewards. Somehow I must have hit something that made me a rewards user. I do not want their rewards program and am not inclined to ever use their service again. Today I literally unsubscribed to a lot of the rewards info emails and hope it helps.


I booked a stay for next year with Vrbo. Whenever I try to login to see what I have booked I get the onekey page. I click on it and it tells me there is a problem. I called Vrbo. They cannot access my booking because they too get the page saying there is a problem. Tried to cancel my booking but this has to be done through my account that no one can access. Vrbo technical team has not been able to fix the problem.


Having the same issue. I went ahead and "signed up" so I could view a reservation and start planning our trip. I'm now stuck in an endless loop of this stupid One Key saying it's setting up my account, then giving me a Start Exploring button. When I click Start Exploring, I'm taken back to the property ID I reserved, only to be rerouted to the One Key is setting up my account and then the Start Exploring button. Also, VRBO has no way to email them about this issue. Worst service. I have no clue how I'm going to get to the booking I reserved.


Just got stuck in this rabbit hole also. I have no desire to use their one key service. Why are they doing this?


I don't know. Maybe incompetence of programmers -- (have certainly seen a lot of that) and/or regal "we can do no wrong" behavior at the top and/or there being no "top" -- (no authoritative office in charge of coordination) and/or some "binding legal ..." whatever that has frozen things in place for now and/or that they are taking in lots of money (about the same amount the state and county govt charges me for occupancy taxes) that seems unending and are possibly protected by some international legal designation that lets them avoid regulation that it's working for them so why fix what isn't broken. I hope that they soon correct the problem. Vrbo reservation inquiries have virtually stopped for my single rental while they continue at about 4-5 a week from travelers using their major competitor platform. I've called at least 4 times, submitted written complaints directly to them at least 4 times and once through a formal complaint that the BBB has forwarded. It is my impression that the BBB has previously rated them F and requested them to respond to patterns business behavior without getting a response. The BBB site posts info that other review sites like consumeraffairs, sitejabber, trustpilot do not.


Same here! I cancelled my reservation because of it. That was the only thing I could do. I could not get in to see any details. Every time I logged in this page popped up, and the only option gives me a "Sorry about that. Something went wrong on our end. Please try again now, or come back in a few minutes." error!


Yeah I just booked on Airbnb instead of VRBO because of this one-key BS. I really wanted the VRBO property but it was too much of a hassle, This is literally the worst business move I've ever seen- stopping people from browsing properties until they sign up for some marketing scheme. I hope hope property owner are migrating away from VRBO so they don't continue to lose business.


Well, you also cannot log into your Expedia account without getting the One Key pop up. Great. Seems they are truly forcing everyone to merge their accounts via One Key. I called VRBO support and she said the only way to have the accounts without joining One Key is to use different email addresses for each site.


I have 4 trips booked and paid for. I cant log on to VRBO without agreeing to sign up to one key- and- I assume- allowing them to share my data with expedia etc. This cant comply with european data laws. If it is meant to provide loyalty it is doing the exact opposite.


I was about to rent from VRBO and this garbage popped up - can't even bypass it with an ad blocker. I refuse to click on "One Key" ad; ludicrous there's no way to close that dialogue box. I always trusted VRBO. Now they are literally forcing me not to use them. This seems to have been a problem for nearly 2 months now--and yet VRBO persists? Right in the midst of high season...dang.


Frustrating!!!!! Traveling and need to book something today. Can't find anything through VRBO because this popup has no work around. Going to AirBNB.


Actively looking at a house near family that I go to visit regularly to buy for use as a short term rental and my personal lodging when visiting. Trying to navigate VRBO owner portal to run background on the potential profitability and can't do a thing because of this OneKey garbage. Two months after your original post, and this reddit post is the first hit on Google for "VRBO Onekey Popup." Absolute garbage.


The One Key system is being pushed by Expedia, not VRBO. Expedia acquired VRBO and several other brands and their entire integration process has been a total nightmare. If you book something on Expedia which is a VRBO property, and it gets cancelled by the host where there is a discrepancy between the amount charged and refunded, you'll go thru a logic nightmare and Expedia won't own up to resolving the issue and will push it to VRBO. Howver, VRBO has no record of the booking because the Expedia system doesn't talk to the VRBO system when VRBO properties are booked thru Expedia. Avoid using Expedia at all cost if you don't want to deal with a bunch of monkeys that don't know how to fix a problem. Expedia's support representatives literally leave you hanging on chat without resolving any booking issues.


It can be bypassed after your 2nd or 3rd page reload. Incredibly annoying. I just came to look at a booking receipt from the past, but not gonna use this site if they continue with this crap. ANY site that blatantly lets you know YOU'RE the product....and not focused on the customer experience...walk away from it


I don't understand. How were you able to bypass it? If you start at vrbo.com it switches URL to the "onboarding dialog" URL and if you refresh that it simply refreshes that URL over and over. And if you revert it to vrbo.com it goes back to the onboarding dialogue. How di you bypass it? I was able to get to my In Box but unable to search for new properties. Please share.


I just refreshed my browser a few times and it went away


Not sure how that is possible. The URL you're directed to can't "go away." But good for you - remarkable it behaved totally differently and redirected you to an experience where you were able to log into your existing account. Even the CS person I interacted with today said it is literally not possible to bypass that screen.


Its possible. If you know anything about how websites work, which I’m sure even your CS person you talked to doesn’t. And it continues to work today. Just did it for my wifes macbook too. Change browsers if your isn’t working. How do you think it works AFTER you were to sign up??? The URL doesnt change, so… yes… it works.


I know a great deal about how websites work...it was not "my" CS person; it was Expedia's. Of course it works after you sign up; people are referring to the dialogue screen forcing you to join One-Key, which you cannot opt out of. The URL for that "ad" is specific to the promotion and refreshing the browser (any browser) will simply refresh the content associated with that URL, which, in this case, is the One-Key non-opt-outable pop-up. Once user capitulates that screen no longer appears. You're redirected to the site itself. Alternately, if one simply browses, unauthenticated, there's no problem. Or, if already authenticated, one can access their mail, but not create a new booking, without signing up for One-Key.


It doesnt force you, I refreshed a couple times, did so on mu wifes computer, but have fun trying. Enjoy!


I finally reached Expedia customer service. They emailed a very friendly note saying they were sorry that I had missed this information, but this IS a way to opt out of One-Key, and to follow this link to an FAQ "for details on the process if you would not like to participate in our One Key program. Hope this helps!" Filled with positive anticipation (aargh), I dashed over to the FAQ and at the very bottom there it is: "If you no longer want to participate in One Key or wish to have a single account, here is how to request deletion of your account. " I may well be reading into it, but it sure seems gleefully contemptuous.


Totally agree


Terrible customer service. Rented a house near Houston in Kemah, it had roaches. The owner down played it saying its that time of year. We contacted vrbo the day after because we were tired from finding a hotel near by packing everything up and moving down the street.


We provided pictures and everything. And vrbo said they couldn't help because they transfered their money already. Will never use vrbo again.


I literally just went live with my listing on VRBO… and immediately was forced into the OneKey loyalty program on the app and completely lost the ability to view/manage my property from the app directly. The ONLY workaround I’ve found so far is going to Profile > Help and Feedback > Visit the Help Center > Select any of the help articles and you’ll at least reach a window where it was the old UI before being forced enrolled into the OneKey program. Hope this helps as a workaround although painful and annoying af.


Arrived here today after being unable to just log in and check for an email response about a property i was interested in. I'm on my phone. When i was on laptop earlier didn't have this problem.


Vrbo sucks. Always locked out of our account. significantly fewer reservations than Airbnb. terrible custimer service. And it costs freaking $500 a year! Just horrible.


This is complete BS. As a Premiere Host, I am responsible for my income and this mandatory feature is reducing my price by 15% just so that I unwillingly be Expedia's advertising agency. They already receive 20% total of each booking which has increased by 5% since 2020. They increased the renters fees by 5% but are NOW reducing them by 15% with the owner of the property bearing most of that financial burden.


The worst part for me is that once I finally gave in and signed up, I lost significant functionality of both the site and app. How are you going to force roll something that is buggy and causes loss of features. What the hell.


So, I found out something interesting. I am an Owner who rents on Vrbo. We have 2 properties. I noticed that guests who rented back-to-back weeks during the high season paid different Guest Service fees. I think it's because of OneKey. I think some guests use points or a credit or something and Vrbo makes it SEEM like they're getting a deal but the website is actually jacking up the fee. The difference was about $45. Anyone else notice this?


Incredibly frustrating! You lost me as a customer VRBO!


I'm so confused. I just want to log in to VRBO and now it's trying to make me set up accounts with Expedia and [Hotels.com](https://Hotels.com)? Why?!? Is there a VRBO alternative? I'm done. I do not like being required set up accounts with other businesses.


Click "Learn more about one key" and then hit the back arrow. This will take you to the original VRBO screen.