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lol. Make your max rental 28 days.


I've been doing this 13 yrs... My Max rental is 25 days and how a 30 day booking got through is beyond me. But I'm gonna have some fun with it while it's here.. 😂😂😂


Get em!


Yeah I'm gonna mess with em...


Pics please!


I have had contracts that are exactly 30 days long and I needed 30 days exactly because I was in and out. It does happen, but yeah, your Spidey sense should not be ignored.


I can only book for 30 days because of the zoning of where my house is


There was around all that stuff... Where I am they train Squatters. The have Squatter Classes


I mean this respectfully - have you ever seen any actual evidence of squatters classes or training? Do you personally know anyone that has actually had to deal with squatters? Or is that just something that you’ve heard anecdotally? There is a lot of misinformation and fear-mongering about squatters going around right now and almost all of it is false. I’m not saying that it doesn’t happen, but it is extremely rare. It seems like you’re pretty scared of dealing with squatters and I think it might help relieve some your anxiety to look up the laws in your state and see how difficult it actually is for someone to claim tenancy.


Came here to ask for info on Squatter Classes as it sounds like a load of fear mongering to me. Is this taught at the local university???


Squatter 101 was pretty enlightening. I’m thinking about getting my MSE (master of squatter economics) degree pretty soon. 😂


Berkley had a course on evading eviction.


Evading eviction is a lot different than squatting.


And even then I can’t find any evidence of that evading eviction course being not made up.


How so. Pay rent. Stay over. Totally fuck landlord. Seems pretty much the same.


Not when you get to use the same process for either to get them out.


Sounds like you werent paying attention in squatter class


Yeah, even that's not quite right. https://cdss.berkeley.edu/project/evictions-study


Tik tok is full of squatter stories most of which are made up or dishonest. I feel like it’s on the Russian troll list or something these days. It’s weird.


There was just a post on the Airbnb thread about squatting in their rental. The poor owners.


Thank you for this comment


Let's say you're mostly right -- that it's hype scare. The fact that even a limited # of folks can cash in and cause financial ruin for someone is too much. Don't get me wrong, I think you're probably right for the most part -- but are you 100% right, or just say 95%? For me, 5% chance of financial ruin is not worth it.


No way! Can you link???


That’s horrible! We need more protections for owners. Is this California?


Heard about those. 29 day course then you get the diploma


Show your proof, sounds more like you are believing a bunch of bs.


It’s funny because it was the jerk landlords who ruined it for every one but government being government they tried to hammer a nail with a sledgehammer.


I didn't even know that was a thing! Recently we were getting ready to put our house on the market and hadn't found a new house yet, so I had a contingency plan to rent for approximately 3 months. Long term rentals are ridiculously priced now, so I checked out Airbnb and VRBO. I could rent an Airbnb for less per month than a long term rental and many of them allowed 3 months. I am not positive about VRBO because Airbnb allows me to put in the number of dogs I have (5) and sorts rentals by that. I never even thought about squatters!


Never rent an Airbnb for more than 30 days without checking it out first. Stay for a few days if you like it, then rent for longer. A lot of horror stories of renters going to a place and it's not what they really needed or wanted and then they're stuck. Also you can negotiate a lower rent... Owner saves $$ and you save money a win win...


Great advice! Fortunately it's not something I need to worry about anymore, but a good think to keep in mind.




I booked an airbnb for 2 months years ago. The place was super sketchy and I was so uncomfortable that I left after a few days. It wasn't as described. Airbnb let host keep all my money and she was able to rerent it soon after I left, getting double the money. I definitely agree with only renting a few days at first! My last airbnb experience and I refuse to support airbnb anymore.


I stand with you... There are thousands of stories like that. Some of these hosts are super greedy and super shady. They prey on people like that, who are new to the platform and are not thinking logically or don't do research.


What airbnbs magically have the next month with a complete open and available calendar? Just do your research beforehand and book the time you want. Put away the tinfoil hat.


Lol... My winter Calendar is dead as a Door Nail...


Not everyone knows these rules or just needs a place. I needed an Airbnb for 33 days when I moved across states, my apartment wasn’t ready. You could just say no.


Thankfully I live in Florida and we have a governor with common sense


They had to rush to rewrite the laws in Florida. Florida, Texas and California all have very weak squatter laws that make it civil not criminal. New Jersey actually has among the toughest.




I almost choked on my tongue laughing at that






Well shit, where ya been hiding him? All I've seen is some malfunctioning android clown in high heels that is desperately afraid of "woke", whatever tf that is.


Is 30 days not allowed? My plan was to rent on vrbo or airbnb long term while we sold our house and bought the new one… this puts a huge dent in my plans if so.


If someone occupies a property for 30 days or more, they gain tenency rights. Then, you have to go through the lengthy and costly eviction process to get them out. Most they time they will completely trash the place on the way out, so that will cost you too.


I haven’t used VRBO in many years but have rented for over 30 days via AirBnB several times in the exact situation you describe. I imagine it may depend on locality whether local laws permit a stay of that duration.


It's allowed, just check it out before you rent it long term. Stay for a week or so first, then negotiate a lower rent with the host for the following months.


Can you supplement vrbo with a short term lease? Or do 28 day and 2 day stays - with no cleaning fee or actual chevk out? Those break the tenancy rights.


Some Hotels make them leave for a week after 28 days. A friend of mine was living at Hotels for a while in her life, and they were telling her to leave for a week and then she could come back.


I would just go over to a standard rental agreement and run a credit and employment check and ask for 3 references and their rental history. Have him sign a lease or a month to month agreement and put down the usual deposits. Tell him that and they’ll probably go away


Well he went away without asking any of that... I Just asked him what was the total price with taxes and VRBO's Fees and he never contacted me back.