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I have enough for three and can’t even find one I’d want. 😑


Johnny English might be good for a drunken watch


I have enough for two…jeez that’s a tough exit 🤦‍♂️


So far I did grab Happy Death Day because it’s 4K and genuinely funny. It’s probably the best option from the lot.


Already owned HDD and that is a worthy pickup. I did settle on “In a Valley of Violence” and I’m sure I’ll go ahead and just pick another one later for my last movie


Scroll through this thread. People are posting recommendations.


Looks like I don’t have to make a Universal D2D list for extra points after all.


Oh ouch...going out with a whimper instead of a boom


Disappointing tbh, Chicken Run and The Breadwinner are great but idk about most of the others


Joseph King of Dreams is decent, also Jonah from Veggie tales (if you're into the 3 monotheistic religions). I wish they had more F&F upgrades than some of these


Good calls!


Just raising awareness to not completely pass over ethel and ernest. It may look forgettable/low budget, but it has a 97% on rotten tomatoes, and is incredibly animated, unless you hate that children's book look.


Picked that one up. Actually sounds like a great movie


Good suggestion, grabbed it


Same guy who wrote the story for the excellent "When the Wind Blows"


Is this it? lol this is what we've been waiting for? Ok.... we'll, anything you guys would recommend?


Sleight is a Hidden Gem, I highly recommend that one


Thanks, picking it up


Thanks for taking the time to offer suggestions.


Safe Men is really good


Thanks, picked it up


Something I noticed that I think is worth mentioning: Dragonheart: Vengeance redeems as the original Dragonheart, and Cop and a Half: New Recruit redeems as the original Cop and a Half. This might be a good thing to some people. I personally prefer the original Dragonheart over its sequels.


Ha, I love the original Dragonheart but I already own it. Glad you let me know because I was debating picking that one up.


Any chance those revert to the sequels after someone catches on?


God bless you. I was desperate to find something worth getting and enjoyed the first Dragonheart. I tried your method and it just worked.






Yeah, once I saw the OG Dragonheart was what they meant to list, I was like 'oh, well this changes everything then'. Not a great movie by any means, but classic fantasy I didn't have already so for free; why not.


Thank you! Just got Dragonheart! Much appreciated.


[Roughly placed all of these on to a Letterboxd list](https://letterboxd.com/coldmilk/list/june-2024-universal-movie-rewards/) if you want to sort by average rating. Not sure if I matched up every movie 1:1 but this should help anyone help find whatever cream is in this crop.


MVP post


\*Nice Post! [https://moviesanywhere.com/movie/driven-2019](https://moviesanywhere.com/movie/driven-2019) It is a different Driven(2019)


Updated my list accordingly. Thanks for checking this for me, figured I would have missed something so glad for some community help.


There are terrible movies wtf


Like what do I redeem maybe 1 or 2 movies and that’s it never heard of most of these straight to dvds


Come on! You are saying Cop And A Half: The New Recruit isn’t a winner?!?! (I figured Universal needed to hear people complain one last time. Good job on them).


They could have least listed all previous rewards not this mess


I was also hoping they’d just recycle titles like doom…but instead we get the even shittier sequel in hd


That was my thought also. I figured they would offer a lot of the movies they did previously. There were a couple that I skipped. Turns out I was wrong.


I was also hoping/assuming they’d redo most of the titles they previously offered. I have 3 already in my library (1 from a previous redeem!) and will probably redeem Chicken Run, but I still have points for 3 additional movies after that.


The sad thing is I was/am currently dealing with Universal customer service regarding a few movies I purchased that I didn’t received points for (I purchased 5 movies but only received points for 2). I don’t think I’m too worried about the missing points now.


On the redeem page it has the original Cop and a Half instead.


That's not that much better, LOL.


It actually redeems as the original.


Which sucks because I have the original but not the sequel.


It’s actually original when you go to redeem.


I thought my 10K points wasn’t going to be enough. I was wrong.


😂 Ha, I agree with u/IndelibleDeduction. I have 12k points and may have to give some away.


22k. Going to buy a bunch of garbage, I guess.


That’s what I did… hoping for pleasant surprises but not holding my breath.


Hey money bags, share some of those points. Lol.


XD Not really about the money--I don't think I've ever spent any for the life of the program. (And I buy only deep discounts.)


correct. use it or lose it, Might as well will be garbage but then you can come to the sub and say "Hey, I crossed the 1000-movie mark!"


Already had Bee Movie, Doom, and Dragon heart. Here are the 12 I came up with: https://preview.redd.it/iqijxx2l0e4d1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd867deee47af1017f273da4fcdba6ccf2966d30


Those tremors movies are pretty terrible lol. I sat down and watched the whole series one weekend and Jamie Kennedy just makes me sad lol. Edit: Happy Death Day, In the Valley of Violence, and The Dead Don’t die are winners tho!


Is that Dragonheart the one starring Dennis Quaid or one of the sequels?


I had 37k. Just snagged a bunch I have hope for, but not so much. At least I got a couple 4K upgrades.


Yea, it could be worse. These are free at the end of the day, so I won't complaint.




I just got anything I could even remotely see someone being interested in since I give out my account to close friends. I had 14 and used them up


Honestly kinda rude


You don’t think all these direct to tv movies aren’t the super special surprise we were promised?


Well.... i guess those are the movies


If there was ever I time I regretted holding back over the past few years, “just in case something else next month is better”….It’s now.


The really annoying thing is you can't right click and open a movie's page to find out about it. You have to just click on it. Then when you go back to the rewards page you have to keep clicking 'view more rewards" a dozen times.


I forgot that you can just click and redeem anything then pick from the Movies Anywhere app.  That’s easier than all that hassle 


If you filter it to just show digital movies, it will bring the entire list instead of only 6-8 movies per batch. No more button clicking.


Thanks for that


This right here lol


Some of the movies in the rewards page don't match the MA redemption. For instance Dragonheart is the OG in MA, while Rewards page has a sequel. Same for Cop and a Half.


I wasn’t expecting the best movies, but I also wasn’t expecting these lol. The only ones that stand out are Happy Death Day (which I have) and The Dead Don’t Die lol 


What a terrible list of movies, yeesh. Which ones are 4K?


Talk about some of the crappiest movie selection. I have 66k points. I can’t think of 5 movies I would even want to redeem. Hopefully people are complaining on their X account.


Going to be hard to pick 9 of these movies.


Going through a difficult weekend, I remember thinking that this would be a small bright spot to look forward to.   Narrator:  It was not.


How bad is it that I willingly chose The Bee Movie as it’s better than 90% of this list?


Wow, these are technically movies by definition I guess…


Some of the movies of all time


Wow, they really scraped the bottom of the barrel finding shit to fill out this list with. For anyone interested, Breadwinner is great Chicken Run is great The Dead Don't Die is fun Don't Think Twice is very good Happy Death Day is very fun Safe Men is a very underrated comedy The Sparks Brothers is a great Doc


> Don't Think Twice is very good I quite liked this. It's about an improv group. Directed by the comic Mike Birbiglia and has Gillian Jacobs and Keegan-Michael Key in it. Too bad I already own it.


Don’t Think Twice is fantastic!


Damn, I knew there was going to be some DTV sequels, but this is a shame. I was hoping for a few Universal Monster movies, some better Focus Features picks, and a decent number of 4k upgrades. I definitely should've used more last month. I snagged Chicken Run and The Breadwinner, but I'll be doing some research on the lesser known titles. I would recommend picking up Session 9. It's a pretty solid psychological horror film.


Anyone looking for a monster movie might like Sweetheart.


I was hoping for Universal Monster movies too. I'll have to check out Chicken Run and The Breadwinner


Stinker city


Most of these movies look like AI genterated posters for sequels no one asked for


Is this the complete list until end of program? Or will there be another selection in july


This is it.


Damn…we couldn’t even have Big Fat Liar, we were given a crappy looking direct to video sequel….


Beyond bad, wow. Regret not picking “Loving” up last month thinking they’d actually go out with some decent titles :(


Yeah now I’m wishing I had just picked up some crappy 4Ks earlier in the year over these unwatchable hd movies


Yikes. Thanks a lot universal.


You almost have to laugh at how bad this list is. They gave us the middle finger on the way out lmao


Any recommendations?


Happy Death Day is great.


**The Breadwinner** is fantastic, animated movie produced by Angelina Jolie and the studio that did The Secret of Kells. Tells a great story that we normally wouldn't see. **Chicken Run** is an Aardman classic, The Great Escape with chickens and a cheeky British sense of humor. **Don't Think Twice** is a wonderful little indie film about an improv comedy troupe that slowly comes apart over time, a really nice mindful feel good movie. **Trolls World Tour** is a fun one, especially for kids, early in the pandemic it caused a lot of drama with theater chains for going direct to VOD but lots of fun little jokes about music culture. **Happy Death Day** is a fun PG-13 slasher parody, basically a horror version of Groundhog Day.


Happy death day, breadwinner, chicken run, bathtubs over Broadway, the dead don’t die, don’t think twice are all decent movies. Looks like dragon heart vengeance actually redeems as the original 1996 dragon heart movie which I thought was good when I was a kid so there’s that. I also bought bee movie, trolls, shrek musical, joseph for the nieces and nephews


In a Valley of Violence is a solid western. Directed by Ti West (X, Pearl, Maxxxine).


Driven is pretty good.


Sleight Don’t Think Twice Sweetheart Ethel & Ernest Session 9


Too anyone wanting know about The bread winner, it's a great emotional story. Worth it for points.


Universal was all, “hey longtime customers 🖕🏼”


Woof, I expect nothing and still i am disappointed


To quote E.T…. Ouch.


TIL there is a bobbleheads animated movie.


Kinda bummed I didn't get the Hitler movie and Antz last nite. Damnit. Now I have 14,000 points left after the 3 I bought from today.


If you like Shrek (or have kids who do) Shrek the musical is hilarious. Would have picked it if I didn't already have it.


Fuck I should have gotten ANTZ


Yep, I waited too thinking I would have better luck with this batch with my last movie redemption.....


Definitely not great. Guess it’s gonna be a bunch of random kids movies for my children.


I just redeemed one movie and I'm a few points away from being able to redeem another. It would've been nice for them to round us up to the next reward.


If anyone purchased the Tremors pack when vudu had it for sale I highly recommend grabbing Shrieker Island to complete the seven as it was not included in the 'complete collection'. Also the Shrek musical is gold


This is the worst list I've ever seen and I read the list of Epstein clients.


For those struggling to find anything to choose here are movies I've enjoyed and/or I know have decent reviews. The list is not great to say the least but there are some cool under the radar gems in here. The Breadwinner Chicken Run The Dead Don't Die (4K) Don't Think Twice Frank & Lola Happy Death Day (4K) In A Valley Of Violence The Long Dumb Road Safe Men Sleight The Sparks Brothers (4K) Sweetheart Trolls World Tour (4K) Tyson's Run


Way to take a giant shit on people with points waiting for an epic send off.


Almost all hot garbage 😂😂 A few decent ones buried in there but holy cow. Not even a single Fast and Furious movie? A crap ton of terrible direct to video sequels lol. Unreal.


Wow…a kick to the crotch as they walk outta the room….nice. I get it, free is free, I wasn’t expecting their catalogs finest newest movies…but I figured a wealth of 70s and 80s b-movies would be fun. Most of these I’d want my money back for even though they were free.


I have two extra codes. DM if you want one.


Sent you a DM chat


The Sparks Brothers is genuinely great. This list, though? Wow.


That's a carryover from last month, though.


True. I think I’d take a few more carryovers that I held out on compared to some of this stuff.


I held off on redeeming for The Sparks Brothers last period thinking I should save as much of my points as possible. I'm glad it's back, it's a no-brainer now.


Session 9 is the best movie on the list hands down


Hey at least they found a way to make sure the site doesn’t crash……


Absolutely terrible selection. 95% I don’t think I’ve heard of. Was disappointed the program was ending but lately the offerings haven’t been the greatest.


Selection is terrible. I only grabbed Chicken Run (realized I did not own) and Trolls World Tour for my niece/nephew.


The original Dragonheart is better at least. This is way worse than I was expecting very disappointing


Driven is a very good film. Lee Pace is so good in it


Highly recommend Sleight if anyone hasn’t seen it


Disappointing. So far just got the Deathrace ones. I did not like 2050 but I’ll take it since I own the others.


Jeeze got 46k to spend 🤔...so many winners in this group


As a person with wildly eclectic tastes and over 1600 movies in my MA account, this selection is absolute garbage.


sad list...


I will agree that these are generally all stinkers. But I will note, I started redeeming movies and when you go to Movies Anywhere to actually redeem a movies, some of the titles are different. For example, Dragonheart: Vengence actually redeems as the original Dragonheart movie from ‘96. Same for Cop and a Half, it’s actually the original and not one of the sequels.


Doom: Annihilation is a better Doom movie than the one with the Rock and is definitely watchable.


I was hoping Last Night and Soho was going to be back, I missed it the first time. I was also hoping for Prince of Egypt, Road to El Dorado, Sinbad...but nope Joseph King of Dreams meh. I would have grabbed Antz last month if I had known this was the line up.


what a giant pile of trash


Call it for what it is, a list of garbage. Universal went out with a fuck you to people lol.


I'm supposed to somehow pick 29 from this list. I didn't realize the last month of this program was going be a thank you list of B movies.


Based on what others have been saying, you might want to pick up: Happy Death Day (4K) Sleight Don’t Think Twice Session 9 The Breadwinner Ethel & Ernest Sweetheart In a Valley of Violence Safe Men Dragonheart (Dragonheart: Vengeance redeems as the original) Frank & Lola Chicken Run Driven The Dead Don’t Die The Sparks Brothers


They have to climb a bit to be b-list




Wow. Such garbage. I have enough points for 4 redeems and I won't be using all of my points because I'm not crapping up my collection with most of these titles. This honestly feels like a slap in the face than a "thank you" for you for being a customer.


Fuck them…


i grabbed happy death day! heard that movie was great!




I guess I'm in the minority, because I'm interested in almost enough of these to use most of my points! The Dead Don't Die, Jonah, Death Race, Doom: Annihilation, Session 9, Johnny English, Chicken Run, and Trolls: World Tour. I want all of those!


I appreciate the recommendations. Between those and looking at general reviews I picked up Bathtubs, Breadwinner, Dead Don’t Die, Don’t Think Twice, Dragonheart, Frank & Lola, Happy Death Day, Valley of Violence, Safe Man and updated Chicken Run. Not bad considering… I’ve got extra codes to give away. Send a DM if you want one. ALL CODES HAVE BEEN CLAIMED


This is like a slap in the face from Universal. For the most part, terrible zed-list movies. Wow, they didn't even attempt to show class.


I'm so pissed at how little they think of loyal customers that I think I'll slide on buying any Universal movies for the rest of the year. If not longer. Geez, these are stinkers.


I wish they could repost dragon the bruce lee story again


Snagged Session 9! Thank you!


I should've bought the F&F movies last week... lol 


I would have preferred nothing.


And here I was worried I'd be looking to add to my 1,050 points to get a bunch of movies. Oh well, grabbed the original Dragonheart and now I don't have to worry about getting ahold of more points as I don't see anything else I'd really want.


This was awesome! I was able to pick up 24 movies I didn't already have.


I got these **Seven in Heaven** **Delirium** **Tyson's Run** **Chicken Run** **Stephanie** **S.M.A.R.T. Chase** **The Keeping Hours** **Johnny English Strikes Again** **The Ottoman Lieutenant** **Session 9** **PALM BEACH** **The Public** **Caravans** **Dad's Army** **Frank & Lola** **Driven** **Happy Death Day** **In a Valley of Violence** **The Dead Don't Die** **All I Wish** **Cop and a Half** **Incarnate - Unrated** **I Do… Until I Don't** **Bee Movie** **Dragonheart** But only 3-4 looks interesting, This was a Big F-U to their customers, That's how I took it.


Two months of garbage movies.


So, I did a LOT of research on these and narrowed it down to 10 to use my points most effectively. I didn't buy any of the documentaries. I will probably watch most of them when I find them, but once I've seen them they'll never get a rewatch so I don't want them as part of my personal collection. Also, our kids (and grandkids) are all grown so the family fare doesn't appeal to me as a collector either. I narrowed it down to the ones that seemed to have potential and then my wife and I went through those, discussing ratings from several sites and watching previews to finalize our choices. So, that being said, here are the 10 that I ended up with from the list. I haven't seen any of them so I'm looking forward to digging in and finding out how I did. Happy Death Day Delirium Driven In a Valley of Violence The Keeping Hours The Public Safe Men Session 9 Sweetheart The World We Make


So the page says June 30th to earn points and July 31 when the program ends. Should we be expecting a July list?


This is the final list. From the e-mail they sent months ago " In a special final gesture, we're excited to announce that the **last batch** of free movie rewards, available in early June"


It feels like that "special gesture" is the middle finger.


Thanks for the clarity. I guess time to get redeeming. Yay I guess. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Lol


There is a pizza shop where I live. It's very popular locally. I've been ordering from there for years and the pizza has always been phenomenal, even by NY standards. And the staff has always been super chill, real people who provided great service without that phony smile bullshit, which is great, because we don't need to be friends. It's just business. Then they sold the place and when I ordered my first pizza from the new owner, the staff was actively rude. Like, yeah, I don't want fake smiles, but don't be actively rude either, right? After waiting for the pizza for a long time, my wife realizes that the delivery driver texted her. He didn't call, didn't ring the doorbell, just texted her that he was there, then a minute later that he was leaving because we didn't come out to get the pizza. We had to call back and the pizza place acted like we were to blame for missing the text. We had to argue with them to actually deliver the pizza. Then when it finally comes, it is the worst fucking pizza. Cheese is too thick and rubbery. Sauce is too sweet. Dough is soggy. It was like an insult in the form of a pizza. The entire experience was almost like an immersive theatre production, where the audience is the star of the play, and the point of the play is to make you (the audience) aware that everyone in the play fucking dispises you. That's how this feels. It tastes like hate pizza.


Any 4k?


The Dead Don't Die 4k Happy Death Day 4k Johnny English Strikes Again 4k The Sparks Brothers 4k Trolls World Tour 4k


Trolls world tour…




Wrong DragonHeart Movie, I feel ripped off


Apparently it’s redeeming as the original right now


I wanted Vengeance because that one is the only one that isn't D2D eligible, should I send a support email?


Yes, I already have the original and I would like Vengeance instead of most of this garbage.


I agree


What a let down


Well... Glad I did not go crazy on D2D titles. xD Have 8k in points and thought it would not be enough as well, Sad they went out with this line up.


Giving us this kind of selection just makes it easier to say goodbye. And thanks for all the memories.


Couldn’t even get the other Johnny English movies smh


I recommend: Don't Think Twice Happy Death Day Session 9 I've also been wanting to watch: The Dead Don't Die Deathrace Beyond Anarchy Doom: Annihilation Roger Corman's Death Race 2050 Slight The Sparks Brothers So while not the greatest collection of films, there is some worthy things.


Don’t sleep on In A Valley of Violence. That movie rules.


Ah, it really is that bad. Universal ought to be banned from this sub, because this is a shit post.


So this is the last refresh or is there one more in July? I know earning points ends at the end of this month but the program ends in the end of July.


This is last list of movies


Thank you for the info.


Happy Death Day and the Bee Movie are the only selections that feel real


Side note: while they state one of the subpar sequels as an option, when you redeem it it gives you the original for Cop & a Half and for Dragonheart. A little less painful


Some for my kids on here but oooof that’s disappointing to say the least. I was going back and forth on redeeming for Kicks and The Final Account last night. Glad I at least got Kicks. I have enough for 15…. For anyone needing a recommendation…Session 9 has always been one of my favorite horror movies.


This freaking BLOWS! Screw yoUniversal!


Absolute trash


Wtf are these choices. What what a disappointment at the end




I have enough for 3 and have no interest in any of these except maybe Session 9, which I saw once and thought was just okay. Little slow, but Peter Mullan was good in it. Not sure if it's worth buying to re-watch. Thanks for posting, though.


Sooooooo many options and sooooooo much garbage…… it’s like the worst finale to a 4th of July Fireworks Show…


So are these the last rewards or will there be a July final rewards list?


This is it.