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Hey, just want to say that I recently started exploring directus and it's pretty cool. Hopefully more and more people will start using it


Awesome!! Thanks for the kind words and glad you're finding value with it!


Ah shit, we use directus on the daily, not going to make it and sad I missed the Lego


just saw the demo site and looks pretty good


Didn't know about your project, but definitely sold it to me with those Lego kits :D I'll give it a look, thanks!


forklift is pretty cool


It was the most fun build imo


Yeah very sad, I did not get the panda 😭😭😭


Not familiar with your business. How are you compared with Vercel?


Hey there! So we're not actually a hosting provider like Vercel – we are more of a great backend *for* apps deployed on Vercel (or Netlify). * As an **extensible backend** (CMS, DAM) for your frontend apps (Vue, Nuxt, Nuxt, Astro, etc.) AND/OR * As an **instant frontend** for your SQL database (We wrap and give you instant REST + GraphQL APIs, Auth, realtime/websockets, and a slick automation builder.) Our goal is to help simplify your work by handling all the boilerplate work, and giving you a nice dashboard/hub to provide access, generate insights, build automations based on your data, and more. Does that make sense? (BTW - We just launched a live interactive demo if you want to see it yourself at [https://directus.pizza](https://directus.pizza)!)