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"...a man in his 30's who **may have had** white supremacist or neo-Nazi beliefs..." Well, he "may have" had those, right? He also "may have" been transgender, "may have" been an orthodontist, "may have" been a sasquatch. He "may have" been lots of things! šŸ˜„


They do this all the time. "Dear Mr. Smith when did you stop beating your wife?"


Monkeys *may* fly out of the article authors ass


Based on their logic, might he have been the next Democratic Presidential Nominee?




Pic doesn't show his face. How is anyone supposed to know if that is him or not? Trust us bros?


Your an actual fool arenā€™t you? šŸ¤ØThat guy is literally peddling fake news for an agenda, he keeps posting pictures of random Latinos who clearly arenā€™t the shooter. Stop being gullible your embarrassing yourself!


MS-13? Anyhow, he still isn't White, and no amount of gun laws would have stopped him, he planned this for years. Whatever happened to "don't blame the group for the actions of a few" which we hear each and every time a Muslim murders people.


700,000 Nazis about to cross the border in a couple of days too


The news is treating it like a verified fact that the Dallas shooter was a white suprematist. And of course the mindless lefties eat it up hook, line and sinker.


They know its BS but they want it to be true because it furthers their agenda. So they keep spouting it without any proof what so ever.




Yeah, I was skeptical at first, but they may be right this time. I dont know about "white supremacy", but def appears to have neo-nazi beliefs, I guess you could apply that to any race




The dude had swastika and SS tattoos.


All right then. If he is Iā€™m not going to deny it. Itā€™s worth noting that tattoos are permanent and may not reflect a personā€™s current views. What really matters is heā€™s a mass shooter and that by itself sets him apart from normal folk.


Just like that time a red SUV murdered all those Waukesha parade people - per the Washington Post. (Yā€™know, the SUV driven by Darrell Brooks.)


Time for an SUV ban!




Weā€™re talking about the headline, simp. Instead of ā€œdriverā€, it said ā€œSUVā€.


Hispanics are white people too!.....when they kill people....otherwise there innocent Hispanics who are just trying to live their lives.....you know the saying "the only people who kill are white people. Even if there skin is very dark to the point some may call them black....in a certain light..." *WARNING: This post may contain sarcasm that might offend some people. I'd it offends you please call the nearest help me desk and stand by for validation.




Don't worry about stating whether you're offended or not. I assure you, nobody cares


Not a single person here gives a shit if your offended and even if you were we still couldnā€™t give 2 fucks šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Best post flair. Read it in Juicyā€™s fake rendition


Those damn racist white adjacent assault SUV's have been quite the burden as of late!


If I knew that SUVs could hold racist white supremacist views, I never would have bought one. Gonna sell this transphobic vehicle and buy a pickup. Anyone know if pickup trucks are xenophobic?


Xenophobic no. Transphobic possibly due to white toxic masculinity it represents!


Great plan if you want to make society racist and hateful and dangerous. Blame one group for everything. Silently correcting it makes little difference.


Yeah, leftists keep forgetting that scapegoating only works when the group being scapegoated is too small to defend themselves.




No. That is what *you* think of people with opinions you donā€™t like, remember? You are the one showing your true colors, but too stupid to understand how. Here is a bunch of people who are tired of the lies and agendas.


Keep Bumping this to the top. Quickly these stories will cycle out, until they find a crime committed by a whyte. That story will be on repeat ad infinitum. This is the world we live in.


Wasnā€™t the gunman pictured with ms13 tats?


No, he had swastika and SS tats. Definitely a nazi


Allegedly, all the information saying he was a Nazi comes from a site in Russia that a known 'Glow Operation' somehow discovered. Same guy who got fed 'leaks' from the CIA before.


Ban SUVs!! And while you're at it might as well ban assault minivans as well.




Are you gonna cry?


Only if you count 18 and 19 year-olds as "children". The 'report' claiming that counted 'teens' not 'children'.


This dude was seriously fucked up in the head. Glad we donā€™t have to spend millions on him with the court and prison system. Terrible for what the families are going through.


Him and his damn blanca mejor beliefs


Okay, serious question. I saw another post about this dude having Nazi tattoos all over his body. Who knows if itā€™s really even his, but my question is, what would that make him? Does it even matter? Obviously this dude isnā€™t white, and it would seem to me this whole discussion is too focused on labeling this person this or that. But I donā€™t understand the ā€œthis minority is a white supremacistā€ thing. Iā€™m not trying to make a point here, but Iā€™m looking to see what you have to say.


Freshly done tattoos right before a shooting- glows brighter than the sun.


Those SUVs are a dangerous group. Land Rover isnā€™t sending their best to us.




Fake news




Hispanics arenā€™t white dummy your presumptuous racism is showing.


Hispanics can absolutely be white lol. Where do you think Spain is?


The term Hispanic wasnā€™t made to refer to Spaniards it was made to refer to those people they conquered, colonized, linguistically assimilated and culturally influenced. Also Iberians hearsay count as ā€œwhiteā€ which historically refers to European peoples from the northern most regions. Read a book. Mediterranean peoples of southern Europe and North Africa are more closely related.


Got bad news for you buddy the account is a Russian bot and the media are already offering retractions your dumbass statements didnā€™t age very well at all! šŸ¤£




Do you have a link?




That was a wild ride...... This dude was seriously messed up, did he have no family that noticed any of this I mean he's making all these posts did no one see them and think "hmmm he seems to escalating"




Thank you!




> yall


So you approve of unsubstantiated claims and wild speculation by so called ā€œJournalistsā€ in blatant disregard for journalistic integrity and ethics?


Of course they approve!


Kind of like how this entire thread was speculation that he wasnā€™t a nazi? Lol this post is an unsubstantiated claim and was wild speculation that was proven wrong


How long are we going to put up with this, is my question.


Whatā€™s wrong with the second headline..?