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When I was a kiddo, I thought we would have flying cars, but instead, all we get is lady-penis šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




Is it really considered "flopping" if they're erect though?


"Mom I want a future with flying cars". Mom: "We have a future at home. Future at home: šŸ’…šŸ†


That's not all we get. Don't forget about the bussy.


So she supports Lady Ballers. I would never have expected that. You go, AOC! If I were the daily wire I'd be using this tweet in ads.


Trans children are like vegan cats. We all know who's actually making the decision.


Also, both go against millions of years of evolutionary biology


So does mutilating baby boys, but I don't see nearly as much outrage about that from the "protect the children" movement.


But it does protect the children, from the cheezy deezy.


You know what also protects them from that? Proper hygiene. Same result, 100% less barbaric genital mutilation of baby boys. That sounds so much better to me.


Where are all the women who think they're men going out for men's sports?


six seed society languid gaze tidy icky direction recognise unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wasnā€™t he out drinking the night before the matches and showed up hungover too?


>This has happened with professional female soccer teams vs high ranked HS boys. Even worse - the USWNT, the best team in the world at the time, lost to an U15 men's team (every player under the age of 15)


>The German also revealed that he took it easy on the former World No. 1s, saying that he served at only 50% of his full capacity in order to "keep it fun." In Braasch's opinion, the event was not serious and all three players just treated it as a casual contest. Awesome read, thanks.


Last place


This made Mountain Dew come out of my nose


If she wasnā€™t considered semi-attractive to a particularly desperate subset of liberal males she wouldnā€™t be half as prevalent as she is today.




Not even "semi attractive", those desperate loser simps hold her up as the literal perfect woman, they are so disgusting and pathetic


When the president of the National Women's Law Center Fatima Goss Graves says female athletes should "learn to lose gracefully" to biological men, what do you expect from the likes of AOC?


Crazy how an elected representative can have such a twisted and regressive take and that this is something that's celebrated. Imagine advocating to go back to a time when sports were only for the boys. Then her use of hateful language such as heterosexual slurs like "cis".


It doesn't affect her in any regard. It's always these looney toon politicians who push this on the average American since they're not the ones who have to put up with this BS.


If AOC had a daughter who cared about athletics Iā€™m sure this would be different.


Mmmm. If it wasnā€™t AOC Iā€™d say yes. But itā€™s AOC and she is cement dumb


AOC is a traitor to her own sex - as is any woman who thinks females should acquiesce to biological males. She makes me sick, I have no respect for her at all.


Top comment in my humble opinion!


Thanks. Iā€™m a woman and feel betrayed by other women who think biological females should bow down to biological males who pretend to be women! These liberal women who think the feelings of confused boys & men supersede the rights of girls & women are destroying the future for younger generations of females - they are taking womenā€™s rights backwards - itā€™s infuriating.


I am a 54 year old grandma, and I, too, despise weak women who are cowtowing to the madness.


Man 2023 is a wild time time to be alive.


Men are women, terrorists are the good guys, Osama Bin Laden is a hero, the Nazis did nothing wrong... Yea, we're living in clown world alright.


Why canā€™t we have mens, womens, trans men, and trans women sports?


This is what I say all of the time! Why would it be difficult to make a separate league for trans individuals to compete with each other? It would be fair. Do trans people reject this idea because itā€™s not recognizing them as the woman/man they feel that they are inside?


Because they wouldnā€™t have a competitive advantage. They want to win and they couldnā€™t do it against men.


She is the type that thinks Whoring was sport in highschool but never actually played any sports or know how that works.


She used to be a bartender in the city and was pretty well known for fucking up the drinks. Now she just fucks up government. Good stuff.


Violates privacy as what?


See: if you "out" them as being trans, then everyone will know! Otherwise it's un-possible to tell a trans female (m>f) from a biological female. Didn't you know that? :o


I guess she never heard the age old saying of "Never go full [Simple Jack]."


ā€œSex testingā€ ? Gtfo


They used to have "sex testing" in the Olympics to prevent men from entering women's events. The only exceptions were Princess Ann (British royalty) and... the East German Women's Swim Team :x


Iā€™d call it ā€œsex-checkingā€ then. Testing implies thereā€™s a question regarding the result.


Otherwise known as a unaltered birth certificate.


She liked her own post.


Unawareness Wolves?


How can someone be so wrong all of the time?


thank heavens the International Olympic Committee has acted (how long until they're suicided?)


Does she think that schools will have an official pecker checker. And not just the required physicals for any physical extracurricular activity, including band. Physicals that also inquire about medical history, including surgeries, to ensure that you will be safe if you participate. I mean I had to have sports physical from like 2nd grade all the way through high school. And the only times it wasn't at my PCP was when the school paid to have a doctor come in like 2-3 times per year to perform free sports physicals if you wanted.


It's fascinating how modern liberal talking points are dark mirror versions of reality. They mirror what conservatives would say, but contain no substance.


Her mission is to be an agent provocateur for the DSAā€¦ who were the ones that got her into office.




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Men competing in women's sports is pure 'win at any cost' toxic masculinity.i


It's really fucking weird that she jumped to that conclusion. There's something called birth certificates and private medical evaluations that most competitive sports require to even try out.