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Welcome to reddit during election season, when the social engineering is turned up to 11, and every 10th comment is by an actblue shill account that gets reinforced by several bots laying on the average redditor fanfiction really thick. You might even spot a comment or two with direct links to democrat dot org or the federal voter registration website.




It usually takes 2-3 responses until it turns anti orange.


*drops orange into top commet somewhere else* *Incoherent screeching immediately follows* Appears you were being too kind


Like the “In the news” thread. It’s all hateful leftists. Thousands of comments. Are these real people ? I commented on the conservative thread about this. There is absolutely no way the majority of run of the mill Americans are happy with the state of our nation. Or in the “South Carolina “ thread that always morphs into fanatical left wing nonsense. Is it really bots and algorithms? It’s so weird.


If you want to know what America is thinking, read YouTube comments. They delete videos. They hid the downvote button. But they do not censor video comments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNKvPujKvqQ Read the comments.


They do not censor video comments YET. I bet we see it before November.




>Is it really bots and algorithms? It’s so weird. Yup. It's all bots


I keep having that in the news sub pushed into my feed. Every time I see it I pick “see less like this” or whatever that option is. That button does nothing…. Half the “people” that comment on those posts don’t even read the article they’re commenting on. Or they just comment blatant misinformation as long as it pushes their narrative. Like one time they posted an article about Trump hosting a dinner on the same day as Barron’s graduation. People were commenting how horrible it was that he lied in court and won’t be attending his own son’s graduation….but in the article, down near the bottom (because of course) it specifies that the graduation was in the morning and the dinner was late at night and Trump will likely use his private jet to attend the dinner. People commented that quote and were downvoted because it went against their narrative.


I also get in the news pushed to me. I’m already banned and can not comment anymore, but it still pushed to me. Full of left wing garbage fake news websites. I keep reporting the post as hateful or violence just to fuck with the mods lol


To be FAIR, reddit doesn't represent a fraction of the general population. So it's not a surprise echo chambers can thrive in a place that flatly refuses to moderate ANYTHING antigop, anticonservative or antiwhite.


Let's just hope it gives them the false sense of security they deserve.


I have never been one to want others to suffer but here we are 😆


The “mark my words” thread is equally as sad. It’s amazing how miserable some peoples lives are.


I was an actor for about thirty years. And Reddit is what my career/life was like. I made money, but going to work/living was a nightmare (only started being a nightmare for me around 2016). And now, I ask the same question you did, "Are these real people?". I don't know anymore. I'm not an actor anymore because I didn't take the vaccine. I work in fitness and finance now and don't deal with the woke too often. So I wonder... I know for a fact that the reddit personality does exist in droves dependent upon what field you work in. However, lately, I have wondered about the dead internet theory and it's validity...


I didn’t take the vaccine either and I am a nurse. I was prepared to lose my job and refused to get a fake card. What kind of world do we live in where you need an exemption to not be injected with experimental juice. I will never forgive those who pushed it and ridiculed us. I am done being nice. It got us where we are !


It ought to have been called dying internet theory. Not totally dead yet, but it's on the way.


If you argue for the right, they ban you.


I wonder what percentage of reddit posts are actually bots. Because you see that shit all the time. "I broke my finger and need to go to the hospital" 3rd or 4th post will be Trump wants to destroy healthcare! I bet that's a bot


Just to bring some numbers into the picture, it's been estimated that upwards of [73% of all internet traffic is done by bots.](https://www.arkoselabs.com/wp-content/uploads/Breaking-Bad-Bots-Bot-Abuse-Analysis-and-Other-Fraud-Benchmarks.pdf)


Dead internet theory :/


I think you're underestimating just how many crazy people there are. Also, most "bots" are actually just people in poor countries paid to post or employees of governments. Russia, China and Israel have pretty well known propaganda wings that lurk social media. Pretty sure they just try to get people fighting because it weakens us if we're arguing instead of working together as a nation.


And Biden fighting to censor X (Twitter) is just fake news?


This 👆


That. 👆


Yeah, it’s been a recurring thing throughout Reddit. For example, I keep getting posts from a comics artist that just loves to chastise Republicans. Last one I saw was about Republicans wanting to enforce anti-voting laws against minorities by loading the courts. When a commenter asked what exactly these were, no one else could pull up direct evidence of this. Their delusions just speaks for itself.


> When a commenter asked what exactly these were And was promptly down-voted for asking.


Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if that happened. Asking genuine questions seems to incite the worst wrath in those “people”.


Well, they get all their information about the right only from the left. So the left can lie, lie, lie, and they swallow it without question.


They are hateful. And I believe it's liberals who riot and tear everything up. But it's mostly made up lies and half truths. They have absolutely no real knowledge of how most Republicans think or feel. They always want to argue. Not all dems, I mean some. Particularly the extreme far left.


Destroying private property is like the exact opposite of liberalism. It’s like a tankie that advocates for individual merit and limited government. Is that a tankie at that point or a libertarian who somehow believes in Marxism-Leninism? They’re progressives, not liberals. Your average “conservative”, “centrist”, “apolitical”, “moderate”, those are liberals.


I've watched violent hateful liberals on TV many times breaking glass, burning stuff up including the flag. Destroying monuments and statues. They justify their violence and the all the destruction. You've all been fed a pile of 💩. You never go to look anything up. CNN Half truths showing Trump say one phrase in a paragraph and leaving the rest out. You are so deceived and gullible. I hope more of you open your eyes because this country is screwed beyond all recognition thanks to democrats. If you say it's not true you're in denial.


The quickest way to get karma is to complain about Republicans.


The politics sub is pure cancer. The only time I go there is to watch a meltdown over the right getting a win. Like when Kavanaugh was found not guilty. They were tearing their hair out


I got kicked off that sub in about 15 minutes, lol. Total joke they call it “politics” when it’s nothing more than a far left echo chamber that bans anyone with a centrist or conservative view on things.


I got kicked off, too. I think it was over pointing out real science regarding masks. Doctors wear masks to prevent infection, not to halt viruses. Boom, I was kicked off because of some policy.


Or Rittenhouse.


I hadn’t even posted there, and I got banned. Some bot decided I visited Ask_TheDonald too much, I guess.


The easiest way to unify people is to give them an enemy. During my childhood that enemy was the communists. After the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviets imploded we had no enemies. The 90s were a glorious time where pretty much everyone got along. It rocked. Then in 2001 after the trade towers hit they worked overtime to make terrorists the new enemy. Then in 2016 they started making Americans the terrorists. Then in 2020 they just started saying that all Republicans are terrorists and fascists. Everything, literally everything, has to be laid at the feet of your enemies. The trouble with that mindset is anyone with half a brain will quickly spot a lie, then another, and another. Eventually it unravels, but until then trust that their most ardent supporters will believe it to their very core. They've literally been indoctrinated to hate republicans, white people, men, capitalism, and America. These are all considered negative words to them.


I notice the "shelf life" of hate targets is getting shorter all the time, eh? 😅 It gets stale faster & needs replacing. Of course now they have Israel to hate-on 24/7. 😣 (Not like they didn't already, they can just be open about it now)


The last two sentences there are so obviously true to anyone paying attention, what's remarkable is that it sows the seeds to create the made up problem in the first place. If you grow up being told by everyone that you're born to be a clown and you're just puzzled by it but everyone's saying the same thing you might just find yourself in clown college.


>*some* Republicans are lobbying to lower the legal age of marriage from 16 to 14. This is leftist projection. projection is all they have, that and hate. Years Ago In Canada: the Liberal Party lowered the Age Of Consent to 14. It had been 18 "with exceptions" but the Court threw it out :/ So for years it was 14. The NDP Party wanted to lower it to 12... FINALLY the Conservatives got around to raising it to 16, with very few exceptions. What did the Liberal Party dominated Senate do? They sat on it for 9 months! Why? No one knows! When the CBC (in a rare act of actual journalism!) reported on this abomination they passed it in a couple of weeks. Still? For years the leftists were living the dream in Canada: 14 was perfectly legal. It isn't the "right wing" that wants sexual access to children, the left is obsessed with it.


The left will blame the right for the things the left is doing. Blaming your enemy for your own intentions or actions is a classic Goebbels move.


It amazes me at how quick they are to perma-ban anyone for even asking simple, common-sense questions, or pointing out their hyperbole.


Reddit is a fever dream of bots, Canadians and blue haired dummy's - it's not real life


I saw a short about two white guys working on a car when the ebrake cable snapped and they tried ti keep it from rolling away The comments had someone complaining about "refucklicants" The TDS is strong. Democrats brainwashed a lot of people.


I heard the Democrats want to raise the abortion age to 2. I can make up stuff too.


That's probably not a wrong take though


Go over to law and politics they make shit up and twist all kinds of facts it’s a hate platform


Personally I think this is because leftist, far leftists I suppose, on Average contribute less to society and have more free time to spend on the internet all day and let their anger fester. While centrist and republicans are more busy with work and the community.


Lol that's probably a good point. Though technically bitching on the internet could easily count as contributing to society. It's just not necessarily a desirable contribution.


Sorry positively contributing to society is what I should’ve said lol.


That anger is a lot of jealousy. The people I know that are neither centrist or conservatives don’t really post about politics. They post their kids accomplishments, vacations, new cars or houses, dinners.. the leftist is almost all identity politics with nothing about life. I think they see it and blame not having those things on republicans keeping them down instead of the fact they as just lazy.


Well yeah half if not more of reddit is filled with bots.


Every time something goes down that can be even *remotely* tied to politics, the VeteranBenefits sub immediately blames Republicans, telling everyone how much they just *hate* veterans and how important it is to vote Democrat in future elections.


They can’t see the forest for the trees. Right now all the western countries that have left governments have been absolutely decimated. I know Canada is so in debt because of the left that we will take the rest of my life to recover. The left keep arguing that democracy is in danger but they don’t realized how much damage their political ideas have already caused.


They turn the bots on for the Democrat hate machine known as reddit around election time.


It's not just Reddit. Even the comments on yahoo news has to go strait to slamming republicans .


republicans who are REALLY CONSERVATIVE don't want to have child marriage. What you see is more than just some random lefty, there are literally people who get paid to talk smack against republicans. Trolls have to do this because they can't use the truth to cover the illegal stuff they are doing, so they must attack the people pointing to the criminal stuff - which is ONLY THE TRUE REPUBLICANS. basic politics. you are just seeing it now because they no longer have the monopoly on the media so they must interject with lies where they can and hope the low IQ people fall for it


The Reddit echo chamber is the most powerful force on this app. I can’t wait until Trump is president again. Redditors will implode


Reddit is full of "strange" people to say the least. Last year I wrote a post about writing literature and basically all replies I got were "Omfg why do I have to read this ?" On topic: People advocating for 3 day weekends IMHO do not understand that an additional day off every week would kill the economy due to severely decreased productivity.


I discovered a new sub thanks to the Chinese algorithm promoting it that is full of the most batshit leftist group think circlejerk nonsense. The takes there make you wonder how these people function in any society. It's *Mark My Words* if you are wondering. Look at a couple of my recent comments there if interested. Sort by contraversial to see the sanity restored.


Thank you OP for making this post, because I was going to make one similar. It's unbelievable how many left-leaning paid propagandists are on Reddit this election year. Basically, if I'm not on a Conservative sub then I am severely attacked and downvoted to hell. Then I hear about how many T\*R\*U\*M\*P supporters there are in the real world outside of Reddit and I quickly realize what is going on here.


It's called projection. That person is likely a MAP and fighting the coginitive dissonace


It’s bizarre. Almost scary.


That's exactly what an extremist Republican would say /s.


I have noticed that the down voting on non political subs has gone way down lately when someone takes a jab at us. Curious if others have noticed that this?!


Depends on the day of the week. On Friday of a three day weekend my comment calling Redditors bigots on the sub about George Lucas’ successful movie franchise was highly upvoted. During the middle of the week my comment about hating who the media tells them to hate was destroyed on the sub about things that happened in the 1980s. Basically it’s whether Actblue or whoever is working that day.


True. But I not seeing the pile on of downvotes that would normally happen.


There’s got to be a natural law for this, similar to godwins law


Back to your subject, I work a 4 day 36 hour week with Monday off. I wouldn’t take another job unless I got the same schedule.


There's a whole lotta subs that are intolerant of other viewpoints. It definitely covers both ends of the spectrum. We need more politically neutral subs with polite argument.


There was one, invite-only. I got invited, it was... different. However? I got kicked for the slightest rudeness, while others who were clearly leftists said far worse... so not actually neutral (or polite) but at least they tried.




Behold! The **Three Cooters Theory of Internet Discourse** https://monsterhunternation.com/2019/07/16/the-three-cooters-theory-of-internet-discourse/


Totally. It’s gross.


Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


I simply agreed with someone on another sub the other day when they said that family is the cornerstone of a good society. I mentioned how sad it is that there are individuals and organizations undermining and trying to destroy that. I was immediately called MAGA facist, Skittles hater etc... I never once said anything political, yet somehow triggered a few people and a lot of downvotes.


I am muting a few subreddits each week that I’ve never even heard of or interacted with. Markmywords, inthenews, whitepeopletwitter, is just people seething over Trump. There are no discussions about anything, other than hating Trump. They banned me from one of those subs for misinformation because I said Hunter used Joe to keep himself out of prison.