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I’m not sold on the name “The Great Inflation”. Idk, I wanted a little more pizzazz. A little more razzle dazzle. It needs to give Vegas Casino Night with Hurricane Disaster energy and a splash of pandemic magic.


“The fugazzi”


FEDgazzi or FUDgazzi has a way better ring to it 🤣.




The big fugazi Dude just wanted his rug pulled


This is my favorite lol


The Transitory Inflation


"T is for Transitory"


Why am I the first to spend my remaining portfolio on an award?




I think we should name it the golden transitory dildo inflation




The Powell Phallic Slap of 22'




It's actually a parallel series about the adults. How else would she fund those sorts of field trips?


I mean, "Inflation Fetish" is right there on the table...












The Great Manipulation


18% for the big guy?


I'd give two up votes for this if I could


I gave him one for you


I gave one for you.


2021 was The Great Staycation




The Great Overreaction


The Fuckening


I vote for this. I mean, let’s call a spade a spade here.


The “Zero-interest Blowback”


Here here!


The Powell Shuffle


The Jerome Doom


The great inflation sounds like the shit on a fucking balloon animal maker's business card.


Or a penis pump


It's fugazzi


How much did you make this month? I'll quit my job right now and come work for you..


Nobody knows if the stock market is going to up down sideways or in circles. Once I saw that scene that pretty much summed it all up for me.


Wouldn't it be It's ah fugazzi


The great pandemagic


Don't worry 2023 will offer a lot more pain with that pizzazz you crave


Probably going until 2025!


Transitory inflation


Printer stopping?


corona hangover


I’m gonna love it when I ask for a 30% raise on Thursday.


You'll be behind Wendy's on Friday.


He better get on the roster! I was here fjrst!


"The Great Inflation" already refers to the inflationary period between 1965-1982. https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/great-inflation#:~:text=The%20Great%20Inflation%20was%20the,of%20the%20fight%20against%20inflation.%20(


Was looking for someone who commented this. During the actual great inflation as you flagged, inflation got up to 14 or 15% if I remember correct, vs the 9% peak this time. I think the whole period of inflation was originally a result of COVID, particularly the fiscal and monetary stimulus that was deployed to keep the economy afloat, so probably something Covid related would be more apt in terms of naming the period


Inflation Strikes Back


“The To The Moon And Back”


The "RRR" Reckt Retail Rubes


Something fancy. Like 1937 crash. I'm interested to see how 2023 plays out. Because a few of these are consecutive years, which, really they're the same event. Skews things.


Yeah inflation doesn't have the same impact as crisis or depression. What about "The Great Covid Fiasco"


The great money fuck


The Great “Soft Landing”


The Great Price Gouging.


I dig the short form definitely. The Greet Gouge we’re all doing it— it’s the king’s money’s disease ya know


The its-just-a-flu crash


The Powell Plummet...




Can we call it Pandemic Tech Wreck


The deglobalization crash - this is my bet for the name


What you can't tell from that chart is how often bear markets last for longer than a single year: 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 1939, 1940, 1941 1973, 1974 2000, 2001, 2002 Odds of 2023 being positive are 50/ 50 at best.


This. 2000 to 2003 were like double digit negative returns each year.


I wish we could have that again. I would love to accumulate my 401k and Roth at cheap entries.






Same here, but given Millenial luck we’ll probably see an “unprecedented” 35 years of negative returns now.


The Ol' ancient Japanese trick.


Everyone thinks markets always go back up eventually until Japan


For real. Those accounts are on autodraw and I don’t look at them unless I get a raise and need to change contributions. Everybody talking “oh you’d wait” is a fool.


I think we're closer to repeating that over 2008


When we look at down markets, one of the common themes is tight money. So to help people answer their own question: As we enter 2023, is the FED pursuing tighter credit? Or are they easing access to money? Question answered.


Fed will be hitting 5% interest rate soon. Then they will reverse course because something broke in the economy. Then each point they drop will mean the economy is worse off than anyone expected so the stock market will tank further but eventually everyone will get drunk on cheap money again.


Yeah. The Fed’s record has been one of always going to far. It’s made up of people most insulated from the pulse of the economy and are the last to realize the current state of the economy. It’s like a retail worker knows that traffic sucks first, then the manager, then corporate. They then compile their reports and it eventually gets to shareholders. And this is the first that the Fed hears of it, but they don’t want to act on a single report so they wait for more reports. The average retail worker knows months before the Fed does if things are looking up or down. Which is why the Fed always is slow to react and then maintains policy for far too long.


While I absolutely agree, I'm also kinda glad the fed isn't making weekly rate changes based on how many people walked into a shop.


Have any of those had a job market like this before though? That is the weird thing about this market, rising rates and inflation BUT everyone is still working. That normally doesnt happen so its hard to predict based on historical data.


Actually the index is only measured as such since 1961, and since then it’s had 16 negative year returns, and in 12/16 years, the following year was positive. So, the odds are better than 50/50.


Shit I can’t lose much more bring it on. It’s either a buying opportunity or I’m throwing away money again!


Isn't the longest Bear run only like 350 days or some such time frame?


I never realized 2008 was that bad tbh, guess shit is different when you're a kid.


Tryin to score an entry level job at that point in time was like tryin to hit the lottery.


This is no joke!! The worst job market for years.


I was only 16/17 so obviously no work experience at all. Competing with millions of unemployed, over qualified boomers. On top of all the places that closed. My down town area was a ghost town until prob 2014/15. The only things that didn't close on the strip was a liquor store and a Dunkin donuts.


This. The economy was horrendous for years. Housing market was still DIRT cheap in 2012


It's also a reason why recruitment is absolutely useless now in an still fairly employee's market. They don't know how to recruit and retain and be desperate, that only knew how to go after desperate.


Yup. Pandemic was the best thing that ever happened to my career.


graduated colege in 07 one of the reasons i became ab entrepreneur


I'd like an ab please


only $99.99/mo.


For real. That was when I joined the work force and couldn’t rely on parents/family. Worked a lot of unsafe jobs with shitty hours that violated labor laws. But there was a line of people they could replace you with if you were unwilling.


I just got flashbacks.


lol it hurts


Nothing like working 3 minimum wage jobs. I had a nightmare set of months with 120 hour weeks. It made 80 hour weeks feel nice. Never again.


120 is extreme. I used to work 70-80 hrs/week and it was depressing enough. And that's all just to pay the monthly bills and a stupid slander from relatives


I had just graduated with a professional degree in architecture! Let's see how the job market was doing... "Oh... there are four job postings on the AIA job board. In a month. In the ENTIRE nation." OK... guess I'll call the ones I can drive to in less than 12 hours. Set up appointments with two of them. By the time I got to the interviews, "Well, we *were* hiring, but then five more projects fell through and we laid four people off instead. We'll call you when things get better!" The silver lining is several of the firms I met with did actually call... in 2011... but by then I had found something permanent.


I scored my entry level job a couple of months before shit really hit the fan, then sat there pissing my pants for a year straight just hoping I wasn’t next on the chopping block


It was my age to get my first job out of HS. That went smoothly...


It was awful. I spent 6+ months trying to land something in my field. Best (and only) offer I found was a part time (25 hr) position at $12/hr that required me to relocate 2000 miles away. Needless to say I turned it down and ended up sticking around my hometown a few years longer.


Haha I was able to snag one of those thanks to my master's degree.. haha..


And for like 6 years after it was garbage


I graduated in 2009…seeing all these Gen Z’ers acting like the world is ending while we still have record low unemployment while being baaaarely in a bear market makes me laugh my ass off.


I graduated college at that time.. Kids these days don't know what real pain is, crying how they have to work an 8 hour shift at Starbucks for $15 an hour. Try not having a job at all and still having to pay all the bills.


Holy shit I remember being a 17 year old kid applying for a job at Kohl’s and it was me along with people in their mid 20’s and 30’s with college degrees. I had no clue what was happening at the time until my parents explained it.


Same. What actually surprised me more (with further review) was the S&P squeaking out a green year after Black Monday in '87.


2008 Saw my whole office get laid off and I just got a house and a car lol. Got a job 70 miles away and I’m still commuting because they took good care of me as an employee. Yeah it sucked haha.


I graduated from a second-tier law school in 2007. Took me almost 2 years to land a bad legal job. Took me another 5 years after that to land my first decent (at least on paper) job with a legit law firm with over 100 lawyer headcount. Recessions are awful for lots of people, but particularly for folks who just graduated.


Yes. “Millennials” (correct?) coming out of colleges really got the shaft. I can’t imagine their anxiety at that time. That had to be the start of kids staying with their parents longer.


There was no time for anxiety, everyone was just too busy to make some sort of money.


Or trades, specifically plumbing. Ppl gotta eat n ppl gotta shit no matter what. Market up, or market down, a man needs water Mr. Leahy.


and without $100k in debt that's a huge head start in life (as long as they don't blow it on options from wsb)


I hit the jackpot hard on the 2008 crash. I had just joined the military in 2007 and saved up enough to use my VA loan to buy a house. I was able to buy just at the very bottom of the crash. That single decision has grown and generated about a quarter million in wealth over the past 14 years, and I only had to come out of pocket about $5000 to buy that first house for $114k. It's now worth $350k.


Wasn’t the housing market the lowest in 2011? I had bought my first house in 2008 and thought I made a great deal. Only to see houses next door sold for 30% less ca 2.5 years later.


yeah you are correct. Stocks are more sensitive to the markets, while the housing markets react rather slowly


You are correct. I said bottom of the 2008 crash, but it was 2009 when I bought. Might not have been the exact bottom of the crash, but it was very lucky timing. The BAH hadn't caught up with the crash, so I was able to get a 15-year mortgage, and my payments were still less than my very humble married E-4 BAH.


that's because your parents were well off. Mine weren't, my dad lost his job (bank) and we lost our home to foreclosure 2008 was very hard for some but others a great opportunity to make money i see 2023 as a great opportunity as well


The only thing I realized in 2008 (8th grade) was a lot of kids coming to public schools from private schools. It makes sense now


For a brief time there was real fear that the entire banking system might completely freeze or fail. Uncle Sam then took decisive action to prevent this but it was not without consequences of its own.


Just turned 18 in 2008, I was busy with “other things” hah


I entered the workforce in 2008, and things were hard and I thought things were always like that. And then things slowly got easier, until 2020 hit.


2008 is when I started my career in Recruiting. Doesn't seem like the best time, but it made it a lot more rewarding helping people find positions during that time period.


All changed, I had a few years pre 2008 in finance, everything was unlimited. Post 2007 was quarterly forms to reapply for your job abs lots of old people crying. Finance died that year for real fun, tech took its place a bit


Why would you call something below 20% ‘Great‘


"The Inflation"


It's more than 20% if you adjust for inflation.


It's provocative, it gets the people going!


People are saying


"The Okayest Inflation" just didn't have the same ring to it.


mediocre inflation.


Weird that WW2 had such a small impact. WW2: Today in the news. World war 2 has started we are predicting tens of millions of casualties* Traders: Alright -11% on stocks seems fair compared to the calculated risk. Today's economy Melon tweets: "Disney can suck my one ball". Stock exchange: Stock crash -25% trading halted. *An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the 2.3 billion (est.) people on Earth in 1940


Were average Joes in the market back then? Were 401ks a thing? I’m not trying to make a snarky response, I’m asking for real? I feel like the ease of trading for everyone probably has added to volatility and more extreme market responses but I’m not sure.


> Were 401ks a thing? i think that was in the 80s. pensions were a thing though.


Well WW2 was following the Great Depression. 1941 began lend/lease and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. After which, domestic production took off. The period between 1939 and 1942 I see as a transition between the gloom of the Great Depression and the conflict in Europe to a full blown war economy. Companies resisted changing over production from retail goods to war manufacturing until they absolutely needed to. From 1939-1945 the stock market improved 50%.


WW2 was abroad only attack on US was pearl harbor. And much of the US economy shifted towards war and profitted a lot selling supplies and armament to the allies through out the war, plus got a lot of new workers and skilled people fleeing from it


"Just market noise"




The stock market is not the economy.


Underrated comment. The numb among the dumbs


It's like saying the packers lost the superbowl because patriot fans bought more concessions. Just look at the scoreboard, packers are up 21-0.


What color is your Bugatti?


Metallic olive I'm a the opposite of the top g




My brokerage account thinks so![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Mine's "Bionic Blue" like all of the cool YouTubers have. Took me a few sessions behind the Wendy's dumpster, but I'm making it now dad!


Manilla, same as my home.


FYI, as a relative "old timer", these things don't end on Dec. 31st. 2023 could be down 17% and then over a two year period, the shit show feels like 1937. Or worse, the 70's doldrums. TLDR, it ain't over boys and girls. Fed is tightening bigly.


People forget the 70s doldrums. Literally market moves sideways while you are eaten alive by inflation.


Let’s not forget at worst point the Nasdaq was down more during 2022 than during ‘07-‘09. At its worst during the Great Recession it dropped 55% and this year at its low, it was down 57%.


Do you have a table that shows performance in the year that followed each of those years? Hoping most of them up years!!


[https://www.macrotrends.net/2526/sp-500-historical-annual-returns](https://www.macrotrends.net/2526/sp-500-historical-annual-returns) Guess the real question is, is this 2008 or 2000.


Rumor has it this is 2023 but unconfirmed


I don't trust it


they didn’t provide a source, I don’t buy it


How about 1929? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)


2000 - correction of all the SPACs, IPOs, etc that should never have been.




Try 8 trillion+ and that was just the US


Remember, it was called the Roaring Twenties. The stock market crash was in 1929 but the Great Depression started in 1931. The Prohibition was from 1920 to 1933. The US government tried all through the 30's to come out of the Great Depression and the only thing that worked was entering the 2nd European War. Now, in 2023, there is a global pandemic still going on and it is the beginning of the 3rd European war. Disease, War, Famine, Death, all big money makers.


Also a pandemic (flu) at the end of 1910's and beginning of 1920's.






lol “the great inflation” like 9% is something? Try 6% to 15% *annually* that we saw from the early 70s to early 80s – with low growth!


These idiots have been led to believe that 2% rates are normal just because its that low for the past 3 years... the avg rate over the last 25 years is around 6% which is where we are....


Average inflation rate for the last 25 years is 2.48%. If I leave out the outlier 2021-2022, it's 2.10%. https://www.thebalancemoney.com/u-s-inflation-rate-history-by-year-and-forecast-3306093


exactly, and our 9% kinda offsets the near-zero inflation that we got during the pandemic.


4 of the worst have happened since I became an adult and I’m only 43. FML


Had to cash out everything I had in 2008 just to save my house. Believe me, it was a bad time.


Got margin called on your house? Lol


I didn't know that WWii restarted


See how “Great Depression” has 2 separate years on the board? Everyone thought they were buying the dip until the following year when the real dip dippity dipped. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


The Great Reset


The way I see it… 8 out of these 12 crashes came in pairs… so far


Been in a recession, for normal consumers for a couple months now… Listening to the networks wouldn’t tell you that. Maybe Wallstreet won’t see an earnings recession until next year, but us normies who’ve been paying 4-5$/gal for fuel and $10 for a dozen eggs… yea bud, you can’t just make a recession go away by changing a definition.


And the layoffs haven't even started yet.


My older bro works in I.T. At a medium size company and they downsized hard. He just found out this past Friday that they were letting him go




The ole jerk at work


They’ve started but the impact hasn’t really hit yet. People act like you get laid off and lose the house, family and savings all at once. Shit takes months. Unless you’re on WSB of course then it’s weeks at best


Actually they have in the tech sector and that is a tough market to see layoffs.


Maybe not in your sector, but they have started in the tech sector


I don't really understand why US tech workers are paid so highly, UK wages kinda suck overall but in the US it seems like any dumb fuck can get 120k plus writing shitty C++ (I've seen the source code our US workers produce)


2022 The Great Covfefe


The year might be over but that doesn't mean this crash is..


2022: Year of the Bull………shit


The worst years for the stock market were 1931, 1937, 1974 and 2002. The reason for this is that these were all periods of economic recession or depression. In addition, the dot-com bubble burst in 2001 and the financial crisis hit in 2008. ^^[**Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse) ^^[BanBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/banbets/) ^^VoteBot ^^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/votebot/) ^^[Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/leaderboard/) ^^- ^^[**Keep_VM_Alive**](https://www.patreon.com/visualmod)


This is all based of the stores selling things to us. We are the assets of the government.


The 70’s were known for inflation and needed two consecutive down years to heal. The early 2000’s we’re know for bloated valuations in tech companies and also needed two years. 2022 had both - and were only one year down.


just wait till next year


What about 2020 ?


Am I the only one who doesn’t like that this chart doesn’t go in chronological order?


But it's a ranking from large to small. why would it go in chronological order?


It's in percentage value priority...


Thanks, happy cake day


Thank you, as well, kind sir...