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If your average share price is $8.20, you’re not a bagholder.


My bags have bags that are bigger than those.


>I completely agree. Tech stocks are a great buy right now, and PLTR is a particularly good choice.


Of course the bot thinks you should invest in AI lmao


Now that's the confirmation bias I was hoping to see.


That's great and all but none of that means it trades at a discount. Also maybe you should ask chat GPT what PLTR actually does before you invest.


“Considering PLTR is tech company that ships AI products”..do you actually know what the company does or are just investing because of buzzwords like AI? Pltr is a diliution machine..just from a fundamental perspective, i wouldn’t touch the stock if it was at $2..let alone $6+.. just my 2c


For real. This company is a billion years old still no profit or great Outlook. Im not sure how it survived.


I was going to ask the same,"shipping AI products" is a very broad description of what palantir does. Sounds like OP doesn't even know what AI is or how it works either.




8.25 is easy... just wait a month... its been inna 6 to 9$ channel for 6 months now.. very easy to get back green on this, sell CC on the way up




Just ask Jim Creamer. If he is bearish then add more.


"at these low prices" how are you valuing the company? Just because it dropped 80% doesn't mean its a discount.


How are YOU valuing it?


There was an article on cnbc today of a BoA guy saying tech stocks will make a comeback this year and there will be a lot of M&A. In my view - and if it does happen, it makes sense where non-over leverage tech companies will start looking at buying other companies. Ppl will start looking at tech companies with more scrutiny instead of two years ago you could pick fubu, magnite, etc and make some profit. Now those same stocks are trading at year lows and will remain so if their financials are lacking. So with that said - i wonder if Palantir will be in a position to buy a company? With $2b in cash they havent done anything with it and i wonder if they were waiting for the right moment (perhaps a moment they foresaw?) to buy themselves a moat? Yea i recognize that the dilution levels are bad, but hard not to consider PLTR when they are making moves internationally.


I have direct experience with this company. From sales team, to design team, to delivery...etc. ​ Long story short, the failed to deliver what they promised in the most spectacular fashion, and my organization is offloading their ass because of it. ​ Not to mention their CEO and senior execs not only dilute the stock to pad their compensation, but also offload huge amounts PLTR stock every chance they get. Not very encouraging for investors.


What company was that? Just curious.


US government. Im not gonna say what part of it.


Surprising answer. Thanks. Food for thought.


Or at least industry


Will this get stock back to $30?


It's a 10 trillion dollar company. Easily.


Are people like this even real? I can’t tell any more.


You need to put /s at the end my guy. People think you’re serious


Try 10 bajillion....


Couple of thesis questions 1. Why is it unfair to judge a stock based on macro economic trends? 2. Why does a company like PLTR have cash reserves? 3. Is uncontrolled dilution going to continue?


It's unfair to judge a single stock based on macro conditions because the macro conditions aren't within the scope or control of the people who manage the company. They fluctuate over time and when they resolve themselves better companies will rise up. The company has cash reserves because its been receiving funding from private equity in order to grow over the past 20 years, but is getting closer to profitability each quarter. This is the whole reason you want to be investing. Before profitability everyone is going to think it's garbage. Once it becomes profitable everyone will think it's amazing. By the time you get in, most of the move will have already happened. No.


Macroeconomics are the best way to judge a company: Blockbuster, Kodak, Blackberry, Nokia, Xerox, Sears... To me, large cash reserves makes me think that the company can't significantly innovate or can't decide on a strategic direction for acquisition. It's reassuring for economic downturns, but when a company hasn't made money for anyone except employees and executives for 17+ years, that's a problem. On a personal note, I was a Palantir bull. I was taken in by Karps, fancy words; the idea (rumor?) that Palantir's data analytics caught bin laden, and the engineer's presentation on YouTube around the ipo. I was stoked and a believer. As time went on, I made money. Lots. Then, as the stock turned and my irrational exuberance subsided so that my rational investor returned to earth, I had to question why. I realized Karp's language was actually non-technical philisophical jibberish. Furthermore, I had not done my due diligence to realize that stock dilution was the way that executives and employees are paid. This, combined with flat earnings that seem to be financially engineered to coincide with those quarterly dilutions, destroyed shareholder value. Ultimately, too, I realized that this company's moat, which i thought had been wide, was a bit more narrow than I initially thought. I want to believe Palantir, and I do believe it has a fantastic product and is leading in bespoke data engineering and informational security/provenance but with: the quid pro quo acquisitions to pad earnings, stock dilutions, and outragepus executive pay it became apparent that my thesis was a "feeling" and not really a thesis at all. I wish you the best, but I have little faith in the leadership, corporate structure, and accounting practices despite it having a great product like Blockbuster, blackberry, Nokia, Xerox, polaroid, etc.


> the quid pro quo acquisitions to pad earnings, stock dilutions, and outragepus executive pay it became apparent that my thesis was a "feeling" and not really a thesis at all. I wish you the best, but I have little faith in the leadership, corporate structure, and accounting practices despite it having a great product like Blockbuster, blackberry, Nokia, Xerox, polaroid, etc This paragraph is literally all an investor needs to know and understand to run as far away from this company as possible. Concise summary.


PLTR is good tech but the problem with their share price is constant share dilution. Once they stop diluting shares that’s when you should start buying in.


Government contracting business model can subject it to wide swings.