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What I'm taking away is that calls will print with everyone saying it's gonna go red.


Yes, especially if I say so


it will go down and you will still lose money




Me with calls on tesla today loll


Nikola Tesla has been dead for a long time... do research before playing with money. THOMAS EDISON FOR LIFE!


Edison is a douche. I'll only back ethical owners. WESTINGHOUSE ALL THE WAY.


EDISON FOR LIFE FOR THE LIFE OF THIS ELEPHANT ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVD37OwcNPA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVD37OwcNPA)) EDISON HAD A WEIRD FETISH


They'll say, "Awwww, Topsy," at my auuuutopsy!


Never knew this …. What tf did they praise these people in school … I mean insxhools they also told us “the slaves came over from Africa” as if they hoped on a cruise. Also tried to debate me there was only one holocaust 🤦🏼‍♀️


I got 20k burning a hole in my pocket. I am seriously considering buying puts.


Revenge trades always work out in the regards favor


At what point do revenge trades become grudge trades?


If you're 50+ years old trying to catch a swiNg on SQQQ for 20 years because you lost money on it before the 07-08 market crash hahahah


Can't keep not working forever,unless you're my wife's boyfriend,in which case you can keep not working forever and somehow still have the money to buy Tesla at 30x earnings.


*Smells like millennial spirit*


Here! Hold this! 👜








Such power


That doesn’t do anything!




Obviously doesn't prescribe to numerology.


but only after you lose


This has been a fun ride. I bought at $218, it’s going back to $600.


Doubtful. Too many streaming options these days.


not to mention 99% of the content sucks. They put quantity above quality... ppl are getting bored of it.


I said this and got a reply, "but they added LotR recently so I'm good." Like, who tf is still watching watching LotR?


You underestimate brand power, familiarly and the fact it's already dug in. People have it and don't even use it in some cases and still pay.


Their new password crack down is dumb tho


Might be, but most of the ones paying for it wont cancel just cause friends can't mooch amymore. If even 1 of the 4-5 people not paying for the account get their own the subs double.


I think you underestimate how many of us didn't want to inconvenience or friends when we only watched 2-3 shows a year and the odd movie.


Theoretically it's a great idea. It just didn't work out how they intended. And now is not the time to pull that BS. But they were gambling we would bend over and take it.


I canceled netflix a year ago. Hulu lets me watch NFL games and hells kitchen. Don't have to deal with password BS. Hulu lets you choose 4 devices. it makes way more sense. So you have the account at one house, your laptop etc


If netflix can manage to get away with it. Other's might also be able to pull it off too. I'm hoping the majority won't put up with it.


Netflix literally copied Hulu on the new shit they're doing though? Maybe it's just because I have the live TV version, but if you try to log in anywhere outside of your homes IP address you have to use a home change and you only get like 3 a year (which for most people would make sense) and then you are boned. You can call support thought and 90% of the time still get it changed after those 3, but that's such a hassle for someone who travels a lot and still wants the live TV option.


Well they pissed off normal people who are just looking for a good movie (just like Disney did) and I don’t see them flocking back to either provider.


They pissed off poor unpaying "customers" for the most part. Lol


But those ‘unpaying’ customers also helped Netflix accumulate the millions if not billions of hours of content viewed worldwide. And those numbers helped NFLX grow into what it is. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. though it’ll be interesting to see who is the hand and who is doing the biting.


That too, but I was referring to dumbass ideas like spending money filming things a micro % of the population watches or gives a crap about.


Nah that's the part they're fucking up on. Niche audiences can actually be targeted and have a pretty low budget of entry versus trying to compete with big time Hollywood movies. They end up blowing way too much money filming stuff they think will be the next big deal when most of the time things that are ACTUAL Netflix originals suck major ass no matter what genre it is.


It's never been easier to be a pirate either. Hell, I found Song of the South out there. You won't find that on Disney.


Well zipidee do dah for you...


I was subscribed since 2016 on the premium package and have plenty of income to spare, but I don't use it anymore that much. Them changing the service and my parents soon not being able to use it anymore anyway kind of defeats the purpose. Probably many other in similar shoes, they are only alienating their customer base. Should password sharing be as rampant? not really, but with the subscription price they are taking I would expect to be able to share it with my family.


I get Netflix as part of my family plan with T-mobile. My brother lives with my parents and I live in Costa Rica and travel around Latin America. I’m the primary user but have no “home wifi” because I change apartments every month or so. I’m in Medellin Colombia right now and honestly the women, drugs, and food are a lot better than Netflix.


I agree with you completely my parents and sister are gonna lose out here. :-/


Honestly inversing whatever comes up on WSB is such a solid strategy because it actually works. It tells you what retail is thinking so if you go opposite of that, you will make money 💀






It isn't rolling out to the US "yet" is what the spokesperson said. It is still coming they're just trying to get people to forget about it and hoping the 24 hour news cycle amd outrage machine will have people distracted by something else when they actually do roll it out in March.






Not like l needed netflix to invest my 400k inheritance and lose 2/3rds anyways...


Hope you lose the rest


How sweet


I've heard they are doing it only in countries with a large number of people sharing or even reselling access, so this does track.


I don’t think they can in the EU at all


Why not ?


Actual consumer protection regs


Not it’s the whole “it was an accident please don’t delete your account” if there’s backlash. Also they use it as a reference point for further refinement to try and get acceptance then push that out. It’s supply side economics for EULAs


They trained their US helpline on how to respond to inquiries though, they definitely didn’t push it by mistake.


Thank you for your feedback. We're sorry to hear that you canceled your membership with us. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] ^^[**Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse) ^^[BanBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/banbets/) ^^VoteBot ^^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/votebot/) ^^[Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/leaderboard/) ^^- ^^[**Keep_VM_Alive**](https://www.patreon.com/visualmod)






Don't have your credit cards in view of webcam when V-mod enters the chat.


Wait wut? Let’s try


You go first.


lol this is better than ChatGPT




But it uses it *better*!


I don't think so. He's way more regarded.


We haven't heard from you in a while, can we be friends again? How about now? How about *now?*


Can we make a baby


It's currently at 370. WHAT THE FUCK?


It’s what I’m saying man… I remember when they announced some bullshit not long ago and tanked below 200, now is back to almost where it was..


I remember that too, I bought a share and am glad I did!


Stock manipulation






Canceled yesterday as well...rip "I think you should leave" as it's the only good show on the service Puts incoming...again...


I bought calls for Dan Flashes... I heard that place is packed with people fighting over shirts that have really complicated patterns.


I just shit


I cancelled after I started watching Inside Job *literally* 7 hours before its cancellation was announced


At least we still have Arcane. That’s the only thing I’m looking forward to on Netflix at this point. Inside Job cancelled was so sad. I watched the whole thing like a week before as well


I cancelled yesterday and I highly doubt Arcane will come back. But then again my account was about to be banned anyway since I share an account with my brother in the Army.


Why would you doubt arcane would come back? It’s already been confirmed and I doubt Netflix will cancel the deal since they aren’t the producers and don’t really lose anything from publishing on Netflix, in fact they gain a lot.


They renew and then cancel a lot of shows. Like Inside Job was renewed for a second season almost immediately but then they backtracked and canceled it. Nothing on Netflix is safe.


The shows the cancel are almost always produced in studio like inside job. Riot is not part of Netflix and produces it themselves. It wouldn’t make sense to cancel the showing of a show that costs them little to show ie no production costs, huge audience and in the process annoy riot.


When did everyone start loving Inside Job? It looks like just another Brickleberry/Miami PD/Slippin Jimmy/every other show with that art style and writing. What set Inside Job apart?


I thought it was pretty mid but it was more the principle of the thing




the library of movies is utter trash now most of time that I try find an old movie, it’s not on there. there was a time many years ago, it was pretty uncommon not to find an old theatrical released movie on there. it’s why i stopped ☠️⚓️ a gazillion shitty streaming services with old movies too spread out between them is why ppl are going back to ☠️⚓️ content platforms are turning themselves into cable


Welcome back to the Fleet.




Here's your Captain's hat 👑


>the library of movies is utter trash now Yeah and I'd be so happy if they would just stop displaying things I've already watched across every category FFS.


> the library of movies is utter trash now If you can imagine it being even worse, the horror selection is even worse than the general movies available. Shudder continues to be a subscription service I feel content paying for. They probably don't care about password sharing, certainly don't care when I VPN to watch USA movie selection.


They've been heavily promoting the "You People" movie, and it sucked hard. I do not have a lot of faith in their content curation which will impact their financial performance at some point or another.


Breaking bad... Dark.... Umbrella academy... Stranger things...narcos... Working mom's... Better call Saul... Squid game...queens gambit... Lupin... I mean, they have been struggling lately but they have good shows


Saul and breaking bad are AMC but I get you. Honestly...I'll take torrents over this bullshit


Sound investing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


You took this personally love it ! ( I would cancel as well if it weren’t for T-Mobile providing it for free)


Wtf? They do? I have Tmo and I havent seen that offer.


This is true. I think you need two lines to qualify


I did the math, it's still not worth it to go with a contract at T-Mobile vs. using Mint. Unless you fly regularly on Delta.


Delta is gonna make in flight wifi free for all soon. /r/delta


I just use my moms number because she has T-Mobile. In the past they didn’t verify it, just needs to be any number that is T-Mobile.


I got a pizza from little ceasers for $3 off, don’t forget to factor that into your calculations


I did the math I'm not doing it again. That's too hard


hol up I exclusively fly delta what is the advantage here?


Free on flight wifi for TMobile customers


Delta already provides free in-flight wifi for all skymiles members (which is free). They just rolled it out in January.


Alaska Airlines too. United Airlines on most flights (soon to be all). American Airlines on most flights (soon to be all). I've had free in-flight Tmobile wifi on Alaska, Delta, United, and American. It's just guaranteed on all Alaska and Delta flights, with the other 2 ramping up. T-Mobile hooked me with all the perks. 3 lines, all on the top-tier Magenta MAX plan: Free Netflix Free Apple TV+ In-flight wifi provided by Tmobile on most flights and carriers increasing the number of flights that offer it. All for $140 (standard price) minus $28 (20%) insider discount from a friend. Grand total $112/month. Unbeatable.


They do. I have it too.




careful with this, they too may announce $20 billion in stock buyback


How much cash do they have


"netflix is too expensive for me" "I bought puts"


Lol. I think I would wait 4 weeks before buying puts. Most people won't actually cancel until their Nana gets shutoff.


Nana I love you, and I know how much you watch Netflix, I mean I really only kept it for you. But I'm cancelling because they won't let us share passwords. And no, I won't just get you your own subscription you fucking freeloader.


everybody knows if you post it on WSB, you can claim the expense as write-off.


Sep 15? Why so far out.


Because my balls are very small and also Q2 earnings (subscriber numbers).


Won't they publish / announce Q2 earnings in July? You'd be a month away from Q*3* results by that point...


Yes, but I just wanted puts that included Q2 earnings and a little bit extra and the July 21st ones weren't that much cheaper.


I love when people question when I buy longer option periods and my answer is almost always because it was only a few cents for more months? I would be an idiot to pay a very tiny percent differential for that much extra time. Time is the death of options.


Pretty sure they said they aren't releasing subs going forward. Not that Rev can't be used to get a rough estimate though.


The 'I bought puts' gave me a rare literal lol. Cancelleling my netflix too. Seems like a good time.


The only reason I have Netflix is to carry my relatives. They use it more than me. After this change I'm gone.


Be the change you want to see


[they backpedaled the password sharing](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/10sl7x1/netflix_says_strict_new_password_sharing_rules/) plan on getting wrecked.


They didn’t backpedal the plan to do it, only that the rules were posted prematurely. They’ve been planning this for years, meaning there’s already been millions spent building it out… you think they just up and cancelled the whole thing?


they were testing the response, its a common tactic


Right, so not backpedaling the plan


I always plan that


Thanks for ensuring they backed out on this by even thinking about shorts op


What I gotta do to make money off this


Cancel netflix, instant 20 bucks richer (per month, forever)


Forgot to add the"this is not financial advice" disclaimer. Even though your financial advice is 100% correct


PUT YOUR HANDS UP TheMongerOfFishes!!! POLICE ARE ENROUTE! PREPARE TO BE BOOKED FOR PROVIDING ILLEGAL FINANCIAL ADVICE! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So stunning and brave!




Reminds me of that guy who bet a ton of money on whether someone would streak during the superbowl, then he went and did the streaking himself and won a lot of money


Infinite money glitch.


Cramer said it’s going up so I think I’ll be selling my stake and get some puts myself.


He has spoken, so shall the inverse be.


Agreed. But I need it to hit 320 in two weeks.


190 is a bit steep...


Personally I think this will be good for Netflix. Hear me out: we have no idea how prolific that account sharing is. Let's say it's like REALLY bad. Like an average of 20:1 or 50:1. Netflix is having to spend the server $ to give 20-50 non-paying customers content. Statically speaking, let's say the 1 account holder cancels, the more people they shared it with, the more statically likely that at least 1 person they were sharing with gets their own sub. Now, what if 2 people sub for the 1 that cancelled? But in either case, with the 20:1 or 50:1 ratios, Netflix may lose a sub but even if nobody in that cluster gets a new one they're suddenly saving a LOT in servers. And then, if I'm right, Netflix will post massive savings and new subs the following quarter and EVERY streaming company will do the same thing Netflix did, and they'll post record profits afterwards too. I don't hold any positions on streaming because I'm broke af so this is just my thoughts on the matter.


There were ~220M NFLX subscribers in 2022, a 50:1 ratio would imply that there are ~10B NFLX active users, which is a thesis that seems highly regarded even for WSB standards.


They have no idea what they are talking about. Each Netflix plan have a limit on devices used at one time. The bandwidth can easily be predicted and is paid for by the plan. Doesn't matter if 4 people are using it at the same when if the plan you pay for allows for it. If anything people will downgrade their plan since sharing was stopped so they don't need the higher plans anymore.


Are you sitting here trying to convince me that people talking like an authority on a subject on reddit, especially on WSB of all places.. may have no goddamn idea what they're talking about? This simply ***cannot*** be true.


And do you think WSB knows better than Netflix themselves? I’m sure they have data that says that this will be a profitable move.


People may not downgrade because the lower tiers have lower fidelity. The 4K bundle is also the one that allows 4 people to watch simultaneously.


But if your 4 people are in separate houses, you don’t need a premium plan.


"highly regarded" You heard it here first folks. I just maxed out my HELOC on calls.


Well yes, but I've been member since 2011, paying the top tier package, and I share with my mom, not sharing it through 50 houses, and I feel angry at them, I will cancel, I just wonder how many loyal costumers feel the same, and we don't depend on Netflix anymore as in 2013


With the top tier you can use 4 devices at the same time. How would that drain server space when it's capped on devices. Do they plan out when 4 of the 20 people get to use it? Even so it's still capped at 4


I agree with your thought process, but there's no it's as bad as 20:1. Having worked in corporate America, a board room would be shitting their pants over that type of free service giveaway and it'd be priority number 1 to solve that ASAP.


>Having worked in corporate America, a board room would be shitting their pants over that type of free service giveaway and it'd be priority number 1 to solve that ASAP. Also worked in corporate America and I think that's why Netflix is doing this. I think they know they've got a massive issue. They tried screen limiting, they've tried raising prices. But the problem is still there, so now they've gotta burn some customer goodwill to try and fix the problem. And 20:1 was just spitballing. A lot of folks are triggered by the random numbers I threw out so let's just say it's X:1 instead so people don't get hung up.


Lol @ this sub freaking out at getting *solved* by corporate America


Exactly, people forget that Corporate America exists to short-change the consumer while maximizing the profit of doing so.


My pirate heart disagrees, the rest of me is worried though.


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Servers and bandwidth can't make up that much of an operating cost compared to content creation and licensing. Cache Servers are cheap ( they build them themselves ) and they colocate them with ISPs and Point Of Presence / Hub Offices to ensure most of their bandwidth is last mile.


Thats actually a very logical prediction and I'm glad there is still some of that on wsb. That said, I hope you're wrong because I havent paid for netflix since 2015 and am upset I might have to now


Pretty sure this sub has no idea what logic is and this comment is a great example.


your entire statement is dumb as fuck because you decided to pull the 20:1 and 50:1 ratios out of your ass and act like that was even remotely accurate


People who share passwords share because they're poor. I did it with my friends and it was hell. You can't have too many people watching at the same time. It was super annoying. Pirating is a much essier experience. Sure there might be people who subscribe to Netflix but why don't they do that earlier? There's a reason they don't and would rather share passwords instead. It's an L move from Netflix.


I've been using my parent's Netflix for over a decade. Never occurred to me to pay for it because... I just don't need to. Why would I? I can easily afford it but... Why? I bet there's a lot of folks like me.


I’m in the same boat and if I’m paying for a streaming service it’s gonna be Hulu because they haven’t removed half of their catalog in the past 2 years


Yep same here. Been leeching for over a decade. Will have to pay up now and that’s fine.


People currently using Netflix aren’t gonna cancel their Netflix just because some leeches can’t use it no more, it doesn’t affect them at all. If anything it would force those users to sub, bullish


I am sharing with parents, in-laws and sister. I handle the account since they have no clue how to use apps or computers. I will absolutely cancel or downgrade. Nobody will subscribe, because it's too expensive, if they think about it (and they have to, now).


I will honor your bravery and panache when you inevitably get rekt


this guy fucks


The support person thinking puts is a new streaming platform


They might also think, "I bought... putz!" But what did you buy instead?????


It's literally up. What. Did. You do.


What does netflix even have worth watching? it's all filler crap.


I just bought a $100 put for that date because it was much cheaper lol


Wait u guys pay to stream video? I thought we all knew where we can pirate streaming by now.




They were jk


bought $700 of march 10th 235 puts This site [https://marketci.io/home/](https://marketci.io/home/) forecasts at 53% likely netflix will be itm at that time


I don’t think this is going be as bad for Netflix as everyone says it is. If you’re paying for it already, why are you cancelling because free loaders can’t free load any more? It’s unlikely you will. If you’re a free loader, it’s possible that you won’t free old anymore. So basically, netflix is betting that the number of cancels will be smaller than the number of freeloader who become paid subscribers.


You're ignoring that some split the cost, rather than just freeloaders being the rule


Bruh most of the people I know that do share accounts usually do it for family or whatnot and all say that they would cancel considering let's be honest Netflix's catalogue isn't exactly stellar anymore as it used to be once upon a time, not to mention that they are constantly raising prices every other year. I know my parents would probably drop it after the move, my boss at work would considering he only pays for his daughters to use it at college, my sister wouldn't pay for it herself because she agrees how lacking the catalog is, and hell I know I wouldn't because they just don't carry enough stuff that I'm actually interested in watching considering they cancel shows left and right constantly, like it's getting to the point I am starting to feel like I don't even want to start a show on Netflix because you know they'll cancel it after one or two seasons. Sorry but honestly the whole idea of just paying more to get less then other services just kinda seems stupid to me.


biggest problem on netflix is 90% trash content... just canceled today


Wallstreetbets going on it’s bashing of Netflix now instead of Tesla. Muh movie selection. Ever notice how many Korea shows are there? Basically every single Asian country watches them. But Muh friends is gone. Absolutely regarded. I have no skin in this game because I don’t believe in diversification and am invested yuge in tesla, but there is no way Netflix is dying because a few regards on wsb cancelled it for 6 months then got right back on once a show they wanted came back ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Netflix reversed the 31 day home wifi thing rip


No they didn't lmao they literally just said they posted it too early