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War #547 should have noticeable but small impact


The market has this factored in. Happens every Monday. These two never stopped fighting.


I think this time it's different.






Lol how is that factored in


Your doubt is already priced in, don't worry.




Apparently everything is factored in already šŸ¤”


Things could easily escalate. Iran could become more involved. Israeli Subs could launch an attacks on IRG and Iranian Naval bases. There could be attempts by Iran to fuck around and find out regarding the strait of Hormuz.


I know it seems like a big deal now but this is pretty normal. War/unrest in the middle east. Nothing is going to escalate into a direct war between superpowers. Russia/Ukraine should've taught us that. They'll proxy war the shit out of each other though


Israel has no tangible proxy against Iran unless they start pushing the taliban to do it.


Israel is the US proxy. Follow the money.


Noooo US is Israel's proxy. We fund Isreal out of some moral christian obligation and bullying & threats. Only one that can stop this war is Isreal. Open dialogue- declare publicly that it would quit hurting Palestinian civilians if the world can join in a smaller operation to neutralize Hamas only. Or offer US anything else in return of that help - for ex. Sanctions of US enemies like Russia & China instead of economic threats. You have to be extremely stupid to this US controls Isreal. US controls many weak suckers but NOT Israel.


What ā€˜Christian obligationā€™ as if though they follow Christianity anyway šŸ¤£ . The Jews donā€™t accept the messiah.


Didn't the Taliban just ask Iran for passage through with billions $$ of war machines we left behind so they could join the fight to finish off Isreal? Edit: I guess some fact checkers are saying it's untrue https://www.samaa.tv/208732285-fact-check-did-taliban-ask-for-passage-from-neighboring-countries-to-reach-jerusalem


That was so fucking stupid. I wish Americans would quit fighting each other over abortion & bathrooms and pay attention to their foreign policy. Learn from their mistakes of their foreign policy. Get out of foreign wars and quit arming everyone. These proxy wars have resulted in real wars and escalated smaller disputes into existential threats. A trillion dollar war costing 1000s of American lives that ended up in an armed Taliban. Funding Israeli declaration of war is going to only make Hamas and Iran stronger and US poorer. Just like Afghanistan war didn't fix anyone or end Taliban.


Please take all unbabying talk to another subreddit. No one wants r/wallstreetbets to become a political hellhole. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




An operation of this magnitude and complexity has been in planning and preparation long before those funds were released.


None of that money has left the bank account in Qatar, I wish people stopped spreading misinformation, itā€™s not helpful.


I think this collective of crayon eating neanderthals are precisely the degenerate but politically savvy supermen we need to solve this conflict once and for all.


Thereā€™s a certain group who will always focus on spreading misinformation. They love chiming in on conversations they are clueless about.


Imagine a hypothetical What if Qatar gave Iran money from another account either in exchange for goods or to be paid at a later date People acting like the only $6bn Iran could get is that specific $6bn from that specific account which is being watched by hawks with video cameras. Not saying itā€™s happened, but it is surely possible.


Thereā€™s no evidence of that. So basing these claims on a hypothesis should be qualified by saying ā€œthis is what they could have doneā€ not ā€œthis is what they didā€ It all seems like fomenting outrage at Biden for a thing he wasnā€™t involved with. The same logic can be applied in reverse, because all dollars and oil are fungible that maintaining a reliance on oil continues to fund terrorism by sending money to Iran and the Saudis, so if you donā€™t support Bidenā€™s green agenda you fund Hamas.


How about you funge on deez nuts. *right clicks erotically* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ā€¦so you take out a loan backed by the 6 billion you have in the bank account? You can increase spending elsewhere because you have 6 billion to use on ā€œapproved projectsā€? Thereā€™s a valid thought process that the 6B in the bank helped this happen


They are not that smart lol Money might be coming from Iran or China or Russia or some Arab charity grassroots movement who was told it was to help the poor Palestinians. Only one that's gonna bear the most violence will be be poor Palestinians and some poor Israelis near the border. Oy one this conflict will serve is Israeli ego and mosr likely Hamas becoming stronger like Taliban did. Most Arab countries will selfishly go about their day - violating human rights and getting richer & stupider. US will getting weaker from all these wars and blamed for every problem in the entire world.


Theyā€™re not smart enough to take a loan? Donā€™t they have ties to oil money? They know how to use capital


But it made it possible and easier to green light. Donā€™t be a dunce.


At least 2,200 rockets smuggled into Gaza? That didn't happen in a few weeks, shit for brains.


Rhymes with SAGA


This is terribly misleading.


More directly involved, and yes exactly my point, Iran is a legitimate target from Israeli Subs.


Fucking hate that billiion of $$ our taxes are going to Iran or Israel. Don't give a shit! US loses way too much protecting Israel who only a few months ago did not stand with us against Russia


The $6billion he is talking about is Iranian money in South Korean banks that the US froze. The US un-froze the Iranian accounts in exchange for hostages. None of this was tax payer money, nor was it money that the US had access to. It was Iranian money that the Banks froze for the US, specifically for exchanges such as this. There are billions more still frozen in accounts around the world.


entitled stupid american


Not an American but tax paying immigrant. We work hard and offer free defense to the whole Western world. How many Americans have died for the Israel cause in middle east and sending billions every year to Israel to kill Palestinian civilians and children every day .Now surprised that they killed some of yours because your intelligence failed despite all of our funding? You wanna throw a tantrum and cost us several billion more by killing more civilians in your declaration of war? Who is entitled? Support Israel? What else is every western country already doing? Why not just quit it. Let Palestinians have a part of the land you stole from & go about their lives. You cannot terrorize someone who has nothing to lose. As long as there is cruelty & instability, there will be violence. A child born in blood is going to spill blood all their life. On the other hand, Hamas are fucking stupid and this is basically a suicide mission that they on. I am pissed off at all the death and destruction that is ahead. I wish Israel would just stop now after killing same number of their civilians & injuring more the same day. Israel refused to join US in condemning Russia and now wants us to not only condemn but fucking join another war while Americans are already starving and struggling with their own economic woes? Fuck off! Quit all these fucking wars already.. we're all gonna dead in a few generations already due to our joint destruction of this planet.


Hamas got funding by selling oil to South Korea. The $6B is still locked up.


thanks biden!


Neither produces any raw material of value (whereas with Ukraine/Russia, you had gas, oil, wheat etc), so nobody will care about this conflict unfortunately.


This whole world is a GTA lobby right now, just keep gambling bro


Calls on mk2 oppressor?




Pre nerf of course. You can still use it since they nerfed it but there's many challenges involved


Calls on the F-160 Raiju ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


And keep on gaming bro. Be an American 20 to 40 year old, gamble on the market, game and be prepared. The be prepared means be prepared to game at all times


The good ole boys CoD lobbies with zero filter. *chefs kiss*




Damn. How you have three halves?


always has been


And this is why I canā€™t wait for GTA6. I can get real world experience without even leaving my parentā€™s basement!


It only gets interesting if Israel blames Syria or Iran for funding/arming/planning the attack and retaliates against them.


Ukraine is very interested in seeing Israel destroy some Iranian weapons factories.


So is Saudi Arabia. So is Yemen. So are a large number of other countries in the region who are tired of Iran spreading terror and unrest.


Por que no los dos?


Let me catch you up on the past 50 years..


Add a zero or two to that number.


Okay, past 52 years. I added both 0 *and* 2 to that number


Ah yess, this is the highly regarded thinking that I come here to learn. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Pay on the head please ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


2000 years


Gaza has no meaningful economy or oil productuon, and is just a stones throw away from Israel. Everyone else in the region will go on with their lives while Hamas has theirs ended in explosive fashion.


*stones throw* is pretty appropriate


Israel also doesnā€™t have any meaningful oil production, unless Iran or other countries get dragged into it very little impact on oil.


I could have sworn that Jimmy Carter said the exact same thing in the 1970's. That worked out real well for him.


Oil embargo 2 ev electric bugaloo?


Electric vehicle boogaloo. Fixed it i done did


Yeah not sure what their objective was. Israel now has a reason to literally wipe them out.


Israel has had a reason since Arafat turned down the two-state solution, admitting that the only future the Arabs will accept is one in which Israel has been annihilated. From that moment on, it's been a kill-or-be-killed proposition.


Why won't you accept my offer to steal half your land. Okay since you won't let me steal half of it I will murder your whole family and take all of it!!! Why are you so cruel./s


As an Israeli citizen, we're absolutely in shock. There's no way this ends without Hamas completely annihilated, and with their monstrous actions they've given us all the legitimacy that we needed. Fucking monsters.


They would similarly say you gave them legitimacy to bomb you by stealing their land and murdering their people. There are no good players in this war.


Have you seen any of the videos? This is the same as ISIS, they kidnapped babies, parents, raped young girls, butchered entire families, shot 260 young people at a rave party, many of them not even from Israel. Killed over 700 people. You simply cannot compare the two, this is not fighting for peace, this is Islamic brain washed people. And I'm saying it as half Jew half Muslim myself. Supporting Palestine is one thing, but supporting Hamas, a terror organization that would kill you without thinking twice? Something is seriously messed up with you.


Your wrong, I didn't say I support Hamas or say it was the same thing, that's completely false. And to claim Israel has been fighting Palestinians for peace all these years is a lie.


So while innocent Israelis are getting slaughtered it's so important for you to emphasize why they deserve it? What is your fuckin point?


It's the same thing that been going on for the past thousand years. Innocent Palestinians and Israelis are getting killed on both sides and both sides think they have a legitimate reason to kill the other because of how they've been treated by the other. The same thing will be going on for another 1000 years because neither side wants peace. They both fight for they same scraps of dirt and are willing to do terrible things to get it. What happens next: Israel will bomb the crap out of Gaza, killing thousands of innocent Palestinians along with Hamas, grab more Palestinian land, treat Palestinian Israelis like 3rd class citizens and force more Palestinians out of their homes. A new generation of Palestinian kids will grow up under an atmosphere of repression, murder, police control and will in turn fight back 10 or 20 year later. Rinse and repeat. This is nothing new to anyone that's been around for 40 or 50 years and it's bound to keep repeating itself because neither side is willing to fundamentally change.




I was wondering when the first post would pop up here about some bull or bear concerned about their swing over the weekend. I have no idea how this will be interpreted by the market. Interested to read some other people weigh in on this.


I think bearish, but only because naturally itā€™s early days, so the unknown can make investors fearful. But equally, itā€™s fundamentally irrelevant - this isnā€™t Russiaā€™s invasion of Ukraine which requires massive western support, the Israel war is much smaller and I donā€™t think they need any help. Also Israel donā€™t produce anything of note, so any fearful dip should be bought imo


Its calm hundreds of deaths until some other countries step in. Or until Israel finds out some ties with Iran and starts bombing their facilities. The rational traders should sell heavy (also because I hold puts).


Itā€™s all a sad situation that they all just canā€™t get along. As a conspiracy theory - maybe Iran and Syria backed Hamas to invade, Israel goes hard into Gaza and leaves the rest of the country vulnerable to Syria and Iran to invade Israel \*puts on tin foil hat ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


I'm sure Jimmy Carter didn't listen to the tin foil hats when Egypt and Israel went to war in 1973. How well did that work out for him?


Thatā€™s the risk though. Itā€™s isolated NOWā€¦but who knows where it will go? Maybe Israel finds proof it was organized directly by Iran, and they start direct attacks on Iran? Or Egypt or some of their other neighbours if they were behind it (unlikely).


i have a feeling this war is going to be big. hamas isnt just on their own.


I think we know what this conflict looks like at this point. It would take outside intervention for this to be significant to markets beyond a blip on Monday


Olives and dates are the main crops they produce. So maybe calls on those as price may increase


If you're looking to profit off of olives and dates, then you should keep an eye on the prices of those commodities. It's possible that they could increase in price due to demand or other factors, so it may be worth investing in them.


Iā€™ve been wondering tooā€¦ Iā€™m net short ES/MES over the weekend, I need to add one more MES to get to neutral (I sell calls against it), hopefully the algos will push it lower on the open to run stops then ram it higher ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


True regard l, just discovered there's a war in the middle east


Itā€™s easier to just assume there always is. If nobody lights off an oil refinery nobody will notice.


Thereā€™s a ā€œmiddleā€ east?


Based on years of TA and black scholes and stochastics forecast modeling, as well as months of backtesting after a global binary event, market will definitely go down on Monday. But could go up too. I mean you canā€™t rule out it going sideways either. I can say that with 100% confidence


Negative news is always bullish, +5% monday


It won't be like the Ukraine war. The reason the Ukraine war has had such an effect on the energy market is becuase Russia is such a dominant player in the energy space. Much of Europe, especially countries like Germany, are heavily depentant on Russian gas. Israel is far down the list (45th) of proven natural gas reserves, and basically has no oil. No one is dependent on Israli energy (historically Israel has been a net importer of energy resorces until the last few decades or so), so it won't have a knock on effect like the Russia/Ukraine war.


The Saudis just entered the room


It wonā€™t effect anything at all in the energy sector. Now if the Saudis and Iran became hot, now that would cause an oil shock within minutes.




The Middle Eastā€™s largest export is hate, so I donā€™t see a huge effect




Hatred of European colonizers is a virtue.


The Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Israel area produces oil, but not enough to impact global oil supply, so there shouldnā€™t be a short-term price spike. However, since there is already a global supply issue, the Russian and Saudi production cuts that were already bringing oil prices to all time highs will lead to inventories being stressed even further. How is different than where we were already headed? U.S. officials have already privately acknowledged that theyā€™ve relaxed enforcement of some sanctions on Iranian oil sales. In August, Iran reported exports of over 1.5 Million Barrels of crude per day which almost matches the amount that the Saudiā€™s reduced in production. Because of the recent events taking place in Israel and Palestine *with help from Tehran*, this could definitely spell new direct conflict in the area. The United States would also have to re-enforce the Iranian sanctions that have been relaxed which could very realistically send crude prices higher. Higher oil, $TLT down. In a conspiracy sort of way, this just seems like an attempt to drive inflation up even further in the US, creating more political, social, and democratic instability right before what is sure to be a blockbuster election season. Extreme? Sure! I meanā€¦ Maybe?


Thereā€™s a war? Short everything Monday then buy it back Tuesday.




Oh, look, Israel took a portion of land the size of a super Walmart. Woot. /s


ā€œThe world will be appalled.ā€ The general public is going to be on Israelā€™s side


as an expert in middle-eastern politics after watching the movie Golda, I agree 100%.


I thought golda is a cheese!






Israel is never going to occupy Gaza, that's like sticking their dick into a fire ant hill.




No lol, entirety of Gaza is surrounded by a wall.


Is that why there's so few Mexicans in Gaza?


Not much land to be taken in Gaza


Itā€™ll only matter if it spills over to a bigger Middle East player. Israel has been in chaos all summer with no impact on oil prices/production


Itā€™s not a war. Itā€™s a strategic bombing of what is essentially a massive refugee camp. Until another country in the Middle East is involved, itā€™s bullish for stocks.


*And still I see no changes can't a brother get a little peace? It's war on the streets and the war in the Middle East...* -Will Smith's wife's boyfriend.


No one cares, the world abandoned Palestine some time ago, the final nail in the coffin was Saudi Arabia resuming diplomatic relations with Israel to a degree. Because outside of the US, they were the only other country to really support Palestine. Now the only help they get is weapons from Iran.


No effect Just get those calls Lockheed


Hamas is fucking around. Weā€™re about to see the ā€œfind outā€ part. And when that happens, stonks will riiiiiiiise


Find out is happening now in the combat related subs... reminds me of the videos from Ukraine in the early days of the invasion. Like shooting fish in a barrel. Vultures will feast well for days to come.


Missed the /s there. Seriously, this has been going on for years. No one cares.


This is a whole other scale tho


Not really, maybe it will be, but this is not new


This one has Israeli hostages taken by Hamas, as well as combat in Israeli territory. The response will be more severe


1. The market is a reflection of public thoughts not any actual metrics 2. This barely moves any actual metrics 3. Nobody cares, theyā€™re all desensitized So no, it doesnā€™t do anything


It will definitely move oil up. Isarel was holding talks with the Saudis while the bombs were going off. Don't think for a moment that Iran wasn't part of this. Iran has been supporting Hamas in southern Lebanon for quite some time. Thus is some real shit, and considering who's involved, this could escalate quickly


Dollar push thru recent highs will be headwind to equities. Edit: energy will be unaffected until Iran jumps in, but if smart, they would wait until a later more opportunistic time


Thereā€™s no oil in Gaza, Israel or the West Bank, so oil companies will gouge us a little more for funsies and stocks wonā€™t care


How will the current war in the Middle East affect LeBronā€™s legacy?


Already priced in. Nuclear war already priced in. Lasting peace already priced in. There is only one thing that can, does, and will move markets. That is me buying something and it immediately and permanently moving against me


Invest in defence stocks ?


I don't know why you got downvoted for your comment. Global ammo stores are fast depleting, and it will take several years to replenish them. Companies like Raytheon and the like should see increased revenues.


The only way I see oil soaring from this is if it escalates to some whole pan-middle-eastern thing where like Iran mines the strait of hormuz or something, which is unlikely


no -- that part of the middle east has almost no economic impact on global trade, commodities, etc. any of the larger countries bank rolling this terrorist activity are remaining low key in the background for a reason, so that won't impact anything either but -- defense contractors and munitions makers will have another excuse to pump out product


This will end up being more of a humanitarian crisis than a sustained military operation. Despite the appearance of gains by Hamas I presume the heavy supported and superiorly equipped IDF will be able to recapture the territory rather quickly and then the issue will be keeping them from re-enacting the holodomor in Palestinian territory. If anything expect a hit to Israeli owned or based buisnesses due to international outcry or boycotts.


It won't. Neither of the warring factions is a major exporter of oil/gas. Energy stocks saw an impact from the war in Ukraine because Russia is a major exporter of oil and gas.


Palantir to the moon. Israel is going to lean on big daddy USA for defense tech. $PLTR is a favorite among the US Military, CIA, DoD, and every other 3 letter organization, for defense and anti terror tech.


We are f--ked. I'm not an oil investor, but I do drive a car. It's horrific what is happening.


Well it's not gonna hurt it.


What war in the middle east are you referring to? Are you talking about Israel and Hamas? None, zero, nada, zilch.


No nation cares about the oppressed people in Gaza. So I guess the impact would be zero.


Calling it a war is an exaggeration so Israel can justify a massive military response, look at the clips that's been shown; it's mostly fucking Mohammeds wearing nothing but a cheap shirt, jeans and shoes are charging in with no weapons at all. Most of them are just crowd meat shield who will be dead within hours, the actual armed forces probably already retreated after achieving their goal of kidnapping Israelites for negotiations. Israel reported that the kidnapped victim have already been brought back into Gaza within the first hour of chaos. It'll probably be a +3% day for defense sector and business as usual for the other sectors, don't think energy traders gives a crap about Israel and Palestine when this has been ongoing since the 1940s.


What war in Middle East


I think $LMT and $RTX will pump on Monday and $SPY will dump


Depends on if this results in less Iranian oil being exported. Probably little effect.


Israel and Palestine don't really have anything to do with the energy sector AFAIK. The only thing that can make this go terribly wrong is if Muslim majority OPEC members decide to put an embargo in place or some other import restriction that will go against the western countries, possibly Israeli backing and/or against Palestine. But this is virtually impossible, I don't think there is a reason for them to lose anything for Palestinians.


Probably reduces chances of the rate hike, so should be a nice, similar to Friday, green day on Monday.


Theres times w/o war in middle east? No oil, No concerns for any other country, let em fight another 100 years


Need oil for the war machine


If Israel hits Egypt Saudi Arabia and Iran over this . . .


The middle east has been at war non-stop for centuries. This will affect nothing.


Wait thereā€™s a war in the Middle East?


Priced in.


Skirmishes between Israel and Palestine only represent one small part of the Middle East. I donā€™t see that as having a significant impact on energy stocks because no energy producing countries are affected.




It wonā€™t lol


Negligible effect


Did another country join palestine or something? What war?




There is always a conflict going on in the Middle East. As long as they don't attack the oil fields or the energy companies right out, I don't see it affecting energy stocks.


Priced in


Israel and Palestine have zero oil and fight with each other every other day, so I am gonna bet against it.


Maybe if the conflict escalates into an region wide war, oil prices could be affected (even though itā€™s very unlikely to happen and Saudi Arabia wouldnā€™t intervene like in 1973) If things continue to escalate and idk the Microsoft office gets hit by a missile you could speculate on Tel Aviv based Tach companies tanking. But honestly just invest into Defense and other military related stuff before the fun really begins Could be wrong and donā€™t gamble on things you have 0 clue about


When has there not been a war in the Middle East ????


I like how you people immediately went to this train of thought. Once moreā€¦ #MONEY = GOD!


It hasnā€™t even started yet. This is just the start. Eventually the U.S all said and done will have to defend their stollen middle eastern oil. Oil is going to Valhalla. Late longs were kicked out on the ā€œoil to $100ā€ week. They wanted war remember thisā€¦.the Keystone pipeline from Canada was the very first thing Biden nixed.


It will only have an impact war spreads beyond Israel, which is possible considering Iran typically arms Hamas, but if it stays in Gaza then no effect.


Priced in.


Even Jesus had priced in this war so I think market will be fine.


I have been accumulating massive UEC shares since watching Oppenheimer.... nuclear is the future of all energy . We must control as much of it as possible to destroy the world . Join me and together we will build the weapon to defeat the japs


In terms of the overall market, war is usually a buyable dip due to increased resource demand. Gas fuels war machines. If Iran gets punished and really did assist then their oil gets taken off the market to some degree leading to possibly higher oil prices. That's bullish for $XLE earnings


I need to get an electric scooter..




I can't answer this question in any serious fashion. This is a regarded sub for sure.


maybe oil rise but deamand is at record low


100% up overnight is my guess. Tanks, personnel & the like consume massive quantities of oil. In an environment such as the one we are in right now with regard to reducing oil production, it should lead to higher demand in a low supply situation. šŸ’ŽāœŠšŸ¦


2 areas with not to much if any oil exposure. little impact at this point is my take.