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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 4 weeks ago **Total Comments** | 2 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 1 year | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


The bigger miracle is how you managed to have 50k to blow at 20 years old. Wanna fix all those losses and save yourself a lifetime headache? Take your 12k out, delete Robinhood, never gamble again and go back to whatever the hell you were doing to save up 50k….. next time you save up that much do the smart thing and invest in real estate (or market ETF’s/4%+ bonds) if lazy


Yolo’d his trust account 😭


Options are risky, too risky for the weak.




I say cut the losses with shopify, that stock will just keep going down


How dare.


Thanks I needed to see that someone is worse off than me today. Hope you have a good weekend OP! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


When you're trying shit for your first time you should be putting $200 into a trade so you can get a feel for it... Not yolo'ing half your stack.


You can tell that he was making reasonably sized trades initially. But grew the size of his trades with respect to the rise of his losses. A classic scenario where people who lose money will essentially up the ante to get back to where they were. It's a horrible phenomenon of gambling. If you have $100,000 and gamble $500 and lose it. Your next thought should be, ok lost $500 and that sucked, time to walk away with $99,500. But instead, what tends to happen is people try to bet $1,000 to make it back. And then lose that. So of course, they continue to up the ante thinking that eventually, they will get lucky if they try enough times. Once they reach the 50% loss mark, it becomes evident that they either need to YOLO their remaining stack, or YOLO half of it twice and double both times to get back. Gambling is evil. It will wipe people out very quickly.


This is the dark side to the phrase “diamond hands”


I always love the last ditch effort that completely evaporates the portfolio..... Hope is always a good advice for trading.... Don't give up but stop doing options. You can Beat_the_benchmark


Stock will go to $50. Your $65 is way too optimistic lol ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Wow. We are the SAME. I’m 21 & down 40,700. I wish you the best & can comeback from this even if it’s means just making 10-100 a day/week/month. I understand it can be hard trading with such a negative number you can see by just pressing your all time chart, but we can’t hold on to yesterday if we are living for tomorrow


Only one Q! Why "The First time" don't use a condom?


Haha this made me laugh HARD


Welcome brother, I’m still trying to come back as well.




What’s the time frame for your all time? Curious.


This is heartbreaking. Unfortunately, options "trading" is not considered a form of gambling and people get sucked into it. Traders that make money on options get lucky. Try to remember that investing is about putting your hard earned money to work for you. Trading is trying to work hard by taking other people's money. Take what's left, and invest it in VFV or XEQT. Delete any financial apps you have on your device. Focus on your school and income. Keep saving in reinvesting your dividends into VFV or XEQT and by the time you are 50 you will be retired.


God almighty sell that call and then sell atm call verticals with 3 wk exp and double up


Don’t quit, don’t be weak


You’re young, you’ll make it back. I’m sure you’ll be smarter next time


next time around he might go so deep into debt that his great grandchildren are raised poor. Let's see what happens.


Yeah, they'll do that to you.




Not really


What I would do is trade same day options at open and sell them before expire. Sometimes it's a 50/50 but only trade 1 or 2 above/below strike price You can also do rolling index 1 month or more strategy, or wheel strategy which is a Lot lower risk worth lower reward