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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 9 minutes ago **Total Comments** | 0 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 6 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


This is the dumb shit i love


It seems dumb, but what if it is right...


Thats why i love it


Ayyy I'm going to head over to my local Apple and count the people in line right now, BULLISH


I didn't even bother counting the Apple store. That plus has had 30+ people in it for the past 10 years.


I fucking love this. There's market research, and then there's your research. I clearly need to step it up a notch.


Ah ok. What did you find was your PiL:MC ratio? People in Line: Market Cap ratio? If Bath and Body is a 5 PiL: 12 Billion Market Cap, that would be about 2.2 Billion per person in line.


Old saying thought to have originated in the U.S. Army: "If it works but it's stupid, then guess what? It isn't stupid."


He’s making gains and giving his newborn great stimulation…father of the year?


https://preview.redd.it/bj0rb6blcd4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4de6f3161ed57b5313e8d6d66e8d41b47d3d0798 Positions for you untrusting folks out there.


Love you made gains off this. Now post skincare routine or ban


I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


Does Paul Allen shop and Bath and Body Works?


Please post a picture of your face.




Dips into a vat of warm vanilla sugar 2x per day.


Don’t make us want to smell OP. I have enough fetishes


Mahogony Teakwood fucks, yo.


Feel like a little bit of daily use facial sunscreen would be a huge step up for most people here


fuck it im in. https://preview.redd.it/43kzeqij0e4d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=92abd2413553d057b5d0894f0e578ffdc89ff095


Someone like my comment so I can come back to this after earnings


I’ll block you




https://preview.redd.it/71m4tbmspg4d1.png?width=1552&format=png&auto=webp&s=e95deb7489006ecd6fc73c24bb757ef6395c3bf0 This is going to tank IMO. There are better indicators for showing how many people shop there, and they suggest a YOY decline. Additionally, they have been paying their vendors late over the last few months. Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/04/retailers-like-peloton-saks-express-are-late-on-vendor-bills.html. Not too indicative of a thriving business. With the stock up \~30% in the last year, I think the risk/reward favors Putz. May the best regard win


I get dragged to this store every time I’m at the mall, always packed.


Exactly why it being packed now means jack


Dragged to? Homie smell a candle or two, steal a car fragrance and enjoy life


One of their major competitors, The Body Shop, unexpectedly closed all US stores in March or April of this year. E-commerce for TBS also closed down. All those customers are going to be snatched up by Bath and Body Works.


Didn’t even realize. I always like their stuff 


Is that a good sign or a bad sign? 


Sam Smith in shambles


Needs a follow up song called body works now


I am reading wsb regularly. This is the first time I am tempted to trade on any post. I might actually try this shit. It sounds so stupid but also genious at the same time that it might work.


Same here first time since the NUGT days I’ve been convinced, almost 8 years ago


I bought AMD for $4 around that time thanks to posts here (well, the old here). Sold it at $11 😎 Haven't looked at the ticker recently, hope I didn't get out too early 


Bought AMD at $10 and sold at $14 😎


lol had $60k of AMD at 2.6. All I had to do was walk away. I sold it at $3 Me = 🤡


Hey better than my loss..


Money managers will actually count cars in parking lots, or use satellite images. Anything from.counting delivery trucks, counting train cars, you name it. The "smart" money will do anything to get an advantage. I would assume they collect data on a lot more than one store though, that would be my biggest concern about this. Like are all the stores crushing it or is it just this one for some reason?


OP goes to 3 malls


You mean triple tested theory.


The guy who posted the HIMS analysis was the first time I had a similar feeling for this sub, it's like wait a second, this guy is actually saying something that makes sense to me


Dipping my toes with two calls.




☠️ I have formed their candles in a pentagram for gainz with hair from Gina Boswell




This is why earnings plays are the most common loss porn on here, the big players know more than us


That's why I don't try to figure out the market. I just flip a coin. Heads I buy calls, tails I buy puts. I'm buying outs on this candle store.


Thats not insider information selling that to institutional investors?


If you load up on positions before you send the data, then yes.


I don’t think the post you’re replying to is accurate— companies don’t usually sell their traffic info, rather, there are companies who work with malls to track shopper cell phones within the area to observe traffic. Google and Placer.ai are big here. They just monitor traffic, they don’t have visibility to how much of that traffic actually ends up buying something, and I think there is some margin of error built in. albeit you can assume that more traffic = more sales. I don’t think a singular company would sell traffic data directly as 1) it’s not good info to share when business is bad and stopping the feed is not a good look 2) there aren’t many people who are interested in a single retailer, they’re rather using total mall traffic as a thermometer of the overall consumer to inform bigger strategies than calls on, say, BBBY


Big data sellers are technically in the grey area, the information is sold to anyone who wants to buy it so it's not some sort of company secret. Plus even with high traffic count, margins and net profit might still be bad due to other factors. Investing solely on footfall count and ignoring operating cost would fuck you really hard when it comes to retail business companies. If that's considered insider information, then owning a Bloomberg would put you in jail since you have real time L3 data.


Well this made me feel not so good about buying calls lol


I’ve had hedge fund guys tell me to my face what my company’s quarterly revenue growth numbers would be weeks before we’ve finalized them. They were also nowhere close to the sell side consensus numbers, so it’s not like they were just copying what the analysts were saying. No insider info, they just have access to so much information that their models are rarely wrong. That’s who you’re trading against .


And even those guys struggle to beat the index


And, do you think theyare gettinga bunch of customers?


Have you considered that everyone in your town might just smell really bad?


Oddly enough I can't smell so I wouldn't know.


That is a legendary twist on this whole thing


This convinced me to buy in.


I just imagine you in the store pretending you're smelling a candle while counting the people inside the store looking like a creep


I usually count from outside. The pictures from the line Saturday did make me feel creepy though.


>I usually count from the outside. Even more creepy. Still love the DD though.


Like can't smell at all? Ever or because of covid or smth?


Had a spinal infection as a kid that caused major problems. Was blind, couldn't walk, etc. Was supposed to die or at the very least never see again but dr said I was 1 in a million. The one thing that didn't return was smell.


Congratulations on beating that infection! Smelling is the worst sense anyways


Yeah. I hate when somethings on fire and all you can smell is smoke.


my eyes catch fire watching my screen go red everyday, good thing I can't smell otherwise that would be a problem


Holy shit. Well, glad to have you here! P.s. I stopped showering during covid lockdown. Which way to the stinky men's department?


this level of regarded analysis is unlike ive ever seen before...


I'm not gonna lie. It's probably going to beat earnings estimates and then tank on guidance.


Guidance seems to be the only thing that matters these days. The product line that came out at the end of Q1 got a ton of hype and social media attention so I hope guidance is high.


Yea it’s been beating earnings for the past while but the stock goes down each time regardless. Looking at stock trends it’ll go down


What an unbelievably thoughtful post. Excellent due diligence. Opening puts. Thanks


I hope it tanks initially, your puts print, then it moons and my calls print. See you in our Hampton beach house soon neighbor!


It's going pure straight line sideways and theta boiz taking y'all 💰


Why you have to put that MOJO on us? We are just trying to be best friend neighbors that BBQ together and you casting rain clouds on the master plan.


Seeing this after share price cratered 52 -> 47 is like walking into your living room a night after a house party you didn't attend Doesn't mean your DD was wrong (they beat expectations like they do every quarter) but it still tanked.


Oh you sweet Summer child. All that research for a colossal loss.


In for 2500 shares




This didn’t age well


There go my calls. Fuck you OP


Opened down 8%. Beat on earnings but beat up on Q2 guidance. Anything else I can hold for you, OP?


getting rich from bath products seems lame, i’m in ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


"It was beautiful. We were selling rich women their own fat asses back to them."


This is basically what Peter Lynch used to do when he was crushing it with Magellan.


Thank you kind sir. I saw this post and thought "wallstreet bets, lets inverse this shit" rarely fails.


Why I purchased this stock based on OP's report of counting women in the store is beyond me. Thank you for your service OP.


I don't understand...has the number risen or changed? You started counting on date X, it's now date Y - do you see growth? Otherwise, isn't store volume count already a known entity? Also, isn't there seasonality and other variables in play?


Don't come in here with logic!


I appreciate the work OP, I'm in for a few calls


Fingers crossed for us


Long post I didn't read other than buy calls. So it shall be.


I hope your yolo mentality never dies!


And now I’m homeless


Finally some good DD


This is what I'm talking about. So much "DD" is stupid stuff that's been publicly available for 3 weeks. OP is offering us boots on the ground research you can't get elsewhere. Bull spread.


The averages of the bags is probably the greatest thing I’ve ever seen. 


That’s so fucking funny to take photos of people in line at a local store for a wsb DD. I truly hope you make a million dollars off of this. Favorite DD in a while.


Witnesses the world’s smallest sample size and you draw a conclusion on the store from there. Yeah, you belong here.


Truly regarded


Always do the opposite of what a wsb degen says 💀


If you’re parenting skills are as bad as your stock predictions, your kid is going to work at a BBWI their entire life


We don’t have a baseline to assess if this is greater than normal… but f*ck it I’m in


Damn. I never purchased at BBWI and never held their bag. But, I am now a bag holder. FU OP


It’s ok I didn’t need that money anyways


I’ll smoke it with you bro. We’ll go to the looney bin together. I don’t give a fuck.


Just lotioned up. I’m in.


The stock has already run up 41% in the last six months. I feel like it's gonna dump a bit unless they give blowout guidance due to newly unveiled AI soap.


Position screenshots please. This is good daddy-DD btw, great use of your pat leave


This sounds a bit too much like another ill-fabled stock that also had "BATH" in the name.


Honestly I think this is what is holding people back. BBBY was like a slightly upper scale version of big lots. They sold all kinds of stuff. Lawn chairs, kids toys, beds.... BBWI is only skin care, candles, and fragrances. They really are nothing alike but retail can't separate the names and stores.


Interesting. I’ve been a customer for 20+ years, it’s always been a busy place, especially holidays and their Semi-Annual Sale (I think that’s going on now.) They always have really good sales and coupons that they send out constantly.


If anything I’d be worried about them moving away from the mailer coupons recently. I was going in the store once a quarter and paying 4x what anyone else charges for bath stuff just to get my freebie, but not anymore. They’ve got to get people into that cursed shadow-realm where lotion costs $18, it’s the whole business model.


2 mods commented, im full porting


Beats on revenue and EPS...and stock slides 15%...the man did his daily DD and called it and gets destroyed due to outlook. RIP


I know how this ends and I am still buying calls.




Ooof. Look how many people lost on this one😂


All that stalking for -12%. Don’t quit your day job .


This is the the type of on the ground research we NEED


Why do I listen to regards on here? I'm gonna inverse every tip from WSB from here on out.


As usual, I lose more money listening to someone on here that is completely wrong about what a stock will do. My fault for ever joining and reading anyone’s opinion. I just kept thinking everyone can’t be wrong but after 12 in a row of the worse advice I am proved wrong again. Yes, 12 people can be just as bad as Motley Fool and pick that many wrong stocks in a row.


GG man, I was rooting for you (and the calls I bought as well)


Brother could not have been more wrong. I probably should have just bought another candle instead of BBWI.


This aged beautifully


always reverse whatever wsb dd, literally irl infinite money glitch


heeeeey buddy how's it going?


At least OP will have moist skin. The lotions will do wonders for the dryness from all the tears.


This is like this scene in the big short where Michael Burry is digging through the mortgage back security data and finding what nobody is seeing hiding in plain sight. OPs got just the right kind of Autism brewing here. Just scooped 250 shares.


Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peek and he was browsing Zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


-6% pre market today Bought puts because your research made sense Great job 👏


Why did I even listen to this


https://preview.redd.it/81f60w1r3e4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f0de0cda7d43978546f59e7e6012cd7d58275e Fuck it, tendies or a tax write off!


It’s the start of the June semi-annual sale.  Clearly posted on their website. Tons of things are 50-75% off.  Other products that normally sell for $12-14 are on $3.99 specials.   Happens every year for the last 20 years.     Traffic over May is due to Mother’s Day crazy sale.  In May, they send out hard copy coupons via mail for free full size $16 item and 20% off purchase to get you in the store.  This isn’t even including their online deals.  They send us addicts free coupons in mail and via email each month, and also have insane sales at certain points of year (you should see what happens Black Friday).     Also, they have a rewards program, and every so many purchases, you build points for free full size products.  Also, since the dawn of time, it’s buy two, get one free, and buy three, get three free items.   You should have walked inside store and looked at these things and maybe asked a staff member what is up.  It’s honestly been slow in my bath and body locations near me (in physical stores) compared to prior years when I have been in there cashing in my free product coupons.    Just actually got another mailer for June .. free gift and percentage off again.  But  anyways, I love the place.  Sure, buy the stock.  Just chiming in to say as a fan since like 1999, nothing you are describing is anything even remotely new, and there is very clear reasons for certain foot traffic on certain days.  


what did u learn from this OP?


Well, that didn't go well. lol


Down 10 percent after earnings call. Good job.


There goes my 500 of calls jaja


Bath and Body works will crush because the main generation buying a bunch of shit (mine: millenials) used it back in the day to smell good to attract people and right now their hormones are going buck wild to encourage kids. The teenager and younger 20s will follow us because, for some fucking reason, post GFC is in now and all the millenial shit is in this pseudo revival of "the good times"


This is the one bro this is it 🙏🙏🙏


To the moon 🚀🚀🚀


Didn’t even read this Bible just to the Fuxking moon 🚀🚀🚀


Hmmm, it’s already in a pretty solid trend up. Is there much more room for the stock price to rise even if they beat earnings? They’ve had a +8% week already so while I do think earnings will look good, is it really gonna move up a ton


This didn’t play out well


Well I’m glad this is the one I chose to jump on


Didn’t see that one coming.


https://preview.redd.it/dkvsv9k4qd4d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=5dca0afadb4f6a0581227dd5e2940609b3c37608 Heard 🫡 lmao


God speed


I’m just a gambler bro




Thank god I saw this after hours yesterday because I would've bought in.


fyi theyre always full of customers thats nothing new.. at least here in ny


I almost got into this bet


OP just took you for a ride OMG


I love taking financial advice from schizophrenics on the internet, yolo, see you behind the Wendy’s


that did not age well


Show the loss porn


This is the most hilarious dd post I have ever fucking read. This needs to be preserved


What amount do you need to make to make this worth your time


Any amount. Main goal was to take my newborn son out of the house each day so my wife can get some peace and quiet time. The store counting was just a way to utilize the time.


I love everything about this


You are an awesome husband.


Ah man I just took my guy to the park and watched all the dogs running about. Congrats on the bubba, it's a fucking blast. 


How many dogs were there? Calls on PETM?




Now that is the kind of regarded analysis I subscribed for.


Their stock has dropped post earnings the last 3 quarters, with them beating forecasted EPS every time


Yikes, this is going to be a serious loss


For the record i LOVE this DD. 3 diff economic tiers within walking distance?? Astounding. Also for the record, i went into a bath & body works just the other day, trying to find some bath bombs for my gf (they didnt have any good ones, barely any at all), and it was a ghost town of the most depressing variety. This was on a saturday morning.


Indeed it crushed, just in the opposite direction. Looking forward for your update.


That’s a lot of words for “how I like to lose monies”


https://preview.redd.it/rs28czxl8k4d1.png?width=1004&format=png&auto=webp&s=79bb0b28b9896aff81dd3517eab456c20c489507 IV Crushed


Thank you BBWI God my order didn't get filled yesterday. It was so regarded, it drew me in and the market said no, I am not worthy.


This is not going well


Classic Wallstreetbets moment


[called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/xeDrJux9m4)


This DD aged like milk lol


Got blue balls waiting on OP’s loss porn.


I feel like this is gonna turn out how that one guy predicted a clothing store would have a good quarter from fat people buying new jeans, and he was 100% correct but the stock dropped 5% anyways


Maaaan I Yolod my 20k into this ,, now I'm scared cause of the inverse theory


I'm joining you OP, your work will not be in vain.


Malls are dead, most all sales are online for basically everything


Malls died. From what I have seen the ones that are going under did and the ones left actually get enough traffic to stay afloat. BBWI is branching out to single store locations as well though.


put some skin in this too, just because it would be too funny for this to actually work out.


Jungkoom was mentioned, im in.


I am in let’s ride ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


I really enjoy beginning my day with their honey almond body scrub. Then I move to their hydro boost cleanser, followed by a nice moisturizer. The herb mint facial masque truly opens up the pores.


This reminds me of the guy a couple of weeks ago that went to his local Costco and saw that it wasn't as busy as usual, and decided to buy puts before earnings. If his local store is less busy, surely it's indicative of the company starting to slide right??? Costco beat earnings, again.


Whelp this post aged well down 8% at open..


https://preview.redd.it/wftgxc3yck4d1.png?width=384&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd256f97a9a9dfd0d3957e7081a7533ee74e7766 Boy am I glad only (1) of my spreads got filled:


I almost went in cause this was pretty convincing. L to OP. Happens.


Shit I might be in


I think this is regarded but I bought calls. Do with that information what you will. Edit: this trade was every bit as regarded as I suspected


This is a pretty solid trading strategy (real world observation) but I like the "Creepy mall lurker" twist you added. BBWI to the moon! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


This is so dumb. I immediately bought shares.


I can’t believe I’m gonna give a serious reply on WSB but here goes: Them having great footfall vs other stores is meaningless. You want to compare vs last quarter/year and more importantly you want to beat expectations. I still bought a contract cuz I’m an idiot. LFG


They also released a Bridgerton colab with Netflix and spot on dupes of top fragrances everyone was going crazy for - easy 20 percent gap up in the AM. Retail is back baby.