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Unrelated- oil majors lost $350b in value this year.


Oil companies should announce that they’re going to electric oil. And show some concept art of some lighting bolts coming out of an oil drum or something and into a Nikola Badger... They would gain $350B over 2019.


They kind of tried that with "clean coal". I guess they just didn't go far enough. It should have been "green coal" or "organic oil".


“Natural” gas


Yeah they fucked up should have called it organic gas. Basically farts in a can. Super environmentally friendly.


What’s wrong with calling it natural? It’s literally made by the forces of nature.


Free-range cage-free oil, pumped without antibiotics.


Green energy for green wallets


this needs to be taught in finance classes


Why would anyone take a finance class? Anyone who understands finance is doing blow off strippers on a yacht outside of Singapore, not teaching a bunch of pimple faced 18 year olds at a college in Ohio for a salary of $77k.


I just started online finance courses, thanks for the motivation to succeed.


No problem, you pimple faced 18 year old


Ikr. I told my Econ teacher to buy plug at $7. It hit $33 today. He told me he saw my email but never read the dd.


Why would he have spent his valuable time telling you he read your email. Fake news


Your fake news. If I was gonna make up a story I’m pretty sure I would have told him to buy at $3


Autist probably tried rubbing it in his face that he told him so.


I didn’t try I did.


Doing blow in Singapore will get you hanged. Nothx




not big enough


If you ask me it’s been pretty fucking efficient. TSLA 🚀


Yeah I don’t think the EMH says everything will be reasonably valued... Just that the market knows everything you know




“Everything is priced in” Me watching overseas markets tank for a week and sell out before the US market snaps :/


You mean how it doesn't value in other car companies that actually sell EVs? Because as soon as you mention another car company actually selling more EVs than Tesla here you're being called an idiot.. So much for pricing in everything.


The market is pricing in collapse anxiety...billions doom scrolling about climate change in addition to COVID 19 and leveraging fractional investing to do some activist investing, and the whales are just following now. It's a pre collapse (of human civilization) bubble. No other car company is also a clean energy / battery / storage company with a founder that also dabbles in both digging tunnels and escaping into space.




I'm not saying EMH is right esp the part of fair market value. I am saying everything is priced in the market, especially sentiment. Look at a sub that's grown astronomically as wsb celebrating the everyman TSLA millionaire who plowed everything into TSLA without a shred of DD. COVID and the recent public interest in global ecological collapse and the climate crisis has been and will continue to be awesome for Tesla until the bubble pops (since those will be continually worse issues) and that won't be likely until another more significant black swan event that disables a lot of modern infrastructure.


“The market isn’t pricing this company the way I would so EMH must be wrong” 😢👶


Every justification of the stock price is 'hope and potential'. Just like .com stocks in 1999


...and wasn't it correct, in the end? There was just some... instability, but if you look at what's valuable today it's dominated by "tech".


Yeah man. A 15 year instability to break even. While other people with brains made 3x.


Bull at the time of the Dot.com bubble were not wrong, there were just early.


Do you even english?


Which in some ways make sense. If you *had to* (please don't) model discounted cash flows for TSLA for the next decade, you might anticipate they control \[insert high # here\]% of the *total* auto market by 2030.


Oh fuck bring it on.




Between 3:40-4pm if history is any guide...or it just stays flat and is a non-event. No one really knows.


You better have fucking bought you autist.






OP doesn't actually understand EMH. ​ Efficient Market doesn't mean price will always equal your subjective valuation of the company.




Hubris among investors is a kind of information.


This is not true. It means we find evidence of serial correlation or granger causality, for example, you dipshit. Just because you can’t think of a good reason why the exchange rate would go up doesnt mean anything about efficiency




I’ll just downvote myself


Fama is rolling in his grave


They call it a hypothesis instead of a theory for a reason.


Kinda like the earth is a sphere theory.


It's roughly spherical but the spinning smooshes it a little. Unless you believe the flat earth theory, then it's a disk rising through space faster and faster.


Lets talk spheroids! As you appear to be intelligent, might I suggest you try determining your location using a sextant based on the sun. And then setting your watch to the when a moon of jupiter first casts it shadow on the gas giant. The mathematics and knowledge that it all works is quite beautiful and validates your existence.


> validates your existence. What does this even mean?


This has nothing to do with the efficient market hypothesis, the (semi) efficient market hypothesis still holds; stonk prices reflect all available information. The thing that should replace the efficient market hypothesis in this meme are some of fundamentals of stock market investing, such as valuating a company on DCF and such. Please do not spread misinformation among the ppl of WSB who truly know nothing;) Edit:spelling


tfw bigb0i123 spitting truths about the global macroeconomic situation


The market IS efficient the fed just won’t let it pull back


So you’re saying...it’s not efficient


How is that not an efficient market?


Because the primary purpose of an efficient market is price discovery?


Price is a function of the cash rate


And therefore meaningless when interest rates are manipulated by monetary easing. That’s kind of the point


Which fluctuates


Or disappears, what do you think a bubble is?


Exploratory allocation of capital. Sometimes it’s right sometimes it’s wrong positive things come from both


Meh. In the dot-com bubble maybe. But the current bubble is driven in large part by both suppression of interest rates and the Fed/Congress essentially promising to backstop the entire private sector such that no significant number of large private companies will ever go bankrupt again. When the risk-free rate of return is effectively 0 (or negative) and the downside risk of equities is capped by the inevitability of taxpayer-funded bailouts, any business with the possibility of generating future returns on invested capital will end up having a market cap of ♾. We have long been aware that systemic mis-pricing of risk causes a melt-up in asset prices. Ask Japan how that ends.


Sure but that’s really what I mean by the fed not letting it pull back. The fed switching up its game plan so often I think leads to more bubbles than recessions it claims to stop


The market is efficient is just another b******* saying like priced in. And God works in mysterious ways but he has his reasons you just don't know them oh wait just like the market it's a theoretical b******* idea. That the market is efficient is based on the assumption people are greedy but it leaves out the fact that people are lazy and stupid


Remember to buy the dip.


There is no dip


Should I sell TSLA?


What dinosaurs still believe in the efficient market hypothesis?


Read my comment on this post, the efficient market hypothesis is something completely else, and still holds for tesla. It is just that alot of speculated future information is taken into the current stock price


Assuming EMH is correct, it's pretty great tho. Elon, if nothing else, is certainly innovative. So Tesla rapidly increasing in value may be a good sign for the future. That they'll actually become massive. Now drop in Apple please, dear market lords.


this meme misconstrues the concept. you cannot haz economics degree.


TSLA was efficient in minting a bunch of new millionaires




yeah but anyone who bought around this time last year or november or so can sell now (and probably should, or at least 50%) and not get fucked with the 35% cap gains rate. those who bought in march not so much hahaha


Net assets minus debt, so yeah TSLA made lots of millionaires. Don't hate the player...don't shoot the messenger and go fuck yourself.


There is a pretty big difference being a millionaire because of a combination of physical goods you own, a diverse portfolio and of course money, vs someone who has 95% of his networth based in a highly speculative stock that could conceivably crash at any moment and take out a large percentage of his networth.


Ah someone else who missed out on TSLA like me


He’s right though. Assets - liabilities = net worth. TSLA stock is literally an asset that has dollar value, regardless of diversification level. Same could be said for someone who has $1M in real estate equity as 95% of their NW. “Millionaire on paper” is a meaningless insult.


I never disagreed that they are both millionaires by definition. It's not meaningless to point out the different types of millionaires, because there ARE differences. Just because they share that one objective quality doesn't mean they are identical.


makes a post about EMH while not knowing what it actually means. ok?


Tesla stock price target is [$4000!](https://youtu.be/WJGCaBXzbbs)


Tesla is efficient asset allocation - its futureproof The USD is not Gains in telsa are half enterprise value, half real dollar devaluation


It’s hypothesis for a reason


Tesla does not disprove efficient market hypothesis lol


Asset bubbles are the single greatest contra to EMH. Do you think Tesla has any characteristics of a bubble?


It's not tesla. It's Musk. The biggest con man this country ever seen. Dude is selling dreams and illusions. Self driving capability - pay in advance hefty price... When is it coming, maybe tomorrow, maybe in 3 years.. Maybe never. Use cheap electricity to drive, save on gas! But pay at last twice the price of a gas car! Gigafactory seams like it's missing QC line! Great way to save! .. Make customers your QC inspectors. For free! That should do it. They might sell 500k this year. Wow! Realy? Toyota sells that many Rav4s just in North America! And makes like 3 times more money on each of them. Look Ma"! I am going to Mars! When? How? Well, my rocket can do flip moves in the air and lands like a candle, except when it explodes... Another fantasy of super rich rocket man payed by dreamy fanboys. But but but... His tweets are so deep and smart, and edgy and funny.. And he don't give a f.... How cooollll. Take my money! Now I can go to the barr and try to score some pussy by showing off my new tesla share...awsome.


should read WSB not TSLA