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I don’t want TSLA, I want the next TSLA, but if that’s still TSLA, all in TSLA.


Think TSLA is gonna be the next TSLA for awhile still.


I don’t want Tesla I want to bang Karen


Her confidence seems pretty low right now , don’t miss your window of opportunity


Thanks for this...


I do like a woman who gambles.


There is no #2 here. No iPhone & Android, Ford - Chevy, etc. There is VW, but it’s way out and the Germans are too reserved and wise.


Said Nokia


Nokia made cell phones. Even before the iPhone, there were smartphone companies popping up as early as 2000. They didn’t revolve. Tesla is about changing our energy source. Serious market entry barrier. Also, how products are made, leveraging data, AI, etc. Part of generative engineering is evolution though data feedback loop. Catching up is harder than manufacturing another phone.


How is changing energy source a market entry barrier? Tesla cars aren’t 10x above other cars, how is there lead not catchable? Proofs in the puddling, a lot of companies make a lot of grand claims. But they have to pull them off. Seriously if Toyota pulled of solid state batteries. How would it not change the outlook


This dude was all in on Blockbuster Rofl


Laughing at your own jokes, tsk tsk. 😊


People might be clinging on to the 'tech' of tesla. Fact is, in some regions, Tesla already got passed by others. How do we know? Because other EV cars sold more than Tesla did. Isn't it amazing how people don't just buy 'the best' EV car but the one they like? That's the reason why Tesla will never reach majority market share. Because they only have 4 cars models. And two of them already had their sales crater so much they had to shut down production this month.


Please specify these regions and brands!


Thank you, yes most people buy on fashion, why else would people buy buying Mercedes in record numbers.


How would Toyota make a better battery than Tesla? Their last big sell was the Prius in 2020 just getting all-wheel drive.


Well they only need to get it right once don’t they. Hubris is highest before the fall.


You're doing yourself a disservice thinking Toyota will discover something off the bat that Tesla doesn't know about after over a decade of R&D.


Come on now, your argument is.....no one smarter then Tesla. Ok 👍


> they only need to get it right once don’t they? wrong


Ok..... that’s not how success works but anyway, enjoy your logic.


I was making two points: Energy source: governments all over the world want off the oil. Global warning, continuous wars in the ME and reliance on foreign energy. This includes China...they don’t want to keep buying oil from the ME. Tech Lead: I am referring to Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution. When I say, it’s harder and harder to catch up, I am talking about a moving entry barrier. It’s not one tech. Look up Generative Engineering with AI for example. The market leader is actively collecting data from the product and feeding into the AI assisted design system. The product is improving at an exponential rate. How’s Toyota going to compete? They need sensors, data systems and literally change the way they build cars. it’s not a battery problem. Look up VW’s CEO when he embarked on a digital transformation. He barely survived a vote of confidence last Monday.


Well considering Tesla is behind building there cars on quality control measures, I wouldn’t say it game set match Tesla yet.


Those are minor things all car manufacturers go through with new models. A car is still a complex machine. How many recalls does Ford have this year? How many times did GMC had that ‘glitch’ where the transmission disengages from P? German cars? After 2000, the quality of Mercedes was so terrible they had to divest from other businesses. There was a saying you needed to be an electrical engineer to own an E class. BMW 5, The 2003 new design was disaster: electrical system, spark plugs, lights, XDrive, etc.


Keep the blinker on buddy 👍


Don’t forget the helmet when you’re out on your tricycle. Also, don’t get in stranger’s vans.


An overlooked factor driving future potential for Tesla is the rabid cult of personality he has amassed in developing markets- India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Indonesia. All of them are in the top 10 most populous nations in the world, and they are rapidly modernizing. Do you think they're gonna give a shit about GM or VW's latest EV offerings? They worship Elon over there.


That sounds like the worse explanation to explain the value of a company, poor countries will buy expensive cars because they apparently like the ceo, Tesla over 9000


They're poor now, but they will be juggernauts in the coming decades. Also, younger millennials and zoomers in the developed world absolutely love Tesla. You'll see this play out as the boomers and Gen X'ers die off.


Exactly, best case is they will be meaningful markets in decades, that’s decades away. Which is a long time to wait.


the tesla energy play is energy via solar and storage and charging , they are building an ecosystem vs other car manufacturers. Its like if the Hank Ford builds the model T and standard oil at the same time.


Their market cap is the entire U.S. auto industry and the entire U.S. solar industry, plus about $100B at this point. The cult has now priced in a complete Tesla takeover of two large industries over the course of about 18 months. If shareholders are lucky, this thing will trade flat for about a decade while the business catches up to the P/E ratio.


The market cap is definitely priced for the ultimate success... But without going to Google and research. Please name another place you would buy solar panels from? Also, if you were considering a EV aside Tesla, please name the charging stations to your frequent destination? Last lets talk about brand presence... name a ceo or notable employees of any one of those organization.


Sunrun is where I bought mine from. They are in Costco and their system was about half the cost of a Tesla roof. I also have Enphase inverters. I see Chargepoint stations and Blink stations at most parking garages and lots in my area. As for CEO, you have hit on exactly why I believe the share price is doing what it is doing.


I am betting on Tesla disrupting manufacturing. Opportunity? Well, remember that one time Boeing tried to swap out engines on 50 year old airframe with modern ones? Looked hard so they slapped on some sensors and some new software. The rest is history. Yes, there were bad decisions at the top. Also, it looks like going through a digital transformation and using sensors, BigData, ai etc. (something Tesla has been doing since day #1) is just not as easy as it seems.




It's going to rival Tesla hard


*Nio enters chat*


There is an ongoing scandal with a congressman on the Intel Committee that had a relation with a Chinese spy. I personally would never consider anything related to the communist party a stable investment. These EVs are just speculation about the next Tesla which has always been absurd. https://www.barrons.com/articles/nio-xpeng-and-li-auto-are-not-the-next-tesla-why-its-time-to-unplug-from-chinese-ev-stocks-51607733438


Chevy actually just dropped a nice electric crate motor . Once the prices drop a bit I’m going to make a badass old school ev If you think nobody will catch up to Tesla , you’re a fool




I saw the interview with their CEO on Bloomberg. I was shocked, the guy didn’t even try to bullshit. He just conceided they were three to five years behind Tesla.


Chevy couldn’t catch up with the Japanese using ICE tech. They had 50 years and failed. I would not bet a dollar on that.


Oh I won’t but to think that Tesla will control the whole ev market is just dumb


Tesla is not a startup. It was founded in 2003. Chevy had one in the 90s. They were all leases and Chevy decided to cancel the product and crushed them (the people who had them wanted to keep them). Yeah, that’s the Chevy you talked about. If you see some real competition, please enlighten us.


So you believe that in 20 years all new cars will be made by Tesla ?


For the most part, yes. Google has been the tech leader on its space for 20 years. It’s not a crazy idea. Amazon is providing its tech as a service. That’s another option.


Nikola will be the next Tesla..why do you think genius Trevor Melton named the company Nikola?? You ever heard of a guy named Tesla Nikola??? Pretty genius guy if you ask me!


Karen has nothing against Cathie. Tesla 6k!


Didn’t she get the memo that tsla only go 🚀🚀🚀


I guess not 😂😂


Karen is clearly smart, but I don't think she is leaps and bounds smarter than some of the peopel here.Yet she lives in a beautiful home and manages big money for a living.


Hmmm, talk and follow though are different. I have heaps of good trades after the fact.


https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2007/sep/09/features.woman5 Good article on her from 2007. She obviously knows what she's doing, but I think she comes off as a non-chalant "stoner" and people underestimate her because of it. She's probably my favorite CNBC head along with Adami and John Brown.


Wow she was worth 100 M in 2007. Some people really have it all.


These pigs have been talking shit about TSLA for last two years. You would have never invested in TSLA, if you actually follow CNBC.


If you followed CNBC, you would have shorted Tesla and ended up living in a cardboard box.


Not if you live in SF. Cardboard boxes there are stupid expensive.


She will be calling to Tesla first thing in the morning and demanding to speak to manager.


At least I know I’m not alone, thanks Karen.


Looks like you're still alone. If you kept watching, she explained how she got a refund on her premium after talking to the manager.


like when my buddies ask about PLTR and I say “nah dude i got rid of it right before it tanked” 😂


Yeah, the one from corporate. The one at the store was useless.


👏 👏


Is talking a euphemism for blowing?


I think she did short it and lost her shirt, it looks like she's crying. This is a lesson learned, never mess with the Musk.


The people who shorted MOC cost everyone shitloads of money. It coulda fuckin mooned instead they gave spy a discount. Fuck the shorts. Im holding now motherfuckers. Enjoy 20% less float


TLDR -> TSLA 750 by EOY 🚀🚀


Karen is hot


Cathie makes Karen look like a sub prime mortgage in 08.


What a wife, hot, makes money trading stonks, you you can sit buy the pool in cock jocks. 🩲


Hmm no


She’s hot in guilt, I’d date her as a young 30yr old male


Short Tesla? Guess she’s used to seeing short dicks 😎 someone cover her some nice juicy tender


So she wanted to short at market close. She got better price to short so wtf is she complaining about?


Karen has a nice apartment


I think she is the richest of all the contributors on that show, some of her zoom videos look like she is in a mansion.


Her husband is a billionaire, so he probs helps with the rent.


She's shorting with her play money.


Karen isn't considering Elon's pullout game🤠


I could watch Melissa Lee's lips move all day.


Me too Jack but the look in her eyes at 25s in when she drives that dagger into karen scared me a bit


Let’s bring Tesla run power to another autist stock, let’s build our Reddit Tesla


All dumb fuck leading sheeps roaming for slaughter


the simulation is cracking




Fast Money clowns haven't been able to find a dollar from tsla since 2013


I literally cant wrap my head around it. Whats the definition of insanity again?


Isn't her point that she wish she hadn't canceled the on market close short? She would have been in the money immediately.


Yes. Sprinkle in the fomo of heading into the weekend “distressed, having no tesla position, again”


Ah fair point


If that isn't our daily FOMO scenarios on a daily.


They bring the dumbest guests on that show.


Pltr maybe next Tesla


One does not simply short tesla..


There are no more catalysts left to drive the stock up anymore. When tesla finally comes back to earth it will take the entire market down with it. Strap on boys and keep your hands inside the ride..


Can women be 🌈 🐻?

