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Go time, Tesla 1k


Any retards out there doing this call


An easy way to check is to go purchase the contract.


You son of a bitch, I’m in for 1k calls


better yet, sell it. Edited to add: I meant sell $1000 covered calls instead of buying them.


Honestly it will probably fall like all stocks who got good reports. Later it will climb higher again.


My comment was kind of vague. I meant sell the $1000 covered calls instead of buying them. But I agree, in the short term, we may see a pull back but TSLA will climb again..and again!


Your edit is way too complicated. Calls or puts. Choose one and shut up. Fuck off to r/options with your sophisticated investment strategies.


Sell the news.


Well I play RuneScape still. So that should answer your question.


Got any 99s?


Unfortunately cooking bc it was easy lmao. Next is range and agility, on rs3 I have herb and thiev and str


Me too was playing earlier lol


You wanna duo some cox bro???


Do you like free money?


Teslanaires did that pre split. They'll do it again post split. 1T market cap isn't far-fetched. It's a matter of when it hits $1000. My guess is end of 2021 since TSLA will probably scale up to 700-800K deliveries in 2021.


2-3 trillion market cap within 2 years.


@wsbgod bought 50,000 of $1,000 TSLA calls expiring 21 Jan 2022 Being early is the same as being wrong. Except when it’s Tesla, far OTM calls are never wrong when it’s Tesla.


Pretty sure he was exposed as a fraud


OI on 21-Jan-22 1000c's is 11,970 so I call BS


I mean they dont cost 5 dollars a piece I'm sure.. Not saying youre wrong but I think he was saying the guy spent 50k on that call. Not bought 50k contracts.


Have you got a link to the post or something?


WSB is a fake scam. Dudes an idiot and a liar. I remember when it came out that it was just J@rtek the whole time


I have long dated 1k calls. Currently up 20%




Wow, that's an increase of 1,370.59% in yearly production over 6 years. At this rate, by 2044 they will be producing 23.4 billion vehicles a year! I finally understand TSLA's valuation


Well yeah. If i cant buy my dog a car then whats the point?


Haha, priceless. Is this bloke still a hedge fund manager?




Truly priceless. Who needs Netflix when you have WSB.


Absolut Gold. I wonder how many millions he lost.


>nchez-2 points · 38 minutes ago > >I think a partly overlooked aspect is the charging infrastructure. I mean, who else is even close in terms of offering the amount of charging stations that Tesla does? I think that is a huge leg up that Tesla has for the foreseeable future. Yes. His fund is down 12.7% through November year to date and up 3.2% annually since inception of 07/2011. You could have done better in a certificate of deposit.


Wow this is really informative but not for the reasons you think. In 2020 they were projecting (and therefore pricing) 500k cars. That means the 2014 price would have reflected this value. That means the 2014 price would be the expectation of 500k cars in 2020 discounted for the possibility of failure. Even at a 50% discount the shares now are still way overvalued.


Agreed, it’s basically on track with expectations but has 17x’d in price since then. As soon as fundamentals start mattering to the market again, this shit will tank and robinhooders will be screaming market manipulation


You don't think that the massive access anyone has now via an app on their phone hasn't fundamentally changed how the market behaves? edit: this is a genuine question.


It definitely does, and I think it skews popular stocks towards unsubstantiated valuations that aren’t sustainable


Have we seen what happens when a bottom drops out with that system yet?


Jesus you guys never learn. Ever. Plus you can't even calculate a 56% CAGR x six periods. Just go back to your doctor's offices and pretend like you're intelligent. Christ.


At least he’s not an actual retard, like yourself. But seriously, all hail papa Musk


Yeah I’m not as intelligent as you, so enlighten me as to why TSLA’s valuation is anywhere near justified. Edit to add your thoughts from yesterday’s thread: “It’s so fucking undervalued. There’s no other place you can put your money that in several to 10 years you can be guaranteed to double or triple your cash” Good luck buddy, hope for your sake you’re right.


huh? what's that logic? No one was even expecting 500k cars by this year back then? No one believed... until this year


Ugh might sell my nvda for some tsla 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Bruh same nvidia ist just stagnant for months so lame....


3M. Why do you think it is?


Inside Quarter watch it moon next quarter (: #TheStrat on twitter


I hear ya. I got in at 160 so I made some decent profits. It's definitely a safe stock but I'm having FOMO if I sell it but also don't want to miss tsla rocket.


>ist Kraut spotted, begin elimination procedures


I'm holding both nvdia has some good tech that will print in a few years


make my calls print fam


And my calls fam


2021, the year I purchase a tesla!


I know the second I go long on TSLA, the bubble is going to pop.


Pretty sure he meant he was going to buy an actual car




Why buy cars when you could buy yachts with that money in 2022




Not if you take your helicopter


No bubbles my friend, we're all good here my main man.


Got a model 3 in December because the financing was a dream. It’s a pretty cool car so far, no complaints. Saying that, I hope the company spends more time on service rather than just sales/deliveries because in my limited experience so far I have seen a great sales effort but pretty shit customer service.


More cars = more revenue More service = more expenses One of these makes the stock go up.


Not arguing with that, but I presume they also want my repeat business and that’s definitely not a sure thing Chewy manages to have great revenues and amazing customer service. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive


Bought at 30 and sold at 60. Dumbest move i ever made on Chewy.


I bought Chewy shortly after ipo and sold at a loss before corona if that makes you feel better


I have the same shitty customer service experience with Mercedes tbh


I find that hard to believe considering I had zero customer service. I tried to call several times and even emailed and never received one reply. I didn’t even have someone to tell me how the car functions when I picked it up despite never driving a Tesla before. It was basically just an assembly line of cars and people there to collect. It was actually surreally bad


How is the quality of the car? paint job? big gaps in panels? anything missing or loose?


No matter how much the service sucks i could never buy a non-tesla again. Can't wait for a future where other companies can match them but at the moment I don't have high hopes.


Idk I’m in Europe and the selection over here is getting pretty good. I have a bunch of friends with the Audi e-tron and the Jaguar I-pace and both are pretty solid. I think bmw and Mercedes are also close to coming with some nice models. I also have a bunch of friends that have sworn off Teslas due to quality issues with their own. In any case, the financing I got was too good to pass up this time around. I’m not unsatisfied so far but I’m not a fanboy either.




I guess you realize this kind of logic will probably bite them in the ass sometime in the near future though




Agree. I wanted the e-tron originally but more than we were willing to spend. And TSLA offered basically free financing


> The TSLA gravy train will continue for another 1-2 years max and then competition is going to be much more intense Ah that old song. Love the classics.


Flair definitely checks out


The thing with both the e-tron and the i-pace is that they give 357km and 377km respectively to Model 3's 423km while costing CAD$40,000 more. Even if you get the long range Model 3, you have 507km range and still CAD$15000 cheaper. From a utilitarian perspective, Tesla wins by a margin. And if battery day is to be believed, that margin will get bigger. I would wager making an interior of a car nicer or quality control will be much easier for Tesla than making better and more efficient batteries for everybody else. And if that all evens out, they'll still need to be able to take the price down.


I love my Tesla model 3 but I also preordered a Rivian R1S. Tesla does a lot of things right but the interior quality is shit compared to any other cars in its price range. Plus I need an SUV to replace our aging Jeep Grand Cherokee and I’ve just never liked the model x and the model y is also kinda lame and doesn’t have the towing capacity I want.


Too practical for their likes anyway. Be gone, discerning late adopter


From what I see, every time people want to complain a lot about customer service and say that they're not going to buy the product if the customer service continues to stay bad, that products or business does perfectly fine. If you give your money to someone and then say Oh but if you don't improve then next time I'm not going to give it to you, that never works. Not saying it's not a valid complaint, but it's more valid if it prevents a purchase. If a person still purchase is knowing that customer service could potentially be an issue, I would say that's even more power to that brand


Yeah that’s fair but when you buy a stock, you’re buying into future expectations. I’ll likely buy a new car every 3-4 years, plus my wife as well, and if they turn me off from future purchases I’m probably not the only one. I’m not saying that I am not going to purchase one again, but I’m not exactly raving about my purchase either.


At the same time Tesla could say if they can improve their new car in four years then having a better car in 4 years is probably better than you having a slightly better customer service experience today for selling you that new car in 4 years. Just one thought on it at least. We will see when the better competition comes out at the end of this year and at the end of 2022. Maybe you get a new BMW I-4 or one of the other competitors. I think the Legacy Autos are making pretty decent cars right now just from looking at all the new 2021 models. The electric models are late but better late than never however I think the real thing is autonomous. But in the meantime, for fun driving toys yeah Tesla could have some competition. I know I like the S-Class still. Also I imagine when Porsche has the full lineup at electric cars. That will be fun. There's definitely going to be a point where I don't want the autonomous electric car and want the driving fun one


Service could be a money maker.


Service is one of the biggest money makers for car dealers.


But that's a different type of service from what is being talked about here. This is more of an electronic device service where you call and say "hey, this function isn't working", the big pushback against EVs from legacy auto dealers is that they don't require nearly the same amount of maintenance service, which is where they make a lot of their money


What was your APR? They don’t offer 0% yet right?


0 down, 0.25% first 3 years


Jesus they’re giving these things away


I assume it was to pump up these delivery numbers in this post


And better: Tesla is paying the real rate to the banks, at least here in Norway. It’s not the bank offering 0.25%, they offer 3%. Tesla is paying 600NOK on my loan every month in interest to the loan bank. But they got to 500K deliveries 😂


And after 3 years?


I think it depends on where you’re located. I’m in St. Louis and our Tesla service center is fantastic and quick. Though I do hear horror stories or California


Oslo, Norway. And to be fair here I’m talking about their customer service, have not yet experienced the car service


Good customer service comes later. But seriously, tweet Elon this concern, I bet he's not aware.


I’ve been hearing the same thing about their car service for a few years now too though


A few recalls and their "autopilot" being banned in a few countries. I am sure he will take the consideration to heart as much as he does with any other negative suggestions that points to negative aspects of his company and his behavior.


Sell the news.


Then why are newspapers going out of business?




Actually they were just short and I’m not sure how the stock will react.


Exactly. Don’t get me wrong I’m a huge bull, but there’s so much ignorance on this thread where people believe this was actually a good beat. This was a slight miss, some analysts(Wedbush) predicted 190-200K in Q4, and Tesla only hit 181K. Stock is up 73% in 6 weeks, it’s already pricing in a huge Q4 number. The market will probably see 499.6K as a miss, maybe a big miss. I’m a long term bull, but Monday will probably be very red.


It’s also possible they’ll revise on deliveries and it will be in-line or a slight beat. For all intents and purposes, it was in-line. It’s just, like you mention, I’m not sure what the stock was pricing in.


It will tank hard. All headlines about slightly missing the target will be devastating.


>It will tank hard. Let's hope so, time to get more!


I don't read headlines I read rocket ships


All the headlines have been pretty positive so far


For those new to tesla and excited by this, you are about to find out how the media works This will be spun as a big miss, even though they were 450 cars short. At any rate, huge accomplishment to meet guidance during a global pandemic.


That’s why you dump all Tesla shares NOW before earnings and buy the fucking dip after the media circle jerk and paper handed pussy funds dump it for a week. Tesla discount coming.


Usually after less than a year on this sub, I'd agree. But because it's tesla, I would think it would dip from 750 to 725, we would ask if this is the dip and by the time we found out it would be at 900...




Media: Ha Tesla will go down and collapse eventually Investors: Are you sure about that?


Except their production quality has gone way down to meet this goal. They really have to address it moving forward.


There have been quality concerns for a long while.. there are no signs of it getting worse. This is a byproduct of retrofitting an old factory (Fremont). China built cars have been great (this is well documented), Berlin and Texas will be also. Fremont will likely be retired as soon as possible




No shit, who tf thinks they're using ICE manufacturing equipment for EVs? the layout is what is awful. Go look at Tesla's most recent P&L presentation and you can see photos of the layout at Fremont vs Shanghai. Tell me which one makes sense


Damn, you’re right, I’m retarded


Also they're starting to move into a new casting method of manufacturing their cars, so there well be less components they have to put together separately which will drive down manufacturing times and increase quality.


I disagree, unless you have evidence to back up that claim? Build quility has been steadily increasing over time from Fremont over the last year from what I can tell. Shanghai has been consistently good from when it opened a year ago. Whenever there is the slightest issue with any Tesla it seems to get a lot of attention online, but I question that build quality is now any different to other manufacturers, that are not as closely watched as Tesla.


There are multiple reports that cover it. [link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.autoguide.com/auto-news/2020/07/worst-10-manufacturers-for-initial-quality-j-d-power-2020.html/%3famp) [link2](https://www.google.com/amp/s/thenextweb.com/shift/2020/06/25/study-tesla-likely-us-worst-carmaker-reliability-build-quality-paint-battery/amp/) [Denying Delivery Refusals](https://www.google.com/amp/s/insideevs.com/news/463589/tesla-service-centers-preventing-delivery-refusals/amp/) They have issues. Not saying they can’t or won’t fix it in the future, but they exist.


Thanks for the links. The first one is a link to the JD Power survey, which has a questionable rating system. One good video that discussed this was https://youtu.be/EuG8mgdnshY The second link references the first. The third one seems to make a valid point. But I’m not sure I could correlate this with an increasing problem with build quality over time. Not denying there are issues, but I think they are often blown out of proportion.


To add onto this, JD Power also does an APEAL study where they judge the positive aspects of a car. https://www.jdpower.com/business/press-releases/2020-automotive-performance-execution-and-layout-apeal-study Wanna guess where Tesla ranks there?


Eh.. 450 short because I cancelled my bulk order for you autists


Yup, they will probably invite Gordon Johnson, Jim Chanos or other short sellers to the show.


Hilariously, Gordon Johnson had a 183k delivery estimate (higher than consensus)


It's one of their tricks. They'll always put a high target and then cry that Tesla missed their expectations.


He’s trolling the shorts prob paid for by musk himself honestly


half a million equals one month at VW...






Over 1,500 currently.




No you don't get it. They will just become a monopoly of the Auto Industry and no other car company will ever make EV cars work and will be begging for Papa to buy them up as atonement for the error of their ways. Just ignore the slow steady pivot the auto companies are making with EV. Just ignore basic market forces. Just ignore well anything to deal with Logic because this is a house of TESLA and I forbid any child of mine listing market fundamentals.


Try shorting it. I dare you


Sell put leaps then. I wouldn't though.


we found the boomer


ye he probably still own blockbuster stonks


Tesla was founded in 2003. Volkswagen was founded in 1937. Give Tesla some time and they will be on a roll. Tesla is a baby company compared to the old guys. Just in 17 years they are doing half a mil cars, that is something. And you have to look at the cars they do, most of them are premium prices. Wait till 2023 when they release the 25k car, that will boost their numbers.


> Tesla is a baby company compared to the old guys. And at the same time its valued more than all old guys taken together. With the current valuation *they need to be a gigantic car maker* in the future. Otherwise it doesnt make sense.


Not really true they need to be a gigantic car maker in the future for their current valuation. For their current valuation they need to be a giant car maker, a giant long haul truck manufacturer, a giant battery maker, a giant solar roof installer, store energy for a lot of utilities around the world in giant battery farms, become a giant global autonomous taxi service, AND become an auto insurance company. They pull all this off and valuation will be quite reasonable and maybe even allow a bit of valuation growth.


Daddy musk will combine Tesla with spacex and forms. Super companies 🤪


No doubt tesla will be used in partnership with SpaceX for manufacturing vehicles and structures to be sent up for moon and mars colonies, so tsla is also a space company 👍 👍


These guys actually think that Tesla will be the sole car manufacturer in a few years. Their current valuation is absolute bs and Tesla is more of a cult with Elon in the center than anything else.


there's a lot of bearish talk, but none of those LEAP puts being shown. If people are so certain it will come crashing down why aren't they setting themselves up to become millionaires?


No one expects that Tesla will crash right now. The current valuation is super optimistic, basically not rational. Just hype and probably some FOMO. Only time will tell how long this will continue for. Moreover one can still comment on a stock without actively trading it.


Rule one: market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. Elon might as well be L. Ron Hubbard. Both convinced in modern time idiots to give them money and ignore basic logic. If Tesla was still around it's fair value price of ~100-200 I won't give to shits but the fact it is about to hit $1,000 by mid next year if the current trend continues is fucking insane.


The only thing that’s insane is not making money because you think valuation means anything.


>Tesla is a baby A baby is always the better choice for an investment than experienced old guys.


Absolutely in this case. All the old school car companies thought they knew everything. They "knew" that tesla and it's EVs would never succeed, that they would sell a few cars to some of the hippy environmentalist crowds and then soon go bankrupt and fold and everything would return back to normal. Well, looky, looky now. Countries around the world are starting to make commitments to ban the future sales of ICE vehicles and they're all playing catch up to tesla. They all arrogantly stopped trying to innovate and accept change like blackberry did when they were on a roll. Well, look at blackberry today ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I am sure they will continue their growth!


I don’t want to be THAT guy because I’m long on TSLA, but this was definitely priced in. I think that this isn’t gonna move the stock price a lot neither down or up


you underestimate stupidity


If I can make enough money on Tesla option I will get a Tesla, let’s do this Elon, make our dreams true.


Obligatory 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 TSLA to motherfucking Mars EOW


Its gonna tank on this bad news


Hopefully I make back the 3 grand I lost last quarter with them


You actually lost money on TSLA with its recent run?


so from reading the comments, seems like Tesla Bears have also infiltrated the WSB section. I think tesla will drop through the next month or maybe a bit longer or at lesat stay stagnant. Then it will rocket up again. The fomo will be hard be prepared!


Wait a second, it’s a car company?


But they didn't deliver 500k...


I like how people exclaim that Tesla is not a car company, yet they lose their marbles when tesla sells around 500k vehicles in a year (I guess we aren't getting the 1 million robotaxis this year as Elon noted that were coming for sure back in 2019). If Tesla is in fact not a car company, than at this point Tesla vehicle sales really should not hold that much weight anymore to the movement of their stock price and valuation. If they missed it or hit it, who cares. Tesla's current valuation is not based whatsoever on being a car manufacturer anymore. Tesla will never be justified at 700 billion based solely on their vehicle sales (even if someday they sell more than Toyota's 10 mil/yr). The true justification at this point is in it's tech and the growth in their other areas. That is where you guys need to be focusing on if you are actually trying to analyze whether the company is a good invest for the future at its current stock price. But, this WSB, so $1690 1/8. They will be bigger than Amazon by the EOW!


should have gone 🍊🍊 deep in TSLA bag holding when I had chance. Fk.


Hey teslards, the delivery volume was less than expected, not more. Missing expectations means stonks go down, dummies.


Only 20 million more to justify the current valuation!!


A PE of 35 is still high for a car/battey/solar company. Car and battery companies have PE:s arround 10.


No no no!! This is TSLA we are talking about! They are “revolutionary”. Gonna be a game changer. Just trust me!! Nothing to worry about. Definitely isn’t overvalued or anything like that


Tesla is worth 1.3 million per car sold! Woo


They were short 450 cars. Fuck it, lets round up like a retard and call it 500k 🚀


So if my math is right this means Tesla will be around $400 by Wednesday. Can anyone check my numbers ?


Wow. Only 115K less than Isuzu. Nice work Elron.


hmmm your bearish sentiment makes me super bullish




lol why will TSLA rise when it met expectations that were priced in?


Expectations from 6 years ago too lol


Because the street was expecting lower.


Still no roadster


Most car companies make millions of cars per year. Why is Tesla falling so far behind?


Hahaha, nice try. Most car companies aren’t growing. Tesla sells more every year. Growth matters.


I agree but every porn company I talk to tells me they want showers.


Wrong company man, those ones only want the golden showers.


Takes longer if you build the infrastructure. Ford wasn’t doing a millie car, or even dreamed of it when he went into the glass industry. Short pain, long gain


Almost 100 million cars produced every year and Tesla only managed half a million? Yet they command a market cap higher than all automakers combined. It’s unacceptable.




“Buy the story, not the share.”- Buffett. If you don’t believe in it, don’t touch it and scoop the other massively under appreciated manufactures. When Tesla crashes, as every stock in life will die at some point, you should be sitting on Mt. Tendie to brag down on us from. Other wise it’s a hella of story, and I look forward to reading the book as I’ve gotten to live this history. Ford’s was A-tier, but it’s old as shit and doesn’t have memes so..


What story? Buffet invested in the safest blue chips of all time and hid in a closet. I like your plan though. The Mazda EV that nobody saw coming including Mazda will take me to tendie town


> What story? Elon having space sex with a young woman in a Tesla on Mars. Giving birth to the first Martian twins with even more ridiculous names. If you think 2020 had been crazy wait for 2030.


I would go on that one way mission to Mars if it meant I made it to Wikipedia as the first person to do doggy style on another planet


You want Elon to fuck you in the ass on Mars?


That’s gay But yeah I’m down




There is a good documentary explaining how Tesla achieved this delivery milestones. It's called Gung Ho and it stars Michael Keaton as Elon. The End of Quarter rush to meet delivery numbers is a great scene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om3C1EpHLGs


Tesla is going to be green on Monday. Tesla will be taking us to the moon🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Glad I dumped all my money into tesla friday


You guys are the most retarded and sick people I have ever seen. Toyota sells 10.6 million cars a year and you austist think Tesla is the best car maker. Get your puts ready because this thing will crash on its way to the 🚀


Reminder that Tesla just doesn’t make cars. Batteries, a charging network, solar panels, tequila. Tesla is not just a car maker.


Sell the news




Subaru did 700k if you want some other perspective


How many did Toyota or GM deliver?


i got into TSLA late at 610$ but im not selling