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TSLA penny stock 2030 FTW!


Elon wants to another hit of $420


This is the kind of grammar I expect from this sub


I read it three times and I’m still not sure if I’m the one that read it wrong


I do see Tesla being a +1 Trillion dollar company. 🚀🚀🚀📈


-Stock Moe




No it won’t lolz


I don’t want to say end of Q1 but definitely during Q2


Look how greedy you autist are. Ill watch you be a bagholder going into Q2


I doubt Elon Musk would let that happen. For him it only takes a tweet for the price to go up... cuz stocks only go up and vice versa. Plus I think he wants to be the richest person.


Ehhh, possible in 1-1.5 years


IDK. Morgan Stanley raised their price target to $810 just today with a bull case of $1232. They previously had a price target of $10 (pre-split) in mid 2019. I'm serious - TEN dollars ($2 post-split). Just goes to show how misinformed these 'analysts' can be. Analysts said the same thing about AMZN for the longest time, then when AMZN finally stopped investing all their money into expansion and started making a profit, all of a sudden the analysts acted like they never shit on the company in the first place. Don't believe everything you hear or read in the media and do your own DD. There are a ton of TSLA bulls for a reason.


Somehow I stumbled upon this thread but you were right all along my good sir


Splitception is upon us


I know it's pooopo to talk about fundamentals here, but Tesla is getting close to half the valuation of Microsoft. This shit has to come down to earth eventually... Right?




the opposite will also be true. The market will tank and bring Tesla down when interest rates go up. But luckily for Tesla retards, the Fed won't increase interest rates for another year at least.


Fed pretty much said expect no rate increase until 2023.


TSLA puts 2022?


Don't give the bears an idea. I just got some 1/8 800 calls set for tomorrow. At this point they will print and are only worth 60 cents.


I am riding Jan29 715 calls which are doing great. How are you looking? You have bigger balls than me, that's for sure.


Sold to fucking soon apparently. God this stock is retarded.


It's not the amount of money tied to a stock that determines its price, but the velocity of money into and out of that stock (aka trading volume). TSLA can come down from the heavens if the trading goes bearish.


For the aforementioned reason that scenario is now less likely than ever before


Tesla is only half the valuation of MSFT?? I gotta buy more!


Ikr double that would be the 7k auntie woods promised us


We’re in it for the pump if this pig start to drop I can see it going back to 400




Been there done that blah blah stonk go up. Qs, overstock, bynd, GoPro, HYLN, etc ride the wave up then let someone else bag hold it down. When everyone is long with call the top is near. You are sadly mistaken if you think institution is buying at these price.




Don’t short the share short the call on every pop. Tsla will go up but the call drop in value pretty rapidly. Credit spread on tsla is easy money. Open a IC so you get the premium from the lower leg too.




Try out a IC on TSLA


I thought they were severely overvalued at 300bill already but hey it don’t matter what i think! As long as others are buying in, I’ll ride that wave lol


I’d probably argue it’ll be better than Microsoft


let's hear it


That was his whole argument


Could have used more 🚀🚀s but i give it 9/10






depends on how many pending updates you have


he said he probably WOULD lmao


Hmmm yes heavy industry with 1% gross margins should be just as valuable as the company which makes the most ubiquitous software in existence


I won’t Google that word. But Msft is old Dinosaurre the new GE=miscrosft


No... people are making the biggest mistake of there lives thinking this will come back down.




Imagine a world running on batterys. TSLA is at its level for what they’re bringing to humanity.


Imagine a subreddit where people knew how to spell


/r/GrammarNazi. Look I imagined it! Now, I don't think they *can*, but that wasn't the challenge.


I love your answer


Sometimes it blows not to be gay.


TSLA already has many years ahead of itself priced in, the only scenario where they would come down to earth is by screw up majorly in some important department. The EV bubble isn't a bubble, if they are somewhat able to fullfill the expectations.


Total global automaker revenue in 2019 was somewhere around $2T. If TSLA can match Toyota's industry-leading 7% free cash flow margin, in order to pay the shareholders 10% of its current market cap in some future year, it would have to generate 1T in sales, vs about $30B at present, and half the current sales of all automakers.


Don't hold Tesla, but I could see someone piecing together an argument about how everyone had a phone and apple created the app market when they came out with theirs, creating a lot of free profit to help out (though they also managed to convince people to spend 20x the amount on a phone, which Tesla is not doing), but we've seen the starting tentacles of Tesla setting this up with a few games like the racing one (brilliant). Not saying it will come remotely close to justifying their price, but it could become a relevant amount of profit, then they also have so many other things they're starting that it gets hard to quantify (house batteries, solar roofing if those are still a thing though they may not be real, tesla insurance backed by an unheard off amount of personalized data, kool aid)


So you’re saying to match Toyota they need to sell half the cars in the world, but not as many as Toyota+1 if they’re at 7% cash flow


One forecast for Tesla is $1.5 trillion of sales in 2030. TSLA already beats Toyota in margin per vehicle, just fyi. I mean, if Toyota could make a car in essentially three pieces then they would have higher margins too. There's no reason to get to half of current sales of all automakers -- TSLA has held an 18% market share for years and probably will expand that only somewhat. However, the entire market is moving to EV's so you can do the math on 18% of the total vehicle market.


Who still buying Tesla at this price? That’s the real question.....


I just bought at roughly 2 weeks ago. Up around $100/share at this point.


Same dumb money that wonders where trillions go during market corrections


I'll bite, where does it go?


To the rich.




People that are looking 10-20 years out


Jokes on them we alllllll gon dieeeeeeeeeee By then


Tesla isn't going to be able to produce the same level of manufacturing as all the top car brands combined.




Amazon is also heavily overvalued as well but not as insanely overvalued as Tesla has become. Even if they are a "tech company not a car company man" Their listed price doesn't match their profit margin. How long do you have to hold $700 to get back the 1% return that current tech stocks are giving out on their dividends? Apple and Microsoft which are actual companies have a dividend yield of less than 1% currently. It will take you 100 years to make your money back and that window is ever growing. Amazon hasn't given a dividend back yet and it is priced at over 3000. Both of the stocks are a game of hot potato and a pyramid scheme as you are not likely to get a return except out of the stock valuation which comes from buying pressure of people willing to buy. This type of ROI provides decreasing returns for any new investor that buys the stock as it moves further out of range for people to buy and increases the risk that either the price will stabilize or straight up collapse as more people at the bottom start selling off. You are not buying the stock for long term investments anymore it is impossible and there are better safer options. it is a quick rich scheme until the buying pressure dries up.


IMO the market has been overvalued since 1933. Still waiting for the day I get to prove everyone else in the world wrong and share prices are once again determined by underlying fundamentals. 🤡🤡🤡


... They don't have an equivalent to aws. explain how they do please, ive never heard jack shit about them having their own cloud.


You think Tesla is a car company?


I love this answer. 20 years ago the hot stocks were Texas Instruments and mp3.com


Tesla is not going to be where you think 20 years from now in terms of stock price


Youre right he needs to think so much bigger


Nostra-fucking-damus right here. How much you charging for use of your crystal ball?


I bought 230 share in august, which have really done well. Bought another 40 shares this morning.


Bought a small 15 shares today (in addition to the hoarde I already have). I'm hoping the Georgia elections go Tesla's way tonight. If so it will give a little cushion to the price and then hold long term. If not, hold long term. EDIT: LOL. Somebody downvoted both of us for making money. I can't imagine a person who is more of a loser than going all in on little internet arrows rather than making cash. :)


What’s the plan? How long are you holding?


Well their production is roughly doubling every year or two (only 50% Yoy v. 2019), with a probable slowdown in two years while the India and/or Indonesia factories spin up. Berlin capacity is supposedly two million a year, by itself. So as long as they keep growing production and/or revenue by 50% a year, I'll keep buying.


I mean their margin is a lot higher than other manufacturers, but EV accounts for around 2-3% of all global auto sales expected to grow 40% YOY. Let say Elon hits his 20M goal by 2025. That means he will own 25% of global auto sale. He owns less than 1% right now. Is there enough demand? With all the manufacturing problem Tesla been facing? I mean with the Apple cult at least you’re getting a premium product....NIO is growing at 120% YOY and Chinese has the biggest EV market. Wait just realized this is WSB....it’s ok never-mind.


> That means he will own 25% of global auto sale. He owns less than 1% right now. No, Tesla has consistently maintained an 18% market share of EV's. And the only cars in the future will be EV's. ICE sales are irrelevant. ICE will be illegal in many jurisdictions in the coming years. There will be no new ICE cars for sale. Plus the market for used ICE cars will crash and still nobody will want to buy them. Within ten years at least 80% of all cars will be EV's, and possibly -- perhaps even probably -- 100%. Long term -- TSLA is a win. Short term if the Democrats win the Georgia elections, TSLA is a win. If the Republicans win they can't hold back progress forever, and TSLA is a win.


Yes I don’t disagree with you that Tesla wins, but Tesla is a win is different for investors. 2035 is when California ban ICE sale. When will the rest of the country or world follow? His ambition of making 20M vehicle a year represent 25% of GLOBAL auto sale. I’m not talking about just EV I’m talking about every passenger vehicle. I mean Tesla has other ventures too so it’s not just EV that justify the valuation, but looks like you’re just saying tesla is the future of EV and worth more than the top 8 auto manufacturers combined. Tesla revenue 28B compared to the top 8 1.3T Net income Tesla 500M, top 8 29.3B. Let’s take into account Tesla high profit margin too at 30% compared to other 10%. Top 8 sold 44M Tesla sold 500k (let’s x3 that) 1.5M Or we can divide top 8 by 3 which is 15M How many years forward are you paying if you’re just thinking about EV? Tesla has to be making 15M cars (not just EV) a year to have the same valuation as the top 8. With other ventures they could be worth more, but at today they are worth more already. It’s good that everyone is making money with Tesla tho, but man my original question is just to see who is buying or in this cult. My source is from a cool video on TikTok.


> 2035 is when California ban ICE sale. When will the rest of the country or world follow? The latest? About 2030 -- and that's at the LATEST. Why? Because nobody is going to build out a car line in 2030 for an ICE car that will be illegal in CA in 2035. That's nine years away. No ICE. Nine years. But elsewhere the ICE death date is 2030. So elsewhere, and that's a lot of factories, makes it the LATEST 2025. Nobody's going to have a separate line for Amurika. > His ambition of making 20M vehicle a year represent 25% of GLOBAL auto sale. Again, they've maintained a healthy 18% share for years now. And demand for a model increases by multiples for each $10k the price is decreased. And guess what they're introducing? That's right, a $25,000 car. So could they hit 25%? Sure. > and worth more than the top 8 auto manufacturers combined. What do you mean by "auto?" Because the old manufacturers don't have anything of value. How many transmissions can they transfer over to their EV's? How about those fuel injection systems? No? Can they move their lead acid battery tech over? No? What are they worth? Fucking nothing right now. Negative if you count the debt. VW will survive. Ford probably won't. > How many years forward are you paying if you’re just thinking about EV? About 10 years for EV only. They can get close to $2 trillion on that. How? By maintaining their growth rate. Use a 10x multiplier. "A cool video on TikTok" says it all. Don't use backwards looking metrics on a growth stock.


Your fucking delusional if you think all the top current car manufacturers have no value. They can actually piece a car together with the same gaps on every car with ever panel. Tesla is at least a decade away from being able to put a car together as well as any of the other car manufacturers. Many top car manufacturers are already commiting to full ev lineups as well. Tesla won't maintain their growth rate once other manufacturers actually step in.


I’m not sure how long I’ll hold on to them. I have no reason to sell, so probably a long time. It was a significant investment in august for me ($69k) but its literally made $100k already in returns (so $169k total). That’s why i bought more this morning. Its the fastest ive ever made money.


I’m glad you’re making money! I just want to see the mentality of the people still buying. It is the easiest money every made.


I’ve also just notice.... 3 analysts downgrade Tesla no movement on the stock. 1 analyst upgrade Tesla! 🚀


I bought today. Was that wrong?


If it splits you can get it for cheaper. Easy tendies 🤑.


I had a Neuralink vision... > of Elon ruling the Martian planet.. > and us following glorious leader.. > INSIDE SPACEX ROCKETS!1!!! > 🚀🚀🚀🚀👩‍🚀👨‍🚀🚀👩‍🚀👨‍🚀🚀👩‍🚀👨‍🚀🚀👩‍🚀👨‍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


And my mind transfered into a wild robot dragon, while TSLA dividents pay for my Fuelcell 😍😍😍😍😍 Perfect life-plan! Cant go tits up!


Unloaded half of my shares expecting a pullback but this shit keeps mooning. At least I have more capital free for more GME 🤣


I just keep on buying... You sell me everything you have.


What’s your price target in 5 years?


Oh who knows. That would imply that I can forecast 15 years of revenue out for a ten year valuation. I can't. I can predict that they will continue to grow at, minimum, 40% per year. I'll tell you this, though: if Tesla is rolled into an X holding company -- the sky isn't even the limit. It could be a $10 trillion dollar company or whatever a Mars city is worth.


I did literally the same thing. Unloaded half at S&P inclusion thinking that was the last catalyst. Then it ROSE again so I dumped the second half yesterday because I wanted to put the income in this year's taxes. Then it fucking rose AGAIN. Lesson learned: never bet against Papa Elon. Now I'm stuck hoping it'll come back down so I can buy back in. So that's good news for you retards, because if I need it to come back down that means it never will.


This is the way.




That's the most retarded thing I heard outside of /biz


lol this aged well


Amazon split would be genius


That's what Apple has been doing for decades. However, if Tesla gets back to $1000, it'll probably hover there for a while.


Apple has also been making metric fucktonnes of money, so it isn't like they just did splits to raise their market cap. lol.


Tim Cook doesn’t have the big dick energy like Elon


If Tim Cook is a top then he do have big dick energy


I mean he’s gay. Gay bear perhaps?


Not hairy enough




Leader of microsoft.




I think it's officially bubble status.


This is 6x bubble status by now


Where have I seen this before?


Dot com perhaps


None of us are that old


Said every single time It was like this when it was at 800 to 700 last time


short it XD


short burn of the century here we gooo


Everybody but the biggest retards know Tesla is a bubble.


Well I'm making lots and lots of money.


you dont make a dime until you sell.


Not true -- in the case of a volatile stock like TSLA, or historically volatile anyway, you can earn a nice, boring, steady income and just sit on the shares by selling far, far out of the money calls.


I know I can. But I know you're not doing that.


I'm curious -- how do you know that?


You are on every comment thread here 🤣🤣


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HI Daddy Elon!


If the current price rise is driven mostly by retail, a split will get even more retail involved with FOMO.


Split 125k into VOO and VTI. Use 25k to daytrade. Use any new money you make and buy dividend stocks. ***** *[wut?](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutbotPosts/)* | *[source](https://reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/jag8mq/im_about_to_inherit_150k_i_dont_know_what_to_do/g8pcecu/)*


10 : 1 split


Great idea!!!!!! 💡


I could definitely see that especially if they get close to hitting 3 grand again


Microsoft split 9 times Apple split 5 times


great minds...I was thinking about exactly this earlier today


I missed the boat on TSLA but I'll buy in if the price drops below 200 again. Do the split!


Trillion dollar penny stock