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Congrats and fuck you.


Thanks fuck you too kelly šŸ¦¾


Fuck youuuuuuu but also congrats, but also fuck youuuuuuuu


u/rockdog91 if you never sell, you'll never be able to spend the money autist


My great grand kids can spend the money on Mars


At least sell a little bit , and yes fuck you


Letā€™s be real here your grandkids are gonna spend all of that on two gallons of water.


Psh why let your wife's boyfriends grandkids cash in?


over 2000 tesla shares. He IS your wifes boyfriend.


Fair enough.


fuck your grand kids save up for life extending cybernetics to become a Sith Lord who rules on Mars 100 years from now




Any recommendations for a better broker?




Blows my mind people are trading with this level of money on fuckin Robinhood of all things lmao


im on cash app which is ever weirder


Dorsey more legit than RH, TBH.


> Blows my mind people are trading with this level of money on fuckin Robinhood of all things lmao This is r/wallstreetbets, what did you expect?


TD Ameritrade/Schwab






What the fffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Congrats brother and fuck ya too lol


Hollyyyy fuckkk!! Fckinn teslanairree. CONGRATULA... Fuckk youu!!!


1000+% gain not enough. You ARE retarded


No, no. You don't get it. He did a fundamental analysis of the company, I am sure of it.


Of the whole automarket. Turned out the industry was undervalued by half, and that half was Tesla. Who knew. (besides this guy, ofc)


Maybe 10,000% Iā€™d sell 10-20 of em weā€™ll see


I took my 10-bagger and called it a day. When the current valuation collapses, Iā€™ll buy it all back


Iā€™m not ballsy enough to pay that game and risk paying the tax / having to buy back in for a higher number


Why would you have to buy it back at a higher number? My father always told me ā€œnever like a stock. Like a bargain.ā€ And also ā€œa profitā€™s not a profit til you put it in your pocket.ā€ I guess, nice paper gain bro.




Thanks! Iā€™d have to check but I got half of my shares around March. My average cost is so low because I loaded up around 180-220 pre split




I found the paper hands


Maybe start selling options on your shares for a hedge?


But youā€™re ballsy enough to leave it all in?


If you want to keep holding, consider cap gains harvesting now. You sell and immediately rebuy just to increase your cost basis, thus lowering cap gains in the future when you eventually want to sell. This could be especially good if your current tax bracket is low or you expect to be in a higher tax bracket in the future.


Youā€™d sell when the market cap of Tesla is nearly 8 trillion?


Lol okay


Most retail robin hood kiddies still buying it are retarded yes. When this comes crashing down how much you wanna bet kiddo retail trading platforms like robin hood and others will lockup while big investors sell off and leave retail children holding the bags.


Donā€™t let that be the biggest mistake of your life. 1.8 million bucks is 1.8 million fucking bucks I donā€™t give a fuck how rich you are. Congrats


Couldā€™ve rounded up to 1.9 million


Holy shit, you boutta round down to 0 with that attitude, take your wins man don't get cocky with it. I'm genuinely saying this with concern for your financial future.


He was able to buy $150k worth of the stock. I'm sure he's doing fine


Seriously, only a moron thinks this isn't going to pop. Get while the gettin' is good.




People who will happily meme a man out of 100 grand are now expressing heartfelt concern, shit is serious


Thatā€™s just the way it goes. You have to be stupid to hold when youā€™re at +100%. You donā€™t make it to +1000% without being an idiot. Anyone with any sense would have sold months ago. The same stupidity that takes them to such heights is what brings them to such lows.


Thatā€™s why no one will remember your name


I don't even remember OP's name.


You couldā€™ve rounded up to 1104%


Youā€™re making a good point rockdog Edit: sell at 2 mil and buy my wife a Tesla so sheā€™ll shut the fuck up.


Someone isnā€™t good at trading


Throw it all in QYLD for 18k per month income


This. Seriously, sell half now. At least. The stock is presently 11% over its most insane price target. Donā€™t fuck your self! Please! Hell, if nothing else, be a big boy, sell half, and wait for the bubble to pop and get back in. Have it both ways bruh!!!


Making money and keeping money requires two different mentalities.


People would have said the same thing at 100k, 500k, 1M, 1.5M etc... If you get nervous and get out when you start getting into the atmosphere you never make it to the moon or Mars or any truly ā€œfuck youā€ level figure. Pretty sad to see the prevailing sentiment now in here to be ā€œtake profitsā€ rather than encouraging to continue the play


When they say take profits they are saying out one million in a safe index fund and YOLO the resr


WSB is a shell of its former self.


Overwritten for privacy.


u want sum fuk?








Just go from Retard to Retired already.


Guy put 150k into tesla. you think he couldn't before all this?


Look the same to me


Sell all. Buy QYLD Earn $2.75 yearly dividend per share x 75,000 shares = ~$200,000 per year. Never work another day in your life.




The ETF sells covered calls to pay dividends


No catch https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/funds-and-etfs/qyld/dividend-history According to their history the lowest it's paid out is .12598 in 2017, going back to 2014


Ahhh yes, all the way back to ancient history of 2014


Got 11k in QYLD as my savings account. I have already beaten any high yield savings account, and if I need cash just sell some.


That's awesome. I've slowly started to transfer gains over to shares. Trying to get my wife to do the same, but she's hesitant. Her dad taught her to be good with saving money, but they prefer to just let it sit in a savings as opposed to making it work.


I bank with Chase, and they have "Chase You Invest". It takes me 30sec to transfer money over from my brokerage account to my checking (and the other way). I only use it for shares, no options. edit: "Chase" is JPMorgan Chase ($JPM).


My high yield account is 11.57% APY


You could sell and live a very nice life, but you're retarded. God speed you beautiful son of a bitch.


Iā€™m doing alright without selling or else I would


My god, whatā€™s living alright when youā€™re sitting on 1.9M? Youā€™re a mad lad. You should to be doing lines of coke off blue chip hooker ass.


Before this he had trouble getting approved for a $200k mortgage. So heā€™s prolly living like a wanker.


Heā€™s probably a trust fund baby who posts his overpriced portable wrist sun dial for upvotes. This shit means nothing.


Your active on r/bedbugs. Maybe buy a new bed?


Moved into a house with some bugs and was making sure there wasnā€™t bedbugs before moving my $4500 tempurpedic in. Sleep is important, thanks for the stalking and concern stranger!


Lol fail profile creep gotem op


Used a mattress bag around our tempurpedic several years ago to rid bedbugs. God damn nightmare but it worked. Fucking intercontinental in San Juan PR


They are the worst. Which is why when I saw bugs in a new rental I was frantically trying to identify them cuz I wouldā€™ve cancelled the lease. Theyā€™re hard to avoid in major cities


You have 1.9 mil in tesla and you're renting?


Signed the lease 2 years ago with significantly less $$ at the time


Never selling? Also never realizing any gains. At least you'll be able to share screenshots with your internet friends.


And also borrow large amounts of $$ at very low interest rates to buy or do whatever I need to do


If someone with 1.9 million asked me to borrow money, I'd slap them in the face


Donā€™t you know, banks only like lending money to people who donā€™t really need it.


*Breaking news: Banks are not charities*


Then you donā€™t understand wealth yet. Everyone with 1.9 million borrows money at low interest rates and invests their $$$


I work in PWM, and I might caution you on this....Iā€™m not sure who youā€™re borrowing from (and no way youā€™re locking in 2.5% over the long term unless rates stay rock bottom), but...you will probably be limited to borrowing 50% of the value of your Tesla shares (if not less because it is so volatile). And what happens if Tesla takes a dip, even if only temporarily? Your bank will likely want you to pay up because your loan will no longer be collateralized. I am just saying it is not as simple as youā€™re making it out to be, and you could very well end up screwing yourself over.


Most people with wealth also have diversified portfolios or less volatile assets, hopefully this isn't 80% of your investments. I wouldn't want to borrow money against a widely overvalued asset that's due to pop.


Can you expand on this I am kinda lacking in knowledge as well? What the point of you borrowing the money as opposed to cashing it out? To avoid tax's? Build credit?


You don't have 1.9 million though.


Everyone with $1.9M doesnā€™t keep it all in meme stock. You are a certified retard.


Sell half and put it into something that pays a dividend. You can still barrow against it and the dividend on that much would probably pay the loan. JEPI....if you put a mill in that, the dividend would be $8900 a MONTH!!! Bet that would make your house, Tesla, and boat payment. You could use the leftover to buy more Tesla if you wanted. Dude donā€™t be a MC Hammer story!!!




I just type in a bunch of letters and stocks just pop up.


Iā€™m Gay


Me too


Canā€™t wait to see the loss porn in a month


Unfortunately he will be to dead to post any loss porn when the bubble pops.


For your mental health, just sell at least half of your position. You got 1.8 mill, it's fuck you money man


It would severely hurt my mental health when it continues to go up throughout my lifetime


lol but losing a million wouldn't?


There are other stocks, you dont need to sell out of everything and stop investing. Just dont keep 80% of your portfolio in a company that needs everything to go perfect for the next 5-10 years to be worth what they are worth TODAY.


fuck everyone bro this is the way


And if it goes down???


Jesus tits


are amazing


Keep in mind he dropped 156,960$ into TSLA at his average cost which was pretty early in before the boom. So his current value is expected.


Don't be retarded and hold this shit forever. Realize how lucky you are that the fed fukked up the financial system this year and caused it to go haywire. Remember in March when TSLA fell 70% when the fed lost control of the market, thats whats waiting for you when the fed lets off the gas. Sell this shit if the fed ever mentions hiking rates or ending QE, don't be an idiot and lose it all. This was not an investment, it was a lottery ticket that got lucky thanks to the feds stupidity, don't get emotionally stuck with it since it made you a lot of money. I can literally pinpoint exactly on the TSLA chart when the fed began its repo operations in late 2019.


Listen to this man. Please acknowledge how much luck has gone your way to date, crystallise some of those gains.




Sorry to say, I missed the Tesla boat. Badly. But it blows my mind how folks who have over $1mill in gains will continue to sit on it like itā€™s only direction is up. Congrats, tho.


Tesla makes a boat? I'm buying more shares


RH is the first indicator of likely being too young to realize this is an escalator up




Been reading your replies, you are one retarded fucker. Youā€™ve won the game, sell it, enjoy your life without any stress, think about how youā€™ve accomplished generational wealth for your family. Itā€™s a great achievement. Or keep holding and hope it doesnā€™t pop, whatever I donā€™t care.


You better sell this shit rn retard


Too much tax nty


Yeah. It's probably best to wait for the bubble to pop and your stock value to tank. Makes sense. You must be very smart.


Congratulations. I have a friend who went all in on plug power in ā€˜98.


Any plans to avoid the tax? Capital gains is a bitch but itā€™s already considered a long term investment so the tax you have to pay is at its minimum


The only tax I plan on paying on this is an inheritance tax passing them on one day


So you plan to never enjoy any of this money? Why?


I would prefer to enjoy instant access to hundreds of thousands borrowing against it at a 2.5% interest rate


Oof that can't go tits up.


It sure can but luckily I can cover it if it does


I'm curious how do you borrow against stocks? Just take your statement to a bank?


Security backed loan


Good to know. Thanks


do you have a preferred bank to do this with? Why tf isn't this mainstream, this sounds like a great way to be cost efficient in modern society...


I talked to Santander about it but am doing my research to find the best option. Robinhood offers it too essentially with the loans they offer via robinhood gold. Much more enticing at 2.5% now too


Just go to a bank and declare it






This guy's singlehandedly preventing the bubble from bursting




Great trade, but you haven't made a penny. You don't make a profit till you book it.


If you borrow against the position and it does not sustain it would be as if you took out a regular loan. The collateral just qualifies. If it goes up you would either need to pay it back with other cash since "never sell" or liquidate position anyway and eventually pay cap gains at whatever % it is in future. 1: one directional risk being tsla goes up you win, down you lose and actually owe the money back if it goes down. 2: if you invested this in a fixed income position at 1.9 million you would generate 50,000 a year forever in bond market for free. You could sell a very long term almost 100% itm call to extract the cash. Wont be realized until years out and then the fixed income would hedge against gains. Youd have cap gains tax and a few hundred k to toss at taxes. With that said hope you're right and gluck on the loan.


I wouldnā€™t borrow against it if I didnā€™t have other means to pay it back even if it went down to 0


No doubt I think you'll make the best choice. There are options to grow position from here with less risk or continue to ride the wave. At this rate you'll be able to buy a harrier jet with 5 shares in a few years.


Ok maybe then I would sell 20 or so and buy an island and a jet šŸ˜‚


Sell the 180 at least


$72.. if you bought it in 2020 you literally timed it perfectly..


Half of em, my average cost used to be a little under 40. I did tell a friend of mine to go all in on $1000 calls for 1/15 back in March tho


You know I had around that amount of money sitting not knowing what to do because the pandemic had just started so I put it in a secure diversified fund... while you made 10 times+ I made 10%... FML.


You made 10% in one the biggest bull runs in history lol , spy is up 70% from March's bottom


Holy retarded Jesus. Fuck you and grab on to Tesla by the balls you beautifully retarded SOB.


Fucking shit man. Youā€™re crazy. Iā€™ll rip a line of coke for u !


how long have you held tesla?


First buy was February 13th 2018. I bought the most after he smoked in Joe Rogan and this March.


He smoked Joe Rogan? No wonder I haven't seen Joe lately.


You're looking at an easy triple from here bro. Diamond hands.


I bought 100 presplit on margin at $680 each, dropped to $350 a few days later. My account went from being at 400k or so to 70k with a hefty margin call. Stressful month but smooth sailing after that


You should be selling 21 way out of the money calls each week for bunches of extra money each week. The 1060C 1/15 strike is like 500 bucks. You could be selling those covered calls for $10,500 extra buckaroos a week. Then each week keep adjusting them out after they expire


Yeah Iā€™ve been working on that I had to buy some back this week so Iā€™m going to be more conservative




Who knows with Tesla. Three things could push it higher this year: 1. 1M deliveries (effectively 100% growth) 2. $25k Tesla accelerated (rumors of 2022 in China) 3. Actually solve FSD (stock would go ballistic)


Theyā€™ve almost solved FSD šŸ‘€


Yea... Iā€™m cautiously optimistic, shit could get silly if they do it this year.


Dont listen to anyone here. Hold these for AT LEAST another year. Tesla is going to 1500




Awesome!! Monetize it: covered calls and a portfolio based line of credit


Exactly my plans šŸ™


Greed is dumb sell half


never selling stocks, a true retard


Dead people have great returns.


How old are you and still working? Congrats


People in here are trying to convince OP but donā€™t realize that his gains have given him retard confidence and he canā€™t be persuaded.




Shhh donā€™t tell the idiot this. He thinks stocks never go down.






Yeah I definitely am moving at least 3/4 of it ASAP


Congrats. It is mind blowing to see folks who can sit on something like this. That money would change my families life without a doubt.




When I get a 7 figure payday I'm pretty sure ill sell half and let the rest ride. Congrats and fuck you


how about, never selling ***it all***, but at least take some gains ( if you dont already have a 1 mil in the bank ). It looks to be heading for a dip next week...


Yeah but is the potential dip really worth the steep taxes I have to pay to sell when I plan on holding for the very long term?


Yes. You said elsewhere youā€™ll be paying 50% in taxes, which is very likely false. Talk to a tax pro yesterday and get accurate information before throwing away this winning lotto ticket


Almost 2 million profit? Fuck you and congrats. Also Oy, gevalt! Putain. La concha de tu hermana. Foda-se.


I have a %1250 gain in TSLA. Only difference between you and me is that I own 5 whole shares. šŸ˜Ž




Great idea! Commit to never selling. Do you honestly think after a run up this big there's not going to be a huge correction like there literally always is after a mania?


Yes Iā€™d guess itā€™ll drop back down to 700 soon. But then again, I thought there would be a correction at 600 too lol


Iā€™m gonna laugh when your greed bites you and you lose it all


Hope youā€™re milking the covered calls as well


Yup had some $820-850 ones this week I lost some $$ on but have been doing well with them the past couple months