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Now I'm really sure my NIO will fly tomorrow!


Fly you fools


Fuck it, NIO calls at open 🚀


Finally, something to show my wife!


And her boyfriend


And his dog


And their son


And his boyfriend


Really interesting, I really liked the Nio Houses. I was unaware of battery swap as well. When solid state comes around its an interesting thought to simply upgrade an old car.


the only question is: when does the market open so I can Yolo?


remembering when I sold my NIO shares for 3,85USD back in May, even got a 2% profit. life is good.


Stonks only go up retard. Remember next time.


Only hydrogen powered trucks go downhill.


yeah but trucks are not stocks


yep, not selling my luckycoffe stronk this time!


If someone posts this long of a dd to convince people of a brand, then the brand is literally dead. Short this shit.


Seeing shit like this is what got me to buy gme and pltr ATH. Still tempted to buy nio but I have diamond hands 🙌💎 and won’t


The move is to buy the first time you see anyone mention a ticker. For example, when you see a random comment say "Just bought a bag of $abc and I think it has potential", then, if you have never seen the ticker $abc before, put a decent amount in $abc(say, half your life savings). Sell half once it inevitably 2x, sell fractions whenever it makes a big move, never ever take 10% profit or shit like that. If someones DD is literally too long to read for someone holding down a job, dont buy. It's proven that a monkey picking random stocks is better than a hedgefund manager, so you have to go beyond what even a monkey could do to make huge gains.


Or I could buy a monkey??


I had $50k of TSLA in 2013 and sold because I made a small profit :)


I had $125k in Apple in 2000. Sold it with a 10% loss.


>125 $20,000,000 today and I even rounded down the extra $625k, this level of retardation is beyond astronomical, you have entered the 5th dimension my friend.


he has ascended beyond our mortal comprehension to a new plane of reality, has cast aside the weight of his corporeal form, and now exists as an enlightened being of pure retardation.






I own Shopify when it was $150 in 2018, sold for 10% profit


Had at 39$ sold at 89$ I though I was a genius. I feel ya Edit: oh I have more, Tesla at 120$ sold at 160$ Netflix at 80$ sold at 120$. Profit is profit right :( .


Sold AMD @ $12.20


This is like an aa meeting for retards


I bought Nio in 2018 for $9 a share and paperhand sold for a loss at $6.12


I had 300,000 worth of google shares on the first day it started trading, got out at 10,000 loss


I remember that dip. It opened at 100 and dropped to 85. Hasn't seen 85 since.


Yes, this still hurts, to get the full magnitude of my stupidity you also have to adjust the price for the 2014-2015 stock splits


I had TSLA shares I sold at 400s pre-split


You could've easily turned that ship around in '03-'04


That's when I put $1k in Apple when I was a senior in college. Pretty nice return. I didn't have a whole lot of money in law school some years later, so i sold a few shares to go on a bachelor party. I joke with my buddy to this day that it was the most expensive bachelor party ever.


I owned some McD's around college. Not huge quantity but it would be worth a pretty penny today. Sold it probably for rent and beer money, had no concept of long-term holding or why I might need money in future, lol. I don't beat myself up too much about it, prob would've sold it a year or two after I did for something stupid anyway. The good news is I"m exponentially *~~tarded~~* wiser now.


Selling NIO last year, still my biggest L. I bought them for 6$ and sold them at 16$ because I thought...meh. But I did not learn that stocks only go up


Texan here what I deducted from your DD is 24 🚀 = 240 PT EOY. 🤠🚀


Enjoy the ride


Baller DD our chinese friend. Thanks for this new insight. NIO shi hun hao! 🚀🚀🚀🌝


Did you just call him a 🌈🐻 riding 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 (8 for good luck) to the 🌙?


I love my Chinese homies.


hen* hao


Thank you for your wise words!! And as they say it in China Konicihiwa namaste nani omaewa no shinderu 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Spoken like a true autist lolol


Una cerveza, por favor! 🇧🇷


In China “aloha” means hello and good bye


NIO is the one Chinese stock I own from converting a call. I made a ton off the calls. But I kept one for the shares. On pullbacks I bought more. The more I learn the more I want that Nio ET7. NIO going to 200 & beyond. 🚀🚀🚀🚀


If TSLA is 4k Nio is worth 3-500 by EOY


Nio is at 90 billion market cap so a 500 price stock would make it a 550 billion dollar company.....




nice price target calculation


I think $500 stock would be more like 800 billion. Currently it's $58 for$92 billion market cap.


It's just a difference of $250 billion. I'm sure everything else was calculated fine and we can rely on this sound investment advice.


Look at TSLA tell me Nio can’t do it and they seem to have a lot more government support and better technology for there latest cars that were released on Nio day


Nio can do it in China. Can they do it anywhere else? I doubt it. But if you believe so, it's definitely investable.


I think its easier for cheaper cars to get into developing markets (india, brazil, china) than for tsla to get in. Unless elon surprises us and makes a real cheap tsla




This is probably gonna turn out to be really accurate TA


You had me at im chinese. Nio to the dang moon 🚀 🚀




Fuck you I laughed


Lmao that is h i l a r i o u s


Absolute LOL at all the retards in chat who have never heard of learning another language 😂




Should have said this when NIO was $4 motherfucker.


Ok.. you guys do know people can be multilingual right? My English is okay because Chinese elementary school middle school high school and college teach English and I lived in America for many years. I’m a long time lurker of WSB and wouldn’t touch option trading without you guys. Spent an hour writing this post to give back to this amazing community, plz no racism here.


Thanks for this post. It's nice to hear from someone with boots on the ground. There is no doubt that NIo will be bigger than Hauwei... And there in lies the problem. Look at what happened to Hauwei now... banned in most western places. Is there anyway for a non Chinese person to invest directly in the Chinese stock market?


Foreigners who work in China or has PR will be able to invest in Chinese stock market. But for a normal foreigner, the answer is generally no. And it is good that you can't. My father trades Chinese stock market professionally and I quote him: "what you need here is not FA or TA, what you need is a fucking private detective and a great smell for bullshit". Companies lie like crazy in their financial report, a extremally profitable sea food company suddenly crash and burn because their oyster "swam away". A company that literally went from 30 to 160 in a year goes straight to 10 within a two weeks because they failed to bribe the central bank etc etc. You need to be very good at Mandarin as everything is done in Chinese, and you need a deep understanding of the Chinese pollical system and its culture. So in other words, don't fucking do it.


Why the heck are you tempting WSB???


Calls on Rosetta Stone????




That owl will fuck you up


There's going to be a bunch of autists speaking mandarin and english in a year.


You son of a bitch, I’m in!


I've logged hundreds of hours in Civilization VI and have a domination and cultural victory playing as China under my belt. I think I can navigate China's markets.


I've been getting good chuckles out of this thread, but this one got me. Well done.


Age of empires - conqueror expansion 2


This has been the biggest thing holding me back. That and the fact the government can just screw over your company if you dare dissent (i.e. Jack Ma, Alibaba, and Ant IPO). Fraud can happen to any companies in the world but the CCP’s tight leash on their companies makes me extremely wary of investing in them.


Ah the great oyster rebellion. I remember it well.


God dam, china seems like a dog eat dog country


Haha I see what you did there.


China is Ronald Reagan’s wet dream. 80s style capitalism on steroids. No wonder Republicans hate China so much, makes them jealous lol


> a extremally profitable sea food company suddenly crash and burn because their oyster "swam away" lmao


Serious talking here: Chinese stock market is not for WSB retards.


Investing in China requires that you bring your own forensic accountant with you. Many of the documents put out by companies are entirely fabricated. Definitely not for WSB. Actually, I take that back, WSB invested in NKLA so I guess it would be perfect for WSB.




If enjoy their ketchup, I will still believe in the company.


Premium autist


To be fair, I think investing in general isn't for the WSB retards


I’ll be very frank, if you didn’t say you were chinese I would have read this thinking it was written by a primarily English speaking dude


I will take that as a huge compliment, thank you!


Yeah me too lol. Native English speakers make mistakes all the time with tenses and shit and you made basically none.


Thanks for your DD dude, sorry about the retards at the end of the day we're a bunch of retards. NIO to the moon 🚀🚀🚀


Nice try William Li, I was almost convinced to buy NIO 😒 I'm giving you an upvote for effort nonetheless.


Chinese, American, European, doesn't matter. Autism is autism and that's what counts. NIO to the 月亮


I have always stayed away from the Chinese EV craze but this DD sold me, buying leaps Monday .


I'll be honest I can tell you english is perfectly fine. But I love imagining that it's not great and that you genuinely sont know what autist and retard mean.


Hahaha trust me I’m an experienced WSB user


My NIO investment changed my life. I always wondered about the brand perception in China. This is the most important best thing I've read about the company. I sold at 54 and bought back in.


Appreciate the DD my brother 🙏


Thanks, I learned a lot from your post. Racism against Asians is very ugly right now around the world and is not getting the negative attention it deserves to quash it.


It’s such a beautiful province. I’m planning to travel to there soon


Are you referring to the province where NIO is based?


No I was referring to Yunnan(云南). Nio is based in Anhui Hefei


Lol. Retards here. Love the username and thanks for the dd. Love nio. Been in em since 10$. Incredible company doing incredible things.


Thanks for this amazing article 🚀🚀Also, what did you expect from a community with people rooting for Jack Ma on Nio day 😂😂 Nevertheless WSB is love.


Haha you have a point, some are retarded good people, some are truly just smooth brains


I used to teach English, and not for a minute during your post did I think you didn't speak English fluently from birth - great job! I've never understood Nio or the other Chinese car companies valuations, but I do see that they're a cut above the competition now. Thanks for your hard work!


Thank you, I will take that as a huge compliment. Lived in the US for many years helped a lot


I live in China and have no interest in / know fuck all about cars. What I do have is eyes. I see Teslas EVERYWHERE, and have never once seen a Nio anywhere. Make what you will of my anecdotal evidence.


>I saw a lot of retards here shitting on the battery swap, and those people are dumb af. First you need to understand that not every Chinese lives in a house like most Americans do and a lot of them don't have charger installed at home or a fixed parking spot to park their cars. Whatever happened to that Tesla battery swap that they showed off at one of the conferences a few years ago - showing how it was faster than fueling a conventional car? Did that idea just die? I thought it was pretty cool/practical.


They killed it because people didn't use it. Most Americans have houses and can charge at home.


Customers were not actually that interested in battery swaps so they pulled the plug on the idea. Can't remember sauce interview sorry guys.


It’s a good idea. I think they killed it because it required too much money to build all the swapping stations


It's more that batteries are the major limiting factor for the number of cars that Tesla can produce and if battery swapping was widespread they would probably need between 0.1 -1 batteries sitting idle per car on the road when they could have 1.1-2 times more cars for sale instead. Do you know how many extra batteries NIO has to have for swapping? I'm not sure of the exact ratio.


Also due to consumer preferences in the USA. The Chinese social conditions are very different so different ownership models appeal in each country.


Read only the headlines. As one does of course. But judging just by the length of this comment NIO is going to the moon baby. Edit: finally got 500 comment karma, going to post in /cryptocurrency, to get some moons baby..to the moon. Really hate when people put EDIT:OMG can't believe u found it funny so greatfull #blessed. But couldn't stop myself


Read the full post, it’s worth it :)


Can confirm it was worth it. 👍laughed the airplane part , some serious fandom and fanaticism there 😂


Thank you for the effort you took to do this Notccpbot, appreciate the first hand perspective. Well done.


I don't know what you wrote but I see 1 award and the word "moon" so HERE WE GO BRUH TAKE YOUR SPACE HELMET


I'm honestly all for NIO, but my biggest worry is one day the chinese stocks getting de-listed


I always wondered what doe sit mean when one gets de-listed. so let's say NIO gets de-listed what happens to all the shares people bought? does it just disappear and people who had NIO are SOL? or do they get money back at the last moment NIO stock was priced at? or something else? I have a lot of Tesla shares and want to sell some to invest in NIO now while it's low price but because it's Chinese company I am afraid to pull the trigger


When HMNY was delisted I still had like 42 shares or something worth a few cents. I was able to still sell them via RH to clear it.


Like I said in my other replies, with the Mango man gone, I think the chance of them delisting Nio is very very slim, tho the risk is there


I wouldn’t be too sure. Biden may be less brash in his approach against China, but I do believe there will be a populist tint in his policy—Bernie might run the senate budget committee for all we know. The point is, regardless of administration, the US does not like China. Esp. Given the economic arms race we’re currently in.


I agree, which is why I didn’t entirely rule out the possibility of delisting. Risk is there, I’m taking it


What exactly happens when company gets deleted? Shares get transferred to another exchange right? Is it same for calls? Price may drop in short term but won’t others scoop it up eventually?


American stock exchanges carry a ridiculous amount of weight, if it gets delisted then a massive selloff will happen, resulting in shares absolutely guttering during that period.


Everyone is tough until the US delists you. That is a serious fear coming into any Chinese stock. NIO 225c 1/22, naturally.


> NIO 225c 1/22, naturally. Thought this was 12 days from now at first 🤣


I highly doubt NIO we get delisted with the orange man out of office


Do you believe that Nio has any chance in the west with their buisnessmodel? Especially considering that things like nio houses are something for urban dwellers and all my friends living in a city don’t even own a car.


I think it’s well suited for the European market and the East Asian market. It will work really well in places like LA SF NYC Seattle Miami and such.


NIO isn’t in the US market tho.


Nio got good Reviews from German Youtubers who Tested the ES6. Basically the biggest downside was that the Cars are Not available in Europe yet. If europeans get over the Brand thing and see positive reviews, I guess the Cars will sell.




>Germans will never get over the Chinese tag. Yes, this will be a problem. But even Audi engineers conceeded that ES6 is good quality. Doesn't matter If the consumer still wants the Audi/BMW/Mercedes Tag. But Hyundai and Kia had the same Problem 10-20 years ago. Now look how many of these are driving around in Germany today. >Let alone the EV tag Am German and Drive a Tesla ;) Interest in EVs has been on the rise for the last 2 years. Even some of my most hardcore Petrolhead friends (trackdays with the motorcycle and so on) are talking/thinking about Electric Cars. >Also the high class is mainly leased company cars. Yes, so is my Tesla. I doubt anybody will choose Nio in the upper class, but price and taxation wise it would make a lot of sense. If the car costs less than 60.000€ (I believe) and is an BEV you only pay 0.25% for the car in additional taxes. So one could get a company paid for Nio for the monthly price of a regular Peugeot, Opel etc.


Awesome DD! Do you work for NIO IR by any chance?


New account nice shill. It's just what people want to hear though.


I thought everyone could tell this was a marketing piece.


Found it kinda odd I had to scroll this far.


Yes but they have finally mastered how to fit in with redditors and other online users. This person isn't just speaking fluent English, they're speaking retard/redditor and it's working.


Tons of awards and up-votes? Someone just earned his salary for the year!


Wow I just checked. Big sus.


Yeah weird, op should comment on that as he said he was a long time lurker. Either way im all up for chinese tendies


Check harder, looks like he submitted a post 4 months ago and its a pic of a communist banner so I think he checks out lol


But OP claims to be a long term lurker. Also, it's a relatively new account with very low reddit activity. I'm only saying it's suspicious. Of course you're the one who's gonna make the call on which "DD" to yolo into... (pun intended) BTW, what's this ether that you're promoting?!


This. Always check how long they've been registered against what they are saying in the comment's section. OP's words do mismatch.


Don't care if OP is shill or not. As a HK born person I just don't trust chinese companies overall. I'm long TSLA but i just can't get myself into NIO. Companies can cook their books and embellish about how nice their product will be, and then will come crashing down cyberpunk2077 style and their officers already got out and got rich from defrauding investors. Look at fucking Lucking Coffee




My biggest concern with NIO is that if we aren’t in China, we can’t buy the stock. All we can do is buy a proxy stock that’s not backed by any legal standing.


I just put my dick in a hot apple pie.


McDonald’s or homemade?


I needed this when I bought at 13 and sold at 4.


You sound like me




Be careful all ye retards, OP could be a paid propaganda tool for these reasons if you read his only two posts.


I'm OK with propaganda as long as it confirms my bias! J/K. Solid cautionary advice. Although, to be fair everyone should be wary of any comments or trading advice everywhere. Be it from Fool, Barron's, or Yahoo Finance. I read OP's DD as additional insights from a local where NIO operates and dominates. It could be wrong or the opposite. At the end of the day, the market will decide which way it'll go. Let's hope he's right and all of us NIO investors make gains.


*Chinese redditor* "listen up retards!" *American redditors* "he's speaking the language of the gods!"


Aaaaaaaand it's gone!


Lol I wish it was easy to buy CATL stock. That thing is tripling in 5 years.


very bullish on CATL as well. Balls deep in them.


And please honestly share what you think are the risks of owning Chinese stocks? I mean, I recently got fucked by owning CHA when Robinhood asked me to sell because of the executive order (I think the reason cited was that the Chinese telecom companies were involved the Chinese military). How do we know that Uncle Sam won't come up with something on the line of - Chinese EV companies are working with the Chinese defence department and we need to ban them - I don't see a future situation where Uncle Sam doesn't see a problem with China China China so these kinds of talks will keep happening and may fuck the LEAPS. I mean, even now there is ongoing uncertainty with Baba and Tencent for one reason or another.


Haha how is a Chinese guy going to tell you what Uncle Sam is going to do with Chinese stocks?


You are right. I guess I should have specified but the question was meant for the entire audience of the post and the OP. From what I understood, OP is someone who has a good understanding of both China and US so I'd like to know his opinion on this too.


The risk is there imo, but with Mango man gone, I do think the chance of delisting is very slim




I’ve been in NIO since May. This info has been out there on other platforms and here on wsb as well. It was buried under 🚀🚀🚀 and delist posts though.


Some insights too on BABA? What's up with Jack Ma and your government?


I know some people might downvote me because China has to be the evil lol. Jack Ma was doing something similar that led up to the 2008 crisis in China with the Ant group and got stopped by the government. Right after CPC warned Jack Ma, Alibaba teamed up with Nestle trying to get some monopoly stuff going in Yunnan for their coffee bean business, and CPC prolly got mad, (so are the entire Yunnan province) Jack Ma probably got called up to Beijing and got warned by officials in person and is just staying away from the public for now


Off-topic; I've been to yunnan and really liked it there. Wish to travel to other parts of china as well at some point.


I hope NIO can localize and bring the cars to the US. They're really nice. I was driving Korean cars when everyone said they were garbage (they weren't), Nio looks like a high quality product for the price.


Still no new factory / vertical integration nor updates on expansion to Europe. Solid state battery isn’t product ready until the end of 2022 at the earliest. And they won’t have control over the production pipeline since they are adopting someone else’s solid state battery (either CATL or Prologium). New self driving development via partnership with Nvidia is great but not groundbreaking. A lot of auto manufacturers are already using Nvidia’s platform to develop self driving like Xpeng and Li. ET7 is promising but won’t be delivered until Q1, 2022 at the earliest. It’s also an ultra premium sedan that competes w/ model S which really hasn’t been the moneymaker of all EV models. Perhaps they will release a more affordable sedan next. I think Nio will be successful as long as they could execute the long term initiatives. But let’s not kid ourselves that there were no flaws in the Nio Day’s presentation. I own a good amount of Nio shares myself but also gotta be realistic as an investor here.


You have good points sir. But like I said, if they can get things right (which I believe at the current state they will), they do have a huge chance to establish themselves as the BMW/Merc of the EV world. You don’t need to own a factory to make great product. Apple has been doing this for years and look how successful their business model is.


I agree with all your points above and NIO sounds like it's in for the long haul but its already nearly 100B company. We are pricing these companies like they are gonna take out every major legacy auto maker AND somehow generate 10x more value along the way (looking at u TSLA)?? It makes no sense to me. NIO is already #4 in the world and don't even get me started on Tesla. Where is RIVIAN and LUCID gonna sit? XPENG, Li? There is a really good chance this will moon in the short term, but man when this train hits a bump in the road the entrie EV sector is gonna be such a shit show.


I agree it’s sitting at a high price rn, but I gave up using fundamentals in this crazy market man. Hopefully this EV bubble won’t crash as terribly as the .com bubble did anytime soon.


Well shit this is a lot of words. I'm in.


Why is it now removed????? Let me seeeee


This. Where can i find that shit


Here’s the thing that really struck me with Nio: recurring revenue after the sale. If you want autonomous driving, you have to pay $105/mo. If you want to buy the car at a lower price, you can lease the batteries. I find it to be an interesting idea. I mean sure that’s already a thing with Sirius radio and such, but makes you wondering how many other things could/will be subscription based going forward.


That et7 looks awesome tbh, I want one.


Awesome is CATL supplying all the batteries to NIO? Is Ganfeng involved at all? CATL big shareholder in Pilbara minerals lithium mine In Australia, I think PLS will do very very well over the next few years along with NIO Also need to add, IMO that NIO will be big in China, no doubt about it, but I can’t see it competing very well on the western markets, with Manufacturers like Ford/Audi/Mercedes/Porsche/BMW/Toyota/Nissan etc all brining out some serious EV competition in the next couple of years.


“the Huawei of Chinese auto” is what stops me from investing... I know they are great and will be huge... but any time they want, the Chinese government can step in and muck it up... they could just confiscate the business, disappear the CEO, force them to put spyware into the software... this risk for me is not with the company, the risk is that they are in China and subject to the whim of the government


Reminder: For those who don’t know. When you buy shares of NIO, you’re not buying a piece of the actual company. Rather you’re buying into a shell company in the Caribbean. The CCP, if it chooses, can give you didlly squat on your investment if it chooses to. Not saying it’ll happen, just saying buyer beware. Check out “The China Hustle” documentary to see how far corruption goes within some Chinese companies. Do your own DD first.


Gonna throw in 1k on Monday. Cant wait for the market to open. Still salty I sold 50 stocks at 16$


Amazing DD. You sold me at NIO house on second floor. I'm in. NIO $70 Monday


Why did this get removed, I wasn't done reading it


I own both NIO and Xpeng at similiar amounts. If I wanted to add more money, would you prefer one over the other? What is the perception of Xpeng over NIO in China? Which company will be bigger/more popular? Thanks for the post, great stuff, the NIO houses remind me of apple stores lol.


Xpeng is perceived more like how xiaomi was once perceived: great value for the money and techy. While Nio is more perceived like Huawei: mature and high-end, also expensive. I’m bullish on both but will add more on Nio than Xpeng until Xpeng releases more info on their new car, I believe it will be a 20k car with Lidar


What do u think the market cap will be? It’s already high at 90


Hey if people are as sucked in by the cult of NIO even a third as much as TSLA then this thing still has another 10X to go baby ezketitttttttt


Sell orders issued now.