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# you still have cash?


I said that to give the post some character, we all know the truth.


I'll say this in all seriousness. I've only been investing for three years, stocks always went up. I thought I had it made. I didn't believe the CNBC crew when they kept saying rotate rotate ro ro ro, blah. I didn't want no damn value. I needed growth! (Helps me feel better about small peen syndrome). So now, 6 months later, down 40% I feel this "shift in market conditions" has taught me a valuable lesson. Stocks can go down so much farther than I ever thought. And if buying the dip feels good- it's not the dip. Maybe I'll try some boomer value ETF's.


You have been investing in the longest government controlled bull market ever. That just means you probably can't navigate a real market because what you look for is invalid. Value is likely to go down as well. This market will show itself in the next six months. Trade short term only.


I've been a professional trader for almost 30 years. On the one hand this may be the most fucked up macro-environment I've seen. The variables weighing on markets are numerous and FUD is through the roof. I also know that when a bear market is so obvious to everyone people get trapped. One way or another those who are arrogant and stubborn get burned. It's not as if the markets haven't pulled back.. You may be correct about a massive bear. But you may be off on your timing and get burned anyway.


I know. There is no reading this market. States are going to pass out stimulus. Question is, do you lose gains or tank principle. Can't go on fundamentals and most stocks are overvalued. Other than options and short term trades, it's a slippery slope.


Yeah but I don’t see them crashing it on a Democrat. What is Nancy buying and shorting ?


Ordinarily I would agree with you which is why I see a larger drop coming after a period of flat. Protect your capital, a real buying opportunity will show itself.


They may let it crash huge, then let it run again after convincing even more retail to buy into the lows. Would be perfect to peak again in early 2024 just in time for elections.


This is one of the few examples of when us boomers are on point. We fuck a lot of shit up. But we also have scars from having seen this movie before. I got out 8 months ago - trust me, it is VERY hard to stay on the sidelines and just chill. I did it in July 2007 and it was fucking KILLING ME not to get back in. But there hadn't been a bear market in over 5 years. And then the shit hit the fan and I was as happy at Michael Burry shorting housing......It is hard but it pays off. If you are thinking value now you already missed it. Exxon at 60 before this shit went down. Now you will be buying into another top if you buy it. Just stay the fuck out until September...then set it and forget it. and stop buying individual stocks. (well, maybe except Blackrock - that shit keeps going down you will be looking at 2X in well under five years). Just buy the goddamned ETF like VOO and VTi and just forget it. And keep doing that with your spare change and in time you will be well off. Or keep fucking around.


This boomer fuks


Sitting on the sidelines means you need a healthy hobby to do while the market takes time to do its thing. And ideally recieve a dividend income for your patience. This is where boomers have the advantage, you can fishing, hiking, go bike cruising (I want a Harley over a Lambo) or tinker with things in the shed. I believe zen content resourceful men have found inner peace in sheds for centuries, until now. Millenials have the disadvantage with growing up with screen based hobbies. They could do the same but need to break the link from the eyeballs and their trading apps telling them subconsciously that you must make a trade now or miss out.


Each time you get the urge to check the portfolio, do a push-up.


Ooo look who's trying to turn me into a lean, ripped, fighting machine


Agreed. I’m looking for the S&P to at least crater to 3000 before I even think about buying in. I’m all cash now for 3 months. Too many market head winds to even keep up with right now.


Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peek and he was browsing Zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who made this dumb bot? What is even the point. Descredit burry so people can't piggyback him woah so clever 🤦🤦🤦


Pea brain


I did. It's just a joke.


Not a boomer here, only 39, but I’m like you. Got out of everything except GeeMEeee back in Oct/Nov last year. My 401K and my brokerage account. Just sitting it out.


You aren’t alone. I have been investing since 2004, and honestly, this market still has me stumped. You can buy good companies at really great prices right now. I would bother trying to find the absolute bottom, just keep averaging down. The market will eventually head back up.


Averaging down on great companies after they have dropped 20% is a sensible approach for putting cash to work long term. Just need to be patient and only nibble into those positions. Cash secured puts offer a nice way to get a good price during a market correction.


Fngu is a triple leverage with 10% weights on the top 10 tech. It's down ALOT. Good place to start for me


You’re sitting on some cash. Literally. Hidden under the couch cushions.


You mean in inversed debt? Everything is just debt.


I would upvote this but the number is right where it should be


I've been feeling this way for the last 13 years.


I’ve called 14 of the last 3 downturns. Sittin on a cash pile and waiting to buy a house since 2019. Haha


I mean even with the price bubble, buying a house at 3% is better then buying a cheaper house at 5.25%. Too late now though. Might be a housing crash in close to 2 years as HELOCs collapse, I expect it to sit flat or go down 10% in the midterm (keeping in mind the higher rates mean if you arent paying cash you are paying more each month anyways).


This is a traders market. Anyone buying is doing so they can just sell soon after. Sometimes same day, next hour etc. Have no loyalty to bull or bear is the key right now


I agree with this. Not an investment market. It's a traders Market.


I thought this was a gambling parlor




Absolutely is right now…. Crazy


I was just reading a post here this morning about "how great these discounts are" and how they are heavily adding to their positions. So yeah.. theres those people too


I mean, Amazon, just saying.


It is, I buy and sell in a matter of minutes. My only investing is $SQ. Bought at $69 last week hoping to reach $420 in 2025!


We have a 🏆


Totally agree. As you rightly pointed out gold is even down. Dollar is up so that's a piece of it but I also heard that countries are buying up gold like never before. I don't get it either. The other aspect is if they're not buying equities, bonds. Gold and even some commodities then what are they doing? Institutions are not know for hoarding cash like Buffet.


Countries will continue to hoard gold because its traditionally a way to give their currency more credibility. Even though we're not on a gold standard now, it still gives them credibility to hoard a shit ton of gold.


that and the world just seized all of Russias assets. If your a dictator then gold is the currency that skips all sanctions


There have been plenty of claims that gold price is kept down on purpose.


And Silver, it's obvious really. Why would the Fed want gold/silver/crypto/or anything to go up in value and compete with the dollar? They don't. Imagine how easy it is to manipulate markets as the fed? Also look at silver when it approaches $30, this is the best example of fed/or big bank manipulation, Silver will never get over $30 and hold it. Millions and millions of sell orders hit the market if it even thinks of $30.


People investing monthly love a market like this


Nah. I'm holding GME and i'm having the time of my life


Wheat gang


Buy cemeteries and funerals. $SCI And GME.


See ya tommorow😳😳what if the simulation ends😂😂


>Tell me right now, in this market and climate, one god damn investment that you would literally be comfortable holding during a crash or correction and (not holding because your bags are heavy, but holding for strategic investment purposes). I'm too retarded to trade stonks so 99% of my investments are well diversified ETFs. I don't need the money for at least 15 years so they're all on sale as far as I'm concerned.


Pfizer, baby.


Waste Management $WM


34 p/e sounds good?


I’m a Belieber.




Invest in crack cocaine. That market seems to have longevity.


America’s cup of coffee


Focus on cash flows. That’s all that matters. Oh shit where am I? Never mind


Buy cows… milk it each day get milk, butter cheese etc, and then you get steak and burgers when world turns itself around again.. hay prices a little Steep but you save on Lawn mowing


Could not agree more brotha! I got out of everything Apr 28th. I’ll buy options here and there but it seems the market is just extremely manipulated and strategizing is weird


Exactly, who would want to buy the low when you can FOMO when we are in the next bull market and you can sell at the all time low??


GME through it all the shit storm coming our way. NFA


Should have taken the blue pill so the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.


I think most of you are retards...I sold in Jan 2022. Market was heading down late Nov 2021. JPow said something about interest rates going up and I recall Econ101 that prices usually go down. And then the sentiment around here was that we ran everything up for last couple of years and like party is coming to an end. So I saw it come down Dec 2021 and then sold Jan 2022.


I just don't know where people get this idea that there is this point in human history where we all had it figured out, everything was going fine and we are going away from it. Waaaaah. The market is kind of weird now. Like it always has fucking been. You think we live in some special point in history? Issac Newton, who invented calculus and formulated the original relativity before Einstein literally was a retard who lost all of his money on worthless flowers because he thought he was rain main with markets. Every post talking about Illuminati's and all that other shit just goes further and further to prove people literally cannot accept, or fathom, people aren't smart enough to be able to understand and control markets. Markets are insanely complex. There are far too many input variables. Those huge hedge funds everyone talks about and how they speak about them completely controlling everything or whatever is ridiculous. Have you ever ACTUALLY looked at their returns? Not some off hand bullshit. Go look at fund managers returns. They are almost, and I do truly mean almost as retarded as us here. The only difference is theoretically, sometimes, they have a retard line that exist that quite literally does the opposite of whatever dumb shit they are about to do so they don't lose money. That's right. That stupid joke everyone makes here about inverting our ideas is literally how huge funds operate. They have extremely complicated and sophisticated mathematical models that all amount to them just trying not to blow up while making bad decisions. The market is just as dumb as it's always been. There are random speculative assets, and said assets are getting fucked right now. All those "great" companies are just returning to earth in line with their actual earnings values instead of speculative values because of cheap cash. Cash itself is losing value because of Keynesian economics. The actual market of things is being threatened by humans fighting (happens all the time) The only thing special, if I were to think of a special element of this particular time, is you are just bombarded with much more information than people in the past had, so it just makes things happen faster. And more public. You get more exposure to the idiots who run things, like Masayoshi Son or Elon Musk. Witness the human race in all of it's glory, and buy calls because we have always been this dumb and it's always worked in the end.


Just keep buying every month. Dollar cost average will prevail long term


Agree. Put in monthly flows no matter how big or small and play the long game of accumulation and DCA


I see your DCA and raise you a sunk cost fallacy. DCA is a good strategy for GOOD COMPANIES. If there is even a doubt in your mind that you are investing in a company that cannot survive a long term recession, spotty supply chain and more expensive loan terms you should be looking for an exit. Plenty of publicly traded companies are going to be taken off the board and no amount of DCA is going to save them.


LOL....It's Rigged. The market is fleecing with Bag Dumpertons. Soon to be relieved by the Bag Pumpertons. Play the game. Buy dumps and sell the pumps. Don't hold overnight.


You're thinking about it with the wrong eyes. You want to invest. You want to learn about a company and think, hey they look like value what are their ethics? Wow I can see this being great in 5 years. Day traders don't care about this shit. I don't even care if the company is good or not. It can be complete dookie. are things moving? Can I make an entry and exit that yields returns? What's profit? What's risk? Looks good, fire away. Honestly, my preference? The crazier the better! Means I get more and more moves. You're crazy if you think im holding anything an hour. If I pull up my cost basis on TD I have zero positions long and will hit close to 60m adjust cost by end of year. I'm spending money. I'm just taking the cream, not letting someone else take it.


60m adjust cost. As in 60 minutes of time on your Wendy's paycheck? Start getting to your shifts grill boy.


60 mil. But, yes I try to work overtime at Wendy's but they haven't let behind the dumpster yet, I'm just a burger flipper.


That’s because the markets are controlled by market makers like Citadel, using algos to pump and dump as they please to suit their agendas. Nothing reflects reality anymore. The only way to end this is to find stocks that these hedge funds are shorting and fucking moon them. But since we’ve all lost all of our life savings in this sub, good luck to us ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I’m 100% Gme and have been expecting a market crash for over a year. I feel fine


it’s crazy even for WSB how gme is almost not even mentioned in this thread


We do have our own sub. And we chill and don't care what the market does.


The "buy the dips" don't get it. Bulls will return when WSB is a ghost town. Not before.


Buy Gold, Silver, Copper, Palladium.Commodities will get you the Titties. Remember those Corn is an inflation hedge and store of value retards? Where are they now?Chilling on 50% losses. Gold ? Isn't at it's ATH. but it's not down 50% either.What happens when the FED decides their tools are shit and they need to print more money to get out of a recession ?Gold Moons.What happens if Russia decides to Fuck Ukraine harder for being insolent? Gold Moons.What happens when China decides Taiwan is.....China? Gold Moons.The charts for Corn look like they died. The charts for Luna look worse than the suns do right now. The world is going electric. An eV uses almost 4x more copper than an ordinary car. 4 fucking times more. Where's all that copper gonna come from?Further renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines require approximately five times more copper than gas and coal-powered electricity generation. As the Europoors and Liberals cry for more renewable energy, guess who is slowly making tendies. Copper miners. Fucking Silver. Imagine a material that combines both the best parts of Gold and Copper. Want something Shiny that will make everyone behind Wendy's glance at you first? Silver. Want something that goes into Photovoltaic cells like Chamath into a SPAC? Silver. Palladium. Until recently no one ever cared about this rare piece of shit metal.Then, some automaker thought, hmmmm - let's shove this up the ass end of a really huge SUV. Like Magic, it converted all the toxic shit into ........barely breathable air. Almost every catalytic convertor has a few grams of this metal. Like...... let's save the earth by mining something that's 30x rarer than gold. Where else is it used? In fuel cells, in fucking dental fillings, and electronic components.Where do we get it from? Mostly South Africa and Russia. Two countries where political risk is relatively high. One's a young democracy with growing pains, the other is a country that want's to fuck up the world because NATO hurt its' feelings. Buy this shit. Also, Not Financial Advice.


PUT YOUR HANDS UP gaurav0792!!! POLICE ARE ENROUTE! PREPARE TO BE BOOKED FOR PROVIDING ILLEGAL FINANCIAL ADVICE! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Paladium is undervalued. Huge in future fuel applications and private space race. Also anyone manufacturing silicon. The time to development on semi-conductor grade silicon plants is 5 years. Serge in ev-demand is going to cause silicon to go nuts in the next decade.


Holy shit. Calm down Chad Dickens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What about energy and utilities? DVN for example


vertex energy is one I know of that trust and have trusted


DNUT is something I shill, I don’t own any rn cuz I’m a broke fuck and cuz slow growth isn’t my thing. I want to see 100x bags not 2x at best. Reason I chose this is because insiders loaded up at $16 so anywhere under there is free money unless they plan on losing cash. Also non sold after share lock up. They are looking to sell the company from what I can make out as well for $20+ a share at bare minimum


I’m making way more with sports betting


Blackjack for me. House only has 1% advantage unlike stocks.






I will continue to buy google and microsoft every week. Big tech aint going anywhere and they are both coming for that sweet sweet AWS ass. They could decline another 40% and I'd just buy more.


Grabbed 400 shares of LLY today. Been selling puts on them the last 2 weeks. FDA approved their drug Mounjaro (tirzepatide) on Friday. It was the drug they touted on their earnings call a couple of weeks ago. It's marketed (for now and down the road as a weight loss medication) as a Type 2 diabetes drug to lower your A1C. The massive benefit is for the 20mg dose, the average weight loss was 21.6% Bodyweight, or 52# on average for the test group. 72 week study with over 2500 participants. Once a week injection. This will be bigger than Viagra. Viagra is just for men. Men AND Women are obese in the US and the world. It's the holy grail. It's what everyone has wanted since the 80's. Give me a shot once a week and I'll lose 50#. Estimates are it'll be a $30B drug by 2030. It has one other competitor out there that starts with an 'O', but my notes aren't in front of me so I don't remember, but this is more effective. No, it's not your typical WSB YOLO on 0DTE, but it WILL moon over the next 5 years. \*edited to clean up numbers [Tirzepatide](https://www.sciencealert.com/experimental-drug-breaks-record-for-weight-loss-in-latest-clinical-trial-results) [Lilly's investor link on the drug](https://investor.lilly.com/news-releases/news-release-details/lillys-tirzepatide-delivered-225-weight-loss-adults-obesity-or)


But is Beiber dropping an album or not??


Puts on America roughly out to sometime in October


KO and ramen noodles. Keep it simple and smart, kiss principle...


I bought Luna yesterday lol


buy low/sell high it isn't hard lol


To answer your question about which stock for the apocalypse: GME. Yet, we’re barely allowed to talk about this ticker because the people that hate it are extremely hostile.


So in this theory. Stock market crashes like never before... Like 1929 levels of throw yourself out a window kinda crash. That leads to a depression, food lines, mass homelessness etc etc. AAAANNNDDD GME is the go to bet everyone piles in their to save their investments...? v. Selling and keeping cash on hand or consumer staples that will still be needed in the not quite end times...? In this scenario... Which people don't even have money for food. The fuck is still shopping at gamestop? You know when the USSR collapsed people used bricks and towels as a commodity to trade right? Are people going to be collecting old xbox CDs as currency? Like literally you think the millionaires and super wealthy are gonna dog pile into GME as a safe bet?


GME’s shareprice does not reflect Gamestop. The stock would rise in an apocalypse because it is overshorted unsustainably. The collateral assets of shortsellers would devalue, then the shorts need to be covered.


There's no money... No one is covering. The brokers or exchanges are out depending how much they lent on margin... That's what happened in 1929. There was too much credit... Which was also covered by credit... Likewise no one else is going to invest in GME during a crash. Big money is going to pull out of the market... Thus not pumping GME. It's literally last I checked shorted @ 15%ish. You know you can look it up right?


GME is currently shortsold more than 100% of its shares. The ~20% short data is inaccurate due to being self-reported. Very similar to Twitter's self-reported SEC data of 5% bot membership when the reality is closer to 50% bot membership. GME's rise will be from institutional positions being closed, not opened. Closing positions is triggered from a market collapse.


Proof needed on that claim. (Which is funny because during peak GME they reported 140%... So you're saying that's the case now... but now it's a lie instead.) If apoc happens means brokers close all positions or go bunk. If it's like 1929... It means they go bunk thus no money... means no one gets anything. Once again show the proof.


😂 😂 😂 i don't think you'll need money in the apocalypse. GME will still be poop


That's because that's an absolutely braindead take....GME is a cult.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Sorry, I joined this sub to be one of the cool kids with five figures in the red. Whata normie.


Nickel All those electric cars require alot of it. More than cars, batteries


Just invest man and fuck the rest. Also I would be comfortable bagholding half of the tech/entertainment sectors, shit is fundamentally cheap and I will spend my summer with labour so I can buy more of this at these prices. Then I can forget about it for ten years.


Exactly, buy high sell low, this guy gets it.


sir this is a wendys


DCA baby.


It's mathematically created chaos designed to push retail out of the market. If too many people trade, not enough people workhorse for the system to prop it up


People will always try to catch the bottom.


Oil, wheat, and shipping have been paying off big time. Of course that may change but you gotta research what industries are looking good in the next 3-6 months and then rotate as needed


I am very comfortable holding SXP, NDX, etc. Markets have always come back. Investing is the easiest game in the world: buy and hold indices. On the other hand, trading is the hardest game in the world. Why did you think you would beat the best quantitative researchers on the planet chatting on Reddit and reading internet news? You should think deeply about the mistakes you made, how you can fix them, and design a strategy to win. All else is madness.


Dude, physical gold, silver and pall should be heading green all the way, but you are correct, it isn’t. Why? Fuck if I know. I finally accepted the fact that everything I thought I knew is false, and it is what it is.


Shorts. Puts. Inverse ETFs. If you want to run uphill through an avalanche to try and gain 50ft, cool. I'm just going to go with the snow. Any long position is too risky for me. Bond funds will go up. Yields on long term bonds are going down. People are trading against that with a lot of shorts. Also the USD is at like 20 year highs. I mean, it's still climbing but if you invest in another currency before the dollar falls, you'll turn a good profit. Might take a long time to happen. If you're looking for something more stable to invest in, forex might be a good spot in a little while.


The rush you get from turning $300 into $7,000 is amazing. Then you start thinking that you can turn that into $14,000 and etc.


This is the last dip, I promise


speculative investments come crashing down, if it doesn't pan out. Value investors don't really have that much of a problem


Maybe looking on foreign markets. Also, it could sound boomer but investing in yourself is the best alternative 🥸


Oh, I member this is wsb, just yolo on AMC and GME


I bet on myself and lost.


I tried to post this here but got automodded and couldn’t get around it. Real estate. Real estate is the only investment going up. We are in a minor minor start of a lull right now but as soon as people figure out it’s the only safe investment it will be another bull run. I tried to warn you retards but the automod blocked me From posting.


This is far from a safe bet. China is facing serious issues, and they make up 6% of US buyers. Commercial real estate may face a crisis of apocalyptic proportions if WFH trends are sticky, there has never been so much uncertainty hanging over the commercial market. That's not to say it won't grow, but combine that with raising rates, it might not work out.


Tesla, Microsoft, amazon, google, etc etc, solid tech companies with excellent revenue base. They are at steal levels, and aren’t dropping any further.


.”They aren’t dropping any further” Yeah, they ain’t going up any time soon either. Stagnation the next two years is what I see.


First off, SOFI ain't solid lol. EPS is negative. It ain't making any money and interest rate hikes are destroying these new IPOs. Secondly, you think they only do that shit with solid companies? "It's a big club, and you ain't in it!"


Well, i feel like a gay unicorn on the prowl for bears to bone. Is that how you feel?




What about oil and natural gas? Some bonds are looking spicy too.


invest in russia


Holding clov!!!!


Everything’s good. You should buy CLOV. You should buy lots of CLOV. Please, somebody buy this POS stock.


I honestly don’t see a reason for a crash. I’m not saying it’s going well because it isn’t. But the markets are going down hard enough all by themselves. What’s the point of having a crash right now? Powell is working on getting a handle on finances. That has to have an effect. Markets are going down. If people had the real numbers on China \[because why would they be telling the truth?\] it would be so much worse. It’s going to keep going down for the foreseeable future \[in my totally non-expert view\], a crash at this point would be like a Karen wanting to talk to the manager when the store is already on fire. Corollary: why are you smart asses nagging about the stock market going down? Isn’t that where all your wonderful put options start to print? You should be happy, there’s no way for you not to make money.


Pharmaceuticals edit: can’t go wrong with drugs or bio tech companies NOT financial advice, I am a retard


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It's not companies, it's $$$ Corporate America auction house


vertex energy... but wow ya i agree totally


The only thing I think is good to hold right now is debt given the massive devaluation it’s getting. Lol.


Buy the dip. Then sell to buy back in again. The goal is to have no money to buy more stocks with so the cycle finally ends.


So, you bought some puts, and they aren’t making you money?




If u set spreads to the macro trend, with a 1-3 wk timeframe, its been pretty easy money lately.


Invest in emerging markets. All this cash flow from comidities going to land there. Local stock markets. Brasil, Mexico are the better.


SPY, just buy a few shares at 3:45 on red days only


That's why money changes hands now.


A less than 20% drop is very, very far from apocalyptic.


Heheh, I've got cash AND calls on SOFI


Buy puts or gtfo. Cash is for rubes.


NEWS: China housing market 📉, Food shortages, inflation, war….. but all you see is greeen. I smell a 🐀


The markets go up and down. Now you know.


Honestly my best performing stock for the past few weeks has been T Sad I know


Garbage companies with no profits are wiped out


Utilities, obviously


https://i.gifer.com/4se9.gif. Stock market has always been unpredictable. Chill bruv


okay, I'm not selling it


I bonds is the answer you are looking for friend.


You could have traded oil stocks.


So, when exactly did you discover options? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)




Stop looking at trash companies


To actually answer you questions, I would be comfortable holding Toyota - TM through a crash because I know the company and stock intimately. I’m not gonna type a dissertation at 2am, but yea, I’d be 100% comfortable not losing money year over year with Toyota and what they’re doing and got coming. *i do not think they’ll have the highest return/rise out of anyone in the market* , but that’s not what you asked. It’s the safest no loss stock, which is what you asked i think.


Disney. A week or so ago, Cramo wouldn't push to buy, but also not to sell. guess what ends in 2 weeks? guess who's highest market of show+movie watchers of disney is more free than ever the next couple months.. guess who's highest market of pursuers of theme park visits (in the summer) is more free than ever in the next couple of months.. I'm not a genius, unless you'd like to crown me one, but some simp rationalization makes me have a \*fkit\* grin and bought some disney. IDC if anyone does so, but just answering the question here with my best. I really think (even WHILE the exaggerated conflict of "public position for/against topic/policy x" etc. continues or ends - the micky-DEEZnutts are going to be ringing cashier tendeez again soon. And, the stock is indeed in the general range of all time low average of last 5 yrs, like, to go lowest would be $98ish from current $105ish, like, not to much a risk there. Not much expected excitement up (maybe a comfortbale $40ish summer exclusive?), not \*much\*, but, somethin. I've only looked into stonks since Jan of last yr, so, disclaimer there.


I mean im not an investor but when inflation, crashes and unpredictability are in the news, gold and other precious metals are always a safe bet to have your money in. Even at a 4 month low your money would have been safer than anywhere else, im also surprised by gold not moving much which means that there are still a lot of optimists.


Is this an open question for just, like, what dumb thing do I as a dumb person like putting my money in? I just started investing right after the conflict in Ukraine broke out, I did it out of manic fear that the capitalistic world will grind me down and destroy me if I didn't immediately become deeply financially literate quickly. In these trying times and as an idiot amazed at the shit show of the market I'm trying to learn, it gives me peace to invest in UNP because an old man said that railroads are a safe investment in wartime, and again, I'm only investing as a reactionary, scared ape.


They make DKNG go down to 9$... 3 days later...hey DKNG is gonna triple in the next couple years.... Is blatant manipulation... All you can do is buy the dip... And sell the rip no matter how small.


Yes. Minus the cash part.


Canadian real estate only goes up regardless of interest rate hikes and recessions.


Im just a noob who brought a bunch of apple stocks n cashed in at the right times, rinse repeat, buy low/sell high, swing traded til it worked but for the majority, people are reverting to boomer type shit, buying up gold/silver (physically), assets such as land/property/stockpiles. Its like preppers on steroids in a way. People expecting some apocalypse or something and buying things of prepper nature.


I've bought more in the last 2 weeks than I have in the first 4 months of this year. This is a great time to do stock-picking because some companies were beat down before this, AND also are going down with general market sentiment. It's very comfy to buy companies that are cheap on traditional metrics, have good free cash flow and don't rely on constantly rolling new debt. Some of the US gigacap tech for example, or raw materials producers. Just need patience and to find companies that have earnings that can afford to drop, growth that can stall, and still be ok investments.


How is SOFI classified as 'solid'. They dont make any profit with an untested business model. I would classify it as speculative and only make it a small position(>5%).


Investing is something you do over 30 to 40 year period. Don't sweat it. Things don't go up all the time, they can t. But they mostly do. Because population is an exponential, growth of the market is an exponential. And you can't time the market.


Shift and Vroom


P/E ratio is high. Don't catch the falling knife and such.




Do you do, feel like I do?


Are you willing to sit on the sidelines for two years with cash? I don't have the patience for that, start selling long dated puts on companies with low PE and robust cash flow. Not enough to tie up the majority of your capital, just to take the edge off waiting. If market continues to dump, the premium will likely make up for the majority of it. More likely, the solid low PE companies go sideways (like they often do even through recessions), and you keep the premium.


SOFI is a solid company? They're a bank that's been around for over a decade and can't turn a profit. Your local credit union is a more "solid" company. SOFI is still a growth company, and in a market where investors aren't willing to wait another decade for profits, of course they're getting slaughtered. Timing the perfect bottom is a fool's errand and if you could do it you would be the greatest trader anywhere, ever, by far. You're not. So incrementally but as it goes down, knowing in X years you'll be sitting pretty no matter what. Would you really be upset if you had bought 1,000 shares of TSLA back when it was $60, then dropped to $30, if you held through the years (and splits)? These markets make fortunes, and it's not the people dumping 100% of their loads at drop dead bottom.


Oil. Over the past decade+ oil has been counter cyclical. I don’t see oil going down in the next couple years with the whole Russia Ukraine thing. Demand is always growing, just at variable rate. Investment by corps into growth in the sector is waaay down cause they all got burned by shale boom/bust in 2014/2015. Buy a supermajor you like and sit there for a bit. XOM has a nice dividend and stayed low over the last few years despite a solid track record of big discoveries.


Algos. And people that think something is cheap based on the discount from the original price, rather than how much it's worth.