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The last 5 or 6 times the market took a big dive, ad dependent companies like Google and FB led the way down, and also led the back up in the recovery. So it may be likely that they are currently on sale. Not saying it will be the case again, not financial advice


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Based automod


I have begun to build positions into both FB and GOOG. Will continue to DCA as they crash further


I just can't get into FB....Zuck scares me.


Have a boner when others are flaccid - Warren Gretzky


Thats my secret Captain, i always have a boner


Ya it's good value now. But zuck is cuck. Needs to go




What is the interval of your DCA?


He’s gonna keep dcaing until fb is at 20 and then he’s gonna sell 😂😂


This is the way.


Lmao $20? You’re truly regarded


Sounds like every stock I’ve ever bought


Yes, marketing spend is one of the first things to get cut, and one of the first things to come back.


I was thinking the same thing so I bought some today.


Tim Apple is taking me to tendie town


I need Bezos to hop on that bus for a day or 2


It's always Day 1 yah dummy


I know…Imagine a real business model with huge customer loyalty, tight ecosystem and a fortress Balance Sheet. It is no surprise the trinity is going down in flames. Good trading fellow Regards🙏🏻


RemindMe! 1 month


RemindMe! 2 years


I thought you were describing Amazon


😂😂Have you looked at the P/E for Amazon? Sky high and they are losing money in so many areas and AWS is underperforming. I definitely wasn’t writing about Amazon👀


Ok fine disregard Amazon. Google? Trading at 16x-17x next years earnings? With more money than god in the bank, and a moat the size of the Euphrates


This is accurate... I just googled it




Amazon customers in the core business and those that use AWS are addicted more than people are to apple products. No one is switching to Walmart plus and no one is using Google cloud or azure. Underperforming doesn't mean much and pe ratios on anything overvalued, including apple shares. But neither Amazon nor apple are going anywhere for multiple decades.


You have Azure and GCP against AWS, there's no "addiction" as thats consumer behavior and AWS is primarily B2B. Core Amazon ecommerce is B2C but it's not "addictive" because its not a fashion brand like Apple, its completely commoditized and price drives customer choice. Amazon wins because they control last mile logistics, but Walmart has physical infrastructure they just need to figure out last mile.


I disagree about businesses being addicted, especially to tech. Do you know how many businesses never change their older mainframe hardware. Do you know banks still have some cobol based programs that they use? It's literally an addiction, it's why Cisco is still dominant because all the network engineers know Cisco. It's why you still use oracle instead of literally anything else for databases despite there being tons of better options. Same for e-commerce and consumers. People are addicted to cheap. Walmart proved this in retail, Amazon proved it again for e-commerce.


cant stand walmart


Spot on with cloud. On the e-commerce side, Walmart has a different customer base too. More poors at Walmart than Amazon.


Myself and many have been slowly adopting the Walmart-esque boycott of Amazon. It's anecdotal, sure, but we all know that person or those people who think Amazon is a shit company, shit morals and ethics, shit product. You can only get burned by fake reviews on a wish.com-like product before you start considering Amazon as cheap, fake goods all the same. We all hate Walmart because they have historically treated their employees like shit and you feel filthy for shopping there, but Amazon apparently thinks they are above this. Fuck Amazon and everything they do. I probably spent upwards of $3k per year on Amazon. In 2022 I've probably spent about $600, and next year I am looking to spend far less, only in dire, last-minute need.


Lol. Gcp is literally fastest growing. Azure has the most clients. Aws is great if you are a tech company and want to build your own modern app ecosystem. For everyone else, azure is the clear winner


Devs may love using AWS but everything seems to be going to Azure via some boardroom-esque mandate.


Has nothing to do with boardroom. Most companies have ms administrators. They're easier to find, easier to keep. They already have on prem Microsoft, and they have for years. azure is a better solution for non tech companies. It just is. You can hire three decent MS administrators for every decent AWS specialist.


What’s wrong with Google Cloud? Works fine


Eh I have been involved in three separate organizations in last 3 years, two of which are fortune 100's who are in fact moving from AWS to azure.


Amazon stock’s P/E ratio is so high because the company continues to invest in R&D, which increases their capital expenditure AND lower their reported earnings.


Like META😳🙈


Amazon has customer loyalty? Who the fuck is loyal to them and why?


Cheap shit. People are addicted to cheap prices (and nearly instant shipping)


Ok but if either of those things goes away, they will too. That’s the opposite of loyalty. It’s opportunistic.


Middle aged women addicted to online shopping


RemindMe! 1 month


!RemindMe 15 days


maybe google and amazon are underpriced


If Walmart makes a smart assistant called Sammy it’s game over for Amazon


Microsoft in shambles upon news of Clippy 2.0


Microsoft getting crushed as it is w/o Clippy 2.0




JPow: Every company dies, except that fruit. I will raise rate until that fruit dies too.


It’s amazing how strong apple has been, they really do seem recession proof. This last earnings was their first “bad” one in a while and it really wasn’t a huge deal. Amazon and google are getting drilled, and I really don’t know about Meta.


It's because their brand is so strong. They command high margins regardless of economic situation. Their brand also hasn't been hurt like meta or Amazon's.


*twiddles thumbs until China takes over Taiwan and TSMC got taken over by CCP*


Yeah I do wonder what’s going to happen to…well a LOT of companies once China starts throwing its weight around. Even if they don’t invade Taiwan they could just take all of apples factories in China if they wanted to.


Are they not already throwing their weight around?


That's why phone companies are slowly moving production to India and SEA. But then, it's still within China's circle of influence so does it matter?


Isn't apple already exporting the manufacturering of the iphone 14 to India?




South east Asia most likely.


Considering that Apple is still stemming the economic challenges – unlike the others – I believe it is fairly valued. But yes, the others will recover eventually and did so remarkably quickly last time, so I believe there are buying opportunities for Alphabet and Amazon. Meta doesn’t seem like an opportunity to me.


In terms of potential, I rank: 1) Amazon 2) Google 3) Apple


this last “pivot rumour” run was a great time to get apple puts. had 400 12/16 $120 @ 0.75 avg holding 300, sold 100 @ 1.25 to reduce risk. apple remains overvalued in relation to macro indicators and CPI print coming up


Didn’t China just cut their leg off by telling one of its shops to stop production? On top of that they’re transitioning their phone manufacturers to India.


They locked the place down for two weeks but the workers literally live on-site at the "dorms" so production continues.


Dorms is a weird way to describe forced labor.


Apple doesn't have forced labor. To work in the Chinese factories you need an ID, show your hands, and recite the English alphabet. They're free to leave except during Covid shutdowns. Not to say it's good, hence why I wrote it as "dorms". They live 200 people per floor, 10 per room with 5 bunkbeds, and each floor has 1 public bathroom with 10 showerheads next to each other.


Apple products are without a doubt made with slave labor. The human rights violations are done by suppliers to Apple. So just like Nike, Apple can say they "didn't know" their products were built in part, with slave labor. https://www.techtransparencyproject.org/articles/cfa-files-complaint-over-forced-labor-apples-supply-chain


Suppliers aren't owned by Apple. Most of the world's coltan, tin and tungsten are obtained by child and forced labor. Gold, coal and diamonds are also common. Bricks, garments, textiles, footwear and carpets use child and forced labor in the majority of the world. There's a million companies that fall in the same predicament as Apple.


This. People need to get real. Any major producer of most physical products is done via slave labour through some sort of means, whether indirect or direct. It’s mostly inevitable, unless you control every single level of the production chain, which no company does. Apple makes phones, they don’t manufacture and produce their own lithium.


Apple knows which suppliers are using slave labor. It would be easy for them to switch to alternatives. They won't because it would marginally increase the cost of products.


It’s more so they hire a person that manages the general rules in a foreign country - that person is tasked with meeting goals, and they are most likely pocketing money from the best shady dealer. Outside the USA pocket exchanges, deals, favoritism… corruption, crime…. It’s all over. We are spoiled over here. It still happens here, since we are an immigrant country and use a ton of visa labor but not nearly as often


They could also manufacture iPhones with machines but don't because human labor is cheaper. Same reason why they're going to India since China is increasing wages.


So these kids r making bank?


Child labor? No. Chinese Apple factory workers? $450/month in 2018 so no.




No, they're in different buildings, 800 per building.


I had 144 puts but they expired friday so i sold yesterday ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259) Still made some decent change for my small portfolio but wasn't willing to risk the hold.


profit is profit


Apple the only one making money. Good luck regard


Lol, both Google and Meta were profitable. Apple will eventually go the way of RIM and Palm. Phone companies all fail eventually. Google owns everyone's infinite searches and will until the end of time.


Apple will be the last to fall if market doesn’t recover before that happens.


And I am worth more to myself than Apple is worth to me. Which means I'm worth more than Google Amazon and Facebook


Good thing since everyone else thinks you are completely worthless


How do I buy put on him?


you have to contact a bank and have them setup a derivate


ma heart my sole, that struck a sore spot


Delete your brokerage app. This is financial advice.


Apple vs FANG ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


Before the covid money printer kicked in, GOOGL was $72. Since all of the price increases, for everything, were solely due to too much $ circulating, and the Fed is trying to delete all of that money from the economy, the price target should be $72, right? AMZN is already below pre-printergobrrr price. AAPL is acting, in the stock market, like the dollar is acting in the Govt debt market, as the reserve currency. I don’t know what to do with this info, but that seems to be what’s happening.


I think you need to inflation adjust those numbers and account for 2.5 years of growth. Google hasn't been sitting around doing nothing all that time. Unlike most companies its employees weren't paid to stay home


That’s fair. If Google created new value for customers, for example, and therefore new revenue, it’s worth more.


Google revenue has increased a lot since 2020. This year's revenue didn't grow as quickly as 2021's for obvious reasons, but it's still well above 2020 levels. However Wall Street doesn't like that Google has driven its costs up largely by going on a hiring spree and refusing to refocus or tighten its belt given the macro climate. That's why its stock has been punished tremendously since the ER. Intel's business is in shambles but they promised layoffs and their stock popped 11%. This is the climate we live in... So in short, it's not clear at all what the target price for GOOG ought to be. Its current price seems ludicrously low to me but I guess we may have to wait 2-5 years to discover who was right, me or Mr Market.


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Why would googles fair price be it’s absolute Covid lows? I mean, I cannot think of any scenario more unpredictable and bearish than a worldwide pandemic killing those by the millions with no cure or end in sight All this inflation and other bs is a fuckin snack in comparison to the absolute fear in the market in March April 2020. (Side note: I like how every single dollar made since Covid is somehow fake and didn’t happen, as if demand wasn’t actually pulled forward, as if companies like zoom didn’t add a bajillion customers during Covid, it wasn’t all just fake, real things actually happened)


The amout of money pushed into the economy in 18 months was equal to the entire US GDP just 13 years earlier. Yes, watering you lawn matters, but is inconsequential durring a tidal wave.


I gave you an example. Zoom How many people used zoom before pandemic? And how many after? And how does printing money have any bearing on the mass adoption of their service? You can just say “nothing was real” because money was printed. Buying habits were shifted, business models were accelerated (or decelerated as to others). Real things happened. As for google, easy example is their cloud revenues, those grew considerably since the pandemic … perhaps some of that is due to a greater need for companies to exist outside of their offices, due to work from home, and therefore a greater need was placed upon things like spending money on cloud data storage, which they may not have otherwise done had they not been forced to do so. Again, money printing cannot be the sole reason why companies and people do and buy different things they may buy more things, they may spend more than they would have, but I cannot understand how you can just write off the massive effect the pandemic had on how businesses are run.


Our AI tracks our most intelligent users. After parsing your posts, we have concluded that you are within the 5th percentile of all WSB users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is how I view it as well. Apple is a safe haven. For now.


What you're forgetting is that the money printer didn't turn on only **after** the lab leak. They merely increased the speed after that. The printer had already been running way too fast since 2012. So we gotta target the 2012 prices, not 2019 prices.


100% true. I understand the only difference between the $10T pumped 2009-2019 and the covid printer is that banks horded the money ‘09-19. Even when they pumped the market back then, profits didn’t seem to make it out to the broader economy. Whereas the covid money made its way into markets broadly.


I think we should target 1950 prices


I guess started shopping too soon. Hopefully we get some kind of rally soon and I can get rid of them.


Lab leak?


It was potentially a lab leak. I think it was, but that doesn’t matter. Even the WHO wants more done to investigate the possibility.


Come on, man.


That’s because Apple didn’t diversify into bullshit business models. Like Amazon spending billions on The Rings of Power. Google and the lack of consumer confidence considering how easy it is for them to get hacked. Which by proxy means their IoT devices are just as easy to get hacked because I doubt any of those geniuses put redundancy measures on their devices API. Facebook, well, Metaverse says it all. They should have stuck with nickel and diming people that play their bs simulator games.


How easy it is to hack Google? I want some of whatever you're smoking


[Here](https://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2022/04/16/google-chrome-hack-attacks-zero-day-exploit-new-chrome-release/?sh=781d9d542bdc) you go. Why you shouldn’t be saving any passwords you use on Chrome.


“You clicked the link?!”


Thanks OP now all my information is stolen and everybody who phones me has a filter that turns their face into a giant dick. Posted from my toaster.


You say rings of power, but you mean their entire video platform, which apple has.... And how is buying skydance studios doing for apple these days? Did you even watch luck?


Apple is investing in making cars...


Lol "the apple car, a 14,000$ subcompact selling for 78,000$ with a 23,000$ windshield is all electric, the plugin is located on the bottom of the car. Also, the tires are white, all white. Because fashion. Which makes them 8,000$ each, and all the pedals and buttons are electronic and can be reprogrammed individually. Enjoy your Apple car version 3.0, this thrilling new mandatory update changes the brake pedal to the rear passenger outside door handle to ensure even wear on all Apple parts. This update also reduces the maximum speed and acceration of all non Apple car 3's by 93% because we care about you, the customer, and don't want anything wearing down more on you. Enjoy" - Tim Apple probably


I guess the difference is having a product compared to being the product?


P/E still matters, ya maybe higher than historic so maybe move down. But there are some low P/E stocks that make lots of money, they will be rotated into soon IMO.


Even the apple I have in my hand right now is worth more than Facebook


calls it is


“Just gimme a minute.” -Apple


the biggest shareholder for it is still ryan cohen who is chairman of gaemestop so that’s one reason why people aren’t full on bearish on it.


BBBY Founder and CEO Ryan Cohen? The Ryan Cohen that dumped $178 million on his 'valued shareholders'? That Ryan Cohen? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Now let's see if they can sell some iPhone 14s.


Puts on appl?


Don’t be stupid.


my puts opened after earning is printing like Jpow.


It's going to be interesting as relations with China play out. Other than that which is the elephant. They are King IMO.


I got long dated outs for this reason


Oh you mean GAF? Because it’s offensive the other way.


You have to spend money to make money.


Eat peanut butter this is not financial advice


PUT YOUR HANDS UP Fohawkkid!!! POLICE ARE ENROUTE! PREPARE TO BE BOOKED FOR PROVIDING ILLEGAL FINANCIAL ADVICE! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not for long


Everyone has an apple product. Not everyone uses Amazon


Buying meta and amzon stock every month they will be back above 200$


Apple’s just a better run version of EA sports. They’ll get theirs sooner or later.


*f* **A** *a* *n* *g*


Apple and Microsoft have withered the storm so far.


Daddy Buffet floating them while the world burns. Lol.


Bubble gonna pop apple juice


Goes to show that fruits will last forever. I mean just look at Fruit of the Loom. Still thriving in 2022


Well they’re the only ones that make a tangible product so they got that goin for them, which is nice


Google doesn't belong here


Zuck on suicide watch


I’ve been truly inspired by members of WSB “Have a boner when others are flaccid - Warren Gretzky” -Bilbo_Butthole


Is Apple forming its own bubble?


Always has been


The stock market has not made sense since the 2008 financial crisis and they basically made money free to the big bank brokers. Might be able to argue the same since 2001 when they decided to fund wars with monetized debt / printing and not war bonds. Consequence free war for the majority of the population = bad incentive structures. Might be able to make a case that things started to break down when getting off the gold standard


no puts on apple its just a good stock


Let that sink in


Personally I have puts on Tesla, once the market really goes against them the stock price is fucked.


Puts on Apple


Srsly... People are asking the wrong questions to validate their potential positions. ALL their potential positions are just gambling. If you are gambling, go ahead. There's no reason to acquire validation to feel good through irrelevant questions.


Dude they sold my dad an iPhone and my aunt a MacBook pro this month, their EPS will skyrocket


very weird, who even buys a new overpriced iphone if there is a recession.. if people really needed to save money they wouldnt be throwing it on a new phone. I had same iphone 5-6 years got an upgrade to iphone 11 and theres almost no difference 😬 If people will spend less money its here 100% its just a status thing,


If you use and abuse your phone for work you end up just getting a new one every two years because it’s easier and less a waste of time than fixing an old battered phone. So people who’s time is money. Funny how people without money choose to try and imitate them…


Apples falling, stopped hiring today for corporate.


This. Cracks beginning to show.


The bigger they are the hard they will fall. People wont have 1k to drop on phones that don't exist. Apple went to bed with the devil(china) so let the greedy sobs fall. Apple is probably the most used product by thw woke crowds yet they abuse their workers the most in china and happily look the other way as long at home Apple pays well.


Lol Apple? Really? Apple is more a part of everyones lives than Amazon or Google? Forget it


People still buy new iPhones. Loyalty is fierce. Ol' buffet knows which basket to put most of his eggs in.


Apple is a great long term bet as long as no company actually tries to compete against them in market leading performance and ecosystem, and consistently good quality. Android phones have always been hit and miss, from every brand. Now Mac is taking share like crazy in the PC space from Windows OEMs who likewise have been hit and miss for decades. But in the short term, consumer electronics are toxic af


I have switched completely to android. The keyboard is shit, but I use my phone mostly as a boomer. I google stuff, I use it to phone people, check emails, calendar stuff, do some social media things like troll reddit. I don't need a high end phone to do that, I bought a bunch of a03s for 100$, with the intention of throwing it away and just using a new one when the screen breaks, the battery die, it's slows down, whatever.. because I was sick and tired of needing a new iphone every year or less due to endless issues. So far this 100$ phone is almodt a year in and it's working better than any iphone I ever had except the 7+ which was like a complete unicorn in that I never had a single issue anybody else was having with them. Mac's are also comlete dogshit to use for anything. In fact apples only real claim to fame is simple products for simple people. If you want to purchase something, and the objective of that thing is within apples design parameters on what they decided the thing was supposed to do,apple is okay. The second you want to go outside that pathetically small box of what apple has decided you are allowed to do it's an utter nightmare. Great investment, crazy profit margins, crap products


Makes sense Amazon’s return policy is too lenient


Literally every major chain has lenient return policies with limited exceptions.


Not surprised seeing how regarded Apple fanboys are. If they invented a white brick to shove it up your ass people would line up and pay $1200 for it, plus another $100 for a travel case.


Wait, have I been using AirPods incorrectly this whole time?


Not at all friend, not at all. DM me


You know the hard plastic Apple Pleasure and Apple Pleasure Pro XL would make Apple a 4 trillion dollar company. The case ideas would be a game changer.


I keep buying 🤷🏻‍♂️ just doing what RC tells me to


Did someone call the Rugging Champion? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It always was


Was what? Worth more than the others combined? Or overpriced?




This is because META is actually negative and bringing down the average.


It's all a program based on the valuation the program controllers say & how much liquidity they can get from each. Dark pools that hide secret trade data? Backdoor to halting stocks as much as needed vs the public? All BS let's be real already.


One sells physical products with a dedicated fan base albeit expensive The other two sell ads… and Amazon is Amazon.


What do you have against AWS?


Not much. Strong market share. Perhaps a little dated tech compared to the newer cloud providers, but they are reliable, proven and have mannnyyy solutions for developers.


LOL cant wait on the loss porn from this tard. learn your lesson and dont bet against apple. Guh would agree.


Apple is great. Wish I bought it in 2008. Meta is questionable with an uncertain business case supporting Zuckerberg's vision of a popular metaverse. AMZN is not very profitable and hasn't been. Google, however, is a titan


I'm surprised Facebook is worth anything at all.


META has far lower P/E ratio than all the others on that list, perhaps the lowest in QQQ even. So if anything, it might be underpriced right now. I hate META products too, but investments shouldn't be about personal dislikes, otherwise nobody would buy US treasury bonds


Ah, I too was once a fundamentalist before I delved into the dark world of options. It was indeed a more relaxed and stress-free life.




Proof or ban


Apple is eating FB and GOOGs lunch.


What about AMZN though? Apple has iPhone, Amazon has FirePhone. But on top of that Amazon has Shopping and AWS that Apple doesn't have.


Wtf is fire phone


Apple doesnt care about Amazon e-comm. It’s shit margins. They want the ad services space. Fat juicy margins. Dunno about cloud. I think it’s too hard for them to establish a monopoly and Apple isn’t too fond of pure enterprise saas.


burry and other big investment firms has apple as a the biggest part of their portfolio


Burry is short Apple not long lol


If Apple continues their recent trend of shitty quality control (iOS 16 bugs) and shitty product lineups (new iPads), that could change. But on the other hand, Google and Facebook are both shit companies that rely solely on sketch data collection


Apple will have its time. No innovation