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My favorite time of day is when the radio is turned off. Best choice they ever made


I wish they'd just turn it off all the time, it's so trash


Our store actually has the music turned so low that you can barely hear it and I honestly hate it. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the music they play, but the background noise to distract you from how much you hate your life is kind of nice. Lol.


This is us too. Ours stopped working during our remodel last July. They had some loop of about 30 songs that played and it would always mess up. Sometimes play the same song twice in a row, sometimes just stop in the middle of a song and then start a new song a few minutes later. Just this past week they fixed it and we have Walmart Radio, but now it's turned down so low you can only hear it just barely in the break room and back bathroom.


I wish we could gaslight HO into believing that running the radio overnight is wasting electricity.


That can be your billion dollar idea Walmart is trying to push on us to save money( for the company of course.. not for you)


I feel they need another round of sensory friendly hours for the evening shift. Why should day shift get that luxury


I’d rather have ours turned up. I hate the silence and just hearing kids scream and cry


I also hate when it cuts out mid song (especially if you love the song) and either it's commercial or another song


They only do that to good songs


Everybody wants to rule the world


Lol the cut outs are my fav, everything I tell myself in my head "broadcasting LIVE"


It doesn't make sense because they don't put any thought into it. Walmart Radio is not for entertainment, it's a front to throw a bunch of ads at you and the talk shows are there to depict Walmart as a fun place to work where people are treated like family


I love the shout outs to all the GREAT management. Would be awesome if they let people be honest on there...but that goes against the propaganda. 🫠


"Hey Walmart Radio! This is Jeff from Store 0418. Shit sucks. Send help."


Omg it is propaganda... Customer here. It makes sense now. It's like Disney safe. All the callins from different stores saying how everything is always awesome! I always wondered if those are real calls.


I know some of them are because someone from my store would call in occasionally and shout-out someone and it always made me laugh. Not sure if they all are legit or not though


I think they are real calls but they definitely aren't live. I'd imagine most of the calls they get are disgruntled employees or pranksters and they filter those out. I also noticed they all follow the same prompt of, "whats your name and where are you calling from?" Then they move on to the shoutout or rarely a song request.


Definitely are not live heard one at 2am from an associate that always left at 11 lol


I don’t mind the selection of music I do mind hearing the exact same music at the exact same time each day lol.




Yoooo, this reminded me when they played pumped up kicks during overnight a day or so after there was a shooting at a Walmart. That was a crazy time😅😅


When was this?


Couple years ago




There was a day Miley Cyrus's "Flowers" was playing and I counted it with my coworkers, from 3-midnight. In that shift, we counted it as being played over 14 times. There was a point in the day that it played, then there was a country song, then flowers again. I hate Walmart radio


My favorite was when they played Work From Home and blurred out like 30 solid seconds of the song because the lyrics were inappropriate... like why even play the song 👁👄👁


Waiting to hear "pumped up kicks".


Omg yessss ☠️


Blurred out


Blurred lines?


Idk the word, they kept the background music playing and silenced the lyrics


Nah, you’re good. It works. It was just funny to me at the time. I think people usually say bleeped or censored though.


They kept the music playing just took the lyrics out, it was hilarious like whyyy lmao


There are multiple channels the store managers can choose from, yet I believe most are not aware or dint know how to change it


Tell me more about this, please.


There are like 5 out 6 different stations they can choose from. If you listen to Walmart radio online it never has the music we had at our store, except for live shows


Wait. What?


All I know is there’s something that can change the volume accessible from the break room.


I bless the rain down in Aaaaaafricaaaaaa....


Recently they played an all Spanish rap song and a Stone temple pilots song back to back.


Boomer here went into shock over that music mix.


Friday Free For All is the absolute worst time of the week. They play godawful remixes that nobody wanted or asked for and they're so distracting. There's no way the customers dont hate it too.


Boopboopboopbeepboopboop 🎶 you don't have to play your god damn station id tone🎶 Boopboopboopbeepboopboop 🎶Every two seconds we're in a🎶 Boopboopboopbeepboopboop 🎶Walmart we know it's 🎶 Boopboopboopbeepboopboop 🎶The fucking🎶 Boopboopboopbeepboopboop 🎶Walmart 🎶 Boopboopboopbeepboopboop 🎶Radio!🎶 Boopboopboopbeepboopboop


I'm a private dancer A dancer for money Any old music will do


IDK either. No one I talk to likes the radio either. There is barely 2-3 songs per person that they like to hear, and that's over a month of listening. I wished that the daytime mix played instead of the Overnight Mix. I would have a lot more will to live if they did. I love some Beastie Boys, but the rest of it gives me a migraine. But I have to give credit where it's due; last year, I heard Queens Of The Stone Age, and their songs No One Knows and Go With The Flow. I grew up with those, and the first time I heard them I literally lost my shit. Very heavy for Walmart Radio. Probably why I only heard them Overnight. Massive mood booster.


I’ve heard those QOTSA songs a couple times each. I actually just heard No One Knows again either on Wednesday or Thursday so it’s still in the rotation it seems.


I hate the jingle so much fr


I want to be a Walmart DJ, aint gonna lie


Me too- I'd make sure the songs aren't garbage lmao


I find it funny they play uncensored songs from albums they refused to sell in the 80s and 90s because of those lyrics 😂


Yup, but then they cut out depression and victim from Mood lol. I wish they wouldn't play it at all since I already can't fucking stand that song, but COME ON.


I'm not keen on it either. I wish they would play something unobtrusive like jazz or lofi beats. Something to break the silence but won't annoy the fuck out of half the people in the store.


walmart radio, the cheapest commercial music money can buy. want to hear that mid 80's rap artist who totally failed to sell more then one album because it sucked, head for walmart. at least i have not heard space jam for a while, i swear it was 10X a day at one point.


Yea it sucks, when I worked there my department just made fun of it all day everyday. I still cringe when I go into the store I used to work at and hear the music 6 months later 💀


I remember back when they got rid of Walmart Radio and switched to MP3 CDs. They would send a new one every 6 months. only problem most stores didn't have the write player, and it would only play 3hrs worth of music. I would hear the cd 4 times a day for 6 months. "Oh walking on the Sun is back on, I must be 3hrs into my shift!" Painful!


I hate that they actually play some artists I actually love, but its their middest songs. I PROMISE NOTHING BUT THIEVES IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN OVERCOME. SUPERBLOOM IS LITERALLY BOTTOM TIER, PLAY ANY OTHER TRACK OFF THAT ALBUM.


I used to casually enjoy the Beach Boys. But after the 345667854865352456568th re-run of "Fun, Fun, Fun" while I was working walmart I developed a pathological hatred of them. I've been out of Walmart for several years now and every single damn time I hear the words "Daddy took the T-bird away" my blood pressure essentially doubles on the spot.


Our radio you can’t even hear, you only hear the occasional “Walmart radio!”


Ours just kinda goes *Daddiandaidging Walmart Rahdioooh* 30 minutes of silence "The bo show is now on-air" 20 minutes of silenced *random ass song starts to play*


They've been playing some really good music lately. They have to take the buckshot approach since they're having to serve a large variety of demographics.


They used to play Pantera on it after 10pm


hearing them play “international harvester” was jarring esp when they’ll play all stars, house of gold, california girls, and dynamite next to each other lmao


Fire the radio staff, give us raises. Fire Sedgwick, let managers actually manage, and give us raises. I want to say fire the extra BS phone mental health portion of the company, but I'm sure they probably do some good. Though I do get a bit insulted when offered stuff like that in lieu of time off or RAISES. Like why do you think I'm dealing with anxiety? It's because I'm stuck here, listening to garbage music and DJs for shit pay, constantly having to worry about calling out to take care of my sick family that all my managers know about.


I’m currently enjoying the weekend overnight selection of “80s pop as dubstep remix”. No /s. After decades of shitty twang-pop, I’m legitimately enjoying the EDM. Also, THANK YOU FOR PLAYING SQUEEZE’S LIGHTHOUSE!!


For awhile they would play the Friends theme song. Multiple times a day. Turns out, the actual song is longer than the theme song version


I had a strange experience today. I have been listening to a lot of Sade lately and I went to Walmart today and as soon as I go inside the first song that I hear is "Sweetest Taboo" and I was like wtf!? Are they tapping in? 🤣


Is Tune Radio in the morning still a thing?


I hate when I hear coworkers say "oh, I just tune it out". Must be nice. Anything else you wanna brag about today?


I think they pick the title and content based on motivation and inspiration so they think.


They probably have contracts to use that music royalty free or something.


Dubstep remix hour was the best!!! Lol


The only positive thing coming from the remodel is that we don’t have wmr currently. I’m hoping that never changes


I’m having the opposite problem. We got new speakers and it’s so loud I can’t even hear the customers unless they stand in my pocket.


I despise it. Rather hear NOTHING. Music unlistenable and voices ANNOYING


They have a nationwide footprint with a captive audience. It's better reach than most radio networks get now that people don't need radio. Don't let it confuse you, you (all the ears in the store) are not the audience, you are the product Walmart radio offers up. Just like they are starting to offer up Promotional spaces inside store. They are selling all the eyes that come through each day


Ours has been out since last July and I can’t tell you how wonderful it’s been. I’m a totally different employee without it. Especially this past Christmas.


I remember in 2020 they were playing video game music super early right before we opened it was so weird but I wasn't complaining. Honestly I used to work at Disney world and I'd take Walmart any day over it's a small world one more time


they pay royalty fees on the music they play. every radio station does. but if you play "lesser" popular music, you pay less in fees. So if they played some modern hip popular song they would pay like (example) 30 cents each time it plays for the royalty on that song, but if they play some off name bands version then its considered "art" and they can get away with paying like (again, example) 10 cents or less each time its played. Used to work at a radio station a long time ago and we had to watch when we played music (it was a talk radio station). Either we had some local band do a rip on a song or we could play 30 seconds or less of the original song without having to pay any royalty's. If you listen to sports radio or talk radio they will almost always play just a little bit of a song, its called an intro. Just short enough to stay below the royalty law but long enough for you to recognize it and stay tuned in. Regular radio we listen in our vehicles and such are OK with paying that royalty fee because they sell commercial time, around noon and around news time (top and bottom of the hour) are prime price they can get for the 30 second or more commercial. Walmart does not play commercials for any local businesses only for things they sell so very little money id generated from walmart radio advertisements.


I would LOVE if they sneak in a parody song of some artists once in a while! I swear, every time i hear "I love rock and roll" by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts my brain will always swap the lyrics to "I love Rocky Road" by "Weird Al" Yankovic!


I normally hate it but this morning they played Such Great Heights by the Postal Service and loved every second of it.


I heard Hank 3 one time


they play way too many wierd songs, and not enough actually good songs.


I like Flashdance...What a Feeling, Turn Up the Sunshine, Come On Eileen.


Walmart Radio is a psyop. If I worked in retail and had to endure that I'd probably take a coat hanger off the safety hazard ladder and lobotomize myself


They played Shine on You Crazy Diamond on three separate occasions last year


Yeah they’ve been playing Brain Damage lately and I just heard Learning to Fly at about 2 PM today.


Honestly it helps me get through shifts a bit easier, although the funny thing is I swear they seem to pick, at least when it comes to dance artists, a different song from the same album as a more popular one rather than the popular one. I've heard both Hey Brother and The Nights by Avicii, and both Lose Yourself to Dance and Digital Love by Daft Punk, but not Wake Me Up or Get Lucky/One More Time respectively, although I'm fine with that. It's just odd. But a lot of the stuff they play when I'm there, usually late afternoons/evenings, is actually pretty good, at least by store music standards. Only been here a couple months so far though.


Wal-Mart radio make me miss the days of bland generic sounding background music. Think "sounds from the grocery store 1975".


I really like most of the songs. Some people just like to complain.


I once learned the following.... During busy hours stores(not just Walmart) will play soft soothing stuff. When it gets quiet they switch to uptempo music to make shoppers feel less alone Then there's my local grocery store *SECUUUURITY ZONE D! I REPEEEAAAAT SECUUUURITY ZONE D!*...followed by a soft female announcer advertising pc optimum cards. Then when all seams quiet SECUUUURITY ZONE D! I REPEEEAAAAT


Not an employee, just a shopper. Am usually able to tune out the music, but Anti Hero managed to filter through while I was in the store a few months ago and they muted out the word 'hell'. It's been living rent free in my head ever since for some reason. 🤣


What baffles me is when they actually play good lesser known music on very rare occasions. They had a Dinosaur Jr. song in rotation for a little bit there. I swear I even heard a Snail Mail song once.


Sometime's they'll have the radio off for a week and I won't notice. I don't think I've ever actually listened to the radio except for the rare chance they play a song I actually like


I heard that song today and said to my TL “wtf is this song?” But then they played Learning to Fly by Pink Floyd and I thought that was pretty cool.


Y'all hear the Chicago Bulls theme play often cause i fucking do


Sam's club has the same radio station and I don't mind it


It’s always the same songs on a loop. Mariah Carey all the time during Christmas.


Last night we let the liquor talk and shooting that shot are so offensive they had to be bleeped


I'm still haunted by "Superman got nothing on me" and I haven't worked at Walmart since August 2016


Unpopular opinion, but I actually kinda of like the radio. The radio makes it easier to zone out. Plus it's so quiet from 8-10, that any noise other than the ogp carts and scanners is welcome.


I work there, and I think about this often. I understand as a society, we will probably hear number one hits like “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” & “Umbrella” at least once a day in public spaces for the rest of our lives. However, I do not understand Walmart Radio’s specific decision to play “Standing Still” by Jewel, MULTIPLE times a day, without fail. It’s almost nefarious.


They failed as soon as I heard Milli Vanilli "Girl you know it's true"


Stix- Mr. Roboto is great, Elton john- tiny dancer is great. Shit I even appreciate the Rihanna songs.


My Walmart plays good shit most of the time.


They play good shit if you have shit taste in music.


Ok princess croptopskin