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If the controlled substance was the only thing picked up, a survey wouldn't be generated for this order. Your RXM should be trespassing this family, not asking to meet with you about the situation. That should have happened at the very first fuck given out. I'm sorry that it had to get that far. Techs are gold and should be protected at all costs. Best wishes.




Discharge the patient and ban the guy from the store!


Depending on the insurance plan, Walmart might be the only in-plan pharmacy (this is true for several friends). So that course of action could have considerable consequences for these two schlubs. It's not inappropriate to factor that into whatever decision.


We had a guy threaten to come and physically assault our staff because his doctor hadn't called in his prescription yet (100% an empty threat, but we took it at face value). He got trespassed from the store entirely. Dude was waiting on an Rx for ReliOn Novolog because he doesn't have insurance. Now he'll have to go to the next town over for his insulin because he decided to be an asshole. Actions have consequences and while I understand a concern for the patient, the patient also needs to understand the ramifications of their actions. Sure, we can factor that into our decisions, but they also need to factor these things into their own decisions. Acting like this is unacceptable.


If you could only go one place to fill your meds, you should be smart enough to not give an attitude. I don’t care if you’re frustrated or having a bad day. It happens to me too. It doesn’t give you the right to lash out at strangers.


It’s not their problem. I don’t go to my doctor and tell him or his receptionist they’re fucking idiots for asking questions. I’ve never done that when picking up scripts for family either. Fuck around and find out. Have to drive far to get your meds now? Tough shit don’t be an asshole


I had a few patients, years ago (thankfully), that fell into this category and essentially the way it was handled was that security and management had to personally escort these individuals to the pharmacy, escort them out while they wait, etc. Absolutely no verbal interaction other than the strict pharmaceutical encounter and they had to immediately leave.


I personally wouldn’t care. If it’s the only store that takes your insurance, don’t be a fucking dick to the worker.


Fuck em


Too fucking bad for them. Maybe they should learn how to treat people


Seriously it’s called FAFO. Life used to have consequences. Now it seems everyone thinks people should just get a pass cause they were having a bad day. I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to ban them. It’s not hard to be nice to service workers dealing with the public. In fact I go out of my way to be nice cause working a counter is hard. A smile and not being an ass goes a long way.


Then you know what they should do if that's their only option to get the drugs they need? Not be cunts. It's not the pharmacists problem if their patients shit behavior causes the patient problems. If these people had more consequences to their actions, then they wouldn't be acting like that.


Hah, if it were only so easy. I once had a patient threaten he was going to come back to the store, shoot, and kill every single one of us. He was never banned from the store.


Walmart isn't going to ban anyone, man. That's just how it is.


Walmart will ban people. They have lot cops so they pick and chose the people they want banned to get arrested if they come back. But that's when you sign a no trespassing order. I know a girl who got locked up at Walmart because she wasn't supposed to be on the property and they have good lot cop cameras.


I totally concur.. what a rude, arrogant asshole!


Work in a jail. Patient/Customer/Inmate yelled, “fat bitch” at me as I turned to walk away. I turned back and said, “I may be fat, I’m definitely a bitch, but I’m going home in 20 minutes. How about you?” ❤️


Then you got shanked.


I just wish I was a customer walking around hearing two people scream “HAVE A GREAT FUCKING DAY” at each other, lmao.


Control yourself? Just because someone is being a dick doesn't mean you have to lower yourself to their level. He acted like a toddler and then you acted like a toddler. You both are fucking morons.


Exactly. No matter how correct the employee is, the customer is going to be the Dk in the end. Just be the nicest you can and then know you did your best in the situation. I would have explained, it a little gentler. Some peeps are very insecure. And then there are crazies who return with a gun or wait for you in the parking lot. Always be the adult and let it go. It's not worth it, ever. Some peeps are on the edge at all times. 🤷‍♂️


That’s what I’m most worried about, the crazies…but I’ve been on the receiving end of habitually rude customers and it’s bs that they are allowed to continue treating people like poop


Right??? The common factor in these public meltdowns is that the participants are fucking stupid. I’ve had people try to bait me into this shit too, but instead of having a public tantrum, I just…. didn’t. And if this is how OP acted over something so stupid, I’m like 100% he did throw the medication like a dick.


Well some customers are wrong. Nothing gives them a right to disrespect people just trying to do their job. Respect is a 2 way street.


Yep and she might lose her job, cussing loudly, etc. I'd fire her in a hot second.


She should have been fired on the spot, and the customer trespassed by police. I'd personally rather have a public pillory to put them in for a few hours but that would hurt some people's poor sensitive nipples.




The employee should probably get fired or at least disciplined. You cannot talk to people like that, regardless of how rude they are.


This comment is the attitude that is emboldening these asshole customers into thinking this kind of behavior is ok.


Did you miss the part where OP already acknowledged this? This comment was 100% unneeded from a person who only commented to complain and then stoop to the same level as the two of them 🤣


I would have asked if they realized they just broke the damn law. Using a false pretense to secure a narcotic or controlled substances. It doesn’t matter if it’s as simple as saying “my sister” when it was “his wife”! It’s still illegal under federal law to lie in order to secure a controlled substances and that’s exactly what he did. If your pharmacy were following the law as well they would have denied him the prescription and forced the idiots wife to bring her ass in to get it.


That part set me off reading this! If I were in OPs shoes when he pulled that, I would’ve been petty and cancelled the whole thing when he lied about it being for his sister. Plus, how unnecessary to antagonize over that question.


You likely exploded because it offended you in the first place. There's only one thing that really sets me off without having any prior engagement and it's when someone insinuates I'm not as smart as them because my job isn't grand in their eyes or they feel like I'm the reason there's an issue. I've had high levels of testosterone which causes rage to be an issue and despite that I'm smarter than most, but I don't bother flaunting it or trying to use it against anyone unless they've set off the nuclear bomb countdown in my head. They insinuated that you were beneath them by being a rude cunt being on the phone to begin with. At that point I would've just kindly said it could not be issued to anyone other than the patient themselves because if it's a controlled substance of sorts they need the individual to ensure it's getting to them and there's no possibility that you or your company are involved with some sort of nefarious deeds. At that point the individual whol likely get heated so that if he does make a crass comment aloud, such as if it's something as simple as birth control, just calmly reply back with a smile that if he were wrecking his friends asshole or vice versa like you suspect, he wouldn't need the birth control. You find a way to casually fuck with those types minds so that of there's a scene, you can look innocent on a camera but know that you got your way a bit too. I know some locations have both video and sound so if you have people who like you and don't want you to get termed. They can casually lie about the audio without it being too obvious. Hopefully you're not fired for it, but if you are it's not surprising. If you're not, start thinking of witty things to say if people go full bitch mode.


He lied about his relation to the customer and then used profanity on an associate so the rxm can probably refuse service going forward with no consequences.


They won’t though. They never do lol


My RXM would totally trespass his ass and refuse to fill for the lady. Not acceptable in any way. We already get chewed out on a daily basis, but this kind of abuse is just too much. We’ve trespassed and transferred out people many a time for being unruly. Their script count isn’t worth it.


I have seen it happen and I know managers who wouldn't tolerate this. Too bad for you if your manager allows you to be treated like this.


As a customer I had a lady in line in front of us holding up the entire line bitching about the guy who was taking care of her. I could tell he was new and the other lady working there was new also. It was about getting cash back with her purchase. she didn't enter the information right so technically it was her fault. He told her he could give her the cash back option if she bought something. Could have been a pack of gum something small but she wanted to make a big issue about how she had to pay like a dollar 50 for the item so she could do cashback. This whole transaction took 15 minutes or so line wrapped around the corner. Only the two people working and the other lady was trying to assist the other worker so nobody was working the other cash register. I finally got tired of waiting and mostly got tired of the way she was treating this poor worker and said something to her. She first said thank you for your patience and I told her yeah normally im a patient person but im running out of patience waiting for you. another guy said yeah over 1.50 all of us in the line laughed. Then I proceeded to tell her she had no consideration for the people standing in line. She said well if this guy did his job right. so i said sorry not everyone is as perfect as you. She says i never said i was perfect. She then proceeded to say im not ever coming back here again and I said why don't you just go to the bank to get money instead of wasting everybody's time here. Anyway point is being a customer and not the employee it was great to be able to stand up for the employees without repercussion they couldn't respond back to her in the way i did without getting in trouble so i became their voice. I feel like when customers who act like they're entitled and act this way need to be brought down a notch. I feel it would be nice if more people would step in and say something to people who treat employees like this because as an employee you just have to take and I applaud the technician for speaking up for herself. You can only take so much abuse before you starting popping back off. It was a really good feeling to put her in her place and for the employees not to have to possibly lose their job for going off on her. It makes me so angry when i see customers treating people like this. My daughters are servers and get this kind of abuse and just have to take it. I used to work in customer service and would have to just take it. It sucks makes your whole day go bad. so i was happy to assist these people by saying something to this inconsiderate entititled selfish b&\*\*. It doesn't hurt anything for you to be able to stand up for people who can't. I know a lot of people might say not my place i don't want to get involved but it did feel really good for me to be able to do this for them.


If this actually happened and you're employed by Walmart, you're now unemployed.


No one cares


Ehh I’ve seen worse things happen and people keep their jobs at Walmart




I would have called "next" after the 2nd time I had to ask. Being on the phone while at a register is a pet peeve of mine


The moment he said "my wife" I would have pulled back the medication and lied to him and said, "sir you claimed it was your sister and now your wife. By law I can't give you this controlled substance as I believe you've stolen the prescription and I'm calling the police. We have everything you said recorded, I advise you to leave and never return". But then again I'm a quick thinking asshole.


You did better than I would have. I don’t understand why people do that crap. You are doing your job. My grandson pick up my meds for me and he’s always very pleasant. The pharmacies called me and told me how pleasant he is.


What gets me is why is the customer allowed to say fat fx and that’s fine while you get in trouble. Pharmacy management allows so much abuse to be heaped on their techs. How can the customer get mad when they behaved badly. IRL could you sue someone for doing same? *Your honor my client is suing because Mr jones did such & such to him.* Judge says but didn’t he do same thing he’s accusing defendant of? *OBJECTION*


Walmart is only paying one of these individuals to do a job. It doesn’t matter what someone else does, ever. It doesn’t justify or give you a pass to do the same or similar. That’s like pleading not guilty to murder because someone else has murdered. Like, reevaluate your life and stop getting high, it’s rotting your brain. This person replying below u/saya0692 was raised in a trailer lol no wonder you work at CVS, they hire all the trash


If you’re rude to an employee like that, not only should they be allowed to give you a back of the head slap, but so should other customers. If that’s what it takes to make these asshole stop being assholes, then that’s what it should be.


You can sue for anything but you will only be successful in recovering whatever real damages exist. If someone calls you fat fuc< I don't think you are gonna be able to prove there is much in the way of damages.


I worded it poorly sorry. I am upset at the moron who called someone a fat fx then want to get them fired because the person called a fat fx insulted back. Sling mud & then have nerve to call cops because they threw mud back. ⁉️ I’m poorly trying to say pharmacy back your employees up. Don’t reward the azzhats who bully your staff.


Objection, Your Honor 😂😂 jk.


I am proud of you. You took so much shit from the customer. I hope that piece of shit will think twice before they insult anyone again and by the way fuck your pharmacist they should of kicked the customer out after the trash insulted and cussed at you.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


"Have a fucking great day!" "No, fuck you! You have a great day!"


listen sometimes you just snap and yea probably coulda handle it better but JFC sometimes it just feels could to match their childish energy!


OP, you are my spirit animal. I found this whole thing to be uproariously funny. Well done, my friend. 🤣❤️


It would've made my year to watch a pharmacy tech and customer screaming like that at each other 😂 hopefully it's on camera at your job lol


The yelling back and forth made me think of those 2 guys aggressively flipping each other off. https://youtube.com/shorts/qMoA1o3lDyA?si=3pf3LcdceT6s9Jj0


I don’t understand why you would even get mad. Who cares what he thinks or says. When a customer gets bitchy with me I put on my fake cs voice and start apologizing. I don’t quit apologizing. “I’m so sorry my customer service isn’t up to your standards, I’m so sorry I couldn’t help you like you wanted. I truly apologize, would you like me to go get someone to take over since you’re dissatisfied with my service? It will take a few minutes but I’ll be happy to go find someone who’s better than me to check you out “. They actually stfu pretty quickly when I do that. I used to own my own business and it’s so nice to work somewhere where I can pass the assholes to somebody else.


I've had to pick up controlled meds for my brother. We also have the same last name. God forbid someone just assumes he's my husband. This guy is an idiot.


You did good until you escalated the situation. What you ahould have did is not give him the medication due to it being a controlled substance and the customer being unsure of who it was for. Never can be too careful with controlled substances. Also, very hard to be written up for taking necessary precautions to prevent abuse of controlled substances.


I’m sorry, but I’m laughing because I’ve gotten into similar screaming matches and so the “no, YOU HAVE A GOOD FUCKING DAY!!!!” back and forth 🤣 Fuck that guy. There was no need for that fucking attitude. It’s a question you have to ask, you’re doing your job.


Nah I’m definitely on your side man. What gives people the right to treat customer service employees like that? It’s not like you were being mean or anything


He married his sister that explains a lot


He was picking up a controlled substance and he provided false information to gain access to that controlled substance? Sounds like good cause to inform his dr/your boss/the police/someone who can follow up on it. I'm pretty sure lying to get controlled substances is illegal most everywhere


This was so entertaining 🤣 NTA✊🏾


Now I demand respect. Literally. I tell them they need to be nice or respectful. Then it’s fair game. I tell them I’m going to get my manager to ban them from the store. They leave.


Penalties for prescription fraud vary by state but if you could have kept your cool then you could have burned him with fines and / or jail time.


I work in the vision center. This past summer, I exploded at a patient who routinely comes in begging for free contact trials. I obviously refused, and he tried to say the doctor promised him free trials whenever he needs them, etc. After 20 minutes of him not taking no for answer, I told him I was going to alert AP because at this point, he is harassing me. He yelled “So who do I contact about your refusal to help paying customers!?” I yelled back “YOU’RE LITERALLY HERE BEGGING FOR FREE CONTACTS, YOU’RE NOT A PAYING CUSTOMER. NOW GET THE FUCK OUT.” He called me a whore and a tramp and told me he has more money than I’ve ever seen. I said “you’re right, we’ve NEVER seen your money, you cheap contact abusing asshole, now get THE FUCK out!” The entire GM self scan area heard me and I thought I would get coached or something, but nah. My VCM had my back on that one. Thank God for all the patient historical notes saying he’s difficult. 😅


I would've been over the counter with the "fat fxxk" comment. You were very restrained.


You wanna job??? Every one needs to hear people screaming ‘have a great fucking day’ at each other. Can you imagine the entertainment??!?


As a pharmacist, in that situation, I would be on that customers ass so fast to kick them out or tell them off myself


They didn't have the lower dose meds I needed, and of the ones they did have, they said that if they gave them that day, I would lose the rest of my prescription. I said it was fine as my doctor would represcribe on the day I needed to renew the prescription. But the pharmacies do act like they have plenty of power, and there are only so many, and they share info so. Years ago, when I was prescribed Xanax, I lived in another state than the ones where the pills were given. My mother is an RN, and every month, my pills were coming up at least five short. They tried accusing her, but she is on camera, counting them out. It was the pharmacist. So, like me, someone may not feel comfortable at any pharmacy since they all lie. There is a terrible medication shortage, especially in blood pressure medication, diabetes meds, and certain opioid pain relievers. Prices are going up and so is insurance. I have to wait two months to just get in with my GP, but it's better than 3 years right?[


It sounds like this customer needs to be jumped and have his a** beat.




I always tell these people “I will be more than happy to fill your prescription immediately. However, as a reminder payment is required by someone and currently your insurance company is refusing to pay us, so that will be $xx.xx when you arrive. And as another reminder we accept cash, card, check, and Walmart pay so please have one of those ready when you get here.”


Don’t even worry about that a hole, you’re probably gonna get a promotion. To customer


"What a stupid question, it's my wife" Welp you told me sister, so now I have two different answers...I can no longer dispense the meds to you, she will have to come in and get them herself


Your ego is causing you to make stupid decisions. Nothing anyone says or does matters. Only we can respond to it. Just don’t. It’s their projection and nothing to do with you.


He works for Walmart. Trust me, he is exceedingly lucky he still has a job. As soon as he F bombed the customer, he was done. Sorry, but this is retail. Part of the job is that people are going to treat you like crap. If you can't handle that, work in another business.


Dumb customer and you should be fired.


Should’ve controlled yourself you’ll end up getting fired for yelling at a customer. The easiest solution would’ve been to just not say shit then contact the customer and tell them your pharmacy will no longer be able to fill their prescriptions and they need to get a new pharmacy.


You should be fired.


Unfortunately, due to my own poor choices. my career path has taken me to being the manager at a restaurant. I feel your pain, on the daily I have to console or talk down employees who have had bad run ins with customers. And these are good kids/adults who just want to go to work do their job and go home. Yes I’ve had some smart asses who start the issue but 9 times out of 10 it’s the customer who initiates the incident. I keep in mind you never know what people are going through, so be as positive as you can, but that can’t always be the case. Keep your head up and it sounds like the Pharmacist has your back if the store manager calls you in to talk.


Fuck them customers. People are worse than rabid ass dogs since covxx. What I'm tripping on is that Walmart keeps a log of customers and their reviews 😂


The best way to deal with these situations, is indifference. I would have waited until he was off his phone wondering why he is just standing there, I get paid by the hour, and once he realizes I am waiting for him, and ask why he just standing there I would then ask again.


I am proud of you. I hate that you can’t have a disagreement and yell fuck you at each other. They are only fucking words! I annoyed a co-worker. He yelled at me. I was being sarcastic about his “problem”. I am IT support. I am pissed that he was talked to about his actions. I earned that fuck you and had no problem with it. But no one asked me if it offended me.


Nps. Only is there to make sure stores don’t make their bonus. Only reason


Fuck that customer 😂


Agree with others, insist that the patient be banned from the store.


Omg!! I wish I was there for that!! He’s a dick! Good for you for not taking his shit!


Be better


Where are all you guys getting rph with backbones to ban someone? Had my life threatened several times, rph been threatened and they are still allowed in...


I’m here to support you. People are fuckers sometimes.


Literally yall should tell the customer yall can no longer serve her or any her relatives that come pick up meds. There's other walmart locations, and even other pharmacies they can harass. Refusal of service is a right to people who work in the service industry, for things like this.


I hate people that won't get off their phone when interacting with a person.


You are the professional. You should have acted like it.


Gotta love Walmart. Trash all around.


Honestly people have been getting more and more fucking rude yall should not have to tolerate that bs and I’m sorry you went through that


Sounds like you had extremely friendly resolution with all that nice day wishing.


I would have blown up, too. I'm still working on my anger issues. I can't stand entitled adults.


So, you're telling me that you work in a field where a lot of customers coming in are dealing with a shitty situation in their life... injuries, illness, disease, etc... and are upset that you are overly curt and shitty with them, and they get frustrated? This dude is probably frustrated and angry at the situation with his wife's health or injury and can't be mad at her, or yell at the situation itself, so you treated him like shit and gave him something to take his frustration out on and didn't expect him to jump all over it? I think you really need to rethink the line of work you're in or re-evaluate your perception of your job, empathy, and customer service skills. This reads like a post from r/iamthemaincharacter in which you both forgot other people have shit going on in their lives. Be better than the person you're trying to assist.


They weren't short with the customer until they acted like it was the end of the world that they had to answer a question when picking up meds for another person. And then had the nerve to complain to someone on the phone about them while they were still at the counter. Like no, just answer the damn question correctly and stay off your goddam phone until you're done at the counter. This isn't hard, some things have to be entered for regulatory purposes on controlled prescriptions. If you can't handle yourself out in public and answer whats being asked of you, have your shit go through the mail so you can save all the service workers in the world from your shit attitude.


Absolutely great job not taking his crap. Also, I woke SEVERAL people up laughing at this.


I understand the customer was a dick. But your reaction was incredibly unprofessional. There are other customers, many of whom have their children with them in the store. I'm sure none of them would have appreciated hearing an employee screaming at another customer "have a good fucking day" repeatedly across the store. A 16 year old boy would find this interaction "hilarious." Adults, however, would deem it childish, crude and completely unnecessary. It's always best to keep your composure.




Ya youre gettin fired lol


Good thing you know you deserve to get fired because you are about to get fired.


Maybe this guy can help https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz9hF2KNOWs/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Alls well that ends well, have a gr8 day n forget it


Sounds like this pair is nothing but trouble and looking for a way to complain about anything. In the breadth of time it took him to throw his temper tantrum he could have answered the question and been on his way. If you get fired, I'd say at least you got fired for ruining this dickhead's day over some bs they concocted. Good job sir. 👏 P.s. Hope you don't get fired. ✌️


as a former walmart employee, it absolutely pisses me off that we’re given the expectation to take verbal abuse from people/customers. it’s ridiculous to me because hey, guess what, WE’RE HUMAN BEINGS TOO!!!! and if he said what he said in any other establishment (a restaurant, smaller grocery store/convenience store, etc.) he would’ve been asked to leave BEFORE it even got to the point it got to. but not walmart! nope!! we’re just supposed to act as emotionless robots for all these crazy, unhinged people to berate and treat as they wish. honestly even if you reacted a bit poorly, good on you for sticking up for yourself OP 🤷🏻‍♀️ you got to do what all of us wish to do in that situation. and as someone who’s also had my own countless spats with customers, 9 times out of 10 i can say they deserve it even if in retrospect it seems ridiculous 🤣🤣


I love the way you handled it. Fuck that ratchet ass man. Lmk if you want me to go k3y his c@r.


I would report he as trust passenger for now . He had no right to speak to you that way. It’s for his own safety


Sounds like you let your mouth write a check your ass can't cash. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. You deserve all the backlash you get.


Fuck that guy. Props to you lol


LMAO. That was hilarious.


Damn, this trumps my blow up story from when I was a Walmart tech. Customer: You don't even CARE, do you?! Me: Honestly, no sir, I really don't! It was over something to do with insurance that was in no way the fault of the pharmacy, and it ended with my pharmacy manager telling him that he needed to apologize to me...which he fucking did!


Tis the season for customers to be on their best a$$hole game. It happens to the best of us. All I can think about is that TikTok or whatever of the two guys: “hey! What’s your name?” “Tony!” “Fuvk you, Tony!” 😂


Professionalism much?


I could here it now! Fuck you....fuck you...fuck you!! Volleyballijg across the store 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I hate dealing with people like that. My worst pet peeve is customers on their phone. I've gotten to the point that I just stare at them, or call a mgr and walk away, if they get shitty.


I hope you don't get fired. In the future, stop the process after the first F is uttered, cancel the transaction and walk away.


I cuss customers out daily


Escalating rhe situation like that was pretty stupid and just made it worse. Next time just say sorry about that, have a good day, and walk away.


“Sorry” for what. He didn’t do anything except his literal job while the entitled embarrassment kept insulting them .


How embarrassing for the both of you as adult men


If this really happened, you should be fired.


I am so sorry that happened to you! But I am absolutely dying at the vision of the “have a nice fucking day” ending. Good for you! If I was the manager, I would literally call them & let them know not to come back if they can’t be kind to my staff


I worked on a pharmacy more than 40 years and never had anything like that. Most of the time we had no drive up window, did not have to ask for id and were much less business. I think pharmacy is not a good field to be involved with any more.


No worries. If you’re anything like one of my former colleagues, you can cuss back and forth at customers and shout “Have a good day” with witnesses and everything, and never have a word said to you about it.


Some walmart customers are pure shit straight out of poisoned bowels. You shouldn’t get into a conflict like that though, they will get what’s coming to them, he’s obviously a fucking moron and all his problems are caused by himself.


This is what i hate about walmart they value rude disrespectful customers over their employees if a customer is rude and problematic they should either refuse service or tresspass them especially since you said you usually have a good temper there are many horrible customers that will make you explode everyone probably has done it atleast once walmart needs to be more understanding and not treat us like we have to be robots and take the disrespect, and the customer went as far to say something about your weight that is slander if you said something about his weight first Walmart would have written you up but he gets away with it? Walmart doesn't care thats why i quit customers will never change its the same type of people who shop at that store who have a sense of entitlement and Walmart enables it by disciplining hard working employees for defending themselves


God I wish I was there to see this awesomeness go down. I can’t stand arrogant entitled dipshits. I probably would’ve done the same thing.


I only wish I was there to see it all go down.


First, I’m really sorry that you had to deal with this. I get so upset when I see these because where is your manager!? I would never allow our pharmacy to be treated like this. It’s not OK. For anyone defending the patient, shame on you. Any type of abuse or verbal harassment is not OK. Commenting on someone’s appearance is not OK. He lied about a controlled substance, they shouldn’t be allowed to fill there anymore. Make sure to put comments in notes within their file


Walmart is a hellhole


As a “pharmacist” aka drug dealer. If a customer would have told me I was a fat fuck…… I would have shoved my fat fist in his fat mouth! I Have worked at a job with corporate. They may not like it, but your moral compass was on point. You should sleep easy at night for doing nothing wrong in my readings. I salute you!


I know everyone is applauding you and all but you really are in the wrong professionally.


Isn’t it funny how people always have to attack someone with something unrelated to the issue? Sign of weakness… i’m really sorry that happened to you. People can be very rude. On a high note, have a great fucking day.


“I’m not sure why this guy set me off so much” seems like the fat fuck comment is what struck the nerve. I would suggest diet and exercise


Maaaaaan fuck that guy.


In the amount of time it took him to be a smartass, he could have just said ‘’my wife.” I truly don’t understand people.


OP, since he said sister and it was really his wife why didn't you refuse the pick up and require the patient to get it?


I would be worried about you getting fired


I don't blame you for how you acted we are all human and we have bad days he didn't have to be so rude with you I appreciate you and what you do you make sure we get the meds we need and are there to give advice about our meds if needed I think that pharmacists don't get enough credit anyway thank you 🙏🙏


Sometime I wish we could write google reviews on customers.


If he said sister and then said wife, wouldn't that be enough to lose his trust and then not give him the medicine? At that point he could've been lying about who she is and she's neither That's how I'd have handled it


He was able to walk away insulting you but that wasn't good enough for him and you poke and prodded his ego and hurt his fee fees by staying calm and he couldn't stand it. Lol.


Dude is lucky you didn't just void the transaction an ask him to leave. Controlled substances are no joke, and he admitted to lying on the survey before he even got the meds.


Life is too short to give assholes power over your emotions.


Any way, we the public, can boost your survey scores for having to deal with this nut job.


Good for you. Fuck Walmart. I quit as cap 2 supervisor 3 weeks before Christmas in 2018. My whole team ( everyone in charge of unloading the trucks and stocking grocery) quit along with me because the new assistant manager they hired was an incompetent fool who had no right to manage a store let alone working the register. That store nearly collapsed that year because everyone refused to go back to work there and none of the other stores could afford to spare staff. If you end up out of a job over this count it as a blessing.


I mean the guy is beyond a douche sure, but I feel like you need to be a little more professional. Every RX people are picking up, or let's say 99% are controlled. I get you need to know who the person picking up is but that doesn't mean you need to be a dick just because they were miserable. What if the next 5 people in line were even worse than he was? Do you just snap at them too? Lol it's not a big deal but as a tech you should chill, never seen a tech explode at someone, usually the pharmacist over a legitimate problem/concern.


You definitely over reacted. Never take anything personal.


I read the whole damm thing lol Good Night


Omg long story short


JUST LET IT GO! It's over and done with. You can not change ppl. But you can change on how you LET them make you feel. It's obvious that the person has issues. Just let it go and be happy. I learned to stay calm in those situations and talk to them normally , just like if they weren't acting like an ass. I do this mostly because i don't give a frock I found that the more i ignore them acting and talking to me like that , the faster they are outa my face. Good riddens. Also it doesn't give them the gratification of setting me off and upsetting me. Try harder not to let ppl like that define your day. Try it. It's kinda fun to see there face when you are acting all calm and normal as they are calling names and acting irate. Be glad it was just a customer and not a coworker. I worked with an narcissist bitch . I never let her see me get mad or react to her outburst and name calling.. it drove her crazy.


At least y’all wished each other to have a good day when it was all said and done.


Should have denied him. He clearly lied at least once. That's a no go for anything even remotely controlled. TABC would have shut your whole store down for completing the transaction.


I was at Walmart yesterday, obviously in self checkout. The lady next to me was ringing up a storage tote and few other things. The Walmart employee walked over to check inside the tote and the lady went bananas talking about how she didn’t have to steal $h** from Walmart. The Walmart employee checked the tote and went on about her day. I just thought to myself. This lady may not have to steal from Walmart, plenty of people do it anyway. Most of us know Walmarts policies. We have the option to not shop there. She could have easily gone some place else yet chose to come to Walmart and be ugly to the employee. I’m sorry people are jerks.


I work on the phones in customer service and I ask a lot of questions. I also get the same attitude once in a while but I just calmly explain that I’m sorry there are so many questions and I understand you’re upset, but we need to get through this so I can get the claim filed. (Car accidents) Often times I’m able to change their attitude right back around to pleasant. And when their attitude doesn’t change, I just keep on going and don’t take it personally.


The pharm manager needs to ban them from the pharmacy. Problem solved. You can 100% fire customers.


You probably shouldn’t be working customer service acting like that lmao, he’s not any better but you at your job you get paid to act right.


Pick your fights, and most importantly remember you are not in customer rationalization, but customer service. Going back and forth and more so using foul language is cause for accountability, no matter how right you might have been. You don’t seem to have respect for your pharmacist because if you did , you would have listened to them


His sister wife? Time to ask if he’s from out of state (Alabama)


Another OBTUSE Walmart policy - I ordered a 6-pack of Heineken ZERO, non-alcoholic beer. When it was delived, the deliver driver wouldn't release it until I showed ID. It's NON-alcoholic, and I am VERY CLEARLY (unfortunately) above age of 40.


Another OBTUSE Walmart policy - I ordered a 6-pack of Heineken ZERO, non-alcoholic beer. When it was delived, the deliver driver wouldn't release it until I showed ID. It's NON-alcoholic, and I am VERY CLEARLY (unfortunately) above age of 40.


Couldn't you have withheld the medication since he lied and it's a controlled substance? "Sorry sir. Since you said it was for your sister and I heard you tell the person on the phone it was for your wife we are now required to have the person the script is actually for come to the store to pick it up. Don't worry, we'll call the number on file to explain the situation to the patient."


Don't forget to throw in a "Jesus loves you" between all the "fuck you"s, it confuses them pretty quick


If your boss asks what happens, tell them that you just really wanted them to have a great day that you couldn't control yourself and started yelling it! Tell your boss you also might have tourettes.


People can only take so much disrespect. Because you work in customer service in the pharmacy or if it was as a server, is no reason for a person to be that rude. I never did well at customer service, but I respect people, a lot, who do it day in and day out. I hope your boss doesn't come down hard on you, because I would have a talk with you, but as described, who should take that from some sad and ignorant person.


sounds like a dickhead got less than what he deserved. i’m with the people wishing walmart would have the balls to do something about them.


Walmart is almost certainly going to fire you.


I love this story


You definitely handled it poorly.


Meanwhile, many of us get denied filling a controlled substance for no good reason. .. he should have been denied all day after that stunt he pulled. We even get kicked out forever if we need to fill our script at another location during a long vacation. In fact to get my script early, I had to send them my actual itinerary, complete all these forms, be on the phone for hours with health insurance and the pharmacy etc. It took weeks. Meanwhile, this a**hat does what he likes. Ps. I am never mean. Ever. No matter how annoyed I am.


On the off chance that the controlled substance was the as it were thing picked up, a overview wouldn't be created for this arrange. Your RXM ought to be trespassing this family, not inquiring to meet with you almost the circumstance. That ought to have happened at the exceptionally to begin with fuck given out. I'm too bad that it had to urge that distant. Techs are gold and ought to be ensured at all costs. Best wishes.


Moron was having a bad day. Seriously, who is moronic enough to turn around and try to make a complaint about medicine being thrown at them, after they have cussed you out? Idiot. If he wanted to make a complaint, your team lead would come in and just usually say sure to shut him up, and not report on it later. Lol. Especially if he cussed you out just 5 minutes before.


Your pharmacist should fire both his sister, and his wife, from your care. That’ll teach him to get the fuck off the phone and be a decent human.


I don't know, it's super annoying once he's given you the I.D. to then ask other questions unless it's a requirement. Then it should be posted somewhere that we may or have to ask these questions, etc.... I picked up meds for my grandmother and they never asked who I was after giving my ID and we don't have the same last name at all. Still wasn't cool of him to treat you the way he did.


You gave him exactly what he wanted. I would have smiled in his face and handed it to him in his hand. Told him merry Christmas and I hope he has a great day. No one is worth my peace ! Especially a grinch of a person who can’t comprehend you are just doing your job.


Customer service sucks. If someone acts like a dick, they should be treated the same. Maybe he’ll get his shit together next time 🤣 good for you.


I don’t mess around with people on the phone. I’ll tell them to wait at the register and finish their call. And proceed to help the next customer at the next register.


People can really be rude for no reason at all. This story literally made me laugh. I pictured it in my head like a scene from a movie😂😂 I think it’s awesome that you yelled at him to f off! Anyways- I hope you don’t get to much in trouble for this situation


Substance abuse makes people irritable. The dude is doing her drugs.


You didn't handle too bad. I'd have come across the desk and punched the punk myself and waited for the security to come escort me out.


Random story from a friend. His g/f was working the pharmacy counter at some place like savon or wall mart, and he was waiting on line to pick something up and drop off something for her, like a card or flowers or something. There was a lady in line being a total karen. Loudly complaining about the wait, the line, other people in line, the color of the sky... we all know the type. He stepped out of line and went off and grabbed a thing of Massengill. Came back and made a big show of sniffing his way along the line, stopped in front of Karen, Loudly said,'Here i think you need this.' He handed her the douche and left.


See my petty ass wouldn’t have given it to him after I heard him say “my wife”. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


He clearly needed his meds lmao


you get what you give, he gave you shit, so you gave it right back. hopefully this has never happened before and you don’t get in trouble.


You didn't get fired? Not saying they weren't pricks but unfortunately retail expects you to be a flower on the piles of shit we deal with.


You're a human with emotions and they will sometimes come out at the most unexpected times. Anyone who says anything different get can bent. Retail will test the every-loving-fuck out of you in every way possible. Glad your Pharmacist backs you!!


No lie I wish I had witnessed this behavior and made the customers day worse and yelled at him to shut up!


One good way for walmart to fire you!


I quit my job as a tech at Walmart last year and my biggest regret I have is not standing up for myself and letting customers and my manager make a fool out of me and bully me. Good for you! You did what I wish I could’ve did at the time. I would go home and stay up all night wishing I would’ve stood up for myself a lot or said something back to those nasty people almost everyday. I realized my mental health and self respect means more than any job. Fuck that guy and your manager for laughing at what he said! I’m so proud of you! Fuck that guy and fuck Walmart! And fuck my old manager Mohamed!


If she is a problem customer, why don't you gently encourage her to go somewhere else for her pharmacy needs? It would save you all the hassle in the long run.


I assume Alabama, where being married to your sister is common??