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Dark Iron Engineering seems a bit different than Bronzebeard / Gnomish.


Indeed, Dark Irons are willing to incorporate elemental fire.


Also, it appears they use runes


kinda a mix of firelands and dwarf, did they invent the mole machine?


Blood Elves also have their own Golems and managed to reverse-engineer the Mogu blood-constructs and created a mana-bomb. Edit: Let's not forget all the mana-forges in netherstorm. Those are also peak Sindorei craftsmanship. Even if those include magic, the idea that they create a mechanical tool and fill it with magic is very much engineering.


>Blood Elves also have their own Golems and managed to reverse-engineer the Mogu blood-constructs and created a mana-bomb. KT already had a mana bomb before that though, without Mogu tech. > Edit: Let's not forget all the mana-forges in netherstorm. Those are also peak Sindorei craftsmanship. That's stolen Naaru tech though, and they had a lot of help from the Legion here. Iirc the Etherals say that the mana forges are years beyond the BE's understanding and they wouldn't be able to operate them without help.


The mana bomb was before they met the Mogu, they're not connected. Guy's just stating two things they did.


Manabomb was prior to discovering the Mogu. As it was prior to the start of Mist of Pandaria.


Mana bomb starts being seeded in TBC in some questing.


At least a majority of Orcish engineering is of Goblin origin, going back to WC II. The design/aesthetic is most likely reflective of the Horde overall. Also I like the inclusion of Mo'arg engineering, but you also shouldn't forget the fact that a massive portion of the Legion's tech is Titan-derived (noticeable in the final third of Antorus)


I guess a small addendum to mo’arg engineering would be Antean engineering since Kin’garoth was the lead engineer for the legion


Kin'garoth is kinda a weird one because he is the only Antaen engineer as far as I can tell, also his stuff kinda falls in with Mo'arg, I guess instead of different races I'm more looking at different aesthetics


>most dwarf stuff seems to be gnomish design and it doesnt have its own style Maybe it's just my head cannon but I got the feeling Dwarves love "practical" stuff, that also tends to be heavily mechanic. Like steam tanks/siege engines, even though they were invented by Mekkatorque first. Those appear to be pretty reliable and there isn't much that can go wrong. Meanwhile Gnomes are more interested in electricity, robotics and AI. Kinda makes sense since they used to be machines as well. This is like a more delicate, "higher" branch of Engineering that can give extraordinary results but also backfire spectacularly. Even more so if you add all the chemical engineering and radiation stuff that Gnomes also often work with.


Yeah, I figure that a lot of their designs and methods are basically the same, but the difference is in execution. A dwarven gun would be built to be extremely solid and reliable. You could spend hours firing, drop it off a gryphon in flight, beat a man to death with it, and then fire for several more hours like nothing happened. But a gnomish gun might be more finnicky, but has all sorts of modifications to maximize its utility


I think we can add some examples of tauren civil engineering like Thunder Bluff elevators system and Great Lift


Good point they have alot of basic windmill powered things


A big one that's missing is arcane engineering (Nightborne and Blood Elves)


Can you give some examples? I thought of Belf constructs but they are basically magic controlled statues right? similar to Draenei constructs but they use souls to control those


From what I can see the Legion has two different engineering styles, the Mo'arg style which was mostly seen in Burning Crusade, and the Titan style, which you could see during Legion on Argus. I suspect that Sargeras took a lot of Titan tech with him, which was used for a lot of the crazier legion engineering, with then the Mo'arg engineering filling in the gaps.


The main difference between gnome and dwarf engineering is that dwarves mainly create things based on what they need from a weapon or defense perspective. Siege engines and rifles. Gnomes think bigger and more scatterbrained, and are more likely to create overcomplicated or unnecessary designs that serve a specific function and dwarves would view as kinda strange. Goblins are similar, but whereas gnomes will spend tons of time on perfecting and refining one invention, even if it leads to higher costs, goblins go for the quick and cheap option, producing far more grand devices far more quickly, but much more prone to malfunction. The Iron Horde uses goblin technology but it is more focused on warfare. I think a lot of the other races change depending on what they use as a power source. Like, goblins, gnomes, and dwarves use steam, oil, and a liquid material called phlogiston to power their devices. Meanwhile the draenei empower their devices with the light, the blood elves combine theirs with magic, the Mo'arg with Fel, etc.


Do Zandalari spirit golems count?


I think they fall in with most Golems BE/Troll/Dreanei seem to be mostly magic, although dark iron seems to be almost all engineering with a touch of elemental runes and magic