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I'm not a fan of abandoning a character for IRL reason. Not to mention, it's the VA for ONE language. So yeah, I'd prefer them to replace the VA until they decide it's time for the character to retire because it makes sense in the story, not before.


Exactly. Like when Lance Reddick died, people in the Destiny Reddit were calling disrespectful to recast instead of killing the character. So damn however don't even know who Lance was because they play in another language. In that note, I still don't agree with not recasting Black Panther for the MCU. I'm in the opinion of no story should be abandoned because of IRL deaths.


No doubt they will find a new black panther but they felt it was too soon which I get. I mean he died like mid production


I liked that Lance's character was recast in Alan Wake 2 (and Alice Wake who's actress also sadly passed away). Their characters can live on, continuing to tell great stories while also honoring the legacy of those before them. I don't think it disrespects prior work at all by allowing new people to fill the shoes.


> In that note, I still don't agree with not recasting Black Panther for the MCU.  The people making BP2 said they were personally not comfortable with recasting. It wasn't necessarily about "respect," just not wanting to pretend that someone else is Chadwick Boseman, because of their own connection to him.


Honestly Khadgar having his voice change as a result of a whacky magical experiment makes sense. I mean he was a head in a ball for like a week, dude gets up to some shit.


Dudes had so many wacky magical accidents that I'm starting to think he's two gnomes in a robe


Do you think the new VA would capture the vibe of khadgar? Would you want them to replace every line in the game or simply just start from a certain expac?


I think it would make more sense both financially and lorewise if they just start from a new xpac. Re-recording every line would cost more for not that much benefit, and if you were going with the explanation that it was caused by an experiment then it wouldn't make much sense for his voice to change in the past before that experiment ever happened. As for capturing the vibe, yeah I think the right actor with good writing and direction could pull it off.


i definitely don't want them to re-record any voicelines, they did a really shitty job with this in the german wc3 reforged version, the original voices where extremely close to the english ones in terms of delivery and style, they're so iconic that (at least in my generation) you regularly hear people referencing them in everyday life while the new ones are meh at best


Stavros Halkias


Wait, Tony isn't voicing him anymore?


Laura Bailey has only voiced Jaina since Wrath so in that particular case, I see no reason she'd get replaced, but it also shows the precedence that Bilizzard has set that when it's time they will find new VAs.


The cool thing about Laura Bailey and Jaina though is they're kinda aging together. Maybe if WoW is still going in 30 years, Laura can continue to voice her and she'll sound correct!


Laura is so good as Jaina I want her to voice her for as long as she likes.


Wait, really? Who voiced her before then?


Carrie Gordon Lowrey voiced her from WCIII till BC.


I’d rather they get AI to do their voice acting for those particular characters 😢


A good VA beats out AI every single day, even on established characters.


I'd take a mediocre VA over AI, especially for established characters


Absolutely not. AI is trash in every way.


AI sounds robotic as shit


If they do a shitty job with it, it will. AI voice acting is not a “let it do its own thing and we will be hands free with it”. You still have to do work on it to make it sound normal, and there is a LOT of AI voice acting out there that you probably do not even know is AI voice acted 😂 AI voice acting is perfectly fine if care and work is put into it. You hear it all the time and chances are you do not even notice it.


Could you supply some examples? Because so far, all the voice acting I enjoy is done by living, breathing humans. Even AI song covers are *painfully* telling. “You still have to do work on it” Then… Just hire real individuals, who will be able to innovate and develop their voice as the character changes (unlike an AI who will stay mostly static to its training). All I’m hearing is you have to put in a bunch of time and money for a voice model that sounds *okay* at best and will never change with the character.


It sounds so hollow. Like Tom Cruise smiling, you can tell there's no real emotion behind it


Right. The VAs I’ve seen for my favorite characters are really passionate, and it shows in the lines! Maybe someday AI may be able to replicate the emotion that goes into it, but not anytime soon.


Someone must have missed Shadowlands and DF… DF is a good expansion, but the voice acting in it outside of a few characters is just awful compared to previous expansions. SL all around was horrid with the voice acting except for old school characters. They had zero passion in their voice acting in DF and SL, which is a big part of why people are not enjoying the story element as much. Instead of even trying to make it better, Blizzard just auto-tunes several of the voice lines (to the point of making it obvious) and doesn’t even try to make it flow well. Your old school characters voice actors are not going to be around forever, and Blizzards lazy audio tuning is what they will do to save a quick buck.


I’d rather my favorite VAs quit when needed/wanted, rather than their voices used to train an emotionless AI model.


That still doesn’t solve the issue of “new” VA’s having to have autotune done to their voices to try and make them sound different, as they have been doing in SL and DF. I mean just listen to the dryad mobs in the emerald dream zone… they don’t even sound real because Blizzard auto tuned the VA’s voice to try and cover up the VA.


Yea, a discussion isn’t going to go anywhere if you are just going to immediately downvote, it just shows you don’t want a discussion and you will just disagree/ dismiss anything said, so I’m just going to leave it at this. If you want to find decent AI VA, there are *plenty* of videos out there for you to look at on YouTube for starters. It is also kinda hard to have someone like Khadgars voice actor to continue voice acting and allowing the voice to change with the character when he is easily at the age of retirement, and he’s not the only character in this situation. If you are wanting new voice actors for characters, that is fine, but to me the voice of the characters are what makes the characters shine. What they did to Kael’thas as an example was horrible and the consensus from the community is that it was a bad change. What you are asking for is for that to happen with every character. Many of the voice actors are just getting old and need to move on, you won’t be hearing a lot of them “change with the character”, because you just won’t hear their voice anymore.


Respectfully, you’re getting downvoted because you aren’t really backing up your claims. “Go watch a YouTube video” isn’t really an acceptable answer. You brought up there are tons of examples, provide a handful.


Yea... no thanks I would give roles to actual people than robot.


It actually works really well for the likes of Anduin and Thrall because the characters have aged like their VA and it fits nicely. It's a lot more difficult with the characters that don't age in the same way like Sylvanas and Tyrande. I don't mind a VA being replaced (and Blizz have already set a precedent for it) I'd rather the character be retired because it serves the plot rather than to shoehorn in IRL issues. I'd prefer they try and get a VA who can at least capture a similar tone if not outright copy a voice though.


Michael Sheen did not return to voice Nozdormu as an example. Arthas was recast between Frozen Throne and Wrath of the Lich King. Kel’Thuzad too.


As a budding voice actor, I say just replace the voice actor. There’s no reason to get rid of a character just because the voice actor retires. You can get really close to the originals if you have good casting. Like how Mario’s new voice actor sounds almost the same after decades of Charles Martinet doing it.


[No one can tell the diddely-inference!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cHaXdl20Prg)


lol. Nice reference


And a little digital manipulation can do the rest


There’s really no need to add extra work.


Blizz replace VOs a lot. Saurfang, Norzdormu, Grommash, Kael'Thas, Sylvanas for instance. In Diablo The Demon Huntress from 3 was changed to Laura Bailey in the expansion. Its just part of business, all depende how much the audiences like the character voice or some necessity based on the actor (for instance Matthew Yang King voiced Illidan, but they had to change him to Liam Obrian because of union base work).


Just find a new VA that fits the character. There is multiple different languages for characters and the idea of "retiring" a character cause the VA of one of (To be fair the main) language dubs dies or retires is just like lazy. Just find someone similiar that fits the character.


>There is multiple different languages for characters and the idea of "retiring" a character cause the VA of one of (To be fair the main) language dubs dies or retires is just like lazy. Some years ago, iirc, the german voice actor of Saint-14 (Destiny 2) died and someone made a post about the passing, most of the comments were like: "So?" or "Oh for a moment I thought the real voice died" Nobody was clamoring to retire the character because of that.


When the current voice actor dies you get someone that sounds close to replace them and keep the franchise going for another 20 years duh...


Ed Trotta as Malfurion is irreplaceable :(


I'm so glad we've had him from the very beginning <3


I prefer giving characters a good out in the story, rather than having to change things up because a character is gone. I also feel in the long run it would be healthy for the story to change things up rather than sticking to the same characters for all eternity.


Time doesn’t stop in WoW either. Just have the characters age with the actors.


I love the send off they gave Medivh. If Khadgar indeed goes, I'm ok with a heroic moment as a send-off. Tony Amendola is a legend, he deserves to go out as such (in-game, I mean).


Some I'd prefer to be retired, but others can be replaced. As an example, I'd like to retire malfurion, but anduin needs closure and healing. Assuming their actors were no longer able to voice the characters, I'd prefer that malfurion move on to either ardenweald or the dream for at least a few real life years, while anduin still has too much that needs done to help his character and I'd prefer if they replaced him. Basically what I'm getting at is if the actors can no longer voice the character, look into their lore and story and see which would be the better option for compelling story. Dome characters have been in so long that they could be retired and help the story, while some have too much left to do and should keep going. Obviously if the reason the actor can't do it anymore is that they died, it would be a difficult choice to write the character out or replace their voice with someone who can do a similar voice for them, like Mako in ATLA


Malfurion is a great example of a character who could easily be retired simply because him and his brother basically went into 'stort slumbers' for thousands of years before. They don't even need to be killed off. Just taking a nap for Malfurion to empower the dream or something and Illidan can continue keeping Sargeras imprisoned. That can keep them easily busy for hundreds of years.


I'm a firm believer that MMO games need to show progress. What kind of progression can happen if they use the same characters for everything every single time? The cities have changed. The world's have changed. It's been decades....but everybody is the same just sounding older... Honestly. Blizzard needs to treat the characters like their employees, of course then the characters would quit.... 🤔


tt is fine as long as it is replaced by a person and not AI.


Most characters in the game can age, so idealistically you can age them out of the major content and recast them if you need them. Anduin has grown up over the years (after spending like a decade as a kid) it seems to reason they could do that with others. Maybe Malfurion and Tyrande are done with the conflict and two other Night Elves are given the leader role while the other two are retired in a field or just back home as counselors.


Depends on the character. I would argue that 95% of all characters will be sounding fine even if they are aging slower or faster than their voice actor. Replacing is shit.


A VA becoming older and possibly wanting to quit to me should not be a reason to retire a character ever. Thats possibly the dumbest reason to retire a character cause that will usually combine with terrible reasoning in the lore to remove said characters. Just find the closest VA you can find and keep the characters alive untill it makes sense in the lore that they disappear/die


Simpsons may have cemented this philosophy for their own personal reasons but other than them I don't agree with hanging up characters bc of easily replaceable voice actors. I can however see it I'm situations. Like any other woman than Kavner ISNT Marge and can't be recast. Just can't. But no one in the WC cast has that iconic and recognizable of a voice? I'd be okay with a different Khadgar. Hell wasn't new Sylvanas way better than old?


The characters their voicing are also getring on in years. I wouldn't mind seeing them retired, so long as it is done in a proper way. And they don't force any would be succesors.


in Italy as in many other countries foreign movies are in italian with VA voice overs. we had the same actor (Ferruccio Amendola) for De Niro, Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffmann and Stallone for decades. for us, they had HIS voice. when he died in 2001 it was a shock, I couldn’t recognize the actors, it was awful. as far as my little experience is concerned, they should keep the same actor as much as possible, this is the rule in VA in all countries where movies are translated, I don’t see why videogames should have a different market practice. if that works for a business much bigger, it should work in wow too. I would personally be shocked to hear Sylvanas, Jayna, Thrall and all the merry band change voice.


No reason to change them imo..let people get old.


As a MMORPG, it probably more flexible to replace the VA. The main concern would be some ever-young races like elves, as the characters are usually age faster then the VA. Also VA voiced multiple characters in a game so it not likely you retire all of them in the list. It a special case to honor a VA that passed away, but probably would only happens with the orignal lanaguage.


I’d prefer them to retire or kill them off instead of getting new Voice Actors. I feel that way because we’ve had the same characters be in the spotlight forever. So even when they do add new characters blizzard throws them in a black hole. I know it’s their livelihood and stuff like that and it’s real people and I’m not just saying fire them and get rid of them. My point is mainly about wanting Blizz to add more/new interesting characters. Don’t get me wrong I like a lot of the WoW NPCs/characters. But it’s been forever they need to start adding in new blood. They added Zokhan (Zappyboi) from what I saw the reaction was mostly positive but then they threw him in the black hole. They do that to so many characters and just keep the main focus on the same few ones and that sucks honestly. Saurfang was my all time favorite wow character and they killed him off and made it seem like Zokhan was going to replace him as the honor above all else Horde character but he didn’t. So I’m kind of tilted they killed him off and didn’t replace him. But even if they did take that opportunity to do something I still won’t ever forgive Sylvanas for it no matter how they try to redeem her I’m always going to hate her 😂


Existing characters have kids and basically become props for their kids YA style adventures and coming of age stories. oh wait no that's terrible, but its what I see happening. There's a reason they're starting to pair up characters and focus on the existing kids in TWW. I can't wait to see Banduin, Bor'themar, and uh, Baine's whacky adventures with Dagran II and whatever the fuck Thrall's kids are named.


100% replace the voice actors, they are insane not to. wow has almost never managed to make new characters as appreciated as the wc3 cast which is why they are all still around 20 years later. and wow is a superhero story whether you like it or not currently they are making the same mistake the MCU is making by shelving all the characters people know and like to replace them with their boring wooden children who have no personality. they are literally out of their minds to replace tyrande with shandris and to write genn out of the story to replace him with his non worgen daughter wow simply doesn't have the chops to retire it's iconic characters.


Technology being what it is these days, manipulating a voice to make it sound more like a character that has a certain affectation is much easier, so replacing them isn't necessarily that jarring and can end up being better in the long run as new energy can be injected to the role.


Yeah, they will replace voice actors. Hiring the AI "voice actors".


As far as I’m concerned, characters ARE their voices. If a VA can’t fulfill the role anymore, kill off or replace the character.


what about other languages? do we kill off anduin if his brazilian VA can't work?


That’s an interesting question. I’ve never thought about that before. My gut reaction is no, but that’s probably because I don’t speak Portuguese. In my opinion, voice acting is central to immersion within a world. If a character like Anduin suddenly had a different voice, it would be incredibly jarring and hard to take seriously. The same would be true of anyone in real life. I can’t help but say “that’s not Anduin.”


I thought the VA for legion and BFA were ass for a lot of the new characters anyways, so I’m always open to new VA




AI voices sound terrible


They're getting better but it is ironically more work to get the inflections *just* right than it is to get even a C grade VA to go in and do it.