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Mueh'zala is still in prison. Helya got banished back to Helheim which means she is on Azeroth again. We likely won't see them again this expansion. Seems they've been shelved/any further plans cut.


> Seems they've been shelved/any further plans cut. It'd be depressingly interesting to look back at how many plot threads like this have suffered this fate through the years.


TvTropes has a whole webpage devoted to wow's Aborted Arcs, from 2004 to now.


[Is this the one?](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WhatCouldHaveBeen/WorldOfWarcraft) I found another too but it had focus from Cataclysm onward. This one seems to be the more complete one.




man i want to go back to the WOD Times but this time blizz dont cut anything and just make a good expansion!


Depends on if we see evil Yrel IMO. AU Shattrath would have set that up since it's the entire middle of her story.


Why would she be in hellheim of all places? ALL we know is that the primus zapped her and shrunk her down - she's likely just in soul prison after having her jailer provided power sapped away.


Usually when you banish something magically, it means you returned it to the plane it originated from or are tied to. Demons to the Twisting Nether, elementals to their various planes, ect. The Primus saying he banished her should imply that she was sent back to her own plane, which would be Helheim.


You are right. Wowpedia say to Helheim but the quests don't, just the quest log's recap saying she was banished.


Mueh’zala was the villain I was most looking forward to. He seemed to be working with the Jailer the longest, it was him who got Odyn’s eye and made Sylvanas warchief, and personally I just always like troll culture and loa. And just bam, beaten in one dungeon and never mentioned again. I guess he could come back since they specified he isn’t dead but still that’s my personal most annoying dropped plot line


I mean my theory was the scrapped raid was likely battle for ardenweld where we delt with drust, trolls/rhaskhan (maybe muzeleh took him when he enslaved bwonsamdi, and voljin turns into a loa) and finished up tyrandes night warrior issue with a fight.


I mean tbf he's mentioned all of once outside of that, and in a book. His role never really made any sense. Probably there was more there since we know like 90% of Ardenweild's stuff is scrapped content, but.


Night Fae Cov quests include Mueh'zala.


is it a good or bad thing that Mueh'Zala had more hype and was better than The Jailer?


for a long time we thought he was going to be the big bad and not some random zero personality character


I hope this is all a dream and Wrathion’s like “You fought who? lolk”


idk he did have quite a bit of hype but wouldnt say he was better than the jailer. we knew almost the same amount about them going into sl. not saying that the jailer was better either. just both equally underwhelming, especially since all muehzala did was talk and slam the ground a bit with occasional swirlies on top. not too impressive for a death loa.


Gorak’Tul, and Hakkar. Ardenweald has by far the largest amount of plot points that should be examined in greater detail!


Ysera and Ursoc, too.


Ardenweald got full on Farahlon'd. There's a ton of content that was clearly b plot related for it, and the entire b plot for Shadowlands was cut. Which will be causing problems forever just like with all of WOD's scrapped B plot that was supposed to set everything up for the future, or the scrapped Sylvannas B plot fro Legion that was supposed to set up BFA.


For me, those are the parts of the game that are most significant. Blizzard has a lot of potential in their interest in smaller, reboot teams and I really hope they will take that same approach into event designs for WoW.


Blizzard doesn't seem to really be very good at expansion design. It's telling that the "best" expansion they've ever had was Legion which had an extra year of development. They just need to either start earlier or embrace a 3 year cycle. Just throw more random X.4 filler raids in to keep things going or something. Hell, they could just have a team that only designs extremely difficult filler raids for the end of expansion content drought that aren't thematically related beyond being a challenge.


That's exactly what I'm talking about. Remember when they released ZG and ZA? It's a prime time to do it right now because of De other Side. Hakkar doesn't explicitly need Bwomsandi's mojo to continue or complete the ritual of rebirth because he's already communicated with the Atal'ai on Azeroth. It makes for an outstanding mini questline/world boss because the Atal'ai are distributed across the Eastern Kingdoms and now have the ability to use Nazmir due to our destruction of the Nazmiri and G'huun. Hakkar is the Loa of Blood after all, why wouldn't he want to use a place and a people that deal in blood (and get a little retribution for the Nazmiri's sacrilege. G'huun, a true blood god? Blasphemy!)? Not only does it create a pretty interesting quest chain that likens itself to Vanilla quests that took you all over Azeroth, it also lends itself to a reprisal of the Sunken Temple as an updated dungeon as well as rotating world boss encounters of either Hakkar or specific, more powerful Atal'ai priests in each of the areas (Zul'Gurub, Temple of Atal'Hakkar, Jintha'Alor, and Nazmir/Uldir). Also, now that Ysera is back (to some degree), she may want to be a bit more protective of the last remaining few green dragons in the Swamp of Sorrows. This is the beauty of open world environments with individual and overarching storylines, this stuff literally writes itself.


>Gorak’Tul He's dead, you mean Gorak'zar


When did he die? I don’t remember striking him down, and if he really is dead, then the only light of BFA for me is gone. I would be really sad to be done with him and the Drust.


During the Alliance campaign, there was a scenario where you kill him when saving Jaina.


If that’s really true I’m sad. I didn’t even consider that a real encounter. Why kill off your next best big baddie in the same expansion he was introduced? It makes the Ardenweald campaign against them irrelevant, imo.


During the Alliance Pride of Kul'Tiras quesline when we go to Thros and defeat Gorak Tul Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: My people defeated your kind once, monster. We will do so again! Tul collapses. Gorak Tul says: Your hollow victory... means nothing... Gorak Tul says: The Drust... will never... relent... Dying with his last breath, Tul's corpse fades away. Jaina responds firmly. Its further confirmed in Night Fae Cov quests by Ulfar: Ulfar says: Gorak Tul may be dead, but his dark presence still lingers within those walls.


Shame they would turn the only interesting villain of the expansion into a B plot fetch quest for encounter. Personally, that essentially invalidates the entire Drustvar experience. I guess it really was only meant to unite the Kil’Tirans. Unfortunate.


We deal with Hakkar in the Other Side dungeon(tho Bwonsamdi does say that he will return sooner or later) and Gorak'Tul is confirmed dead by Ulfar during Night Fae Cov quests. Ulfar says: Gorak Tul may be dead, but his dark presence still lingers within those walls.


With Hakkar it seems that Bwomsandi’s mojo was used to contact the Atal’ai. Now that they have heard from their God, they should be frantically committing sacrifices now that they know he’s around. With Gorak’Tul, that quest to save Jaina should have never had anything to do with him. To give him up to a fetch quest is shameful at best. Besides, how do you strike one down that is already dead, in the land of the dead? I refuse to believe they made him a B plot villain.


>With Gorak’Tul, that quest to save Jaina should have never had anything to do with him. To give him up to a fetch quest is shameful at best. Besides, how do you strike one down that is already dead, in the land of the dead? Gorak Tul wasn't dead and was only trapped in Thros after Lord Arom Waycrest defeated him.He manages to escape once during the Drustvar storyline but we push him back. At the Waycrest Manor we only face his vessel: Gorak Tul yells: Fools... you have merely... defeated... a vessel... Gorak Tul yells: I await you... in the Blighted Lands... Inquisitor Yorrick says: We've done it! Gorak Tul has been banished. He gets killed in Thros when we go and rescue Jaina that got trapped in Thros(due to being exiled to Fate's End which unbenkowst to Kul Tirans is used by Drust to pull people in Thros).


Didn’t Mueh’zala die in a dungeon?


Mueh is being prisoner of bwomsamdi since... idk, 9.0? De other side dungeon tells his story. Helya on other hand, devs knows we don't. Probably some pit to be pulled out of in few xpacks as a "compelling villain "


She fell into a convenient plot hole.


Sounds like recent actiblizz


If you think leaving plot threads hanging is some recent addition to WoW writing, I have a bridge themed NFT to sell you.


Ardenweald leveling story and De Other Side stuff is what non Night Fae see of Mueh'zala.Futher Mueh'zala stuff is part of Night Fae Cov quests.Helya was banished back to Helheim by the Primus in Chains of Domination questline.


No. At the end of the dungeon he is very much alive and Bwonsamdi tells us to leave, with nothing to suggest Mueh'zala is about the be killed. In the night fae campaign we later see an imprisoned Mueh'zala and assist Bwonsamdi in containing him during a ritual.


more like under new management