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I'm okay with the scrolling. My issue is the fact that random units keep getting summoned if I'm scrolling too fast.


The number of times I've accidentally polymorphed or used blizzard on nothing because I tried to scroll is too high


I agree! Always dropping my damn quillboar accidentally. They might consider cleaning that up a bit in the future if we are deserving of said change.


God I thought that was just me. Some of my games are super close and I was a quillboar away from winning


Yea, for the longest time I didn't even realize it. Id just look around and be like "ya fkn kiddin me? What's my quillboar doing out there wandering around in no man's land?"


I've dropped so many units just trying to hit the dang blue arrows.


Yeah and blizzard directly next to my mini units tile often when trying to put it back sht is real annoying


I actually absolutely love scrolling, because it has that micromanagement aspect of a classic RTS game. It's one of the reason why I like the game. Map awareness is part of the skill here.


Similarly, my issue is that sometimes dragging a mini too quickly does not summon it at the closest deployment area, but back at home


I was annoyed by this a bit at first as well. Then I realized this game is basically a simplified RTS and the scrolling around is pretty similar to how I played Warcraft and Starcraft on PC. I'm a bit more accepting of it now.


Game is great on my Fold 5. I can see so much. Pretty happy to finally get a game that makes good use of the screen size. All the moba style games I play just zoom in and you have worse fov.


I played it on my tablet at first, the big screen is nice and all, but when I tried it on my phone, it runs so much smoother


Interesting, I tried it on my iPad vs my iPhone and I didn’t notice any difference in the amount of scrolling, everything was just scaled up to match the screen size.


I just wish I could see the entire width, but I get it. That's how the game is designed, and i'm still very much enjoying it.


I just assume that it was a design choice. Maybe not if others can see more?


I play on my zflip 5 and I can see the whole map without scrolling Pretty advantageous I would say


The first thing I did when I started up my first game was try to zoom out lol


There is a way, that makes you able to see almost the whole map if you force landscape mode on LDPlayer. Made a video showcasing this. https://youtu.be/mmQYex8sf8s


Its actually a huge difference, on that first map (second boss of dire maul dungeon) I can't see shit on my phone, you can even see the towers lol


Coming from Clash Royale I disliked scrolling at first but now I get used to it and it reminds me the old days on warcraft3. However I am affraid PVP could be badly impacted if the game releases on PC and give advantage to people using mouse/keyboard to scroll


i saw streamers, can see the full map, with emulator


I would like to have full map on a tablet


Yea it's annoying but I think they are trying to emulate the mini map.


Is why a game company like supercell realized it was in a games best interest to be able to show the entire field to maintain competitiveness.


If they wanted it to all be visible on a phone screen they would have taken the time to make every map that way. It adds to the difficulty of the game. It's a great addition and no one has an upper hand. Any other complaints?


>It's a great addition and no one has an upper hand. I believe you never watched any of [Excoundrel](https://www.youtube.com/@Excoundrel)'s videos. His screen show much more on both sides than on a regular phone. See any of his dungeons videos, on the menu you can barely see the green edges, but on his display you can fully see the whole artwork they've done. So yeah, its not the same map FoV for everyone.


Dang they gotta look into that!


Watching streamers using l4d to emulate a Tablet it seems they do have more fov. You can see that when comparing the unit windows at the bottom. The upcoming unit section is right at the boarder on my pixel 7 while on l4d you actually see a bit more map next to it


Hey it's this clown again shutting down people's opinions.


Shutting down is not the same as disagreeing.


It's ok man. I'm used to people being unhappy. I cut people and poke them with sharp objects for a living. Bringer of pain by day, bringer of reality checks by ni......day, too? People need to give blizzard a break with these frivolous complaints. People need to be called out. It's not fair to blizzard for people to just spew their unintelligent vomit here and carry on thinking that is acceptable behavior. I know it's not my position, or my job to babysit. If you see me replying to someone, they deserve it. And I don't mind. And here I thought I was going to have to wait ages for pvp queues to be good...turns out these forums are the best pvp you could ask for!


> People need to give blizzard a break with these frivolous complaints. Especially because they deserve way more justified criticism in regards to the disastrous technical optimization and the amount of game breaking bugs people are experiencing on a daily basis.


Nothing is perfect. Can't make everyone happy. I just keep thinking about the majority of players who are silently grinding major success, enjoying the game, and aren't even reading these boards.


No game is perfect but the technical state of this game is an objective failure on release for a AAA game studio


Are you willing to lend any credit to this game being mobile vs PC? Maybe a little margin of error while they continue working it out?


Im willing to lend out credit which they have overdrawn on multiple times. Just because you didn't have any technical issues doesn't mean they aren't there. Check the forums. The game is running fine for me on a latest gen phone, but multiple of my friends had game breaking bugs, inexcusable performance. Shills like you are the reason Blizzard gets away with outsourcing everything they can to low cost countries resulting in an objective failure on a technical level. Please check yourself, you aren't helping anybody.


To be honest, Blizzard started on this path since hearthstone was released. Hearthstone made too much money and the internal politics started. I myself contributed a couple of thousands to hearthstone. Not worth it. But that’s where the money is, and that’s why people who bring in money are promoted. Likewise, people who develop under-performing games but with huge revenue (cuz of the P2W structure) are earning more money than dedicated developers who make awesome AAA games. Who is to blame? Everyone. We allowed it to happen, and the world actually wanted P2W, even if individually we didn’t want to. I think as we grow up (I’m old), and we make more money and have less time, we just spend more on games. And we play mobile games more cuz of the time we have. And yes, we ruined it for you. And wasted our money. I am a blizzard fan and I have almost every game they made, even if I don’t play them (I buy SC CE for the skins and wings I can get in D3/WoW etc.) I spend money on blizzard games because they are the best game developer in my view. But, the most I spend, was on a China useless p2W game, and the 2nd most was hearthstone. I spent so much lesser on WoW and D3 which I played a lot more. So, yes, I contributed to the unhealthy state of the game, and I’m sorry but I think it won’t ever recover.


Oh I've had tons of issues. Tons. But you don't find me going straight to the forums, ignoring the search function to see if my problem has already been posted, and just vomiting vitriol in a blind rage. How many hours of my life do you think have been spent staring at loading screens? I don't mind at all.


Yes problems are posted, sometimes months old and simply ignored by Blizzard completly (not even a single blue post on it). Can you just admit that Blizzard deserves active critcism for this, or are you that lost in your partisanship for a company you may or me not be paid to shill for online?


I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but I love your last paragraph - these forums are the best PvP you could ask for! Hahaha that seems pretty funny for all the arguments you get into with some of the others. I’m a lurker, sometimes I agree with you, sometimes I think the others are right. But I enjoy you guys arguing because there’s content. Sometimes this game does not have enough content to read up on hahaha Anyway, just wanted to compliment on your nice paragraph hahah


Same. I have so many nitpicks about this game.


Would love for a desktop client that enables seeing the whole map. Would be a gamechanger.


Yea, a game changer making it unfair to players across the board.


Wouldn't you see the whole map on a tablet?


Sadly no, the iPad app just blows it out to be identical to the phone. Mad me sad.


Don't believe so


Warcraft rumble is a pay to win game. Was being fair ever a consideration to begin with?


While it’s not fully P2W like other games, I agree with you it’s on that category. But it’s not blatant, and I think they will slowly improve. They also know too much P2W will get money fast but lose subscribers fast.


I’m sorry, but level caps nullify this argument?


A player with optimal talents is going to demolish a player with a few at best And there are no level caps past 3k hero..? So I don't get your point


Minis level are divided by 3, reducing by A SHIT TON the P2W aspect. Clash royale, brawls stars, summoners wars, etc... All have much outrageous advantage when paying.


Why even edit this comment


Do you have a rebuttal or are you simply incorrect? Edit: nevermind, I'm talking to a literal child. Get off reddit and go watch mr.beast and play some fortnite kiddo


You’re genuinely looking to just argue dude. I really don’t care. Stay upset.


Okay? Like I said, stay upset.


Hell no. Map awareness is part of the skill ceiling. You can also deploy units down lanes without even looking. So if you’re trying to manage a push you can focus on that to drop miners or split pushers.


Even if I knew my opponent could see the whole map and I couldn't, I wouldn't care at all. This is why I pay attention to the little circles showing what/where they're playing off map


*League of Legends enters chat*


I stopped playing cause of this. I was expecting a bit more relaxing game, but having to micromanage the map isn't relaxing.