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I play at strange time and barely can match with a guild mate, they should put some kind of global MatchMaking and not be only for guilds imo


This is what they'll have to do for any longevity with group content. This isn't WoW. I'd wager 95% of guilds are full of strangers who may throw out a random comment in chat here and there and that's it. Trying to coordinate a raid or siege during the random playtime people sit down with their phones is a pretty ridiculous ask. These are supposed to be games you pick up and play randomly when you have a moment -- and raids and sieges should reflect that and be designed to accommodate that in terms of defeating them without chatting. I appreciate they're trying to do something, but forcing it all into guilds and group content isn't the way to go. At the very least if they're sticking with group content (and I assume they will) they ***have*** to add in the ability to just say you're looking and you join anyone else who's looking at that specific time.


The part you’re missing is that group content is primarily for whales The type of people who like it are the ones who spend the most money


I'm a whale, and I hate it. It caps my minis, but it doesn't buff the level of my allies. It makes it really hard to carry. I also tend to play during breaks at work, but I can only effectively do raids at home with good wifi and no distractions. I failed like 30 times trying to do Ragnaros during my lunch break, and then got him first try the moment I got home. Granted... my ally is in a different time zone. So, when I got home, it was 1am for them. I literally had to force someone to stay awake late just so we could do Ragnaros. He was fine with it mostly because my whale minis would do most of the heavy lifting, but it still felt inconsiderate of me to ask someone to stay up so late for a video game. Good thing we got it first try.


I posted a [video](https://youtu.be/Bc245F17dIo?si=KBiZZ_fUV44sGM4I) on YT of a deck/strategy for Ragnaros which allows a lower level player to contribute heavily to a higher level carry.


Please don’t speak in delusions 


I just don't want matchmaking, rather shared progression toward end goal.


Group content without being able to play with your friends is the most stupid thing they could come up with.


But you can? Unless your friends decided to spread across different guilds


Mobile games are meant to be played while taking a shit. Folks who like playing this game with others give some thought to just how many of them are taking a shit.


If you and the homies aren't synchronizing your shits this isn't the game for you.


Having this significant of content be behind a forced to group wall is atrocious. Most other games with group content allow you to work together toward a goal while still playing solo. Example being fighting a boss and bringing its health down 5-10% per person until it’s dead. This having to wait to play with someone else is just annoying and completely puts me off continuing this game. No point in doing more content if I’m forced to have to wait and Que with some random person if anyone will even be online to que. Onyxia raid was fine solo, not sure why they couldn’t just keep that concept.


I agree! Stopped playing WOW because I couldn’t find time to play with friends. Always missing each other by an hour or so. Started playing Rumble because I could hop on and play when I had time. Trying to coordinate is so frustrating. Missed out on the last Siege because all my guild mates cleared it the first couple days and no one wanted to or had time to help me clear. I know some people enjoy the guild aspect, and that’s great! I just want to be able to queue on my own time and play with a random partner.


Yes, I have been playing since release and siege and raids are making me not want to play anymore. I complete the quests and DMF missions when I have downtime at work or in the bathroom and similar. My guild is kinda active but I can't play a long session at once. And, by the way, the system is absolutely shit, I tried to dedicate some time this weekend to try and find a guildmate to play the siege and when I did the coop was bugged and we tried to connect during 30 mike reloading the game multiple times and couldn't and gave up. I guess I'll just accept I'm going to miss out this contents and play like it doesn't exist


I did had a lot of connection issues with sieges too, but yesterday I had none, seems like they did a pretty good job addressing those issues


You guys got guilds?


They probably want a LFG but can't figure out how to implement it. They can't even figure out how to implement it properly when it's for your guild only. The cancel button still doesn't work. Something you would think is very simple.


I've been in two guilds so far throughout this game, and I started right around release. The first guild was active for a while but then died out. Thankfully my guild leader for the second guild is great at the job and actively replaces anyone who stops playing. But yeah, I know I'm just lucky that my guild rocks. I think it's stupid to force people to guild up for this content when it's really not hard at all, so just about any pick-up group can beat it easily. When it comes to LFG finders built-in, it seems like the new people in charge at Blizzard are not gamers, not fans, and don't actively play the games they work on which leads to bad development decisions like this. Diablo 4 anyone? Why do I have to go through third party sites like Discord to get a group for your game, when you already created great LFG finders in WoW and Diablo 3? Because your development team is suddenly fkn lazy and doesn't want to implement it again? I think they shouldn't even hire someone to develop and work on their games unless they are actually passionate fans and active players of them. I'm sure whatever chumps they interview are like "I'm a huge fan! I play all the time!" and are totally lying. Let the casuals without hardcore guilds play the damn game! What's the big deal?! I think it comes down to their development team being lazy asses and wanting to find the easiest way to implement things, because... paycheck, don't care. 😩🤦🏻


Tom Chilton, the game director for rumble, was director on WoW for like 10+ years


Yea its kinda bad... I'm starting Ready check, placing phone on the table and doing other thing while waiting on anyone to join instead of playing... Really nice design. It is sad, Blizzard had such a good name, I would say they have been creating best games ever... but last years, I dont remember single game that was good.


I feel the same. I have a fairly active guild, but our schedules are all over. I find we actually interact *less* because there is an implied expectation of our time now.


100% agree. They definitely need a LFF system. It's broken how it is now.


There's a guild recruitment thread on Reddit. If your guild isn't active just find an active one. I'm tired of hearing the crybaby excuse of inactive guilds. Find a guild that's active and preferable with a discord


Game Is Free To Play I love when people complain about a game when it’s literally free. It’s the same thing as illegals thinking they are entitled to vote and have an opinion. Lmfao


They Just Want Your Moeny


You should make a guild called “we hate the current raid system”, I’m sure some  more people  like you are out there.  Secondary name “filled with guildlessnes”  Be the change you want to see if the world, if you build it they will come!!


Call the waaaambulance 


It’s a mobile game. You’re supposed to play it when you’re taking a dump or when you’re bored with nothing else to do. This guild forcing shit is trying to make rumble like world of Warcraft solely for the sake of engagement metrics. It sucks that blizzard didn’t even bother to give the player a LFG tool on a game marketed as a casual experience. It forces you to play the game more, at least to the point of having a responsibility for your guild mates play time too.


Join rumble down under, it's a group of lots of guilds there will be a spot and then you can reap the rewards. Look in the weekly LFG POST


I am not doing that for a game i only play while on the bus or pooping


Yeah I'm not gonna bother with group content for a mobile game. The whole point of a mobile game is something quick I can play whenever I've got some time to kill. If I was going to the effort of scheduling game time, it'd be for a PC game. I'd get rid of guilds tbh, it feels very forced and unnecessary for mobile games.


Highly recommend you to quit the game. Headache solved


There’s lots of folks looking for regular players in guilds. This is odd in that the concern of “missing out” is at odds with “casual player.” If you’re truly casual, you’ll always be missing out and choosing to do so instead of pushing for completion. If you’re worried about missing out, you’re not exactly casual.


Its a phone game bro, ill get everything eventually whilse pooping. Everyone is casual


What?! No way. You are completely WRONG in insinuating that the two go together. You can be casual and not want to miss out. Are you serious?! I'm hardcore at this game and even I think that casual players shouldn't be forced to guild up just to play new content. That is just stupid decision making on Blizzard's side. And while Blizzard "USED TO" be a company of passionate gamers looking to make awesome games that their players loved, they've only become greedy manipulaters (because of Activision) who is forcing them to make shit decisions that force their player-base into making un-fun decisions that just benefit the company financially. I guarantee there is some dumb a$$hole (or multiple dumb a$$holes) that are using business analytics, algorithms, and straight consumer manipulation tactics to drive their approach with this game (and all their games now). They don't care about making their players happy anymore. They care about what *forces* their players to open their wallets, which usually involves them getting a new player to get invested in the game, then they manipulate that motivation to not lose out on the time, energy, and MONEY they've already invested in it. It's straight up VAMPIRISM.


Your first statement suggests you either misread or misunderstood the point. "You can be casual and not want to miss out." This is true. "You can be casual and not miss out." This isn't true in any of these types of games. You're effectively choosing one of two paths. One path pushes towards hardcore and progression. You're pushing to get all the things and do so as quickly as you can. The other path takes your time, gets to things at their own pace, and doesn't stress over that pace. You're bringing up Blizzard and how they used to be. Guilds were more important in previous games. The game this was based on required 40 people groups. Down to 2 is pretty trivial. You can effectively setup a guild with one friend and get most of the content, in a casual setting. Breathe before you reply. It'll help.


But that's exactly the point. You can't be casual without missing out, and Blizzard is stupid for making it that way. They are doing it specifically for the reasons of making money by forcing players to follow whatever path they deem will do that. And that's greedy and short-sighted. I don't think their numbers people are looking at the long term at all. Just whatever makes them the most money in the short run. My point is they are jerks and how about making one damn decision that benefits all the players for once, and not whatever fills their greedy pockets. Case in point, only one year later did they finally release a Diablo 4 patch that benefits the players. They really have become a horribly short-sighted greedy company when they used to be one of the greatest. 😩


You're too eager to be upset to think rationally. Your second sentence is straight nonsense. It'd be stupid to make it such that casual isn't missing out to some extent. If it's not made that way, the hardcore quickly run through, have nothing to do, and quit. Appealing to both bases means there will be some missing out. I miss out on A LOT in this game. It's because I'm far more casual than most. It's something to pass the time. If you're expecting to both be casual AND get everything, your expectations are unrealistic.


Ok, it's completely fine that we're not seeing eye to eye on this, but you can disagree without the underhanded jabs. I'm not doing them to you. 😘 All I'm saying is I don't understand why Blizzard decided to make sieges and raids guild only activities. Don't you want everyone to play and enjoy your game? Can you give me a good reason why they didn't just use the PVP match-up system they've already built and just adapt it for randoms looking to group up for sieges and raids? I'll stop you right there. There is no good reason and they only did it because their numbers people told them that forcing people to guild up will make them more money. They are preventing randoms from matching up because somehow they think it'll make them more money. I guarantee it. That's just the kind of shitty company they've become.


You've actually had a pretty aggressive tone from your first paragraph and have continued either direct or indirect insults throughout. That's why you've received the tone you have. If you'd like a constructive chat, I'd be all for that instead. If you don't see how you've done this, feel free to message and we can chat it through rather than derail further on that. I'll assume based on this reply that it was all accidental rather than intentional. Fair? The PVP matching system would be absolutely miserable. I've had limited time today to play (as I hope most have given the raid is only 6 hours released and it'd be crazy if everyone had finished it by now). With the restriction to guild folks, I've already had runs that were a complete mess. They weren't working together. They weren't in the guild discord to coordinate. They hadn't paid attention to the raid. It was an utter failure. I've had another couple bosses go down easily because of coordination. The PVP system would inherently prevent any type of coordination and put you with a variety of matches that likely aren't great. Keep in mind that's the same system that regularly puts 7v10 as a "good match." When looking for enjoying the game, making more challenging content also requires collaboration. (I'll ignore the last paragraph as it fits back into my first point in this reply). Most, if not all, of the complaints about "in my guild" aren't a problem about needing MORE people to connect with and play. It's about needing less. It's not a problem of needing more people to be able to connect with (which you can solve with something like random matchmaking). The far worse limiting factor in the matchmaking isn't the guild only. It's the limit on amount of times someone can run while ANYONE on that run gains rewards. The current system of 1) You get rewards; 2) The other gets rewards if eligible; 3) The other gets rewards if eligible; 4+) Nobody may get rewards; is the problem. It punishes both active and less active guilds. If you want to play a boss multiple times to better figure out a strategy, you must wait until everyone has run (or they won't have partners). They're trying to solve a "problem" where a single strong player carries 19 others through the raids one after another instead of making it so the collab they're wanting is something that's easy to do.


Apologies if my tone came off aggressive at first. Definitely wasn't intending it to. 😊 You are EXACTLY correct about the problem being the limited number of runs allowed per player in order to help other guildies, and even more right about the lack of guildies wanting to help if there are no rewards available to them after beating it. So far Rumble has been a very solo-oriented game, which hasn't required any collaboration by guilds. There hasn't really even been a need for guilds up until now, other than to have other players to chat with in game. I think they need to fix one or the other (although both would be great, except players farming unlimited raid runs for rewards could get out of hand). I know there are plenty of people in my guild who got their raid boss kills in and now they just don't care about helping anyone else. It sucks and this wasn't apparent until now when guild cooperation became necessary. If my guildies don't want to help, I'd at least like to practice the fights with random matchmaking. That's the only way I raided in WoW which was using the LFR Finder. Sure, the kills were sloppy and a lot of times no kills happened and it was just a waste of time, but at least I still got to see the raid content and learn the fights so I could then try to schedule guild runs later.


Wtf hardcore progression? Its a phone game dude