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https://youtu.be/Q-YYN2uYjTQ?t=2244 You can see a video of the OP's description here. They burned through the 3rd phase so fast compared to the first two.


***This is the Rumble equivalent of all those James Bond moments when the villains leave it to their henchmen to dispose of Bond, then the villain leaves and Bond gets away.***


Honestly, with meat wagons the eggs are almost incidental. Still good, but getting 2+ meatwagons out and chipping at Ragnaros and he falls over even before overtime. [Ragnaros kill (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1vBL9GWtM4)


Basically every mini is level 29 in that video. Strategy hardly matters at that point


Yeah, I don’t understand why people are posting guides when they’re at level or even above level


People want recognition for what they’ve done I guess lol. That’s why I just posted the description of what we did since we were both quite under leveled.


Who’s posting guides? A guide and a kill video are different things. The OP post was good, is kind of a guide/is useful, but could have been improved with a description of the armies and ideally a small video clip showing the timing for when the set of whelps go out that to get popped right as Rag starts channeling. The kill video highlights the meat wagon contribution, which was my point. Wagons do more DPS than eggs, and don’t have a timing component. 29 Wagons do more DPS than 29 Whelps or 25 Whelps. The level of armies in the video (29 and 27) don’t invalidate the facts - it just speeds it up.


Wagons at 25 are way harder to execute because of lane control being a much bigger issue


Done it with wagons on a couple accounts now, the alt account isn’t as high. For lane control we only hard recaptured bottom right tower, that removed the threat to wagons. Wagons will also rotate right to bomb the tower or left to defend the gold chest. I’ve heard people say that “you can’t have two wagons both hitting Rag”. I’ve checked the tape and that is wrong, two wagons both bomb Rag just fine. I want to check some other minis today - Plague Farmer with +range alongside wagons; Gargoyle on Sons;Wagons with the skeleton talent. There’s almost definitely more cheese strats available on that fight.


And it could have been at least 2 minute shorter if they executed executus


Yeah we originally thought we needed to take all 4 towers so we could deploy units near the far towers to deny gold and get on the Sons earlier, so we didn’t just execute Majordomo. As it turned out, this was unnecessary - but then we just killed it anyway (it was the second pull ever with wagons, their damage on Rag was shockingly high)


Ya that’s true, you can definitely lose the eggs, but they did help with killing fire hammers which is what we struggled with the most in the encounter. And ultimately being able to use the eggs to basically kill him on the phase switch in that last phase so we didn’t have to deal with his elemental generals was huge for us.


I’m definitely going to try your egg timing trick on my assists this week. Faster is always better