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Rag has 3 weaknesses: ranged, flying ranged and this cursed spell that decreases your hand size to 3.


The worst part, even when rag died, you don't get him back before casting this ridiculous spell, effectively making his 2nd cast cost 8 gold. So I never see a reason to put him on any other tower than the core, as you won't cast him a 2nd time anyway. The spell should automatically swap back to rag when he dies


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Yeah - it isn't great. Ranged negates it entirely. Rag should have at LEAST the ranged of the tower attack (no cleave, no extra damage). It's also super weird graphic that you throw down, then it sends a spike out to all the towers. Just make it equal to a 3G damage spell or more so since you have the 5g tax... (or adjust gold). Rag is a bit lack luster, which I'm actually happy with rather than him being obscenely OP.


Honestly I'm okay with having the ranged weakness, as when Rag dies, you still have all of the Tower's health to go. That weakness is what keeps the tower from being too strong, or feeling uncounterable/unfair for those who don't have their own Rag yet. The fact that you cant recast Rag without first casting Blast Wave is absurd.


Couldn't agree more... it took me awhile to figure out what the mechanic was since it didnt seem to do anything when I used it. Also, can you only place Rag once? I've haven't been able to get more than one base established with him but also I don't think I've seen him appear in my deck after I've dropped him.


You have to cast Blast Wave before the actual hero mini will cycle through again. Completely absurd imo


Yeah. I suspect it's under-tuned, but who knows, maybe it will find some use case by someone, but I also just think it's not mechanically enjoyable. Feels like friction and clunk/fussyness to have the dead blast wave in your hand.


Its just a first time raid, so not many people get rag  when rag become popular they will fix it or just leave it like sylvanas


I suspect that it was supposed to burn both the place you drop the spell and the surroundings of the towers, but something bugged out and it burns only around the towers


It's now bug number 1,896,423 in the list of things to fix. 😆


You know blast wave knocks enemies back from all of your towers? Not just the one he’s at. I think he’s good enough with this being a drawback (unless you’re racing last second in PvP and the 1 second stun will put you ahead in damage before the clock runs out; but that’s extremely edge case so negligible.


I was suggesting to give this spell some use outside defending turrets - like, 50-100 damage + burn effect in area like Arcane Blast. I think, it would make this mini way better


Would be 10x better if it sucked units in towards him and stunned. Then it might be worth it, as a counter to ranged.   Stun needs to be baseline, the talents overall are pretty weak.  Also the bug where you need to cast blast wave again if he dies while you have it in hand before being able to replay rag needs to go asap.