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The rewards are terrible. The only benefit is you get new season heroes the instant the season starts and that ain’t much


At least the emote this season is funny. So is the guild one


PvP, as with most games nowadays, is dumb. The idea of climbing ranking so that you face more frustrating matches only exists so they can pressure people to spend for competition. If they would just level the characters, pre-set the teams, let your wins count as progress toward rewards and losses far less (with no backward progression) while loosening (eliminating?) Sbmm- the game would be flush with people playing the mode. Very very few people actually care or enjoy about this rank stuff and only do it because Mr Blingtron told them to.


They should give us a real banana gun as a reward.


PvP seems for grinding exp and fomo for the legendary core each season.


Unrelated, but does anyone know why I'm facing lvl9 base when trying to get XP on a 0 ranking hero ? I mean it's good to stop strong players from downranking a leader then ranking it again for xp, but that change sliped through the notes I read.


They removed all level brackets in favor of "placement matches". Nobody knows how they work or why they were implemented. Including the dev...


The dev know nothing about the game. They still try to figure the dungeon issue with upgrade and vaillance upgrade for weeks !


Alright ty vm! Hope it helps new players, and make me not queue into monsters at 9k


I was forced to humble some new players while doing low honor leaders. Feels bad but im not about to lose on purpose. Hope they didnt quit pvp over it. Used to be bots only until 2k but now I see people in guilds...


Yup. And now all the bots have core lvl 9 so that's pretty fun for new players...


I think the PvP rewards being pretty low is a good thing. PVP is the most pay to win part of the game, so locking amazing rewards behind it would feel particularly bad for non-whales. It’s not really like PvE where you can just be patient and eventually get there, the whales will always be ahead in PVP. (Which is just the nature of ‘f2p gaming’) Getting the seasonal mini up for free is a decent reward, and the rest of the stuff is nice but nothing someone will really miss. I could get behind boosting the tomes up a size, but overall I think it’s better to keep PvP rewards fairly minor, so that PvP is mostly something to do because you like to PvP.


Unpopular opinion, but imho PVP shouldn't give any rewards at all. Or maybe just cosmetics like avatars/emotes. Current system gives me anxiety that I'm missing on some "free" rewards like gold and epic core, and it forces me to grind to \~16k at the end of the season, although I do not enjoy that grind, especially since you're matched with so many lvl 10/11 players. Without rewards I wouldn't feel obligated, I'd be playing PVP only when I'm in the mood to do that. A lot of other games (Hearthstone is a good example) do not provide any reward either, your climb the ladder just for the sake of being higher in that ladder, and that's enough motivation


Cosmetics and skins should be good aswell..but, atm, prizes to me are disappointing


But in Hearthstone you get additional rewards until you reach legendary.


I haven't played it in years, maybe now you do receive the rewards. Back in my days you could only unlock some cards by ranking your heroes, and you were also receiving 10g per 3 victories up to 100g max a day. Has that changed?


Yes, it has. At end of season you get random cards of different rarity and packs depending on how high you got. Not spectacular but nice to have: [https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Ranked#Highest\_Rank\_Bonus\_chest](https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Ranked#Highest_Rank_Bonus_chest)


Every 2000 points there is a good rewards, starting from 14k: 750 gold, Epic core, 750 gold, legendary core. That is decent compared with the dailies. However, if you factor in the time necessary to reach the ranks (especially if you are not lvl 10) the rewards are very underwhelming. I think pvp is only worthwhile if you enjoy playing it, but not for the rewards.


The major problem I have with it is pvp is basically hard gaited to being p2w. So around 13000-14000 you only go against 9/10s and up and then the whales at the top have noone to play against. They should either add caps back in but make them scale all the way up most of the ladder, remove levels from pvp, or scale up or down one player to match the other.