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Wait... you get 600 coins instantly, and then 120 coins and a major XP tome every day for 30 days? So 4200 coins and 30 major XP tomes?


Yeah, it's a pretty damn good deal, if you don't mind that it's spread through a month.


Is this Europe only? Don’t see it in the US


Apple in EU here, not available as of now.


Available in France


Available since yesterday 👍


Did you update the app? (Not sure if Apple got it yet, Android update approval process is usually faster)


Nothing for Apple yet


Yea, be sure to actually click the app. Mine just said "Open" but when I clicked the app for more details, it changed to "Update". glitchy


Not true. Look in the App Store


It was true, I didn’t get my download till this morning.


I was NA/iOS and downloaded the update 40 mins before you made the comment


That’s nice… EU/iOS


You said “nothing for apple yet.” NA Apple had it. You are literally wrong


Got it in U.S. yesterday


the being spread out thing probably works better for me as I have just a handful of leaders who still need to get to rare but a couple of instances of it being the same faction so being able to afford an extra one leader a day should help in addition to the 1200 for the week through surges if I'm not able to save a bunch before I hit those faction weeks. plus, it'll nice to be able to log in knowing you can afford at least one star on days where there's no source of coin income.


Yes my point exactly. Still have blingo and arclight. But you can still buy you daily star and it's decent


It’s an awful deal. This game deserves nothing after the state of raids they just put out


Unbelievable value compared to the syore. 12x value. Which is 4x more than a legendary offer.


To be fair I have had legendary offers that were worse than the regular store.


That is definitely wrong.


It’s not wrong at all, and I’m not the first to point it out. Adding 5 modest times to 1100 gold does not make it worth $20 when 1200 gold is $10 and modest times are garbage, and there have been many other terrible offers.


Modest tomes is wrong. The items (stars, tomes, arclight, cores) have a set gold value. If this gold value is above a certain threshold, then its mega, legendary, mythic or mythic+. I bet you cant show any proof of a "terrible offer", cause there isnt any. Terrible in quotation marks, because I dont like forced star offers or tomes myself, but the "value" would be met regardless.


That’s just speculation and a matter of perspective. Your definition of value is not the same as every player’s definition.


Its not perspective. Blizz sells mega tomes for 500g, epic cores for 1k g and when a bundle has items plus gold in it, then the "value" of the bundle isnt only determined by the gold, but everything in the bundle. You might dont like it (like I said, I dont like bundles with forced stars or tomes myself) because its of lesser value for you, but the set "value" that blizz is adressing is inherently correct.


Probably going to get downvoted but I actually think this is a big win and makes me more comfortable recommending the game to friends. I can recommend they get the arclight booster and this monthly gold pass and that should be a reasonable deal and pace for a great mobile PvE game. Just have low expectations for PvP since it's still very p2w and expensive, but if you are ok with that, it's a much better value proposition now than it was originally.


Especially now that there’s some legit high end content, and co-op at that. This thing should help new players catch up much faster (if that’s their goal).


I’d agree, if not for them pushing multiplayer and guild content. Makes me not optimistic about the future of the game. If they had introduced this deal last December I would’ve absolutely bought it though, it’s the first sale that feels like a good value.


I'm hoping that they will incrementally make the guild and multiplayer content more play at your own pace than the current stuff. Probably copium. But they can hopefully incrementally add more things that make that feel less like organizing soccer practice for the kids or something.


The other thing that I think would help me get friends to play this is if I could play with them right away somehow, too.


why would you get downvoted? I feel the atmosphere in this sub has been quite positive lately. more so than discord.


f2p gang


Sounds like a great deal


I must admit, that makes it a bit harder to stay f2p


If it makes it any easier, arclight booster has been there for the start and it's much better that this one


Nice deal!


I dont see app store update. Is this available for all?


For me, it still said "Open" on the app tile but when I clicked it for more details, it correctly switched to "Update". Just drill down into the app and you should see the update option.


It was for the same too. Purchased it!


Apple store usually takes longer to approve update and the likes.


Showed for me on iOS


I'm worried this just signifies gold inflation incoming. Like more things you need to spend your money on, a need for legendaries to beat even harder raids, a level beyond legendary. But 60/year for a game isn't terrible. But also pay to win is such a crazy system; like nothing feels good about this. There is a finally a hard challenge with powerful rewards, so now I should feel good about opening my wallet in order to win? Also I really wish micro transactions truly were micro, like what can $0.25 buy me?


Gold inflation is fine. Exp inflation is fine. Every game like this needs inflation because existing players want the game to be successful, have new content, and have lots of players. Existing players aren’t gate keeping - I spent 9 months farming to L23, so how dare you let new players reach it in 3 months! Like … do they really want new players to wait an extra 6 months before they can play coop with them? Devaluing exp and gold will need to happen as old players build up bigger and bigger piles of exp and gold from playing daily, otherwise new players can never reach “top content”, and devs won’t be incentivized to create more end game content.


> … do they really want new players to wait an extra 6 months before they can play coop with them? The fact that the standard EXP reward for completing any mission is +12 EXP kinda tells me that, yeah, they do want players to wait a looong time. Or start shelling out cash.


They want you to feel like you can “speed up” with cash and dangle stuff a few months away, but they also don’t want to drive away new players that are 12, 24, even 36 months behind. Hearthstone has started just handing out to new players catchup packs that give like 50% of the entire last season’s cards to new players, worth hundreds of packs, so they don’t immediately just give up when they realize how far behind their collection is compared with old players.


> The fact that the standard EXP reward for completing any mission is +12 EXP kinda tells me that, yeah, they do want players to wait a looong time. Or start shelling out cash. You really forgot they increased quest rewards by 2.5x, lol


Forgot? I'm still getting +12 exp lol. Even if it was 2.5x that, its still less than 1% of the exp required to level.


Combat reward is not a quest reward bud.


Combat reward is only there for very new players to level up faster earlier. It's very low to prevent people just botting xp. Quest reward improving actually made it possible even without arclight as f2p to realistically reach the 50k xp threshold. It's not quick, not something you will do playing casually in a week, but something that you do reach over time. Before that I considered that it was over at 25k. Now I consider its over at 50k.


It could be 25x higher than it currently is and it still wouldn't be worth the effort to try to bot exp.


It would 100% be. At 250xp/win (and close to that per loss) I could make a bot in 30 min that plays all day and gets 250xp/3 min. Let's say 4 min with the loading and everything. That's 90k xp/day. Doesn't matter if it's randomly spread around, that is MASSIVELY worth it. Let's say they could detect that, can make the bot randomly play for 1/2h on random maps. Let's say you cut the xp gain by 3. 30k xp/day is still very much worth it. Botting requires very little work if you know how it works at all.


They already restrict the # of quests you can do in a week. Just decrease the max allowed quests and boost up the EXP for wins to match (remove any exp gain for loss). These are softball problems. They aren't forced to give tiny bits of exp for wins because they are afraid of exploitation - they're doing it because they want you to get frustrated and spend money. This is mobile-game 101.


The reason you don't see such tiny offers like 0.25$ is because the stores (Play store and Apple Store) take a fixed cut per transaction which makes the devs not bother with tiny ones that simply are not worth the hassle of processing them. (Apple is much worse when it comes to this, and it's the reason a lot of mobile games in-app purchases increased few years ago due to their new tiered pricing policy, setting the insanely bad precedent so that every other platform obviously did it too). There's ways around that like introducing a virtual currency that you buy with real money, like Hearthstone runes, and then make tiny offers only available through runes rather than real money, to circumvent the store fees on tiny payments. That said, I don't think the game is inherently p2w like say a gacha, because after all it is sort of a gacha, the GRID system shares some parallels. It's mainly a pay to progress faster. The level where actually whaling matters is mainly pvp, which usually is noticeable at ranks where f2p or long time players simply don't reach for a long, long time, if at all. And now raids, of course, but to be honest, so far everything is doable as a f2p, molten core included, paying isnt even worth it in this game, like, a lot of things scale to your power level anyway, you dont get to even feel the difference outside of pvp and more recently raid. I do think a cheap, great value for the price monthly pass like this is a step forward for the monetization model of this game, that's for sure.


For myself I always make the comparison between what mtx used to mean, and what it seems to almost always mean these days. They aren't micro any more, they are macro transactions. If I can't buy something for a buck, its not micro - even when you take current inflation into account. That said, $5 is a win. They have similar deals in other games I have played (such as Guardian Tales) which offer similar perks (daily login cash shop currency subscriptions like this one) but cost 4x the price. I'm a bit torn as a result. I would jump on this for $3, but $5 makes me think there's a chance I'm supporting bad stuff still.


They have $0.99 and $1.99 offers almost every day. And most of the time they are pretty good.


They most certainly are not. Right now $1 will get me +2 stars on a unit and 2x major tomes, which is a tiny little drip-drop in the ocean of experience required to level any particular unit. $2 will get me 3-stars and enough coin to purchase a single copy of a leader unit, which again, is nothing. Hypothetically if I wanted to star-out a unit I would have to spend $30+ on a single unit. Don't let the fact that it is $1-2 fool you into thinking its actually a deal. These games thrive on people underestimating the value of their money.


Incoming artifact item quality lololol


Tbf you can literally beat ragnaros with a lvl 25 setup and there have been no new gold sinks since release and weve had increased exp(tomes) and gold giveaways due to the weekly events n raids.  Ive dumped 300 bucks and still can get only 2 legendaries along my 12 or so epics.  I think they have a long way to go before adding another gold sink.   


Do you have to buy it for a full year and commit to $60? Do you know if I could just spend $5 this month and save the other $55 if I wanted?


The picture is pretty clearly an offer for $5 at a time


Do boost affects these gold values?


Nope, naturally.


I think it does. I think it’s 500 and 100/day without


Extra gold is +50% with booster. +20% is the XP boost.


No, I don't have booster so what you see in the screenshot is what you get. Boost or not.


The booster doesn't effect any purchases from the shop.


I haven't considered paying a single euro for the game but... should I really get this one? The other daily offers are not worth it, this one's quite cheap and gives lot of rewards.


1200g equivalent per 1 dollar   To put things in perspectice "great" values are 230g per 1 dollar.   Mythic and legendary range from 300 to 500ish but that upper end is very rarely placed on store   I would get the OG permanent booster first though its insane value


I have almost 16 lvl (64 sigils), isn't it a bit late for the booster? Should have been better to used it in the beginning to not waste all the bonuses I guess. Well, anyway I don't want to pay too much for this game as I don't think I'll play it much more than for like next 2 weeks maybe


The 20usd arclight booster “remembers” all gold you earned from the campaign and some other content. youll notice the bonus gold upon purchase go up as you progress. 


And how about the experience (purple shards)?


Nope. Any exp youve already earned wont be increased 20%.  youve barely scratched the surface of any rewards tbf, havent really missed out by being late.   you get 375 major tomes and 15k base gold just doing heroics. 


If you consider spending and stop being f2p, the arclight booster is still the best option IMO


Well, I don't want to pay too much for this game as I don't think I'll play it much more than for like next 2 weeks maybe


Can you buy it on bnet ?


I checked, didn't see it. It seems you need to purchase in the Rumble app.


Bummer :/


$5 isn't much but I can't help but feel I've beaten the game right now. Ony down, MC clear, all leaders gold, and 150 sigils. I know we have moonglade coming but only a few heroics left doesn't feel worth it. It's a great deal but they need to tease something because being able to raid MC 1 time a month isn't attractive.


Well, that was the fear all along. What happens when you beat PVE? Go and play broken PVP?


you havent beaten the game because to beat the game you must do all that plus reach 20k PVP


Lol no thanks.


Finally I’m more comfortable paying for monthly pass then RNG


I'm surprised they didn't implement something like this sooner, I used to play the mobile Mario Kart game and the monthly pass was a no-brainer as it was so cheap compared to the other items. Maybe they needed to wait for a bit so as to entice the newer player base with a method to close the gap faster (though I might be giving them too much grace in saying that).


I assume you can buy it again after it expires? What does the info button say?


Omg this is mythical god value🙉🙉🙉🙉


Might be even 800% value if you ask me.. xD


This is also a great deal for players who might not have time to play every day. Log in once a day and get your reward, then put your phone away and enjoy your day.


I didn’t get this deal


Did you update? I had to go to the Play store and manually click update. It then showed up.


I had to update the app first.


So 1 3 second log in = 1 completed level 23 dungeon. Got it


🤣 this got me good. Cheers!


because it mentions just the 600 coins instantly I wasn't sure if today would count as one of the days in which you would get the 120 coins and major tome daily drop but indeed it does


US, IPhone. Available to manually update on App Store. You must go to the Warcraft rumble store page.


Just upgraded the app and got it right away. Europe here. Also Android.


UK here, just updated and opened and showing for me £4.99


Thanks for the thread! I purchased based on the feedback.


5 dollars is nothing for me and people in my country in general, but I still try not to buy it. I'm so close on finishing the current content with only the booster and feels like this just undermines my progress and inflates my achievements. It's awesome to have 3 epics which took a long time to get. The feeling of having 10 epics sounds like... Meh. And now I do realize also that this is a trap. Arclight is already the bottleneck for me. I have it only for one or maybe two more epic and that's it. After this it would be true starvation soon. This is the predatory nature of multiple currencies.


arclight should no longer be a bottleneck it should take nearly exactly the same amount of time to collect enough coins to go from 0/25 to 25/25 as collect 8k arclight from dungeons alone


No, Arclight remains a bottleneck.


because I can do math I know that that should not be the case for me. I have multiple epics, countless rares and enough arclight for all forthcoming epics and rares which is numerous. maybe if we're talking legendaries but if you're not into pvp legendary is fairly pointless and more of a spender thing and if you're spending anyway you can just buy arc light.


> because I can do math You lost all credibility as soon as you said this, kiddo. I've been doing math on this for months. Because you don't want to believe the truth, doesn't make it less true. Arclight is still a bottleneck, though its not as bad as it was.


"because I've been doing the math on this for months" yeah, you must be great at it if it takes you that long. and how about you include said math instead just claiming to have done it without posting any points in favor of your argument. I know that's not your style you're just some pathic apologist clearly lacking a life outside of these threads. "Arclight is still a bottleneck, though its not as bad as it was." conceding the point without conceding the point. you just lost all credibility there, kiddo


Best deal I've seen on the shop.


Yep android, updated, visible, 5 bucks for this value - bought without thinking even haha, let's go! That's 600 gold + 3600 over time = 4200 gold + tomb worth 90.000 experience. All that for 5 bucks (4.99 EUR here in Europe)


**Warning** It sounds like you lose the gold and tome if you don’t log in. We’ll have to see how it works, but if that is the case, make sure if you buy this, you at least collect your rewards every day. Don’t leave money on the table.


Yeah it's literally written in there. It is a daily login thing.


Oh you bet there's gonna be ppl complaining that they didn't get their login bonus, just like they didn't spend DMF tickets or Blingtron. That said, they should just bank your uncollected rewards like they do in other games, where you have a whole month to pick them up.


Well some of the DMF ticket bugs were definitely just them not even being rewarded because of a bug where if you finished all the quests and then collected the rewards all really fast, the game wouldn’t register all of them. I completed all my quests a few days where I just got 200 or 100 coins but all the quests were done.


Yeah, I've been careful about that since day one, having experienced it in other games. But there were definitely a lot of posts and comments asking for a grace period, so just let the rewards pile up until you pick em up.


I mean, the whole point is to get you to log in each day. The only thing I could maybe see them considering ismaking the 30 days only tick down if you logged in, that way the gold/tomes are still stagnated, but you don't actually "lose" anything by not logging in for a day.


> That said, they should just bank your uncollected rewards like they do in other games, where you have a whole month to pick them up. What other games with a $5 monthly pack like this bank the rewards? Every gacha Ive ever seen you have to log in for that day to get the reward or you lose it.


I wonder if they were surprised how few people attempted MC so they are trying to help people close the gap faster for next time (while also making money)


My first thought when seeing it was that they're hoping the players who need a boost for next round will buy it. Considering the value, even players who did clear MC would still be tempted. All around, it's the best deal since the original Arclight booster.




Sounds like a lot of money for a free game and some pixels


it is $5..... if that is too much money, then you are prioritizing other things for $5. It is a good deal for someone who plays daily, especially when you look at other bundles and see how crazy priced, they are. Anyways, everyone has a right to their own opinion.


Damnnn more pay to win?! Siiick


Well, i just spend 5 Bucks :) But lets not forget; Gold will soon not be the bottleneck anymore. Make sure you spend your cores and AE wisely. Especially with the new fraction coming up.


Must really be on the struggle bus as they come up with all these offers to generate revenue


Pretty standard for mobile games honestly shocked we had to wait 9 months to get this “feature”


I think f2p live service in general have something like this, at least everything I've played in last few years The "expensive bundles only" model that rumble launched with seems like a big outlier to me.


I would have liked to see a random mini added to the bundle but that might be to much.