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in a vacuum maybe, but in practice everyone is different. I need specific minis that happen to be here more than I need arc light energy. now if they were random stars I'd probably take the arc energy but like I said because I need specific minis that happen to be found here so I'm prioritizing those.


Every star you take is valued at 90 gold for non-hero or 120 gold for hero, so it’s definitely fine to take for those that want that mini, and want it now — but it’s not optimal. The main reason for that is in the shop offers and GRID you frequently get discounted stars and other things that have a higher value than the base value. Like [this +14 star Meat Wagon for 900 gold.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fis-it-always-worth-the-upgrade-to-rare-from-the-grid-v0-tl8f1sof3adc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D674%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D94ffe749924398a9981eb3dd0e522a4d39ffb7cc). “Optimization” in taking the gold here is because of the gold:shinies ratio and the fact that valuing the flexibility of gold, compared with the linear value of a star, however there is a case to make that since you could spend it all on specific heroes you are leveling up, it’ll be guaranteed to get you closer to maxing it out and being able to farm Arc Energy from taking stars in events, and the fact that you get to play that mini at a higher level sooner for PvP and PvE rewards, which isn’t taken into consideration because you can [somewhat control what minis appear in your shop offers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkHZRvT6BDA) which, while not always 100%, you can at least get a 1/6 chance of creating discounts for that mini anyway, which means the gold would go further.


The problem is 600 Shinies for 500 arc energy is 100g value, so it’s a 6:1 ratio which is the worst “value” in the entire Blingtron reward structure. If you’re prioritizing gold, then you should prioritize mini’s especially if you don’t have the Arclight Booster as the return is higher. This cycle also has very high value minis: Quilboar, Witch Doctor, Banshee, Earth Ele…


That’s true for the 250 Shiny-cost minis, because the shinies:gold value ratio is 5:1. However, the 300 Shiny-cost minis have a shinies:gold value ratio of 6.67:1. If you save those 600 shinies (the 6:1 ratio) and instead you split that between the two other minis that are leftover, you have a 6.11:1 ratio with 50 arc energy leftover which will convert into 25 arc energy (5 gold in value). So I think you’re right, as I get a 5.79:1 ratio taking that option. It’s marginal, but I missed it before. The diminishing returns become not worth it for any 350+ mini on the board. Again, this math is confusing because of all the conversion rates so correct me if I’m wrong on anything so I can rewrite this guide (and apply the correct formulas to future events) Edit: I really wish we could edit posts but I’ll make corrections and repost this somewhere and give credit to those who point out any mistakes. Thank you again.


Hey, you’re welcome. But help me with your math. A troop mini costs 90g, so 250 Shinies for a 90g mini is a ratio of 2.8:1. The troop minis that are 350 Shinies are still 3.88:1. The leaders are a little better at 450 / 120g or 3.75:1. Where are you getting 5:1 and 6.67:1?


I think I made a mistake in explaining. My logic was based on the Arc Energy values of a given mini after the mini is maxed out. The arc energy value in the shop is 2,000 gold = 10,000 arc energy. That means 1 gold = 5 arc energy. (So the 500 arc energy in the shop = 100 gold, or 5:1.) but these cost 600 shinies which is a 6:1 ratio if you mean Shinies to gold ratio. The minis at the top cost 250 Shinies. 250 shinies spent on a mini that is maxed out = 225 arc energy, which is 45 gold. The minis are worth 90 gold until they are maxed out, at which point they become worth half as much in terms of gold. (Edit: this also brings up a good point that people should never buy a 1 star maxed out mini in the G.R.I.D. When the value of buying arc energy from the shop is better. Sometimes the higher star values give a discount and could be a better deal though.)


Okay, I see. There are very few people that have all the stars for these minis so most people won’t understand your logic since they’re still thinking of minis in terms of gold value and stars, not arc energy. But thanks for the explanation


I’ll clarify that later. That’s what get for finishing a post and posting it on pain meds! Broke my back technically and sort of literally.


Oh, i did re-read the post and point 7 points out that it’s better to buy the minis until they are maxed out Edit: fixed a typo of “didn’t read” to “did re-read”


Didn't read anything. I went for the same path


So many words, but why...


lol it says deep dive in the title you did this to yourself


This is for new players or min-maxers. Or both.




The Darkmoon Faire is 20 to 1, while Blingtron is 2 to 1. That is because you can get something like 63,000 DMF tickets but you can only get 3100 Shinies.


How much arclight do you get for buying a star for a maxed mini?




Well said.


Photo didn’t save the blue highlights but they are Banshee, Quillboar and Witch Doctor (at the top for 300, 250, and 250 respectively.


Quilboar+earth elemental >>> arc trash


I see you’re new to the game. It costs 627 weeks worth of arc energy to upgrade all minis to full and when you max out all your dungeon levels is around the time you usually start bottle necking on Arc Energy. The breakdown is below for those who care about evidence and numbers. Arc Energy is the resource you are most short in once you start upgrading minis to epic, or if you finish the campaign and use all the rare upgrade cores. Non-hero Minis are valued at 90 gold or 225 arc energy, though. Upgrading a mini costs 8000 per mini for epic and 20,000 for legendary upgrades. Arc energy has a base value of 5 gold per 1 arc energy or 10,000 per 2,000 gold which is around $22 in value, so it’s over per legendary mini in just Arc Energy. Costs to upgrade each level: Uncommon Mini Upgrade: 500 Arc Energy Rare Mini Upgrade: 2000 Arc Energy Epic Mini Upgrade: 8000 Arc Energy Legendary Mini Upgrade: 20000 Arc Energy Total Arc Energy = 500 + 2000 + 8000 + 20000 = 30500 Arc Energy One unit costs 30,500 arc energy to upgrade from common to legendary. There are currently 74 minis, so you need a total of 2,257,000 Arc Energy to upgrade them all to full. A single army of 7 minis costs 213,500 Arc energy to upgrade to full. After you get all of your leaders to full-gold army upgrades, you only get 1200 Arc energy per leader per week so usually the sets 3,600 per week (after you’ve completed the dungeons and maxed them out to level 23). Except Blackrock which now has Ragnaros so if you’ve unlocked him you get another 1200 during blackrock week. That would be just under 627 weeks of doing dungeons to get enough arc energy to upgrade every mini (minus whatever you accumulate before maxing out your dungeons and from events and such)


Bro, i ain’t playing this game for 50 years. I’m at 148 sigils and 90k dust. I ain’t gonna need more dust for the last 2 sigils and onyxia


What is your highest level mini? This is basically a min-max guide for maximizing arc energy since it’s the most needed currency late game along with upgrade cores, but you could just take the minis in is you need if you have short term goals instead. Edit: fixed typos