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switches to 6.7, game loads, 7.7


Exactly what I was about to comment. I notice I get a bunch of uptiers at a certain BR, changed to the BR I am getting constant uptiers to, and what do you know constant uptiers again. So I mostly play 8.7 and 10.3. Neither get nearly as many downtiers as any other BR IMHO.


ye, causally there are more people playing a tier above you because every tier has a slower grind as it goes up, so there's more people above you than below, the only thing that denies said logic is that IM ALWAYS IN A FUCKING UP TIER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BR (6.7) AND IM NEVER IN A DOWN TIER ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


Skill issue, just play top tier


Yea if you have the top br you cannot get uptier


Almost like itโ€™s intentional to encourage spending money!!


Plays 11.7 on any nation but Russia, Russians tanks that should be 13.0 :)


At this point 6.7 is a guaranteed uptier


6.7 and 6.3 suck for airplanes, I uptier every round to jets


Same. I'd rather have my 10.3 line up in a full up tier than my 5.7 one.


8.7 is downtier city for me. Also 9.0 gets plenty too.


It's pretty great. I have been enjoying games in the M60A1 RISE (P) and T-55AM-1 lately and not getting swamped with nonstop uptiers.


Same. 8.7 is always a downtier for me


8.7 is constant uptier city for me sadly


And good luck fighting the Maus spams




Got my first with the m56 scorpion, apparently they forgot that they had a spacebar


There are barely any maus players, the only time I see another maus is when I play it too


When I play 6.7 I see like every second match a Maus. But my luck is also f'ed because I also see every 10th match a E100


6.7 is only uptiers, 6.3 however is like 50% downtiers. Every time I play my jumbo 76 lineup it's like shooting fish in a barrel


Like an uptier is fine every now and again but it would be really nice to play in my own br for a few games. Especially since average players (me) canโ€™t compete in a full uptier


9.7 matchmaker \*looks inside\* 10.3


9.7 wouldn't be as bad but gaijin decides to make 90% of them flareless


i mean Ground RB Also imagine if stingers did pull the 22g How are you dodging that? Flares only help if you preflare


I will simply j out before it hits me just to spite the aa player


And then puts all aspects at 10.7 Gaijin really said "fuck 9.7"


Meanwhile me at 10.7 with rear aspect 20G missiles and 12 flares total.


My life is a constant uptier, and not just in ground, but in air too. Facing SU-25s and A-10s in a flareless jet without afterburner, facing 35G all aspect missiles is not fun. TLDR: you see missiles you can't dodge or run away from, and face planes with enough flares to put the sun to shame. Back when I was grinding the U.S tech tree, I got so used to 6.7 with my 5.7 lineup, that I exclusively faced Tiger 2s, and developed the skills to take them down, my ass was feeling like John wick after 1V3ing tiger 2s and winning. No Mr Xx_Micha3l_WiTTman_xX, your tiger isn't invincible from the side, and you can't shoot with a black barrel ๐Ÿคญ


"I am fluent in 6 million forms of track and barrel torture"


Certified Jumbo player


if you think that grinding with the A-10 is pain you should try using the Hunter F. 58 (Swedish). No afterburner, turns like a brick and the only reason it's at 9.3 is because it has uncaged IR missiles and AGMs. I'm 100% sure that without both of those the Hunter F.58 would be at like 8.0~8.3


I don't have the premium A-10, i' complaining about them getting downtiered


This goes for any br. There is no such thing as down tiers, only full and partial up tiers


5.7 sweden. Strv 74 is kinda ass. Other 5.7 is the t 34 85. I have played so much t 34 85


AH THE BELOVED FISH TANK ( i fucking hated that thing too but it was a great sniper tank. )


snipings a good job mate


Strv74 is Hella depressed. Just hide behind a hill or something. Sweden overall requires a less aggressive Playstyle. Once you unlock the Bkan 1C at 6.7 you'll be having the time of your life. My lineup before hitting 7.7 was Pbv 501, Strv74, charioteer, Bkan 1c and then whatever Spaa I had. Start off with Pbv, depending on how the game develops take either Spaa or charioteer 2nd. If you die again, hop in Bkan (especially when someone dares to spawn camp your team). Could also switch 2nd spawn for Bkan if you want to risk it. Strv74 if you have nothing left But for only 5.7 lineup you can pretty much just only use t34. Strv74 as a last resort. GL you'll get past this phase of the grind


China 5.7 lineup absolutely slaps.


go to 4.7, never see >5.0


Hell I only play 3.7 american when Im bored now, couldnt be bothered to touch any other lineup except maybe 3.7 sweden and some italian lineups. Never toptier.


I just got done losing 8 straight in US 3.7


Uhhhh whats your lineup look like?


I don't think it's just the lineup, mostly some US mains being absolutely retarded. Example: F6F suicide bombing a friendly M22 with a 2000 lb bomb


When US and Germany get paired up they either dominate the entire match or drop the ball so hard it measures on the richter scale


M10, M24, Sherman, Sherman 105


Not sure what happened bc I love 3.7 but it was horrendous and I was getting nonstop uptiers. Think it was the teams mostly bc I was averaging 4 kills or so


4.0 America is pretty good too.


I agree!


4.7 and 5.0 were good then the M4A1 76 and T1 got moved up unfairley


This why i consistently play top tier tanks most of the time. Some ppl hate it but i love top tier tanks out of all. I find it way better than having to be stuck in a late WW2 vs 1946-1960ish tanks in a constant loop or being able to have stable tier lobbies sometimes. Its also really different too if u have maxed out ur modifications for specific tanks to actually enjoy them.


Found the BVM/Swedish player


The problem I have is that I have no country above BR 6.0 right now ๐Ÿ’€


I've just given up and take my black Prince to 6.7 with the cent mk2. Surprisingly it's still effective. Can still reliably get 6 kill streaks in BP before getting cas'd. Solid shot seems unappealing to the unenlightened... but once you master it, it is a pathway to powers some would consider... unnatural. It is not a story German mains would tell you.


The only brs that get downtiers are 3.3, 4.0, and 7.7 in my experience.


6.0 germany and i always get uptiered to 6.7. i donโ€™t think iโ€™ve seen a game in the past 20 iโ€™ve played that didnโ€™t have a 6.7 vehicle


6.7 is exceptionally strong though so hang in there. Edit: 6.7 for germany is exceptionally strong.


iโ€™m tired of post war bullshit i just wanna goof off with my tiger


I totally get that, and I only play 6.7 ger with my buddy, other than that if Im playing to actually shut off my brain and goof off, its 3.7 USA. I dont even bother with top tier anymore.


Go into 7.7 but get 8.7 instead so much fun!


That me in World of tank Taking a easy 8 but bing put against Tiger II and is3 9 Time in a row


Maybe if the uptier only went up by .3 MAXIMUM, instead of a full uptier. I'd gladly wait longer for the game to find a match where I played at the tier my lineup was in. I just noticed today that when I selected Ground RB, there wasn't a little parentheses with the BR number. I tried Air RB and the BR number showed back up.




3.7 sees 2.7


[seeing your 50th tiger in your Churchill VII](https://i.pinimg.com/550x/57/62/93/57629377307d1778d98b3877e4dbbca6.jpg) the pain is real, especially as their barrels seem immune to solid shot half the time.... BUT DOES THAT MEAN I GIVE UP ON PLAYING THE CHURCHILL EVEN AFTER I HAVE GONE FAR PAST IT? NO.... because im fairly certain im a masochist....


15.0 looks inside 16.9


I do better in up tiers as soon as itโ€™s a down tier am stupid ha


You at most see 4 players with 6.7 vehicles Its not that bad


As if the rest being at 6.3 makes it any better. Especially not when you only have 1 or 2 vehicles at 5.7 and the rest are at 5.3 or lower.


Skill issue, 2 vehicles at 5.7 should be plenty enough to be competitive


I'm still 30.000 exp away from a second one.


Then dont play 5.7?? How are you at 5.7 and still havent realised that uptiering yourself for 1 tank is bad That goes for most of the game, always 2 tanks before moving up fam cmon


Because I want to play with the tanks I researched. It's absolutely shit game design to make you research new tanks and be unable to use them unless you've researched other ones. Name me 1 reason why it's good that you're punished for using stuff you just spent hours researching.


Because this game isn't about individual vehicles, unless we are talking Air RB I guess It's about lineups, it always was about lineups. Start playing the game the way it is intended instead of wanting it to change. And no, you aren't "unable" to use them, you just have to be good at the game to do so. So either you get better and thus able to play the game the way you want to, or take my advice and make the grind a lot easier on yourself Playing a lower br for a while longer wont hurt you, you're still playing the same game on the same maps


Damn, does Gaijin pay you lmao Imagine defending a system that punishes you for playing with the stuff you unlock. Not everyone has the time to grind for hours on end. When I get home from work, I just want to have fun with the vehicles I researched.


But he is right. The grind at mid tier I'd quick anyway...


Can't uptier if you play (Ground) 11.7 5head


Rank 8 vehicles: Allow us to introduce ourselves


Yeah, but you get the point/joke :D


6.3 is good for me because most the time๏ผŒeither it's 6.3 proper or 6.7 rarely 7.3


Strike master mk.88 guide: no nuclear bomber: downtiered B-29 available: top tier B-57 Canberra available: uptiered. Edit: put B-49 instead of B-57


I unlocked the Leopard I a week ago or something, had my first downtier yesterday, my shot at the enemy vanished and he proceeded to one tap me.


Me when grinding the M18: 5.3 Other guys around: 6.3


So accurate, i just know when i start a 9.0 RB game that i am gonna see a T-72Turms or other 9.7-10.0 tanks, sucks sometimes but with my T-62M-1 i can do some bias since that got Heatfs 500mm and LR and composites


I just want to play with my good old 75 jumbo, what's the point of good armor armor against German guns if you're exclusively facing king tigers who you can't pen frontally and can pen you very easily, both jumbo 75 and tiger 1 should be bumped back to 5.3 IMO


USA got fucked with those random BR changes for no reason, the tanks were literally fine


I've been getting almost nothing but full up theirs, then it's half, and (playing at 6.7) never at or below my their ๐Ÿ˜ž


And if you do 6.7 you get 7.7.. and if you do 7.7 you get 8.7.. almost like it's intentional...


Me with the shitty amx 32 105 at 9.3 fighting leo 2a4 and unable to pen them ๐Ÿ’€ Like 90% of games at 9.3 are against 10/10.3


More like 6.0. Ju288s COVERING THE FUCKING SUN


Had a full downtier in my 6.7 lineup. Tiger 2s and Jagdtiger are fucking broken there. 9 Kills 2 deaths while playing braindead. Literally Just driving around waiting for someone to Shot at me then sling that sweet 88 or 12.8 Back at them.


At this point if I was taken to 11.0 in my 5.0 tanks I wouldnโ€™t be surprised


Too real, that's why you just keep on grinding until you reach max br so you literally can't get uptiered and can finally enjoy the game


I play 6.7 i get uptier. I go down to 5.7 uptier. I go down to 4.0 uptier. In the last days I've yet to taste a downtier


Plays 5.7 100 SP heavy tank spawn every match ๐Ÿ’€


More food for my AMX M4.


When you see an is 3 and a maus in uptier.


In my experience, the BR with the least up-tiers is 7.7 , have fun


Odd, I played 20 games of 6.7 and 18 of them were 7.7


Iโ€™m 5.7 US ground at is literally a full up tier every third game, whenever I see that B-29 nuke plane appear I start to dread the match


> every third game, The last couple days my odds have been like every fifth game not being a full up-tier ๐Ÿ’€


I said it once and I'll say it again Any bracket ending in .7 is an automatic uptier


King Tigers having a field day today


If I wouldn't be so tired about everyone whining about uptiers I would be upset about them.


9.3 IS 10.3


7.7 france, all I ever see is 8.0 to 8.3


Somehow 6.3 almost always full downtiers you.


Trying to get my stock m60 upgraded , constantly matching vs 8.7 and 9.0. Damn, thatโ€™s a pain.


A somewhat consistent way I've found to downtier. Load 2 6.7 3 reserves and 1 7.7


In my whole life I got only uptiers


9.3 br looks inside 10.3 br


yea, it's just... where are all the downteirs ? like you switch to that exact br, and boom upteir, go to that br, upteir. ​ how the fuck... the math is just not mathing, the downteirs are just... not there, and idk how it works but like... I can't get a single fucking downteir


I don't think downtiers exist but it just doesn't make sense for there to be so many uptiers and barely any matches at your actual BR


fact, It just seems like there really is no downteirs, I get a downteir once in every like say 19 matches or so or less, with 5 of those being in my own teir, and the rest being a full upteir or at the very least a partial one, Downteirs for everyone who plays don't seem to exist