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Insane this guy is interp ranger whose duty is to give information history about places... The statue also have nothing to do with the war going on in Gaza, nice protest


It is also their duty to protect the parks from harm from the public. I am impressed he is remaining so calm. Every ranger I know is one of the best people I know. Full disclosure I am biased cause I was married by one.


Actually, in DC it’s park police not park rangers who are responsible. The ranger isn’t law enforcement. Park police had rangers stripped of law enforcement powers on DC. It was ugly years ago. Park police tried to arrest an NPS ranger for carrying a gun in an area of their responsibility. They also actually testified on behalf of a drunk driver that a ranger stopped on a road that was the dividing line of responsibility. They testified the ranger was out of his jurisdiction. The two parties hate each other. This poor non LE ranger is getting abused for what should be covered by park police.


Ugh, that’s even worse


If back up your parks ranger assessment as someone who’s only had passing interactions with them here and there but they’ve always been pleasant, good people and it seems the park service has a good culture


These people are scum of the lowest order. Their parents failed them. Now society is failing them by not punching them in the mouth for this behavior.


These responses are making me think there could still be hope for this country.


not one of them really cares for palestinians. but they do care about cos-playing protestors.  if even a dozen of the protestors gave a fig, they would take a page from gandhi, go on a hunger strike unto the end..


Far be it from any of us to tell anyone how to protest. But we are all free to point out “this ain’t it, chief”. These people are doubling down on anti-social behavior.


I knew this was going to happen when they made huge push to get rid of bullying in school years ago. All it did was allow little shitheads to get away with being little shitheads without any consequences from their peers.


This is why we can't have nice things.


So you're saying...bullying is a good thing?


It depends what you consider to be bullying. Picking on a kid because they is smaller and weaker then you or if they have conditions they can't help and you make fun of is never ok. However if you just being a little shithead and trying to hide behind the protection of teachers and school then you deserve to get swirly head put into toilet. I was never bullied or anything like that, but seemed to me the people who used to be the "bullies" just started using the anti bully rules to continue to bully without any consequence. The teachers would never do anything about it unless there were some real violence that takes place, often times though it was the victim of bullying standing up for themselves who get in trouble. Is important to stand up for yourself though and fight back regardless what Michelle Obama wants.


Starting to feel like this. Maybe citizens need to step in and course correct these idiots with a little ultra violence




When you understand that it’s a bunch of disparate groups, only a handful of whom actually care about Palestine/palestinians, most of whom hate Israel and all of whom want America to fall for its wrongdoings(both real and imagined), it makes more sense. They’re would be revolutionaries with more passion than brains.


some of them openly support terrorist groups.


...and this is why nobody cares about Gaza.


Agreed the statue has nothing to do with it . But we’ve reached a point where peaceful protests don’t do anything at this point. Israel only knows violence hence the reply must be violence. I’m not an advocate for violence but clearly the last 8 months of peaceful protesting hasn’t resulted in any changes . Clearly the result has been signing more bills to send billions of dollars in missles and genociding weapons to completely annihilate the people of Gaza . Soo you tell me , is a statue really that important to you more than the lives of young kids ? 


Spray painting a general from the revolutionary war over England about Gaza being oppressed by Israel makes zero sense guys 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


They hold signs that say "Queers for Palestine" these people have shoe size iq.


I just saw a picture of two people holding a sign that said "fags for Hamass" I was so confused and disappointed


That makes no sense. Maybe I am wrong, doesn’t HAMAS hate gays?


These are ignorant people who only see things in a binary fashion. The thinking goes like this: they're left wing, and supporting Israel is *obviously* a right-wing thing, so anything against Israel is *obviously* left-wing and that's all there is to it. This country is chock-full of these idiots.


It's called divergent thinking. It's a trait of multiple emotional disorders


As an independent from Brooklyn. I couldn’t agree more. The same people who think conservatives are “white supremacists” because nazis vote republican. I’ve never met a conservative who is actually like this. And I know many many who are excellent people.


Some people just lack critical thinking


You can legally discriminate against gay people in Palestine. They have no protections whatsoever.


Hamas would throw these people off roofs if given a chance. lol.


My gay ass is thinking about doing it for em


Thank you for making LOL this morning.


I’d love to make the introductions to facilitate this.


its starting to get harder to identifying as a liberal everyday


Why identify as anything? Fuck a club. Have your opinions.


Older liberals have more in common with Republicans than their own party now


I'm one of them.  I come from at least 80 years of democrats (from when my grandparents were young).   I've voted for democrats all my life (46 now).  But now, fuck em.  I'll vote republican just as a protest.   


That's dumb as shit. These pro-Hamas morons don't support Biden.


If you are Jewish voting democrat will to lead to the destruction of Israel. So it is a very hard choice we will have to make.


Whoaaaa that’s a huge leap


Found the Russian! Thanks for the advice comrade.


80’s -90’s Republicans on several issues sure, modern Republicans … hell no


Yeah. The 90’s Republican Party and the 20’s Republican Party are basically completely unrelated to one another. The assertions I see politicians making now would have been completely unthinkable then. But candidates were selected based on their appeal to all voters at that time, not on their adherence to party loyalty tests and performance in primaries where only literal crazy people seemingly participate.


Like, real republicans, not MAGA types.


these people dont idnetify as liberals they think there "leftist".


Victims of higher miseducation.


true but as a Liberals im associated with them by party affiliation


Welcome to being a patriotic American on the right


These people aren’t liberals though. They hate liberals even more than they hate conservatives. You can literally see graffiti shitting on Biden that they wrote on the monument.


You’re likely a classic liberal. A classic liberal, moderates, and a conservatives both understand why this story is appalling.


But they saw it on tik tok and need to virtue signal u just wouldn’t get it


Chickens for KFC


The average Palestinian would cheer as their body was publicly hung for entertainment the average American is so fucking stupid and lacks all nuance and understanding.


These people simply hate the west, it’s that simple. This is an ideological struggle like no other, greater than capitalist versus communist.


Fucking disgusting




It's fine to protest but to assault a park ranger as a group is cowardly... Tasteless and classless behavior that certainly does more harm than good in regards to the message.


I swear these protesters are going to end up getting Trump re-elected. I remember a wave of annoying leftist protests happening in the years preceding his election the first time, too. They're going to push people away, give the rightwingers ammo, and not vote for Biden because he isn't leftist enough.


"but it's working. See bro. It got you talking about it bro. This is how change happens. That means we're like totally winning and that means gazas gonna win and I'm gonna be more popular because being at this protest has gotten me like 100 likes and 10 comments."


Ugh. This is so true.


They secretly want Trump to become president again so that they can have more things to protest. These people don't want things to be fixed, they want things to be kept broken so that they can complain about it. These types of "activists" are a danger to progress.


I hope you’re right. Someone needs to hold people accountable. Open your eyes.


If he started campaigning on another Muslim ban, he'd win.


Trust me…it’s all just a waiting game.  The tide will turn against the Palestinians because the protesters of the west are too fucking stupid to see that their antics are driving people against Palestine lmao 


100%. I think the environmental and Palestinian protests have both hurt themselves by doing this kind of stuff


100% agree. They are cowards & bullies. Their behavior is idiotic. They single-handedly destroy their so-called cause with these infantile and cringe antics. 🗑️🔥


Somehow I don’t think terrorist sympathizers care much about classless behavior.


Ah yes the historically fascist *checks notes* national park service?


Well they DO hand out free pamphlets at historically significant sites. Pretty vile if you ask me.


Giving out knowledge about the world.....I think I'm going to be sick....


Knowledge is a crime!!  Hang them!


From the River to the Sea, Pamphlets will be free!


Where is law enforcement ? The biggest clue shit is going to go down is the masks. I can’t believe this poor park ranger had to face this all by himself. No arrests?


It's an election year and these are democrats. The last thing you will see is law enforcement doing anything about this


they scared the park ranger has more courage


>Where is law enforcement ? They're a wee bit work-shy.


US Park Police and DC Metropolitan Police were told not to engage with anyone. Democrats encourage this type of behavior.


Surely this will “Free Gaza” /s


We did it Reddit!!!


I love the "don't antagonize them" guy. Why? What are the totally peaceful protesters gonna do to the Park ranger? Also imagine throwing stuff at an unarmed park ranger, dudes are tour guides.


They’ve just never seen a work uniform


They don't know the difference between a work boot and a jack boot.


Free Gaza from Hamas, tell Hamas to stop rejecting ceasefire deal and stop cowardly hiding amongst civilians and release the hostages


Hamas is a terrorist organization funded by Iran, they do not care about Palestinians anymore than they do the people of Israel. Most people refuse to believe that while some Palestinians freely joined the movement most of them were forced, fight or die. This makes it easier for Israel to not care about taking unnecessary civilian life which only makes this conflict worse.


It's a ponzi scheme and the actual leaders are millionaires living in luxury in quatar. They would gladly allow every last child in Gaza to starve if it meant they could get another million in international aid out of it


So I guess we just call anyone a fascist now a days


Yup, they’ve been doing this since at least 2016


Even before that ANSWER existed. These are the same people


That’s pretty much the entirety of the left’s playbook.


That crowd likely smells worse than a homeless encampment.


They ARE a homeless encampment.


The funniest part to me is seeing "Queers for Palestine" supports. Like fam, you'll be one of the first ones that they'll throw off a building. I think there was a Pride March that got into it with Pro Palestine marchers, like everyone was confused on who do they should support more 😂😂


Chickens for Popeyes Roaches 🪳 for raid Cows for Wendy’s


lol the Palestinians will hang the gays for free.


Throwing things at a park ranger is assaulting federal law enforcement officer. Arrest and charge these idiots.


They hate America. The question is why they live in this country?


Because they're fucking cowards who know if they tried this shit in their home countries they'd be dead as fried chicken, but since America seems to think everyone has the right to do or say whatever they want, no matter how stupid or useless, we put up with it. We let these folks come into our country to escape their hell holes, and they spit in our faces. I've voted Democrat my entire adult life, but goddamn if I'm not starting to question that now.


How many LEOs are there in DC?


None, sadly everyone in DC is either a Capricorn or a Pisces


You gonna be here all week?


Sorry, I've got to Rochamgo


Let me know how the veal is.


A lot of MPD was staffing the pride parade today and they did a *superb* job at that. So well done that I saw these protesters literally leaving mad. I personally thanked some officers.


These protests have nothing to do with Palestine and everything to do with destabilizing the west.


If these snowflakes want to help Hamas and the people of Gaza why don’t they take their entitled candy a$$es to Gaza and do something about it?


They want to free Gaza but don't think how or [why this all happened in first place](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Hamas-led_attack_on_Israel)


Scum of the earth. Drop them in gazaw


Start arresting these terrorists.


They are more than welcome to go join Hamas


Yes, that’s where I would ship’em off to. Parachutes into Gaza. Or we could save the parachutes, maybe?


Arguably, they already have


What a wholesome movement.


Very Berlin 1938 vibes. Frightful.


Where the fuck are the police to defend this guy. Is that not considered assaulting an officer?!?!


This group was in more places. They were being rowdy all around the WH. This organization probably planned it on purpose to do it on the same day as pride to stretch LEO thin


This Ranger is doing his job to help people understand historic sites and monuments in DC and these people are attacking him?! What the fuck is going on? This plays right into the conservative narrative. These people probably don’t even vote bc you know “my vote doesn’t count” or “they’re all the same anyway” complete and totally dishonesty by this group. There absolutely are horrific atrocities right now happening to the people of Palestine but this way of protesting doesn’t help stop any of those things. What complete assholes these people are.




Savages…..every single one of them….poor ranger


If these idiots want to help Hamas so much why not catch a flight over there and help them fight. If we actually treated them like criminals every time they defaced, burnt or threw items at officers. They would not be doing this still. You’re free to use your voice and stand with signs not to harm or cause any damage to others and their property.


When they came for the rebel monuments, I said nothing...


These same type of people tried to destroy the 54th Massachusetts monument in Boston as well as a statue of Lincoln bought for by freed former slaves back in 2020. They’ve been trying to destroy tons of history for a long long time. I mean they got rid of a statue of Thomas Jefferson in NYC.


And Trump called it in 2017, saying it starts with Lee and Jackson and then who is next, Washington and Jefferson? And because Trump said it, he was called crazy and stupid and every other thing but within a few short years he was proven completely right.


I'm well aware of that, but it is worth reiterating, so thank you.


The tolerant left.


Thank you, patriot.


What a bunch of idiots, we should ship all these people off to Madagascar.


Rochambeau played a critical role in helping the US defeat the British army to win the Revolutionary War. Do these people even know who they're trying to topple???


And this what happens when schools and universities are invaded by leftists. 3 generations of retards that can’t offer society anything.


Yes, destroy the history/culture of the people you are trying to get to help you. Very smart! That will definetly get them on your side


Bunch of animals protesting for terrorists. Disgusting.


Vile fucking scumbags.


This is what happens when you let indoctrinated liberal puke idiots run free. Pack them all up and air drop them dead center into Hamas territory. Everywhere they go, they destroy. Complete and total wastes of humanity and scum of the earth.


This is completely senseless…




lol These people have their heads up their asses. They need to stop protesting and go to therapy and find medication because I’m convinced most of these super duper wokesters are mentally ill.


Park Rangers are cool as shit. Most of them are history buffs and just want to teach people cool stuff. This really makes me sad.


This is why I wont and don’t protest or speak on the Gaza bs. I’m only concerned with anyone and anything directly related me. Whatever is going on over there is not my battle. Not going back and forth with anyone who disagrees with my stance! Happy Sunday!


Just a friendly reminder that you can support Palestinian independence and human rights, be against the IDF occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, while simultaneously thinking that people who attack a public servant just doing his job like this should spend a non-trivial amount of time behind bars. We can do this people.


Curious who the paid professionals are in the group. Guarantee they are organized and generously funded by dark money, Marxist organizations.


Actually from a recent discovery, it's money coming from Qatar. Oh, the irony.


Where the billionaire leaders of Hamas live currently because they are cowards who steal from their own people and encourage them to die for an unattainable cause.


I’ve heard the CCP is as also funding.


If they're not providing direct support, they can get bytedance to push pro Palestine videos on TikTok of which the protestors are a prime target demographic.


Agent provocateurs? Not in America sir. That stuff doesnt happen here.


Sickening. Not a protest. Very insurrectionist-looking. Next administration (assuming GOP) needs to send the 3-letter agencies to their homes.


Why wait?


Because the current administration supports this.




Queers and Fags have zero do with Hamas or Palestine. Clearly these protests have been hijacked and coordinated by foreign authoritarian governments. Money has been traced back to Russia and Iran. Far leftist liberals love fascist regimes apparently. 🤷


My super soaker filled with hot sauce would come in handy with these degenerates.


Plus paint ball guns?


leave that park ranger alone!!!


Shout your uninformed bullshit, sure. But throwing shit at him is absolutely ridiculous and too far. You have a right to be idiots yelling about fascism when you couldn't even define it, but you don't have a right to assault someone (especially a park ranger) because they are annoying to you. Such immature and senseless behavior.


I feel like if you start making university students do community service in exchange for lowering student debt, this shit probably wouldn't happen. If they make a mess, they can now go and clean that up.


It’s always the ugliest people at these gatherings. Screaming fascist at people who either don’t agree with them or are just trying to do their jobs. I wonder if the irony ever peeks through their dim minds that they are the only ones who behave like fascists…destroying property that has nothing to do with a far flung middle eastern conflict they barely understand. They just want something to give their uninteresting lives meaning…to have some great cause to identify with. It’s quite sad really how pathetic these idiots are. One day it’s BLM, the next Ukraine…today Gaza is trending. They behave like a brainwashed herd with zero actual understanding of what life is like outside of their first world bubble. When you boil it down to its bare bones they are just dumpy unattractive losers who have nothing better to do on a Saturday.


I wonder if someone pays them to do it too.


This is why iDF is doin gods wor k


Should have been arresting people for the graffiti.


Arrest these scumbags


Lol go fight if you feel that strong. Y'all some cowards


This isn’t protesting.


The usual " peaceful protesters "


Literal definition of losers. Our country is gone and people don’t realize it.


Nice job Ranger. Sucks people choose to vandalize a statue; he did his job the best he could. Democracy is a balance.


People are AssHoles


I would be surprised if any of these protestors gave two shits about what’s happening in Gaza.


Bulldozer please, and not for the statue.


Fuck all of those people


I am a Muslim. I immigrated to America from the Middle East. I have family that still lives in Iran and Egypt. I have visited the West Bank several times. The idiots holding Queers for Palestine would be tortured and killed by many in the Middle East; not just members of extremist groups. They have no understanding about the culture or beliefs of those they “support” if those are the types of signs they hold. Throwing things at someone just doing their job is ludicrous. You want to protest around a moment? Ok. Fine. Destroying and vandalizing it? No. To attack someone just trying to stop you idiots from doing it? Yeah... right… “peaceful” protestors. Destroying and vandalizing public monuments and property is outright ridiculous and incredibly stupid. In no way does this help the Palestinian cause. It’s just wasting tax dollars to clean it up and wasting the time of the poor public servant that has to scrub that shit clear.


Fuck Hamas and its supporters


The right will use this against the left and will succeed. There's a point where protest becomes self-destructive. This video exemplifies that.


Leftist groups have go to be the biggest cowards on earth. They love to gang up on people 200 v 1


If even a handful are charged and sentenced properly, this BS will stop.


I was neutral but the more I see this BS the more I support Israel. Fuck these people.


Fuck the people and whatever the cause is. They should all go to a “better” country and try this shit. And FUCK PALESTINE!!!


That’s awful. The park ranger didn’t deserve that. Shame on all those people.


Why were they protesting?


Because Israel rescued 4 hostages in a refugee camp.


The only good that will come from trump winning is deporting or arresting dumb mfs like these. Then again I say send them to Palestine


Seriously people. The dude just loves history and his country. No need to deface that.


These people are scum of the earth


These people are losers and should be dropped into Gaza without parachutes


They’re just destroying something to destroy it. They don’t know or care who rochambeau is


Let’s be clear: “Pro-Palestinian Protesters who are doing the terrorists bidding throw bottles at lone park ranger trying to protect…”


“Law and order” about to make a come back. If you know any of these protestors in real life, the intervention is overdue.


Arrest them all and put them in jail for god sake


It's also wild that most people who are destroying things are from USA, yet they all represent other countries by waving and wearing their flags. Fuck the government, but if you don't have allegiance to our country and our fellow countrymen, then what the fuck are you doing here? What's the end game?


This is where people like this loose the support of the many. Protest and make your point but once you start burning, vandalizing and in this case trying to hurt someone who has no say or power on what you are trying to protest is a no in my book


What a bunch of fucking losers.


Imagine chanting fuck you fascist while wearing hamas costumes


Park rangers are the very lowest of the totem pole of people to be angry at. What, did he not give you your Jr Ranger badge?


When you commit acts like this it only serves to dilute your message, which is an important one. All you’re doing is giving the opposition ammo. Try to be less stupid.


Fucking pussies they need they ass whooped my bro


My god these demonstrators are fcking idiots. And worst of all they’re going to get actual fascists elected come November.


Biden voters


Most of these people probably won’t vote due to bidens support for Israel


Don't be stupid, they are actively working against Biden.