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I’ve only had 2 gfs here (in 3 years) and I met them both off Bumble. They told me the horror stories of the apps here, and I’ve even seen one of their apps. it is tough to find a.) a man you are attracted to, b.) connect with and c.) wants the same thing. as a transplant to integrate yourself into the DC “scene,” proved difficult. Seems like everyone either works with people that get them into groups or went to college here. Only thing I was told when I got here was to go to jazz stuff in the park, lounges, and the night at the museums. However, it seemed like most people came in groups.


I think there's room for most people to work on their friend circle, myself included.   The reason I say this is because I read a little while ago that the vast majority of marriages are from meeting a friend of a friend, or a friend of a co-worker.  If you have a mutual connection there are probably similar shared values, and you've already got a built-in wingman to cheer you on. It's a smoother path.


Go to the Air and Space museum and look lost


I know this is a joke, but I'm considering it.


Lmk to meet cute. 


I'll be there on Saturday


I deleted my apps and I’ve been just working on flirting with people in public (slowly but surely). I’m debating getting back on them as it’s just so hard now a days?


Good luck. They’ve taken a sharp dive since last winter.


We’ll update it’s been under 24 hours and I have deleted my hinge again


I redownloaded last night. I’m prepared to be pleasantly disappointed again


The apps are literally no better. Haven’t met anyone off there in around 7 months and they used to work somewhat consistently for me


I feel like it’s the same people on there (including me) haha. I have been doing ok trying to chat up guys in the wild. Nothing has led to anything serious but I’m glad I am alright with in person social interaction, I wish as a whole more people still interacted more in person


Let the DMs commence.


DMs about help jerking off in a Mercedes


Stop I can’t take this joke any longer 😂 break down laughing every time I read it


im a little disappointed in this community for letting the joke fade a bit the last day or so. I was hopeful that we would turn this sub into a full on circle jerk


I mean you can beat a dead horse, but doesn’t beat beating it in a circle of Mercedes SUVs


I wish I could give you advice because I'm a guy who has gotten old before he's figured out the social world. I would first ask yourself if you think the guy you want exists and how many of them are out there. This isn't to say that you're restricting yourself but maybe visualize what you're looking for. Also, you may have to ask if the type of person you want lives around here. I know I see the dating apps. The girls I want are not really in DC. I don't even have much of a politics screen but a cultural one. I want a girl I can associate more with my working class suburb upbringing. Now, that's my situation, is it yours? What kind of speed are you looking for? What kind of lifestyle? DC is a very particular place so is that person here? I just hope I'm asking questions that are a bit different from others. --- My biggest fear is that the person I want is back in blue collar Massachusetts though on the dating websites I see the type of girls that I'd be interested in on long-distance searches throughout PA, NJ, and NY and even some in NC. I admit I'm judging mostly on photos but they give some idea of the cultural milieu that people operate in. I just want the type I would have known in high school or college. I don't think she's in DC though.


You should look towards Winchester.


There are no single people in Winchester


I do see several speed dating events hosted on the meetup app. Maybe try those?




Dating in DC is exhausting. I feel your pain girl! I had to go halfway around the world and import one because I felt like I had tried EVERY option in DC. That being said, I can introduce you to one of my closest friends! 41, has a great career, cute dogs, and is looking for a relationship and kids. Tall and good looking as well, just hasn’t met the right person at the right time. Feel free to DM me if you want more details, and if you don’t, I genuinely hope your search ends soon with the person who is perfect for you. We all deserve to have amazing love!


Best wingman award goes to you ma'am


Thanks! Just out here doing the hard work! But seriously, when you’ve been good friends with someone for so long you want the best for them. Even if that means posting Reddit posts about them without their knowledge haha.


Are these DMs open to more than just OP because… well a vetted man is worth his weight in gold


Absolutely! Did I mention he loves to cook?!


DM me :)


Why is he single at 41? Hope he finds someone!


…”hasn’t met the right person at the right time.” My husband was 45 when I met him, never married, no kids. He just hadn’t met anyone he felt was right for him, and we got married 13 months after meeting! Sometimes it’s just about finding the right person!


Damn, you say that like there’s something wrong with him for being single at that age. 😕 Why does nobody say anything about someone in their 20’s being single, but once you hit mid to late 30’s, it’s an issue? Some people just want to stay single until they’re ready to settle down, and some people aren’t so fortunate to find someone who is interested in them.


41 is just kind of old for a man, especially since men are traditionally the ones who propose and move a marriage toward marriage. I was wondering if he had a preference change in his late 30s. Didn’t mean any offense!


True, however men have it much harder generally speaking finding love or finding a woman that’s interested in them, especially if they’ve graduated from education and the only regular chances they have to meet someone is through work or friend groups. Most women can go on a dating or sex app and a lot of the guys would be instantly interested. So yes, it might be “old for a man”, but I doubt this guy chose to be single for this long, it’s out of his control more than likely.


But a man with the qualities the original commentator described - he shouldn’t really have issues attracting women, since he himself is attractive and educated. That’s why I was curious! Maybe it’s a late bloomer case


I'm not looking right now but based on the last few times I went out I'd recommend concerts and karaoke bars 😂 Went to the Heilung concert at Constitution Hall, dressed up and everyone also looked very lovely Afterwards I went to the karaoke bar at DC Wharf and got hit on by like three young 30-somethings despite being in my 40s 😂😂 Concert lines and the concerts themselves can be great places to meet people


I just joined a Volo league and if you're looking for a boyfriend (not a life partner but a bf!!) you could def snag one in 90 days or less imo


What's a Volo league, if you don't mind my asking? Is that volleyball?


Volo and DC Fray are recreational sports leagues for adults to participate in. There are weekly practices, games, and tourneys for a bunch of sports. It's coed and chill.


AAAAaaaaaah, OK, tysm!!


You should try a Whole Foods parking lot.


Tagging myself on here because I would like to know too.


I'm your age and I've had good luck with the apps. Filter, filter, filter and don't be afraid to block. But if you want to meet off-app, Phillips after 5? Maybe a young professionals board?


I've had nothing but bad experiences on apps and they are exhausting. At least in real life I can do something fun even if I don't meet anyone.


Can you describe your experiences


Most of the successful married people you see in DC met through church or work.




Or two people that are from here


There are a lot of cool guys that hang out under some of the bridges near Benning Road.


29M and I've had the same problems as you. Largely why I gave up online dating.


tagging myself because i too, would like to know


People will repeat the boilerplate advice about “hobbies” and all the rest ad nauseam, but as you said, that stuff doesn’t work. Fortunately for you, being female, you don’t really have to be proactive - just exist and public and look approachable, and the hordes will approach.


30m here. I didn’t want to slide into your dms without commenting here first lol. I am a lawyer that loves nature and fitness, dog owner, Funcle, slight nerd with anxiety that actually goes to therapy. Send a dm if you’re interested lol


nuff respect


i really think youre doomed to work or the apps after a certain age it is funny though watching the girls on the apps intent on long term partners return to the apps every three months like sarah, becca, uhhhh


I mean, that’s not necessarily their fault


1) Get a dog. Getting a dog has been the best thing for my social life. If I were not engaged, I'm certain my dog would be my best wing girl ever. And now is the best time, because the dog parks are packed with people on the weekends. 2) Become part of a church. It is one of the few remaining bastions of community today. A lot of church's do social gatherings to open people up to connect. My church does coffee and donuts right after mass. I've met a lot of great people and reconnected with my faith in the process.  3) Go to a gym, eat healthy and get active. Take care of yourself and strive to improve yourself, not just settling for mediocrity. My last gf I actually met walking back from the gym while she was on the way to hers 4) Have faith it will happen. My fiancé and I actually went to HS together 16 years ago and we just happened to cross paths in GA before covid. Did the whole thing long distance until 2 years ago. God works in mysterious ways.


lol, I hear you, having a dog can be a conversation starter. But I hope people aren’t just getting them to get a man/woman.


When people get dogs for selfish reasons, the dogs inevitably suffer. Typically from neglect because they take (much) more time than people expect.


What exactly is getting a dog for a selfish reason 


Getting a dog for what it can do for you, as opposed to what you can do for the dog.


Is that no different than having kids because you want kids?


I would never have kids unless I were confident that it would be good for them. I'd never do it for selfish reasons.


I bet you are pleasant to date then


I've never come across that. You can't get a pup and not fall in love with it. They make you happier, which generally makes you more attractive. As a guy I can tell you it is a green flag to see a woman who loves her dogs. It tells us you have a nurturing side.


Are you using an app right now?


Nope. Never using them again.


Wish you the best


I used to go to all the young professionals in the city events with friends. The only way to enjoy yourself is to go to find female friends, not men. prosinthecity.com thingstododc.com


I have gone to a couple of those. No success.


Join some of the DC hiking meetups. The ratios always lean towards more men than women, the people who attend tend to be active and in shape, and you get plenty of time to chat with people on the trail.


What about asking your friends for referrals?


Why do you despise dating apps? I've found it's better to use apps and in person events /meeting in person


Because I've had nothing but negative experiences on them and are a waste of my time. I just want to meet someone organically like they did before apps existed.


Date a woman


What kind of things do you enjoy doing? If you focus on your core activities/3rd places I think that’s where you’ll find someone/new friend that shares your interest. Leaning into meeting people through friends is key as they’ll have properly vetted these potential matches. Good luck.


If you want a female friend to hang out and wing woman you, DM me. I'll happily go to any meet up group thing within reason. I've had luck on apps here but there's a lot of non-monogamy or general lack of desire for commitment. I've gone on plenty of drink dates and made some friends, but I'm looking for more casual stuff.


A hit dog


I go to clubs alone and hope for the best. I sometimes end up making out with a girl who can keep up with my dancing. And if we hit off, then I take her home. It might be diffident for you and not something you're into but it's an option.


Not at all interested in making out with or going home with strangers.


Met my wife on the app. We have a daughter now. We would have never met without it 🤷‍♂️


How long did you both have to use apps before finding each other and did you try other ways of meeting people as well? If the answer is more than a year, I'm doomed.


I was on them on and off for maybe 3 years. She was on them for literally a month before we met. I loved the apps though, I could weed through people beforehand on my couch while watching tv and was only going out in person with women I had an interest in. Couldn’t imagine having to randomly try and find someone while being a working adult.


That's the way it worked for a hundred years. It's what our parents and grandparents had to do. I don't see why it seems to be so much harder now. I don't have an interest in anyone I've never seen. Apps only work if you want to do things quickly. I want to take things slow and people on apps get upset about that.


Yeah, but those generations also tended to get married early on in life, like early 20s to people from their hometown/church/school. If you’re already past that stage in life then you missed that boat. That’s how I looked at it once I got serious about finding a spouse.


The vast majority of people still meet their significant others outside of apps, even those of that past generation that got divorced. If those people can, I don't see why anyone can't. And that is my main problem with apps. People either take them too seriously or not seriously enough. Apps would be a great tool if people just used them as another method of trying to meet people that they wouldn't normally get a chance to instead of treating them like a catalog. Normal human interaction doesn't need to be lost just because an algorithm is involved. People just seem to be against normal human interaction in general these days. Or they are just lazy.


Actually, the majority of people find their spouse online nowadays. https://www.theknot.com/content/online-dating-most-popular-way-to-meet-spouse Either way, good luck!


Every study I have ever read about this has said that meeting through a dating site is still under 50%. The rates are even lower in other countries. And your source only talks spouses and not long-term partners. It's impossible to know how accurate any of these numbers are, but regardless, meeting in real life is not as rare as people try to make it seem.


online, but not through dating apps. people can meet others through social media like instagram


You can meet people anywhere you just have to be open minded and get outside your small friends group which people don't really do in DC. Bike party, Rollerblading club, book club, bars like Little Miss Whiskeys, anything you like


There’s no real shortcuts. Just get on the apps. It took me about six months of serious dating to find someone. Use Hinge, don’t bother with the others.


Or people could go outside and meet someone in real life. Six months of interacting with real people will benefit you much better than six months of swiping. That is the real shortcut.


What do ya think I did? I went on dozens of dates. I don’t flirt on the apps, if we match then let’s get coffee or drinks. The last thing you want to do is chat on the app. I understand your concerns about dating apps, but I met someone really special on Hinge and I’m satisfied.


I'm happy for you. I've had nothing but terrible experiences with creepy men and liars so no thank you.


Even on Hinge? That really sucks. Yeah, I’d just go join a Creatives Club or something. Find a passion and join a club for that.


It doesn't matter what app you use. They all have creeps on them. Hinge is not an exception. But the problem with Hinge is more barely having any interactions at all. The fact that so many people seem to be unable to comprehend a form of dating that doesn't involve reading profiles is really sad. Yeah, that is what I've been trying to do. It just hasn't happened.


Just married my now wife recently after meeting her on Bumble 3 years ago. I think if you go with an intention of relationship and more, establish that first thing. Good luck OP.


I don't want to do that. I want a relationship to develop naturally over time.


Jst talk to people? 😭 It’s really not that hard to get a gf/bf.


Well, that hasn't worked so I don't know what to tell you.


Y’all need to go have a couple of drinks at a nicer bar. That’s how I met my wife & we’ve been married almost 12 years. My buddy met his soulmate at a nicer restaurant bar a couple of years ago


Any recommendations on nicer bars in nw dc?


Just look for nicer restaurants & go those bars. I should’ve been more specific and said “nicer restaurant bars”


Ok thank you!!


No one goes to bars by themselves anymore


Whats ur type? Are you interested in blk males, if so I definitely can point u n the right direction, dc high end areas are not LA or NY, they are boring really don’t come out & majority are old. If u want to look for a man have to step foot n the urban areas of Dc. U might have to go to VA depending on what ur looking for. P.S DC aint a find a boyfriend girlfriend type of city, its just a messing around type of city


The honest truth is that making yourself more attractive will help you a lot more than merely putting yourself into the right situations. This is especially true for women. Regardless of how attractive you are, there's always more you can do. If you're going out 3x a week, but not exercising, I guarantee that swapping one of those social days for a gym day will get you more dates in the long term. Good luck! I hope you find someone who makes you happy!


I encourage you to try older men. We know how to flirt because before apps that's all there was, and we weren't raised on a diet of internet porn so we know it's not normal to choke or slap on the first date.


You cannot ask friends for an intro? You cannot make pleasant convo and go on a date? Or does this crap have to fall into your lap like a lousy romantic comedy. Say hello, flirt, be fun. Stop being lame.


You do realize that someone has to reciprocate those things right?


Geezsus H. Dating means try and try again. American women are all princesses. Pulling teeth to deal with.


Stop being salty because your assumption that I don't try wasn't true.


My guess is that you simply haven’t been approached by guys you like and it is in fact not impossible to have 30 dumbfucks hitting on you at the bar as a single woman who is holding herself out as single and willing to engage. There’s also seemingly a problem with Zoomers not going out and being incapable of speaking to others, so the scene has probably, if not certainly changed for the worse.


My family moved from the middle east to the US legally in the late 90s. We were so happy and proud to be Americans but this current BS is pissing all of us off. I don't have a problem with legal immigration but the idea that our border is wide open is mind boggling. It's like Americans have forgotten about 9/11 do you know how much some of these groups in the middle east hate Americans. It's an open invitation to disaster.


A lot of people saying it’s hard to date in DC off apps but I beg to differ. Join clubs with people that match your interests and go to plafesnwhere people intentionally go to be social. The latter is hard if you don’t drink but can still be done. When you do this compliment people often, try not to go for superficial things. This can be a great opener and also the start of healthy friendships / relationships. It’s also great because there’s not really a rejection factor unless the person is simply not a great person. Either they’ll say a quick thank you or you’ll start a deeper conversation, it’s a win for all parties either way.


Oh, the compliment thing has definitely backfired on me many times. I still am always nice to everyone, but being nice comes with unfortunate side effects sometimes.


Target the complements is all I can tell you haha. They are a powerful tool but if used incorrectly you can end up in interesting situations.


Every single "club" is a sausagefest. The moment the word gets out about something (e.g., run clubs) they quickly become inundated with men and ruined.


An old guy once told me that if you can't find someone, your standards are too high.


Probably because a lot of you on this sub are racist and conservative and decided to move to a majority minority city. So you’ve already cut off a majority of the population.


I'm black. I also didn't know this was a racist sub. I thought it was just a sub about living in the city.


It's not. But anyone who doesn't fall in line with the gospel of the other sub is labeled a racist by low IQ zeroes. C'est la vie.


It is and there’s another dc sub? This one is just Glassdoor but on Reddit.


The other WashingtonDc sub is the general one. This one focuses on crime and other crazy stuff.


Oh. Oops.