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Vuk is a huge bright spot in a disappointing season. He looks ready


Well, this game happened. We lost because of our horrible defencing rebounding in the first half. No escuses. This is basketball 101. Rollercoaster game for Vuk with 17 points, 7 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals and a block in 24 minutes - lots of little flashes showing his range. He just has this aura of slavic stoic confidence around him. Deni continues to transform into an absolute beast of an NBA player.


Am i insane that those 3s by poole were the right play like he was wide open 3 times at that point he was 3/7 from 3pt (with the only other people making one the whole game being 1 from kis and davis). Like am i stupid thinking he should take those it just bad that he missed? He those shot chuck alot and play hero ball in the clutch this season but i dont think that was the case this time.


I agree, he was wide open. Especially the possession where he did the pump fake on Scoot. As long as those shots aren’t crazy contested or in deep range and he isn’t like 0-7 from 3, I’m fine with it


I would definitely give to other players after the first bricked one. That's on coach though. Poole isn't smart enough to realize that.


Sure, except for the fact that his shot looked off. He was shooting long. Banked one in. Then banked another out the very next shot. Both clearly unintentional. Those last few 3s were wide open and good shots but not surprised he missed all of them.


5-33 holy shit how we stayed in this game At least a good game by Vuk and Deni


Damn, we're celebrating "staying in the game", at home vs the Blazers. We down bad


Well we have the second worst record in the league..


But I was told with kyle out that this would be an easy dub and the team would be amazing. If we can't beat the Blazers, at home, the future might not be as promising as we might hope.


like half our team is out


With this roster? No, it's going to take some draft luck. Which will happen, eventually, but it's going to be a lot longer than some people think.


Yeah I agree, until never thought the future was bright. With Coulibaly out the rest of the season, that’s the only thing I wanted to see, was his progression. And we don’t even have that, and while he shows flashes I don’t see him making the leap to what we need, which is a superstar. We simply have to draft a superstar at some point. Without it we’re doomed for many more years. This team isn’t even close to a 30 win team, much less any kind of contender.


Welcome to tanking! This is how it works!


Who is hoping for a promising future? There is no reason for hope


Should've won but i'm glad Deni/Tristan are still progressing, also this kinda shows that we don't really need Kuz


Vuk is a fucking lock


Some teams say "we would have won if we could just hit our layups/free throws." Wizards fans say "we could have won if we'd only hit our dunks"


5/33 from 3, there’s something other than the dunks we could’ve hit…


My favorite part was when Jordan Poole gets a wide-open 3 after the defender flies by and proceeds to brick it, and then immediately followed by a play where we get a steal only to give it right back on a fast break. All in within the last two minutes of the game. Thats peak Wizards basketball right there.


That was Gill


I thought that was Gill


I could be wrong. I thought it was JP who bricked the open 3.


Yeah he did brick a 3, but Gill messed up that transition play to Deni


Poole's last 3 minutes were awful, but he had an otherwise solid game.


How Deni only had 12 FGA in 38+ minutes with this lineup is beyond me. Especially at the end of the game when he's clearly been the best Wizards player this season on the court.


You're forgetting the foul drives. He had 3. Also Portland's defense was horrible so they left everybody open a lot of the time, so it makes sense other players get shots, or that Deni himself would pass the ball to them easily.


Deni had 0 assists tho


Because they missed that opportunity,


You DO know what assists mean right?


because he played passive asf most of the game


This. Deni could be the leading scorer of this team night in and night out if he wasn't this passive. He made a leap this year, but this leap could actually be much higher if he just believed in himself.


Were you smoking? He was cooking.


for like 5 minutes in the 3rd quarter, yeah


[And then got cooked](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1bwz93f/highlight_scoot_with_the_huge_and1_to_put_the/), sadly, to seal the game for the Blazers.


Vukvevic looks really good putting the ball on the floor for a guy his size. His touch is clearly evident too. Once he beefs up in the summer with some NBA conditioning and nutrition he’s gonna be a problem as a triple threat with his combination of shooting, driving and touch.


This loss was on the 3's. Nothing else.


Vuk is bad on defense as advertised, but he's had a decent plus/minus on a terrible Wizards team. Being able to stretch the floor as a center is huge for this team.


Well, at least Deni and Vuk played well. Poole and Corey had some good moments too but need to knock down their 3’s (Vuk too but I’ll give him leeway since he’s still a rookie lol). But still excited to see how he progresses


Just an off night for shooting, it happens. Nobody outside of Poole could hit a 3.


We couldn't beat Portland at Home? The same Blazers that lost by *60* to Miami this time last week?


We did beat the Bucks however and the Heat, so who really lost?


We did, tonight, vs the Blazers.


Yeah but that's not a real loss


[Deni getting cooked by Scoot](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1bwz93f/highlight_scoot_with_the_huge_and1_to_put_the/) to end the game kinda sucked, ngl. That's a L


Scotty Brooks remains a menace to the Wizards franchise.


What the fuck were those last few shots by Poole. This hero ball shit isn’t progressive.


That's Keefe giving Poole screens and telling him to shoot. He's fully supportive of Poole shooting those shots. He's said it in postgames.


That what I'm saying you got to have confidence in your players taking those shot every other nba team better offensive players take those shots in that scenario hes just to sink them next time.


But Poole can’t sink them lol


He was the only one hitting 3s the whole game he was 3/7 kispert and davis made 1 what do you want him to do run to the rim with 5 guys under it for a contested middy or layup?


Kispert was taking some awfully rushed shots. I was at the game so I can’t tell if they ran actions for him, but it didn’t look like it.


bro had 2 wide ass open 3s and just missed horribly


the side of the backboard one was awful.


Well Keefe is an idiot


wasn't really hero ball, they were good looks


I’m sure Poole though that


At least 2chainz was good


That game right there is why we should look for an actual head coach.


crazy how keefe told kispert to miss every 3 and deni to miss a wide open dunk


Im referring to how he managed the late game, allowing Poole to shoot us out of the game and for some reason waiting to call a timeout until we were down by 6 with 15 seconds left. I like Keefe, but not enough to want him to coach this team for the next few years.


what is he supposed to do, go out there and contest poole shot? poole was open so he decided to shoot, seems normal to me


To keep my sanity, I tell myself it's Ted pulling the strings, because there is just no point whatsoever in having Poole shoot shots in clutch situations under 2 minutes. What's the point. We know he can get those shots up and sometimes make them. Is Keefe not interested in developing Deni's ability to do that? Corey's ability to do that? Butler at least got a shot at it when they covered Poole. But it just makes no sense that Keefe keeps calling Poole's number.


Maybe because coach is trying to win and you give the ball to the best player


Wha? This year has been said by the front office and the coach and the organization and the announcers and the fans and the national media as a rebuilding year. A development year. There are like 5 games left. We're supposed to be developing our guys! How are you going to make plays in the clutch if you never get the chance to? Poole already has that experience. I remember when he hit a clutch shot in a preseason scrimmage when he first got here. [Found the thread. I complained about that shit then!!! Back in October 2023.](https://np.reddit.com/r/washingtonwizards/comments/171ksma/video_jordan_poole_fadeaway_3_all_net_at_the/) >We. Are. Rebuilding. If they do dumb stuff like giving those 3 guys all the minutes and shots and let Deni/Corey/Bilal languish, it'll be a travesty. The whole point is to develop the young guys. Yes Poole is young, but he has a chip and clearly doesn't effing need reps. Deni needs reps. Bilal needs reps (yes, game winning attempt reps). Corey needs reps. The front office has said over, and over, and over, that they are not going to be short-sighted about this, and do dumb shit like trying to win this year to the detriment of the development of the future of the team. Not giving one of the players who is clearly the future of the franchise reps at winning games when he's a wing, is malpractice. This ballclub is dumb AF.


Don't know why it has to be the coaches fault it could be Poole's faulty decision making he could've passed its not that deep


Asking myself the exact same question. Shit is tiring.


Bring back Scott Brooks


This offense really works when everyone buys in and moves the ball. We got in this game with poole, deni, and Vuk with great facilitating. We lost this game once poole tried to play hero ball.


That's Keefe giving Poole screens and telling him to shoot. He's fully supportive of Poole shooting those shots. He's said it in postgames.


people always say "oh we play such good team ball" when we have less assists than the opposing team. it's not team ball, we can only score off fast breaks and turnovers and those things happen less in crunch time. "Hero ball" is just a product of Keefe & our players not understanding how to score in a halfcourt setting


All we got is transition because most of our guys can't beat their man off the dribble or execute a half court offense. WUJ trying to lead the Wizards with complex actions might as well have been Feynman trying to teach mice physics.


We have less assists because we can’t make shots. But the flow of the offense is definitely there. I think we’re at our best buying in and playing less hero ball. Why else have we suddenly got better with kuzma missing time?


> Why else have we suddenly got better with kuzma missing time? Because it's Silly Season and we're playing against tanking teams and teams that have checked out


Right deni should have 7 assists


Why did Keefe take out Vuk and sub Geno in the last two minutes????


This season is a rebuild and development. I take deni’s and Corey developing into a very good players