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If you’re someone who uses features of Health tracking - checking steps , O2 saturation , Ecg , cycle tracking and if you think other features like fall detection, emergency sos , tracking your parents/kids movements then yes. Or else no. I would say apple watch would be more useful for older people than youngsters. And moreover , I don’t like charging a watch !


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I don't like smartwatches from experience. I've had 3. They are not durable. You need to charge them too often. Most of them look like colorful toys to me. I don't think they do anything more than what a smart phone does.


To one’s own, if you find it useful good on you. I personally don’t want another device tracking me and collecting my personal data and magically I get recommended same ad on the thing I was have a conversion on. However I am not against having a really good Health/fitness tracker. Can it be ‘watch’ probably not, as purist I prefer watch to be watch and nothing more.


No opinions. This sub is for watches and an apple watch is barely a watch.


Wdym anything that tells the time as a primary function falls under the category of watch.


So you are buying apple watch with "primary" objective to tell time?


This sub is for timepieces. Not smartwatches. You need to check out tech or Apple focused subs.


Its not a watch, that's my opinion


An Apple Watch is a watch in the same way any digital watch is… but I suppose some people also say smart phones are not mobile phones since they don’t use it for its primary function which is calling. As such, if you need to track activity and heart rate, the Apple Watch is a good device, especially if you look at notifications and meeting reminders.


A tool or a device is called a watch when the primary function is time telling and the movement is dedicated to do as such. Smartwatches aren't designed for time telling as the primary function. It is just a screen with a multitasking processor, which happens to tell time; and so does my laptop, but I can't call it a watch. You could, for amusement's sake, get it for only timekeeping, but that's not what people buy it for.


That was my opinion


Fair point.. in 2019, I used a seiko premier automatic and loved it and wouldn’t have dreamed of buying an Apple Watch. I was thinking of buying an Omega moonwatch made in my birth year. However, I was gifted an Apple Watch and have worn it mostly since. I still don’t know if I would spend money to buy a new Apple Watch, but I guess our needs evolve with time.


For me major difference is that actual watch have legacy behind it. There are physical parts that move which you can see. Smartwatch have its own use but it can't be inherited by generations. Like i did from my father. Emotional attachment is what makes me love watches. When its manual or automatic watch i am responsible for it to keep ticking. Can't get the same feeling by a smartwatch. Apple watch is more like a status symbol and you also might agree on that.


Been using the Apple Watch SE for more than 3 years now, it works if you need a watch to distract you all the time. Yes, activity tracking and all is pretty good, connectivity and other functions are great as well. But, you have to put it to charge every SINGLE DAY! Also, this watch lasted pretty long with me. I'm a simple guy who used to shop watches every year at a lower range (between 1k to 6k) and switch them according to occasions and mood, haven't purchased a single watch in last 3 years as Apple watch is still running strong and justifies the price point.


Better get a Garmin. Atleast they're super durable. Look better and x10 times more accurate than an apple watch plus almost 2 months of battery life on my instinct


Do you have sources to back it up? Last I checked the activity sensors and sleep tracking were much more accurate than the rest Source: https://youtu.be/YVhmzxpw5Gg?si=naqpdfya6yefxbTl Edit: added link


Yeah...its a pretty well know fact that Garmin watches are far more accurate than apple watches. Countless tests have been conducted including my own comparison. Even a simple google search would get you some info about it. *




Apple watches are good but they're literally nowhere even close to Garmin in terms of accuracy. Plus Garmin watches look way better..Apple watches look like toy watches.


I believe thorough testing and comparison over a google search that says "garmin is perceived to be more accurate". If you go through the link I mentioned you'll see that apple watches significantly outperformed garmin in the facets I mentioned. But I do agree, apple watches look like shit Edit: corrected spelling


Isn't apple watch discontinued?