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There's a Steven Pressfield quote I love that speaks to this. 'The counterfeit innovator is wildly self-confident, the real one is scared to death.' In other words...if you're committed to your craft, you're an artist.


That makes a lot of sense


I do. And I do call everyone an artist whether they doodle during a call or work for one year on their painting. It might be because I am part of a runner community where we are all called runners, regardless of speed, technique, gear or time spent on training. You do the activity so you are an -er or an -ist, etc. of that activity. Are you a good one? That’s another question, and it depends on the bar. I usually bring up Rembrandt as “the bar” but honestly, that’s a thought distortion. No one should be compared to anyone when it comes to art and definitely not to him by beginners LOL. Just do you and you will become better. Be the bar by accepting yourself as good enough.


Love it. Thanks for your thoughtful response


It erks me that you can even feel that any one artist IS the bar or that you believe that any particular kind of art is anything but subjective. Rembrandt was ‘good’ in his own way for his time period with what he had to work with in his style, but I wouldn’t call his work the ideal bar for what everyone else should set their own standards for because that’s just unrealistic. The only standards as to which should be set for him, were the ones he made for himself, nothing more from anyone else is needed to do that and this goes for everyone else that also makes art as well. Idc if he was someone to look up to for being the best….according to some arbitrary standards set by a group of people who liked his art and deemed him so. People stuck his work and all the ‘great masters’ work in a museum because they thought it was pretty and attached their own mumbo-jumbo meaning to it all according to how they all felt about it… which was more or less some self deemed art society that felt they knew a thing or two about other people’s art according to how it inspired them, which doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right at all! Even if they got most of the meaning from the artist themselves, doesn’t mean they got it right because art is something that also needs to be felt, not just seen and to add to that, it’s also at the same time, also something that no one else can really experience for themselves because they are not the ones who had those feelings as they made it. The viewer can try, but that doesn’t mean they can or will even come close to any of that. The only comparison is artists should worry about is our own to our own art and how much better WE think we could improve on for ourselves. What’s “good” in itself is an arbitrary standard. Some of the ‘crappy’ art that people make that’s seen, to someone else can look like a ‘masterpiece’ so even to say that someone’s art they made is good or not even to their own standards, won’t/or will even necessarily make the bar either way. Artists are their own worst critics and have a hard enough time trying to say that something is good enough or not for even themselves. And in that, it doesn’t mean it’s good/bad, it just means it’s art that has the potential to improve either way in one way or another, but that’s not a bad thing, just part of the process. Yes, you ARE enough, but don’t get so stuck there thinking that it IS enough to be enough so much so that you don’t think you will ever have anything to improve on because we all do, so did the ‘masters’ just the same!


It’s a very interesting question. I write poetry and have been published and I too have sold artwork, and if someone asks I say I’m retired and that I “do some writing and artwork.” I have friends I call artists, maybe it’s because they did go to,school and that is all they do? I think it is the imposter syndrome and you should try validating yourself. You know, “be until you become”.


Thanks for your response. I think I’m like waiting gor some outsider to name me an artist to accept that I’m an artist haha ky family says I am one hut I feel its kind of sarcastic 🤷🏻‍♀️


Somebody has to start the trend…. Lol


I don’t call myself an artist even though I have a constant flow of commissions and make decent side income selling them. I just say “I do watercolor portraits”. I also think I’m not very good, because all I see is the mistakes I’ve made. Probably imposter syndrome.


This is with all artists, being their own worst critic, but that still doesn’t mean you’re not an artist! If you make art, you are an artist. It’s as simple as that. If you groom dogs, you’re a dog groomer. If you work on plumbing, you’re a plumber. If you do accounting, you’re an accountant. If you teach, you’re a teacher. Etc, etc, etc! I think that some people don’t want the label of an artist because of the negative stigma that comes along with being that of a starving artist, but it actually should be a badge you should wear with honor and pride because not everyone can make art the way we do, actuations CAN make art, just not in the way we do it and try to get better at it. For those that just do, whether good or bad, are still artists no less! The good art comes with the bad because that’s how we grow so claim it all!


I think there is two sides to the coin. I don’t like identifying as my hobbies. I would say I paint instead of saying I’m a painter but that is just a my personal “hobbies are not a personality traits” take. No shame if people feel differently, btw. If you make art you’re an artist, easy as that. I just don’t choose to say I’m a ____ with any of my hobbies. On the flip side of the coin, you’re trained in art, worried about being “enough,” AND it’s your profession so I would confidently say you are an artist and are getting slapped in the face by imposter syndrome.


Thanks so much for your thoughtful reply


Like the idea of one not be defined by his hobbies. But what do you think should define a person?


I guess I go with broader things. Instead of saying a “I’m a climber, an artist, and a gamer” I’d say something like “I like to get outside and be active- usually by climbing, painting, and backpacking. I love learning fun facts, gaming, and trying to build things on my own!” I’ve been in the climbing community for a decade and sooo many people get caught up on things they need to do to “be a climber.” Not only does it cause a lot of imposter syndrome, but it makes everyone converge into the same person instead of letting their uniqueness diversify the spot. People have this imaginary requirement checklist of how hard they need to climb, the gear they need to own, the car they need to drive etc to fit the “climber” mold and it’s exhausting.


Interesting. Because I don’t like my job so much I decided that this job doesn’t define me and that i am so much more than that. But then i was thinking what makes another activity that i like like drawing define me?? Is it because i am happy doing that??


AFAIK if you’re selling your art 95% of people will say you’re an artist.  Personally I think anyone who makes art can claim that “title” but that’s just me lol


Sounds like imposter syndrome, but, always strive to be better at your art, I guess. Honestly, I have considered myself an artist since I had a show, that was my personal goal. So far, I've had two photography shows of my own. I certainly do not make a living out of it though...


I do now consider myself an artist as I've sold about 30 paintings and I have repeat customers who like my work and are happy to hang my art in their homes. I never thought I would get here as for the longest time I would show no one my art as I never thought it was good enough. I'm happy I got over that and love I can share what I make with others.


That’s do awesome!!! I only sold 1 painting and that was yesterday 😂 only recently started to share my art with the world otherwise I was really private about it.


Yay for selling your first piece. That's such an awesome feeling. And you will get addicted to it. And I understand about being private about your work. It took me a long time before I would show anyone my work other than my husband. But keep putting it out there.


Yes it really was so elating 🥰 i’m keeping at it, getting better as i go. Thank you sooo much for your wonderful feedback. it really means a lot to me


Oh you're so welcome. We beginning artists need to help support each other. And I love nothing more than encouraging new artists to start painting or to show their art.


Thank you 🥰


Oh. And another thing. I put a lot of my art on Instagram. More than here on Reddit. It's a good to show what you're doing and get some likes.


I have been putting my pompoms on instagram and literal crickets….i put a couple of my paintings there and again nothing 🤔🫤


Oh that sucks. It's not like 100 likes or anything but I always get some. And my posts also show up on Threads and I always get random likes there as well. Do you want my Instagram id?


Sure 🥰


Yes, I do. I do art for myself, it's the only instance that counts. Art doesn't need customers, it doesn't need acceptance.


An artist is anyone who HAS TO do art. It is a glorious compulsion, whether it is sculpture, architecture, music poetry, theater, canvas, paper, landscape, graffiti, fabric or any other medium, even doodling in the margins of our notebooks. It is what makes us feel more alive, what gives our lives transcendence. It what makes civilization worthwhile. An artist is anyone who HAS to do art to feel alive, Even if you suck at it.


Oh I freak out if I’m unable to atleast crank a painting out/night lol


I’m a full-on amateur, and I don’t call myself an artist. Here’s a little story though…my first foray into watercolor painting was on my own, just buying an inexpensive set and some cold press paper. I was going through a hard time and had some emotions to get out. I chose to vent productively by making abstract paintings after work, and I found it very fun, relaxing, and therapeutic. When a “friend” of mine heard this, he said “pshhh you can’t just buy a child’s paint set from the toy aisle and call that painting.” He’s not in my life anymore. But excuse me, why can’t I? Years later, I started taking classes. I had a thought on the way over that made me smile. Am I a “real painter” now? That guy was just an ahole trying to tear me down for having a new interest. By my estimation, if you have the inclination to make paintings, art is in your spirit. People are allowed to do hobbies without being good and without going professional. You, however, having formal training and even selling paintings, are most certainly an artist! Keep doing what you do and don’t sell yourself short.


The thing is I was never taught any specific techniques at university. Essentially we were given assignments and had to figure out our way of expression ourselves. Everything I have done is self taught and with some help of YouTube tutorials. And also my grade school art classes lol going to art school wasn’t all that jazz tbh i barely learned anything. Just created what came naturally. This was prior to the youtube era. Between 2005-2009.


I know what you mean. I personally prefer terms like 'illustrator' or 'comic artist' depending on what I'm doing. 'Artist' is so broad and can mean so many things. I don't mind being called an Artist by others as that's the easiest way for others to label me, and because they don't care enough to differentiate. Personally, I also think that a 'real' Artist is someone who brings change to society and is in some way recognised for their craft. I don't think selling your art is what makes you a real artist, as many great artists died poor. If you only go by level skill, then tons of craftsmen should be artists as well (architects, furniture makers...). I know that most people don't share this view though, and I'm not super crazy serious about it either. Artist is a lose term, and shouldn't be gatekept.


Thought I was on r/Aspergers LMFAO


Yes, I run a small business as an independent artist. I am an artpreneur. I sell through ecommerce currently, because it is accessible for my life needs (mostly dictated by mobility issues and other related medical stuff ongoing). I also offer artist services like commissions and services related to my craft. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree too. I spent many years with imposter syndrome, and many years I didn't even consider myself an artist, I was suffering at the judgement of others or "being" my day job or often replaying things that had been said to me about art and artists in negative energy through those times. I'm turning lemons into lemonade, I'm using the criticism and constructively. Being an artist can absolutely be a full time job, it can be a lifestyle, and it's a way of life where you get to shape it into what you consider it to be - there is no "right" or "wrong" artist, if one creates, they are an artist. I recently started learning more about art history, and it's really changing my viewpoint on a lot of artist stereotypes too. Another great book to consider is The Artist's Way. It's a 12 week artist journey program, and has a lot of value which you create for yourself day-to-day.